
Roman Martyrology 2004 (May)

May 11

Saint Maiulus of Hadrumetum, martyr

In Byzantine Africa, Saint Maiulus, martyr of Hadrumetum, condemned to the fairs.

Saint Antimo, martyr at Rome

At Rome, at the twenty-second mile of Via Salaria, Saint Antimo, martyr.

Saint Mocius, priest and martyr

At Byzantium, Saint Mocius, priest and martyr.

Saint Mamert, bishop of Vienne

At Vienne in Gallia Lugdunensis, now in France, Saint Mamert, bishop, who in the imminence of a calamity instituted in this city the solemn triduum of litanies in preparation for the Ascension of the Lord.

Saint Gangulphus, hermit and martyr

At Varennes in the territory of Langres in France, Saint Gangulphus.

Saint Mayeul, abbot of Cluny

Near Sauvigny in Burgundy, now in France, transitus of Saint Mayeul, abbot of Cluny, who, firm in faith, steadfast in hope and rich in charity, reformed many monasteries in France and Italy.

Saint Gautier, priest

In the monastery of Esterp in the Limoges area in France, Saint Gautier, priest, who was rector of the canons and, educated from an early age in the service of God, shone for his meekness towards his brothers and charity towards the poor.

Blessed Gregorio Celli, Augustinian priest

At Verrucchio in Romagna, Blessed Gregorio Celli, priest of the Order of the Hermits of Saint Augustine, who, driven out of the monastery by his brothers, is said to have died among the Friars Minor on Mount Carnerio.

Blesseds John Rochester and James Walworth, Carthusian priests, martyrs of England

At York in England, blessed martyrs John Rochester and James Walworth, priests and monks of the London Charterhouse, who under King Henry VIII for their loyalty to the Church were hung with chains from the battlements of the city walls until their death.

Saint Francesco De Geronimo, Jesuit priest

At Naples, Saint Francesco De Geronimo, priest of the Society of Jesus, who long dedicated himself to popular missions and the pastoral care of the abandoned.

Saint Ignazio da Laconi Peis, Capuchin religious

At Cagliari, Saint Ignazio da Laconi Peis, religious of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, who in the squares of the city and the taverns of the ports tirelessly begged offerings to help the misery of the poor.

Saint Matthêô Lê Văn Gẫm, martyr of Vietnam

At Saigon in Cochinchina, now Vietnam, Saint Matthêô Lê Văn Gẫm, martyr, who, for having brought missionaries from Europe into the region with his boat, was arrested and, after a year in prison, beheaded by decree of the Emperor Thiệu Trị.

May 12

Saints Nereus and Achilleus, martyrs

Saints Nereus and Achilleus, martyrs, who, as Pope Saint Damasus relates, had enlisted as soldiers and, driven by fear, were ready to obey the impious commands of the magistrate, but, having converted to the true God, threw away shields, armour and spears, left the camp and, confessing faith in Christ, enjoyed his triumph. On this day at Rome their bodies were placed in the cemetery of Domitilla on Via Ardeatina.

Saint Pancras of Rome, martyr at Rome

Saint Pancras of Rome, martyr, who is said to have died while still an adolescent for his faith in Christ at Rome on the second mile of Via Aurelia; near his tomb Pope Saint Symmachus erected a famous basilica and Pope Gregory the Great frequently summoned the people there, so that from that place they would receive testimony of true Christian love. His deposition is celebrated on this day.

Saints Cyril and 6 companions, martyrs

At Galatz in Moesia, in present-day Romania, Saint Cyril, who suffered martyrdom together with six companions.

Saint Epiphanius, bishop of Salamina

At Salamis on the island of Cyprus, Saint Epiphanius, bishop, who, distinguished for his breadth of erudition and knowledge of sacred literature, also shone for his holiness of life, his zeal for the Catholic faith, his generosity towards the poor and the gift of miracles.

Saint Filippo, priest in Sicilia

At Agíra in Sicily, Saint Filippo, priest, originally from Thrace.

Saint Moduald, bishop of Trier

At Trier in the Rhineland in Austrasia, in the territory of present-day Germany, Saint Moduald, bishop, who built and decorated churches and monasteries, established many communities of virgins and was buried next to his sister Severa.

