Roman Martyrology 2004 (September)
Day![]() | Eulogies |
September 11 | Saints Proto and Giacinto, martyrs at Rome At Rome, in the cemetery of Basilla on Via Salaria antica, the deposition of the holy martyrs Proto and Giacinto, whom Pope Saint Damasus celebrated in his verses, recovering their burial mounds hidden underground. In this place, about fifteen centuries later, the intact tomb of Saint Hyacinth and his body consumed by fire were found again. Saints Felix and Regula, martyrs at Zurich At Zurich in present-day Switzerland, the holy martyrs Felix and Regula. Saint Paphnutius, bishop in Egypt Commemoration of Saint Paphnutius, bishop in Egypt: he was one of those confessors of the faith, condemned to the mines under Emperor Galerius Massimino, after their right eyes was gouged out and the tendon of their left feet cut; he later took part in the Council of Nicaea, where he fought strenuously for the Catholic faith against the Arians. Saint Patient, bishop of Lyons At Lyons in France, Saint Patient, bishop, who, moved by charity, distributed wheat free of charge to the cities located along the Rhône and the Saône to help the populations oppressed by hunger and thoroughly committed himself to an apostolate of conversion of heretics and care for the needy. Saint Sacerdos, bishop of Lyons At Paris in France, transitus of Saint Sacerdos, bishop of Lyons, who lived in love and fear of God and died in this city, where he had come for a council. Saint Deiniol, bishop abbot of Bangor On Bardsey Island on the coast of North Wales, Saint Deiniol, bishop and abbot of Bangor. Saint Adelphe, abbot of Remiremont In the monastery of Luxeuil in Burgundy, now in France, transitus of Saint Adelphe, abbot of the monastery of Remiremont, who washed the discord of a brief moment in tears for a long time. Saint Leudinus Bodo, bishop of Toul At Toul in Austrasia, now in France, Saint Leudinus Bodo, bishop, who lived at first as a married man and then made the decision to retire to monastic life, like his wife Odilia. Saint Elia Speleota, hermit In the monastery of Aulinas in Calabria, Saint Elia Speleota, known as the Speleota, distinguished lover of the hermitic and cenobitic life. Blesseds Gaspar Koteda, Franciscus Takeya and Petrus Kawano, martyrs of Japan At Nagasaki in Japan, blessed martyrs Gaspar Koteda, catechist, and the children Franciscus Takeya and Petrus Kawano, who, at the same place and with the same firmness as their fathers, who had suffered martyrdom the day before, were also subjected for Christ to the torture of beheading. Blessed Bonaventura de Barcelona, Franciscan religious At Rome, Blessed Bonaventura de Barcelona Gran Peris, religious of the Order of Friars Minor, who, out of love for the observance of the rule, established convents for spiritual retreats in many places in the Roman territory, always showing great austerity of life and charity towards the poor. Blessed François Mayaudon, priest and martyr of France On a ship anchored off the French coast near Rochefort, Blessed François Mayaudon, priest and martyr, who, arrested during the French Revolution for his priesthood and held on a prison ship, died finally consumed by gangrene. Saint Jean-Gabriel Perboyre, Lazarist priest and martyr of China At the city of Wuchang in the province of Hebei in China, Saint Jean-Gabriel Perboyre, priest of the Congregation of the Mission and martyr, who, in order to preach the Gospel, assumed an appearance in line with local customs, but at the outbreak of persecution was subjected during a long imprisonment to various tortures and, finally, hung on a cross and strangled with a noose. Blessed Lorenzo Villanueva Larrayoz, Hospitaller religious, martyr of Spain At Barcelona in Spain, Blessed Lorenzo Villanueva Larrayoz, religious of the Order of Saint John of God and martyr, who suffered martyrdom as a religious during the persecution against the faith. Blessed José María Segura Penadés, priest and martyr of Spain At the village of Genovés in the territory of Valencia also in Spain, Blessed José María Segura Penadés, priest and martyr, who shed his blood for Christ in the same persecution. |
