Bert Weedon - Uicipeid

Bert Weedon
Breith East Ham (en) Translate, 10 dhen Chèitean 1920
Dùthaich  Rìoghachd Aonaichte
 Rìoghachd Aonaichte na Breatainne Mòire agus Èireann  12 dhen Ghiblean 1927)
Bàs Beaconsfield (en) Translate, 20 dhen Ghiblean 2012
Cànain Beurla
Dreuchd cluicheadair-guitàir, ceòl-sgrìobhaiche agus neach-ciùil
Duaisean a fhuaras
Gnè ealain Jazz
Inneal-ciùil giotàr
Taigh-clàraidh Fontana Records (en) Translate
IMDb nm0917258

B' e neach giotàr agus cumadair-ciùil a bha ann an Herbert Maurice William 'Bert' Weedon (10 an Cèitean 1920 - 20 an Giblean 2012).

Rugadh e ann an East Ham, Lunnainn agus dh'fhàs e ainmeil aig deireadh nan 1950an le a bhith a' cruthachadh ceòl-giotàr leithid Guitar Boogie Shuffle, Apache agus Nashville Boogie. A-measg nan tiotalan as ainmeile tha Sorry Robbie (1960), China Doll (1961) agus Ginchy (1961).

Chòmhla ris an leabhar-teagaisg Play in a Day bha buaidh mhòr aige air cluicheadairean giotàr eile, m.e. Joe Brown, Eric Clapton, Paul McCartney agus Brian May.[1] Chaidh an leabhar fhoillseachadh ann an 1957 airson a' chiad turais agus chaidh barrachd na millean eisimpleirean a reic bhon uair sin.

Chaochail e ann am Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire nuair a bha e 91 bliadhna a dh'aois.

  • King Size Guitar, 1960
  • Saturday Club (co-chruinneachadh ), 1960
  • Honky Tonk Guitar, 1961
  • Your Favourite TV and Radio Themes (co-chruinneachadh), 1962
  • The Romantic Guitar of Bert Weedon, 1970
  • Rocking at The Roundhouse, 1970
  • Sweet Sounds of Bert Weedon’s Guitar, 1971
  • Contour Sampler Album (co-chruinneachadh), 1971
  • Bert Weedon Remembers Jim Reeves, 1973
  • The Gentle Guitar of Bert Weedon, 1975
  • Bert Weedon Remembers Nat King Cole, 1975
  • 22 Golden Guitar Greats, 1976
  • Guitar in Gold (Kompilation), 1976
  • 20 Super Guitar Greats, 1977
  • Let the Good Times Roll, 1977
  • Blue Echoes, 1977
  • Honky Tonk „Guitar“ Party, 1977
  • Million Selling Guitar Compilation, 1977
  • 16 Country Guitar Greats, 1978
  • Bert Weedon Plays Nat "King" Cole Favourites, 1978
  • 40 Guitar Greats, 1979
  • Heart Strings, 1980
  • Bert Weedon and His Dancing Guitars, 1982
  • Love Letters, 1981
  • Bert Weedon Mr Guitar, 1984
  1. Adam Sweeting: Bert Weedon - Influential musician who inspired millions of budding guitarists to ‘play in a day’. Ann an "The Guardian" (Beurla)