Saint Rictrude, abbess of Marchiennes

In the monastery of Marchiennes near Cambrai in Austrasia, in the territory of present-day France, Saint Rictrude, abbess, who, after the violent death of her husband Adalbald, on the advice of Saint Amandus took the sacred veil and with great righteousness governed the consecrated virgins.

Saint Germanus, bishop of Constantinople

At Constantinople, Saint Germanus, bishop, distinguished for doctrine and virtue, who with the courage of faith rebuked Emperor Leo the Isaurian for having promulgated the edict against sacred images.

Saint Domingo de la Calzada García, hermit

In Castile in Spain, at a town later honoured with his name, Saint Domingo de la Calzada García, priest, who built bridges and roads for the use of the pilgrims of Santiago de Compostela and lovingly provided for their needs in the cells and in the guesthouse which in this place he had built.

Blessed Imelda Lambertini, Dominican virgin

At Bologna, Blessed Imelda Lambertini, virgin, who, welcomed from an early age as a nun in the Order of Preachers, while still a young girl, after having received the Eucharist with extraordinary devotion, suddenly emitted her spirit.

Blessed Joana, Dominican virgin

At Aveiro in Portugal, Blessed Joana, virgin, who, as daughter of King Alfonso V, having refused marriage several times, preferred to serve in the Order of Preachers, becoming a refuge for the poor, orphans and widows.

May 13

Our Lady of Fatima

The Blessed Virgin Mary of Fatima in Portugal, whose contemplation at Aljustrel as a most clement Mother according to grace, always attentive to the difficulties of men, draws crowds of faithful to prayer for sinners and to the intimate conversion of hearts.

Saint Servais, bishop of Tongres

Near Maastricht in Gallia Belgica, in the territory of the present-day Netherlands, the anniversary of the death of Saint Servais, bishop of Tongeren, who fought in defence of the right Nicene faith in many councils convened to dispute about the nature of Christ.

Saint Agnès, abbess of Saint-Croix at Poitiers

At Poitiers in the region of Aquitaine, France, Saint Agnès, abbess, who, consecrated by the blessing of Saint Germanus of Paris, governed the Monastery of the Holy Cross with a great spirit of charity.

Saint Gemma di Goriano Sicoli, virgin

At Goriano Sicoli in Abruzzo, Saint Gemma, virgin, who lived locked up in a small cell next to the church, from where she could only see the altar.

Blessed Maddalena Albrici, Augustinian abbess

At Como, Blessed Maddalena Albrici, abbess of the Order of Saint Augustine, who greatly aroused the fervour for perfection of her sisters.

Saint André-Hubert Fournet, priest, founder of the Sisters of the Cross

At Puy-en-Vélay in the Poitiers region in France, Saint André-Hubert Fournet, priest, who, as parish priest at the time of the French Revolution, although distrusted, comforted the faithful in the faith; later, once peace had been restored to the Church, he founded the Institute of the Daughters of the Cross together with Saint Élisabeth Bichier des Âges.

May 14

Saint Matthias, apostle

Feast of Saint Matthias, apostle, who followed the Lord Jesus from the baptism of John until the day when Christ was taken up into heaven; for this reason, after the Ascension of the Lord, he was called by the Apostles in the place of Judas the traitor, so that, associated with the Twelve, he too would become a witness of the resurrection.

Saint Maximus, martyr

In the province of Asia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Maximus, martyr, who is said to have given up his spirit to God during the persecution of Emperor Decius, suffering from stoning.

Saint Pons, martyr

At Cimiez in Provence, France, Saint Pons, martyr.

Saints Victor and Corona, martyrs

In Syria, Saints Victor and Corona, martyrs, who suffered martyrdom together.

Saint Isidore, martyr at Chios

On the island of Chios in the Aegean Sea, Saint Isidore, martyr, who is believed to have been thrown into a well.

Saints Felice and Fortunato, martyrs

At Aquileia, today in Friuli, Saints Felice and Fortunato, who honoured this city with their glorious martyrdom.