September 12 | The Most Holy Name of Mary The Most Holy Name of the Blessed Virgin Mary: on this day the ineffable love of the Mother of God for her most holy Son is recalled and the figure of the Mother of the Redeemer is proposed to the faithful so that she may be devoutly invoked. Saint Autonomo, bishop, martyr at Bithynia At Bithynia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Autonomo, bishop and martyr. Saints Hieronides, Leontius and Serapion, martyrs at Alexandria of Egypt At Alexandria of Egypt, Saints Hieronides, Leontius and Serapion, martyrs, who are said to have been drowned at sea for having confessed the name of Christ under Emperor Maximinus. Saint Ailbe, bishop of Emly At Emly in Munster in Ireland, Saint Ailbe, bishop, who in his wanderings preached the Gospel to many. Saint Guidon d’Anderlecht, pilgrim At Anderlecht in Brabant, in present-day Belgium, Saint Guidon, who was at first guardian of the church of Mariensee; known for his generosity towards the poor, he made a pilgrimage to the holy places for seven years and, finally returning to his land, died there piously. Blesseds Apolinar Franco García, Tomás del Espíritu Santo de Zumárraga Lazcano, priests, and 4 companions, martyrs of Japan At Omura in Japan, blesseds Apolinar Franco García, of the Order of Friars Minor, Tomás del Espíritu Santo de Zumárraga Lazcano, of the Order of Preachers, priests, and four companions, martyrs, who in hatred of the Christian faith were thrown into prison and then burned at the stake. Blessed Roger Faverge, Lasalian religious, martyr of France In the sea of Rochefort in France, Blessed Roger Faverge, brother of the Christian Schools and martyr, who, put onto a prison ship during the French revolution as a religious, gave every care to his fellow prisoners, until devoured by the contagion died piously. Saint Franciscus Ch’oe Kyŏng-hwan, martyr of Korea At Seoul in Korea, Saint Franciscus Ch’oe Kyŏng-hwan, martyr, who, being a catechist, brought before the prefect did not want to renounce the Christian faith and, detained in prison, was martyred amidst torture and executions without however ever giving up on prayer and from the work of catechesis. |
September 13 | Saint John Chrysostom, archbishop of Constantinople and doctor of the Church Memorial of Saint John Chrysostom, bishop of Constantinople and doctor of the Church, who, born at Antioch, ordained a priest, deserving the title of Chrysostom for his sublime eloquence and, elected bishop of that see, proved to be an excellent pastor and teacher of the faith. Condemned by his enemies to exile, he was recalled by decree of Pope Saint Innocent I and, during the return journey, undergoing much mistreatment by the soldiers on guard, on September 14, he gave his soul to God at Comana in Pontus, in present-day Türkiye. Saint Julian, priest and martyr at Ankara At Ankara in Galatia, also in Türkiye, Saint Julian, priest and martyr under Emperor Licinius. The Dedication of the Basilica of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem At Jerusalem, dedication of the basilicas that Emperor Constantine piously wanted to build on Mount Calvary and on the sepulchre of the Lord. Saint Lidoire, bishop of Toiurs At Tours in Gallia Lugdunensis, now in France, Saint Lidoire, bishop, who was the first to build a church within the walls of this city, where Christians had already been present for some time. Saint Émilien, bishop of Valence At Valence also in Gallia Lugdunensis, Saint Émilien, venerated as the first bishop of the city. Saint Marcellinus, martyr at Carthage At Carthage, in present-day Tunisia, Saint Marcellinus, martyr, who, as tribune and close friend of Saint Augustine and Saint Jerome, due to the hostility of the usurper Heraclianus, although innocent, was killed by the Donatist heretics for defending the Catholic faith. Saint Maurille, bishop of Angers At Angers in Gallia Lugdunensis, in present-day France, Saint Maurille, bishop, who, born at Milan, went to Saint Martin of Tours, by whom he was ordained a priest and placed at the head of the church of Chalonnes-sur-Loire; later becoming bishop, he worked to defeat pagan superstitions in the countryside. Saint Aimé, priest and abbot of Remiremont On the Vosges Mountains in Neustria, also in France, Saint Aimé, priest and abbot, distinguished for austerity, fasting and desire for solitude, who wisely governed the monastery of Habend which he founded together with Saint Romaric. Saint Venerio, hermit On the island of Tino in the Gulf of La Spezia, Saint Venerio, hermit. Saint Aimé, bishop of Sion At Breuil-sur-le-Lys in the territory of Amiens, France, transitus of Saint Aimé, bishop of Sion in present-day Switzerland, who by order of King Theodoric III was sent into exile and died there. Blessed María López de Rivas Martínez, Carmelite virgin At Toledo in Spain, Blessed María López de Rivas Martínez, virgin of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, who fully adhered in body and spirit to the Passion of the Lord, always humble and patient in everything. Blessed Claude Dumonet, priest and martyr of France On a prison ship anchored in the sea of Rochefort on the French coast, Blessed Claude Dumonet, priest and martyr, who, as a craftsman, was thrown in chains into a sordid cargo ship during the persecution, where he died for Christ consumed by fever. Blessed Aurelio María Villalón Acebrón, Lasalian religious, martyr of Spain At Almería in Andalusia in Spain, Blessed Aurelio María Villalón Acebrón, brother of the Christian Schools and martyr, killed out of hatred for the Church. |