Saints Giusta and Enedina, martyrs

In Sardinia, commemoration of Saints Giusta and Enedina, martyrs.

Saint Aproncule, bishop of Langres and Auvergne

At Clermont-Ferrand in the region of Aquitaine, in France, Saint Aproncule, bishop, who, driven out from the see of Langres by Gundobad, king of the Burgundians, arriving at Clermont-Ferrand, was placed at the head of that Church.

Saint Gal, bishop of Auvergne

At the same place, Saint Gal, bishop, who was a humble and gentle man, uncle of Saint Gregory of Tours.

Saint Carthage, bishop of Lismore and abbot

At Lismore in Ireland, Saint Carthage, bishop and abbot.

Saint Érembert, bishop of Toulouse

In the monastery of Fontenelle in the territory of Neustria, France, Saint Érembert, former bishop of Toulouse, who lived following the monastic rule.

Blessed Gil Rodrigues de Valadares, Dominican priest

At Santarém in Portugal, Blessed Gil Rodrigues de Valadares, priest, who, as a professor of medicine in Paris, abandoned his life of debauchery and, having entered the Order of Preachers, rejected all temptations with tears, prayer and fasting.

Saint Théodore Guérin, virgin, founder of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary of the Woods

At the town of Saint Mary of the Woods near Indianapolis in the United States of America, Saint Théodore Guérin, virgin of the Congregation of the Sisters of Providence, who, born in France, despite very great difficulties, always trusting in divine Providence, mercifully took care of the nascent community of the place.

Saint Michel Garicoïts, priest, founder of the Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus of Bétharram

In the territory of Betharram near Pau on the French side of the Pyrenees, Saint Michel Garicoïts, priest, founder of the Society of Missionary Priests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Saint Maria Domenica Mazzarello, founder of the Salesian Sisters of Don Bosco

At Nizza Monferrato in Piedmont, Saint Maria Domenica Mazzarello, who together with Saint John Bosco founded the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians for the education of poor girls and shone with humility, prudence and charity.

May 15

Saints Peter, Andrew, Paul and Denise, martyrs

At Lampsacus in the Hellespont, in present-day Türkiye, passion of Saints Peter, Andrew, Paul and Denise, martyrs.

Saints Cassius and Victorin, martyrs

At Clermont-Ferrand in Aquitaine, in the territory of present-day France, Saints Cassius and Victorin, martyrs, who are believed to have suffered martyrdom under Crocus, leader of the Alamanni.

Saint Simplicio, priest

In Sardinia, Saint Simplicio, priest.

Saint Achillius, bishop of Larissa

At Larissa in Thessaly, Greece, Saint Achillius, known as the Wonderworker, bishop, who participated in the first Ecumenical Council of Nicaea and evangelised the pagan populations with apostolic zeal marked by every virtue.

Saint Rhétice, bishop of Autun

At Autun in Gallia Lugdunensis, France, Saint Rhétice, bishop, remembered by Saint Augustine for his great authority as prelate in the Church and by Saint Jerome as a great exegete of Sacred Scripture.

Saint Kaleb, king of Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, Saint Kaleb or Elesbaan, king, who, to avenge the killing of the martyrs of Nagran, victoriously faced the enemies of Christ in battle; after having sent, at the time of Emperor Justin, his royal diadem to Jerusalem, it is believed that, as had been his wish, he retired to monastic life, before returning to the Lord.

Saint Severino, bishop of Septempeda

At Settempeda in the Marches, Saint Severino, bishop, from whom this city later took its name.

Saint Rupert von Bingen

At Bingen on the Rhine river near Mainz, in the territory of present-day Germany, Saint Rupert, who, as a duke, left on a pilgrimage to the tombs of the Apostles as a young man, built many churches upon returning to his dominions and at the age of only nineteen fell asleep in the Lord.

Saint Witesindo, martyr at Cordoba

Near Cordoba in Andalusia, Spain, commemoration of Saint Witesindo, martyr, who for fear of the Moors abandoned the Christian faith, but, then refusing to publicly practise their cult, was killed in hatred of the Christian faith.

Saint Isidore, farmer

At Madrid in Castile in Spain, Saint Isidore, farmer, who together with his wife Blessed Maria de la Cabeza dedicated himself to the labours of the fields, patiently reaping the heavenly reward even more than earthly fruits, and was a true model of a Christian farmer.

Blessed André Abellon, Dominican priest

At Aix-en-Provence in France, Blessed André Abellon, priest of the Order of Preachers, who restored observance of the rule in the convents, administering them with patience and a sober standard of living.

May 16

Saints Felix and Gennadius, martyrs

At Uzáli in Africa, commemoration of Saints Felix and Gennadius, martyrs.

Saints Fiorenzo and Dioclezio, martyrs

At Osimo in the Marches, Saints Fiorenzo and Dioclezio, martyrs.

Saints Abdas, bishop of Kaskar, Abdjesus and companions, martyrs

In Persia, holy martyrs Abdas and Abdjesus, bishops, who were killed in the reign of Sabor II together with thirty-eight companions.

Saint Pèlerin, first bishop of Auxerre and martyr

At the village of Bouhy in the territory of Auxerre in France, Saint Pèlerin, martyr, venerated as the first bishop of this city.

Saint Possidius, bishop of Calama

Commemoration of Saint Possidius, bishop of Guelma in Numidia, in present-day Algeria, who, disciple and faithful friend of Saint Augustine, was present at his death and wrote a famous biography.

Saint Phal, priest

At Troyes in Gallia Lugdunensis, France, Saint Phal, priest, who is said to have been captured by King Theodoric during the invasion of the Auvergne region, but ransomed by the abbot Saint Aventine and trained by him in the service of God, would later succeed him in office.

Saint Brendan, bishop abbot of Clonfert

In Ireland, Saint Brendan, abbot of Clonfert, fervent propagator of monastic life, whose story of a legendary navigation is famous.

Saint Honoré, bishop of Amiens

At Amiens in the territory of Neustria, France, Saint Honoré, bishop.

Saint Carantoc, bishop abbot of Cardigan

In Britain, Saint Carantoc, bishop and abbot of Cardigan.

44 holy martyrs of Palestine, under Emperor Heraclius

In Palestine, passion of the forty-four holy monks torn to pieces in the monastery of Mar Saba during the Saracen incursions, at the time of Emperor Heraclius.

Saint Germier, bishop of Toulouse

At Toulouse in the Aquitaine region of France, Saint Germier, bishop, who undertook to increase the cult of Saint Saturninus and to visit the people entrusted to him.

Saint Ubaldo, bishop of Gubbio

At Gubbio in Umbria, Saint Ubaldo, bishop, who worked for the renewal of the community life of the clergy.

Saint Adamo, abbot of the monastery of San Sabino

At Fermo in the Marches, Saint Adamo, abbot of the monastery of Saint Sabinus.

Saint Simon Stock, priest, Carmelite prior general

At Bordeaux in Gascony, France, Saint Simon Stock, priest, who was at first a hermit in England and, having then entered the Carmelite Order, was later its admirable guide, becoming famous for his singular devotion towards the Virgin Mary.

Saint Andrzej Bobola, Jesuit priest and martyr of Poland

At Janów near Pinsk on the Pripyat River in Poland, Saint Andrzej Bobola, priest of the Society of Jesus and martyr, who worked strenuously for the unity of Christians, until, arrested by soldiers, joyfully gave the highest testimony of faith with the shedding of his blood.

Blessed Michał Woźniak, priest and martyr at Dachau

Near Munich in Germany, Blessed Michał Woźniak, priest and martyr, who, from Poland occupied by a regime hostile to human dignity and faith, was transferred to the prison camp of Dachau and, subjected to torture, passed to glory of the sky.

Blessed Vitalii Bairak, Basilian priest and martyr in Ukraine

At the city of Drohobych in Ukraine, Blessed Vitalii Bairak, priest of the Order of Saint Josaphat and martyr, who fought for the faith before the persecutors of religion, achieving the fruit of eternal life.

May 17

Saint Adrion, martyr

At Alexandria of Egypt, Saint Adrion, martyr.