September 14 | The Exaltation of the Holy Cross Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross, which, the day after the dedication of the basilica of the Resurrection erected on the tomb of Christ, is exalted and honoured as a trophy of his Easter victory and a sign that he will appear in heaven to announce the second coming of the Lord to everyone. Deposition of Saint Cornelius, pope and martyr At Rome on Via Appia in the crypt of Lucina in the cemetery of Callixtus, deposition of Saint Cornelius, pope and martyr, who strongly opposed the schism of Novatian, welcoming many dissidents back into ecclesial communion with great charity; finally exiled to Civitavecchia by Emperor Gallus, he suffered, as Saint Cyprian says, every possible torture. His memorial is celebrated the day after tomorrow. Passion of Saint Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, martyr At Carthage, in present-day Tunisia, martyrdom of Saint Cyprian, bishop, illustrious for holiness and doctrine, who in very fatal times governed the Church excellently, comforted the confessors of the faith in tribulations and, under the emperors Valerian and Gallienus, after a harsh exile, by order of the proconsul was pierced with a sword in front of a dense crowd, thus completing his martyrdom. His memorial is celebrated the day after tomorrow. Saint Maternus, bishop of Tongres At Cologne in Germany, Saint Maternus, bishop, who led the inhabitants of Tongeren, Cologne and Trier to faith in Christ. Birth of Saint John Chrysostom, bishop and doctor of the Church At Gumenek in Pontus, in present-day Türkiye the anniversary of the death of Saint John, bishop, whose memorial is celebrated the day before this. Saint Pierre, Cistercian, bishop of Tarantaise In the monastery of Beauvale in the territory of Besançon, France, transitus of Saint Pierre, who, from Cistercian abbot, went on to rule with ardent zeal the seat of Moûtiers, to which he had been elevated, fervently promoting harmony among the populations. Saint Alberto, patriarch of Jerusalem At Akko in Palestine, Saint Alberto, bishop, who, transferred from the Church of Vercelli to that of Jerusalem, wrote a rule for the hermits of Mount Carmel and, while celebrating the feast of the Holy Cross, was pierced with a sword by a villain man reproached by him. Saint Notburga, virgin At the village of Eben in Tyrol, Saint Notburga, virgin, who, as a housewife, served Christ in the poor, leaving a model of holiness to the peasants. Blessed Claude Laplace, priest and martyr of France In the sea in front of Rochefort on the French coast, Blessed Claude Laplace, priest and martyr, who, thrown during the French revolution for his priesthood on a prison ship at anchor, completed his martyrdom exhausted by lethal contagion. Saint Jean-Gabriel-Taurin Dufresse, bishop, vicar apostolic of Sichuan and martyr of China At the city of Chengdu in the province of Sichuan in China, Saint Jean-Gabriel-Taurin Dufresse, bishop and martyr, who ended with the martyrdom of beheading an industrious ministry, which he had waited for forty years. |
September 15 | Our Lady of Sorrows Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Sorrows, who, at the foot of the cross of Jesus, was intimately and faithfully associated with the saving passion of her Son and presented herself as the new Eve, because, just as the first woman’s disobedience led to death, so her admirable obedience led to life. Saint Nicomede, martyr at Rome Saint Nicomede, martyr, whose body, buried in the cemetery on Via Nomentana at Rome, was honoured by Pope Boniface V with a sepulchral basilica. Saint Valérien, martyr At Tournus along the Saône in Gallia Lugdunensis, now in France, Saint Valérien, martyr. Saints Straton, Valerius, Macrobius and Gordian, martyrs At Constance in Scythia, in present-day Romania, Saints Straton, Valerius, Macrobius and Gordian, martyrs, who, as is handed down, suffered the passion under Emperor Licinius. Saint Nicetas the Goth, martyr On the banks of the Danube, Saint Nicetas the Goth, martyr, who was burned at the stake for his Catholic faith by order of the Arian king Athanaric. Saint Albin, bishop of Lyons At Lyons in France, Saint Albin, bishop, who succeeded Saint Justus. Saint Epvre, bishop of Toul At Toul near Nancy in Gallia Lugdunensis, also in France, Saint Epvre, bishop. Saint Aicadre, abbot of Jumièges In the monastery of Jumièges in Neustria, also in France, Saint Aicadre, abbot, who, as