Saint Vittore, martyr at Rome

At Rome on Via Salaria Antica in the cemetery of Basilla, Saint Vittore, martyr.

Saints Heraclius and Paul, martyrs

At Tulcea on the Danube in Scythia, in present-day Romania, Saints Heraclius and Paul, martyrs.

Saint Restitude, virgin and martyr

In Proconsular Africa, in present-day Tunisia, commemoration of Saint Restitude, virgin and martyr.

Saint Emiliano, bishop of Vercelli

At Vercelli, translation of Saint Emiliano, bishop.

Saint Paschal Baylon, Franciscan religious

At Villa Real near Valencia in Spain, Saint Paschal Baylon, religious of the Order of Friars Minor, who, always showing himself thoughtful and benevolent towards everyone, constantly venerated with fervent love the mystery of the Most Holy Eucharist.

Saint Petrus Liu Wenyuan, catechist and martyr of China

At the city of Guiyang in the province of Guizhou in China, Saint Petrus Liu Wenyuan, martyr, who, as catechist, was strangled for his faith in Christ.

Saint Giulia Salzano, virgin of the Catechists of the Sacred Heart

At Casoria near Naples in Campania, Saint Giulia Salzano, virgin, who founded the Congregation of the Catechist Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus for the teaching of Christian doctrine and the diffusion of devotion to the Eucharist.

Blessed Antonia Mesina, virgin and martyr of Sardinia

At the town of Orgosolo in Sardinia, Blessed Antonia Mesina, virgin and martyr, who, committed to the life of the Church, at the age of sixteen defended her chastity until her death.

Blessed Ivan Ziatyk, Redemptorist priest and martyr of Russia

In the prison camp of Oserlag near Irkusk in Russia, Blessed Ivan Ziatyk, priest of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer and martyr, who, in a time of persecution against the faith, deserved to sit at the heavenly banquet of the righteous.

May 18

Saint John I, pope and martyr

Saint John I, pope and martyr, who, sent by the Arian king Theodoric to Constantinople to Emperor Justin, was the first of the Roman Pontiffs to celebrate the paschal sacrifice in that Church; back from there, he was shamefully arrested and thrown into prison by Theodoric himself, falling victim to Christ the Lord at Ravenna.

Saint Felice, martyr in Dalmatia

At Split in Dalmatia, in present-day Croatia, Saint Felice, martyr during the persecution of Emperor Diocletian.

Saint Dioscorus, martyr in Egypt

In Egypt, Saint Dioscorus, martyr, who, as son of a lector, after many kinds of torture, completed his martyrdom with decapitation.

Saints Potamion, Hortasius and Serapion, priests, and companions, martyrs

At Alexandria also in Egypt, Saints Potamion, Hortasius, Serapion, priests, and their companions, martyrs.

Saints Theodotus, and Thecusa, Alexandra, Claudia, Faina, Euphrasia, Matrona and Julitta virgins, martyrs at Ankara

At Ankara in Galatia, in present-day Türkiye, the holy martyrs Theodotus and Thecusa, her aunt, Alexandra, Claudia, Faina, Euphrasia, Matrona and Julitta, virgins; the latter were first forced by the governor into prostitution and then immersed in a swamp with boulders tied around their necks.

Blessed Burkard, priest

In the territory of Argovie in present-day Switzerland, Blessed Burkard, priest, who, as parish priest of the village of Beinwil, assiduously dedicated himself to pastoral care for the flock entrusted to him.

Saint Eric IX, king of Sweden, martyr

At Uppsala in Sweden, Saint Eric IX, king and martyr, who during his reign did his utmost to govern the people with wisdom and to protect the rights of women; he sent Bishop Saint Henry to Finland to spread the faith of Christ and, finally, attacked while participating in the celebration of Mass, fell stabbed at the hands of his enemies.

Blessed Guillaume de Toulouse, Augustinian priest

At Toulouse on the Garonne in France, Blessed Guillaume, priest of the Order of the Hermits of Saint Augustine.

Saint Felice da Cantalice Porri, Capuchin religious

At Rome, Saint Felice da Cantalice Porri, religious of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, of admirable austerity and simplicity, who for forty years dedicated himself to collecting alms, spreading peace and charity around him.

Blessed Blandine Merten, Ursuline virgin

At Mergentheim in Germany, Blessed Blandine Merten, virgin of the Order of Saint Ursula, who combined the contemplative life with commitment to the human and Christian education of girls and adolescents.

Blessed Stanisław Kubski, priest and martyr at Dachau

In the prison camp of Dachau near Munich in Germany, Blessed Stanisław Kubski, priest and martyr, who, in wartime, locked up in a gas chamber, gave up his spirit for Christ.

Blessed Marcin Oprządek, Franciscan priest and martyr at Dachau

At Hartheim near Linz in Austria, Blessed Marcin Oprządek, priest of the Order of Friars Minor and martyr, who, of Polish nationality, reached the celestial kingdom at the same time and in the same way as the previous one.

May 19

Saint Urban I, pope and martyr

At Rome in the cemetery of Callixtus on Via Appia, Saint Urban I, pope, who, after the martyrdom of Saint Callixtus, faithfully governed the Church of Rome for eight years.

Saints Parthenius and Calocerus, martyrs at Rome

Also at Rome, Saints Parthenius and Calocerus, martyrs, who, under Emperor Diocletian, bore illustrious witness to Christ.

Saint Hadulf, bishop of Cambrai

At Arras in the territory of Neustria, in France, Saint Hadulf, bishop of both Arras and Cambrai.

Saint Dunstan, abbot of Glastonbury and later bishop of Canterbury

At Canterbury in England, Saint Dunstan, bishop, who, as abbot of Glastonbury, renewed and propagated the monastic life, and in the episcopal see of Worcester, later of London and finally of Canterbury, worked to promote the harmony of the monks and nuns prescribed by the rule.

Blessed Umiliana de’ Cerchi, Third Order Franciscan

At Florence, Blessed Umiliana, of the Third Order of Saint Francis, who commendably endured her spouse’s mistreatment with patience and meekness and, once widowed, dedicated herself wholeheartedly to prayer and works of charity.

Saint Celestine V, pope

At Fumone near Alatri in Lazio, the anniversary of the death of Saint Peter Celestine, who, after having practised a hermitic life in Abruzzo, famous for its reputation for holiness and miracles, was elected Roman Pontiff as an octogenarian, assuming the name of Celestine V, but in the same year abdicated from his post preferring to retire in solitude.

Saint Yves, priest

In a castle near Tréguier in Brittany in France, Saint Yves, priest, who observed justice without distinction of persons, fostered harmony, defended the causes of orphans, widows and the poor for the love of Christ and welcomed into his home the needy.

Blessed Agostino Novello, Augustinian priest

At Siena, Blessed Agostino, known as Novello, priest of the Order of the Hermits of Saint Augustine, lover of true humility and lover of the observance of monastic discipline.

Blesseds Juan Lorenzo de Cetina, Conventual Franciscan priest, and Pedro de Dueñas, Conventual Franciscan religious, martyrs of Spain

At Granada in Spain, blesseds martyrs Juan Lorenzo de Cetina, priest, and Pedro de Dueñas, religious, of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual, killed at the hands of the same king of the Moors for confessing faith in Christ.

Blessed Juan de Santo Domingo Martínez Cid, Dominican priest and martyr of Japan

At Suzuta in Japan, Blessed Juan de Santo Domingo Martínez Cid, priest of the Order of Preachers and martyr, who died in prison for Christ.

Blessed Peter Wright, priest and martyr of England

At London in England, Blessed Peter Wright, priest and martyr, who had made a profession of faith in the Catholic Church; admitted into the Society of Jesus and promoted to holy orders, for his priesthood he was led, at the time of the Republic, to the gallows of Tyburn.

Saint Teofilo da Corte Arrighi, Franciscan priest

At Fucecchio in Tuscany, Saint Teofilo da Corte Arrighi, priest of the Order of Friars Minor, who greatly promoted the organisation of retreats for the Friars and showed great devotion to the passion of Jesus and the Virgin Mary.