a disciple of Saint Philibert, was placed by him in charge of this monastery. Saints Emilas, deacon, and Jeremías, martyrs at Cordoba At Cordoba in Andalusia, Spain, the holy martyrs Emilas, deacon, and Jeremías, who, during the persecution of the Moors, after having been left to rot in prison for a long time, ended their martyrdom for Christ by beheading. Blessed Rolando de’ Medici, anchorite At Busseto near Fidenza in Emilia, Blessed Rolando de’ Medici, anchorite, who lived in the supreme spirit of penance among the inaccessible and deserted places of the Alps, conversing only with God. Saint Caterina da Genova Fieschi Adorno At Genoa, Saint Caterina da Genova Fieschi Adorno, widow, famous for her contempt for the world, frequent fasting, love of God and charity towards the needy and the sick. Blessed Camillo Giovanni Battista Costanzo, Jesuit priest and martyr of Japan At the city of Hirado in Japan, Blessed Camillo Giovanni Battista Costanzo, priest of the Society of Jesus and martyr, who, condemned by the supreme commander Hidetada to be burned alive, never gave up preaching Christ even at the stake. Blesseds Juan Bautista and Jacinto de los Ángeles, martyrs of Mexico At Santo Domingo Xagacía in Mexico, Blesseds Juan Bautista and Jacinto de los Ángeles, martyrs, who, as catechists, cruelly beaten for refusing to venerate pagan idols instead of Christ, by imitating his passion deserved to obtain the prize of eternal life. Blessed Anton Maria Schwartz, priest, founder of the Christian Workers of Saint Joseph Calasanz At Vienna in Austria, Blessed Anton Maria Schwartz, priest, who founded the Congregation of Christian Workers of Saint Joseph Calasanz for the pastoral care and defence of the rights of apprentices and young workers. Blessed Pascual Penadés Jornet, priest and martyr of Spain At the village of Llosa de Ranes in the territory of Valencia in Spain, Blessed Pascual Penadés Jornet, priest and martyr, who, during the persecution, with his earthly struggle reached the fullness of eternal salvation. Blessed Władysław Miegoń, priest and martyr at Dachau Near Munich in Germany, Blessed Władysław Miegoń, priest and martyr, who, deported for his faith from Poland subjugated by a regime hostile to God and men to the prison camp of Dachau, achieved through torture the crown of glory. Blessed Paolo Manna, PIME priest and superior general At Naples, Blessed Paolo Manna, priest of the Pontifical Institute for Foreign Missions, who, having left his missionary ministry in Burma due to poor health, worked hard for the work of evangelisation, dedicating himself with great zeal to preaching the word of God and the promotion of Christian unity. |
September 16 | Saints Cornelius, pope, and Cyprian, bishop of Carthage, martyrs Memorial of the holy martyrs Cornelius, pope, and Cyprian, bishop, of whom on September 14 the deposition of the first and the passion of the second are remembered, while today the Christian world praises them with one voice as witnesses of love for that truth that knows no yielding, which they professed in times of persecution before the Church of God and the world. Saint Euphemia, martyr At Chalcedon in Bithynia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Euphemia, virgin and martyr, who under Emperor Diocletian and the proconsul Priscus, having overcome many tortures for Christ, reached the crown of glory with strenuous combat. Saints Abbondio and companions, martyrs On Mount Soratte along Via Flaminia in Lazio, Saints Abbondio and companions, martyrs. Saints Vittore, Felice, Alessandro and Papia, martyrs at Rome At Rome on Via Nomentana ad Capream in the Maggiore cemetery, Saints Vittore, Felice, Alessandro and Papia, martyrs. Saint Prisco, bishop of Nocera, martyr At Nocera in Campania, Saint Prisco, bishop and martyr, whom Saint Paulinus of Nola celebrated in verses of praise. Saint Ninian, bishop of Whithorn At Withorn in Scotland, commemoration of Saint Ninian, bishop, who, of British origin, led the Pictish people to the truth of the faith and set up the episcopal see in this place. Saints Rogelio and Servodeo, martyrs at Cordoba At Cordoba in Andalusia, Spain, the holy martyrs Rogelio, an elderly monk, and Servodeo, a young man, who, having arrived from the East, were condemned to death for having courageously preached Christ before the Saracens, without any of their yielding, were amputated of hands and feet and finally died, decapitated. Saint Ludmila, martyr in Bohemia At Prague in Bohemia, Saint Ludmila, martyr, who, as duchess of Bohemia, in charge of the education of her nephew Saint Wenceslas, in whose soul she tried to give birth to love for Christ, was strangled by conspiracy of her daughter-in-law Dragomira and some nobles pagans. Saint Edith, virgin At Wilton in England, Saint Edith, virgin, who, as daughter of the king of the Angles, consecrated to God in a monastery from an early age, rather than leaving this world, did not know it at all. Blessed Victor III, pope At Montecassino in Lazio, transitus of Blessed Victor III, pope, who wisely ruled this famous monastery for thirty years and enriched it magnificently, before assuming the government of the Church of Rome. Saint Vital, abbot of Savigny At Savigny in Normandy in France, Saint Vital, abbot, who, having left his earthly duties, learned to cultivate a stricter observance in deserted places and aggregated many followers in the monastery which he himself founded. Saint Martín, Cistercian abbot and bishop of Sigüenza In the monastery of Huerta in Castile, Spain, transitus of Saint Martín, known as Priest, who, as a Cistercian abbot ordained bishop of Sigüenza, paid every attention to the moral renewal of the clergy, before retiring back to his monastery. Blessed Louis Aleman, archbishop of Arles At Salon in Provence, France, transitus of Blessed Louis Aleman, bishop of Arles, who lived in absolute piety and penance. Blesseds Dominicus Shobyōye, Michaël Himonoya and his son Paulus, martyrs of Japan At Nagasaki in Japan, the blessed martyrs Dominicus Shobyōye, Michaël Himonoya and his son Paulus, who were beheaded for their faith. Saint Juan Macias, Dominican religious At Lima in Peru, Saint Juan Macias, religious of the Order of Preachers, who performed the most humble tasks for a long time, zealously cared for the poor and the sick and assiduously recited the prayer of the Rosary for the souls of the deceased. Passion of Saint Andreas Kim Tae-gŏn, priest and martyr of Korea Near Saenamteo in Korea, passion of Saint Andreas Kim Tae-gŏn, priest and martyr, who, after two years spent in the industrious exercise of his priestly ministry, suffered a glorious martyrdom by decapitation, whose memorial is celebrated on 20 September. Blessed Ignacio Casanovas Parramón, Piarist priest and martyr of Spain Near the town of Odena near Barcelona in Spain, Blessed Ignacio Casanovas Parramón, priest of the Order of Clerics Regular of the Pious Schools and martyr, killed for Christ during the persecution. Blesseds Laureano María de Burriana Ferrer Cardet, Benito María de Burriana Ferrer Jordá and Bernardino María de Andújar Martínez Robles, Amigonian religious, martyrs of Spain At the town of Turís in the territory of Valencia also in Spain, blessed martyrs Laureano María de Burriana Ferrer Cardet, priest, Benito María de Burriana Ferrer Jordá and Bernardino María de Andújar Martínez Robles, religious, of the Capuchin Tertiary of the Blessed Virgin of Sorrows, who, in the same persecution, killed by the hand of man, God raised to the kingdom of heaven. |
September 17 | Saint Robert Bellarmine, Jesuit, archbishop of Capua, cardinal, doctor of the Church Saint Robert Bellarmine, bishop and doctor of the Church, of the Society of Jesus, who was able to brilliantly dispute the theological controversies of his time with skill and acumen. Appointed cardinal, he devoted himself with care to the pastoral ministry in the Church of Capua and, finally, at Rome he worked hard in defence of the Apostolic See and the doctrine of the faith. Saint Hildegard von Bingen, Benedictine virgin, doctor of the Church Saint Hildegard, virgin and doctor of the Church, who, as an expert in natural and medicinal science and music, which she had learned through mystical contemplation, piously expounded and described in books. Saint Satiro, brother of Saint Ambrose At Milan, deposition of Saint Satiro, whose merits are remembered by Saint Ambrose, his brother: not yet initiated into the mysteries of Christ, having been shipwrecked, he did not fear death, but, in order not to leave life without having received the sacraments, after being saved from the waves, joined the Church of God; an intimate and mutual affection united him with his brother Ambrose, who buried him next to the holy martyr Victor. Saint Lambert, bishop of Maastricht and martyr At Liège in Austrasia, in present-day Belgium, passion of Saint Lambert, bishop of Maastricht and martyr, who, sent into exile, retired to the monastery of Stavelot; after regaining the seat, he carried out his pastoral ministry worthily, before becoming an innocent victim of men hostile to him. Saint Rouin, abbot and founder of the abbacy of Beaulieu In the woods of the Argonne along the Meuse in Austrasia in the territory of present-day France, Saint Rouin, abbot, who founded the monastery of Beaulieu and ran it piously. Saint Columba, virgin and martyr at Cordoba At Cordoba in Andalusia, Spain, Saint Columba, virgin and martyr, who