Saint Crispin of Viterbo, Capuchin religious

At Rome, Saint Crispin of Viterbo, religious of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, who, while travelling through the mountain villages to beg for alms, taught the peasants the rudiments of the faith.

Blessed Jacques-Louis de Besançon Loir, Capuchin priest and martyr of France

In the arm of the sea in front of Rochefort in France, Blessed Jacques-Louis de Besançon Loir, priest of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin and martyr, who, during the French revolution, imprisoned almost as an octogenarian on a prison ship for his priesthood, was found kneeling dead.

Saint Maria Bernarda Bütler, virgin, founder of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Help of Christians

At Cartagena in Colombia, Saint Maria Bernarda Bütler, virgin, who, of Swiss origin, founded the Congregation of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Mary Help of Christians.

Blessed Józef Czempiel, priest and martyr at Dachau

Near Munich in Germany, in the prison camp of Dachau, Blessed Józef Czempiel, priest and martyr, who, of Polish origin, joined Christ’s sacrifice during the war by dying in a gas chamber.

May 20

Saint Bernardine of Siena, Franciscan priest

Saint Bernardine of Siena, priest of the Order of Minors, who evangelised the crowds through the towns and cities of Italy by word and example and spread devotion to the most holy name of Jesus, tirelessly exercising the ministry of preaching with great fruit for souls until his death at L’Aquila in Abruzzo.

Saint Lydia of Thyatira, disciple of Saint Paul

Commemoration of Saint Lydia of Thyatira, a merchant of purple cloth, who, at Philippi in Macedonia, today in Greece, listening to the preaching of Saint Paul the Apostle first of all believed in the Gospel.

Saint Aurea, martyr at Ostia

Near Ostia in Lazio, Saint Aurea, martyr.

Saint Baudile, martyr at Nîmes

At Nîmes in Gallia Narbonensis, now in France, Saint Baudile, martyr.

Saint Thalalæus, martyr in Cilicia

At Ayaș in Cilicia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Thalalæus, martyr.

Saint Lucifero, bishop of Cagliari

At Cagliari, Saint Lucifero, bishop, who, as an intrepid defender of the Nicene faith, suffered greatly at the hands of Emperor Constantius; relegated to exile, he then returned to his seat, where he died as a confessor of Christ.

Saint Hilaire, bishop of Toulouse

At Toulouse in Gallia Narbonensis, in France, Saint Hilaire, bishop, who built a small wooden basilica on the tomb of Saint Saturninus, his predecessor.

Saint Austrégésile, bishop of Bourges

At Bourges in the region of Aquitaine, France, Saint Austrégésile, bishop, who showed himself to be a minister of charity especially among the poor, orphans, the sick and those condemned to death.

Saint Anastasio, bishop of Brescia

At Brescia, Saint Anastasio, bishop.

Saint Teodoro, bishop of Pavia

At Pavia, Saint Teodoro, bishop, who suffered exile at the time of the war between the Franks and the Lombards.

Blessed Guido della Gherardesca, hermit

At Castagneto in Tuscany, Blessed Guido della Gherardesca, hermit.

Blessed Colomba da Rieti, virgin of Third Order Dominicans

At Perugia, Blessed Colomba da Rieti, virgin of the Penance of Saint Dominic, who worked to pacify the city divided between factions.

Saint Protasius Chŏng Kuk-bo, martyr of Korea

At Seoul in Korea, Saint Protasius Chŏng Kuk-bo, martyr, who, after having initially abandoned the Christian faith, recovered it again, professing it in prison amidst torture until his death.

Saint Arcangelo Tadini, priest, founder of the Worker Sisters of the Holy House of Nazareth

At the village of Botticino Sera near Brescia, Saint Arcangelo Tadini, priest, who worked for the rights and dignity of workers and founded the Congregation of the Worker Sisters of the Holy House of Nazareth, dedicated in particular to social justice.

Blessed Luigi Talamoni, priest, founder of the Merciful Sisters of San Gerardo

At Milan, Blessed Luigi Talamoni, priest, who, cultivating his vocation as an educator of young people, exercised his ministry with great dedication and active participation in the difficulties of the society of his time and established the Congregation of the Misericordine Sisters of Saint Gerard.