during the persecution of the Moors spontaneously professed her faith before the judge and the city council and was promptly beheaded by the sword in front of the palace doors. Saint Réginald, hermit At Mélinais in the territory of Angers in France, Saint Réginald, hermit, who retired to the forest of Craon to fulfil more fully the precepts of the Lord. Blessed Cherubino Testa, Augustinian priest At Avigliana near Turin, Blessed Cherubino Testa, priest of the Order of the Hermits of Saint Augustine, who had great devotion to the passion of the Lord. Saint Pedro Arbués, Augustinian priest and martyr at Saragossa At Zaragoza in Aragon in Spain, Saint Pedro Arbués, priest and martyr: as canon regular of the Order of Saint Augustine, fought in the kingdom of Aragon against superstitions and heresies and died beaten by some interrogators in front of the cathedral altar. Saint Emmanuel Nguyễn Văn Triệu, priest and martyr of Vietnam At Huê in ancient Annam, now Vietnam, Saint Emmanuel Nguyễn Văn Triệu, priest and martyr under the regime of Cảnh Thịnh. Saint Francesco Maria da Camporosso, Capuchin religious and martyr At Genoa, Saint Francesco Maria da Camporosso, religious of the Order of the Friars Minor Capuchin, famous for his charity towards the poor, who, as the plague spread, contracted the disease himself, offering himself as a victim for the salvation of his neighbour. Saint Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński, archbishop of Warsaw At Krakow in Poland, Saint Zygmunt Szczęsny Feliński, bishop of Warsaw, who worked amid great difficulties for the freedom and renewal of the Church, founding the Institute of the Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary at the service of the people in all their needs. Blessed Juan Ventura Solsona, priest and martyr of Spain At the village of Castillo de Villamalefa near Castellón de la Plana in Spain, Blessed Juan Ventura Solsona, priest and martyr, who, during the persecution, passed to the glory of heaven unconquered for his steadfastness in the faith. Blessed Timoteo Valero Pérez, Amigonian priest, martyr of Spain At Madrid also in Spain, Blessed Timoteo Valero Pérez, priest of the Capuchin Tertiary of the Blessed Virgin of Sorrows and martyr, who in the same persecution faced the glorious trial for Christ. Blessed Zygmunt Sajna, priest and martyr of Poland In the forest of Palmiry near Warsaw in Poland, Blessed Zygmunt Sajna, priest and martyr, who was shot during the war for not having accepted to renounce the faith before a foreign regime hostile to God. |
September 18 | Saint Oceanus, martyr at Nicomedia At Nicomedia in Bithynia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Oceanus, martyr. Saint Ariadne, martyr at Prymnessus in Phrygia At Primnessus in Phrygia, also in Türkiye, Saint Ariadne, martyr. Saint Ferréol, bishop of Vienne In the territory of Vienne in France, Saint Ferréol, martyr, who, as it is said, during the persecution, despite being tribune, refused to arrest Christians and, taken prisoner for this reason by order of the governor, was cruelly flogged and thrown in jail; after managing to escape, he was captured again by the pursuers and received the palm of martyrdom with decapitation. Saint Eustorgio, bishop of Milan At Milan, Saint Eustorgio, bishop, whose profession of the true faith against the Arian heresy is praised by Saint Athanasius. Saint Senier, bishop of Avranches At Avranches on the coast of Brittany, France, Saint Senier, bishop. Saint Ferréol, bishop of Limoges At Limoges in Aquitaine also in France, Saint Ferréol, bishop, who freed Mark, King Chidelbert’s referendary, from imminent danger, whom the people of this city wanted to kill. Saint Eumenio, archbishop of Gortina At Gortyn on the island of Crete, Saint Eumenio, bishop. Saint Riccarda, empress of the Holy Roman Empire At Andlau in Alsace, in the territory of present-day France, Saint Riccarda, who, as queen, renouncing the kingdom of this world, served God in the monastery she founded. Saint Joseph of Cupertino, Conventual Franciscan priest At Osimo in the Marches, Saint Joseph of Cupertino, priest of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual, who, despite the difficulties faced during his life, shone in poverty, humility and charity towards those in need of God. Saint Ðaminh Trạch (Đoài), Dominican priest and martyr of Vietnam At the city of Nam Dinh in Tonkin, now Vietnam, Saint Ðaminh Trạch (Đoài), priest of the Order of Preachers and martyr, who preferred to die rather than offend the cross and suffered the martyrdom of beheading under Emperor Minh Mang. Blesseds Daudi Okelo and Jildo Irwa, catechists and martyrs of Uganda At the village of Paimol at the mission of Kalongi in Uganda, Blesseds Daudi Okelo and Jildo Irwa, catechists and martyrs, who, pierced with a spear by the pagans of the place for having spontaneously worked in the work of evangelisation of the people, demonstrated with their intrepid martyrdom the power of Christ. Blessed Carlos Eraña Guruceta, Marist religious, martyr of Spain Near Ciudad Real in Spain, Blessed Carlos Eraña Guruceta, religious of the Society of Mary and martyr, who, in an age of harassment against priests and religious, was arrested by militiamen and shot without trial. Blesseds Fernando García Sendra and José García Mas, priests, martyrs of Spain Near the city of Gandía in the territory of Valencia also in Spain, Blesseds Fernando García Sendra and José García Mas, priests and martyrs, who during the same persecution confirmed their fidelity to God with their blood. Blesseds Ambrosio María de Torrent Chuliá Ferrandis, Valentín María de Torrente Jaunzarás Gómez, Francisco María de Torrente Lerma Martínez, Recaredo María de Torrente Llópez Mora and Modesto María de Torrent Gay Zarzo, Amigonian priests, martyrs of Spain At Montserrat in the same region in Spain, blessed martyrs Ambrosio María de Torrent Chuliá Ferrandis and Valentín María de Torrente Jaunzarás Gómez, priests, and Francisco María de Torrente Lerma Martínez, Recaredo María de Torrente Llópez Mora and Modesto María de Torrent Gay Zarzo, religious of the Capuchin Tertiary of the Blessed Virgin of Sorrows, who always received the crown of martyrdom in the same persecution testimony given to Christ. Blessed Józef Kut, priest and martyr at Dachau In the prison camp of Dachau near Munich in Germany, Blessed Józef Kut, priest and martyr, who, of Polish nationality, during the war, condemned to hard prison for his faith and subjected to cruel torments, migrated to the Lord. |
September 19 | Saint Januarius, bishop of Benevento, martyr Saint Januarius, bishop of Benevento and martyr, who in a time of persecution against the faith, suffered martyrdom for Christ at Pozzuoli near Naples. Saint Trophimus, martyr at Synnada At Synnada in Phrygia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Trophimus, martyr. Saints Peleus, Nilus, Elias and Patermuthius, martyrs in Palestine At Palestine, the holy martyrs Peleus and Nilus, bishops in Egypt, Elias, priest, and Patermuthius, who, during the persecution of Emperor Diocletian, were burned for Christ at the stake together with many clerics. Saint Eustoche, bishop of Tours At Tours in Gallia Lugdunensis, now in France, Saint Eustoche, bishop, who, as a senator, was a holy and pious man and succeeded Saint Brice. Saint Seine, priest and abbot In the monastery of Sisteron near Langres also in France, Saint Seine, priest and abbot. Saint Marien, hermit In the territory of Bourges in Aquitaine, in France, Saint Marien, hermit, who fed only on wild fruits and honey found by chance. Saint Goëri, bishop of Metz At Metz in Austrasia, also in the territory of present-day France, Saint Goëri, bishop, who succeeded Saint Arnulf, whose body he moved with veneration to this city. Saint Theodore, archbishop of Canterbury At Canterbury in England, Saint Theodore, bishop, who, as monk of Tarsus, elevated to the episcopate by Pope Saint Vitalian and almost septuagenarian tenure in England, governed the Church entrusted to him with fortitude. Saint Pomposa, virgin and martyr at Cordoba At Cordoba in Andalusia, Spain, Saint Pomposa, virgin and martyr, who, during the persecution of the Moors, fled secretly from the monastery of Peñamelaria after learning of the martyrdom of Saint Colomba; arriving at Cordoba, she fearlessly professed before her judge her faith in her Christ and, without delay beheaded by the sword in front of the palace doors, she obtained the palm of her martyrdom. Saint Lantbert, bishop of Freising At Freising in Bavaria, in Germany, Saint Lantbert, bishop. Saint Ciriaco, abbot At Buonvicino near Cosenza in Calabria, Saint Ciriaco, abbot. Saint Arnoux, bishop of Gap At Gap in Provence in France, Saint Arnoux, bishop, who worked hard to restore straight discipline to the life of his Church. Saint María de Cervelló, Mercedarian virgin At Barcelona in Catalonia in Spain, Saint María, virgin of the Order of Our Lady of Mercy, who was commonly called Mary of Help for the help she offered to anyone who invoked her. Saint Alonso de Orozco Mena, Augustinian priest At Madrid in Spain, Saint Alonso de Orozco Mena, priest of the Order of the Hermits of Saint Augustine, who, as official preacher at the king’s court, always showed himself to be austere and humble. Saint Carolus Hyŏn Sŏng-mun, martyr of Korea At Seoul in Korea, passion of Saint Carolus Hyŏn Sŏng-mun, martyr: as catechist, he made long and difficult journeys to accompany the missionaries in his homeland; put in prison together with other Christians, he never stopped exhorting his companions and was finally beheaded for Christ. Saint Marie Guillemette Émilie de Rodat, founder of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Villefranche At Villefranche in the territory of Rodez in France, Saint Marie Guillemette Émilie de Rodat, virgin, who founded the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family for the formation of female youth and assistance to the poor. Blessed Jacinto Hoyuelos Gonzalo, Hospitaller religious, martyr of Spain At Ciempozuelos near Madrid in Spain, Blessed Jacinto Hoyuelos Gonzalo, religious of the Order of Saint John of God and martyr, who, during the persecution against the Church, suffered a glorious martyrdom for having professed his faith in Christ. Blessed Francisca Cualladó Baixauli, virgin and martyr of Spain At the village of Benifayó in the territory of Valencia also in Spain, Blessed Francisca Cualladó Baixauli, virgin and martyr, who shed her blood for Christ always in the same persecution against the faith. Blesseds María de Jesús de la Iglesia y de Varo, Escolapian virgin, María Dolores Aguiar-Mella y Díaz and Consuelo Aguiar-Mella y Díaz, martyrs of Spain At Madrid also in Spain, Blesseds María de Jesús de la Iglesia y de Varo, María Dolores Aguiar-Mella y Díaz and Consuelo Aguiar-Mella y Díaz, virgins of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary of the Pious Schools and martyrs, who were crowned with martyrdom for their testimony given to Christ. |
September 20 | Saints Andreas Kim Tae-gŏn, priest, Paulus Chŏng Ha-sang and 101 companions, martyrs of Korea Memorial of Saints Andreas Kim Tae-gŏn, priest, Paulus Chŏng Ha-sang and companions, martyrs in Korea. On this day, in a single celebration, all one hundred and three martyrs are venerated, who courageously testified to the Christian faith, fervently introduced into this kingdom for the first time by some laypeople and then nourished and consolidated by the preaching of the missionaries and the celebration of the sacraments. All these athletes of Christ, including three bishops, eight priests and all the others laypeople, including some married and unmarried, old and young, subjected to torture, consecrated the beginnings of the Church in Korea with their precious blood. Saint Dorymedon, martyr At Synnada in Phrygia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Dorymedon, martyr. Saint Eustace, martyr at Rome At Rome, commemoration of Saint Eustace, martyr, whose name is venerated in an ancient deaconry at the city of Rome. Saints Hypatius and Asianus, bishops, and Andrew, priest, martyrs at Constantinople At Constantinople, the holy martyrs Hypatius and Asianus, bishops, and Andrew, priest, who for having defended the cult of sacred images under Emperor Leo the Isaurian, after cruel and atrocious tortures, were fed to dogs. Saint Adelpreto, bishop of Trent Near the city of Arco in Trentino, Saint Adelpreto, bishop, who, as a strenuous defender of the poor, orphans and the freedom of the Church, was ambushed by enemies and died cruelly beaten. Blessed Thomas Johnson, Carthusian priest and martyr of England At London in England, Blessed Thomas Johnson, priest of the Charterhouse of that city and martyr, who, under King Henry VIII, for his fidelity to the Church died consumed by hunger and disease in Newport Jail, ninth of his brethren. Blessed Francisco Martín Fernández de Posadas, Dominican priest At Cordoba in Spain, Blessed Francisco Martín Fernández de Posadas, priest of the Order of Preachers, who, distinguished for penance, humility and charity, proclaimed Christ for forty years in this region. Saint Jean-Charles Cornay, Paris Foriegn Missions priest and martyr of Vietnam In the fortress of Son-Tây in Tonkin, now Vietnam, Saint Jean-Charles Cornay, priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society and martyr, who, after cruel tortures, by decree of Emperor Minh Mang was cut to pieces and finally beheaded for his Christian faith. Saints Laurentius Han I-hyŏng, catechist, and 6 companions, martyrs of Korea At Seoul in Korea, Saints Laurentius Han I-hyŏng, catechist, and six companions, martyrs, who, strangled in various prisons, suffered martyrdom for Christ. Their memorial is celebrated today together with that of the other martyrs of this region. Saint José Maria de Yermo y Parres, priest, founder of the Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Poor At Puebla in Mexico, Saint José Maria de Yermo y Parres, priest, who founded the Congregation of the Servants of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Poor to assist the needy in the needs of soul and body. |