
Amabie (アマビエ Amabie) is a mermaid and a friend of Kitarō who lives in Yōkai Yokochō. She only appears in the 2007 anime.


Amabie has a round head with a parrot like beak for a mouth, long pink hair and blue eyes. The rest of her body is covered in scales, around the neck they are white, from her arms and torso are mint green and her forearms, hands and tail are dark green.[1]

Unlike in the manga, Amabie in the 2007 anime has a fish tail instead of three legs.


Amabie is a conceited and childish mermaid originally from Kumamoto who constantly squabbled with her neighbors. One day she met Aobōzu, who told her to go to Yōkai Yokochō to meet Kitarō and learn how to get along with other yōkai. However, likely due to her ego, she somehow mistook his advice and thought she was going to Yōkai Yokochō to become an idol. Though she butted heads with everyone at first, she frantically tried to help Kitarō save Sunakake-Babaa from being shot with Nurarihyon's arrow, using her precognitive abilities to assist him. Afterwards she was welcomed into the Yōkai Yokochō fold. She soon developed a crush on Kitarō and began following him around often, frequently clashing with a jealous Neko-Musume. She is also often seen with Kawauso, and the two provide a lot of comic relief together. She often smacks him around when she catches him talking bad about her.


2007 Anime[]

Amabie appears throughout the fifth anime.
Episode 26: She first appears in episode #26 of the fifth anime adaptation, Yōkai Idol!? Amabie.[1]

Episode 62: In episode #62, Kubire-Oni Beckons Deathshe makes use of her precognitive powers to open up a fortune-telling business. She disguises as a human while working, wearing a veil over her mouth and a shirt that conceals her arms.

Episode 82: In episode #82, Parched Life! Akashita Hot Spring, she is revealed to be the ninth of the chosen 47 Yōkai Warriors. She is the representative of Kumamoto and her mark's location is on the left side of her tail fin.


Amabie appears in Akuma-kun: The Great Prophet Nostradamus as a member of Shingo Yamada's Twelve Apostles, his position unknown.

The Great Yōkai War: Guardians: Side Story: Heian Hyakkitan[]

Powers and Abilities[]

Flash Precognition: Amabie has the ability to see near-future events and locate the location of hidden things. However, most of her predictions are bad omens and things that are easily predictable.

Levitation: She also has the ability to float on land, hovering just above the ground and occasionally above others' heads.

Water Cannon: She can shoot seawater from out of her mouth.


Amabie Original

Illustration of Amabie by Shigeru Mizuki.

The Amabie is a legendary Japanese mermaid who is said, to come from the sea and prophesy either an abundant harvest or an epidemic. There are similar characters related to her; Amabiko (アマビコ or 天日子), Amahiko (尼彦, あま彦 or 天彦), Amahiko-Nyūdō (尼彦入道), Arie (アリエ) and others.

Amabiko is considered as the original form of Amabie in Japan where the name Amabie was a spelling mistake, and Shigeru Mizuki's drawing was established as a general image and name of Amabie.


  • Amabie's conception into the 2007 anime originated from the staff planning to add a selfish character who could predict the future into the cast ensemble. The Kitarō Magazine VOL.1 revealed that Kudan was considered for the role.
  • In the 2007 anime, Medama-Oyaji described her as a Yōkai close to that of a god.[1]
  • While not appearing in the 2018 anime series proper, Amabie has met Kitarō.[2]



v  e Kitarō Family
Ghost Tribe KitarōMedama-Oyaji
Other members Nezumi-OtokoNeko-MusumeSunakake-BabaaKonaki-JijiiIttan-MomenNurikabe
Former members ShisaYuki-HimeNetarō
Recurring allies YobukoKasa-BakeAbura-SumashiTsurube-BiBake-Garasu
Yōkai Apartments NekokoKamikiriAzuki-AraiAkanameTsurube-OtoshiGyūki
Yōkai Yokochō KawausoAmabieRokuro-KubiOhaguro-BettariNurikabe-Nyōbō & Ko-Nurikabe
Other Allies MarugeIdo-SenninBake-KujiraYagyō-sanAobōzuSimurghAgnès
Tendo Family Yumeko TendōHoshirō TendōMasao TendōYūko Tendō
Elementary School Trio Yūko MurakamiShōta SuzukiJun Tanimoto
Others MizukiMakoto WashioMana Inuyama
See also
47 Yōkai Warriors
v  e 2007 Series Yōkai and other Mystical Beings
Kitarō and Allies
Kitarō Family KitarōMedama-OyajiNeko-MusumeNezumi-OtokoSunakake-BabaaKonaki-JijiiIttan-MomenNurikabe
Yōkai Apartment AmabieKasa-BakeKawausoKonaki-JijiiRokuro-KubiSunakake-BabaaYobuko
Yōkai Yokochō Abura-SumashiBake-DakoHakusanbōKashaMarugeNuppehofuNurikabe-Nyōbō & Ko-NurikabesOhaguro-BettariŌkubiShirobōzuTofu-KozōTsurube-OtoshiWanyūdō
Shinigami's Family AokoHonetaShinigami No. 99
Azuki Allied Union Azuki-AraiAzuki-HakariAzuki-Babaa
Kappa Pond ShibatenGarappaKankichiMedochiNenekoYamashita
Tengu Police Dai-TenguHigomoKuro-Karasu
Yuki-Onna OkuroYuki-Jorō
Amami Tribe MiuMiu's MotherKai
47 Yōkai Warriors AkamataAkashitaAmabieAoiAzuki-AraiDansaburō-DanukiGyōbu-DanukiHitotsume-KozōHyōsubeIchimokurenIppon-DataraIso-OnnaIttan-MomenIwanabōzuKabukiri-KozōKame-himeKashaKawausoKonaki-JijiiKuro-KarasuMatsu no SeireiMikari-BabaMintsuchiNamahageNami-KozōNoraNurikabeOsakabe-himeOsan-KitsuneRaijūSekoShidaidakaShirobōzuSunakake-BabaaSunekosuriTankororinTearai-OniTessoWairaWakasa MermaidWanyūdōYadōkaiYakanzuruYama-JijiiYanboshiYobukoZashiki-Warashi
Other Allies Amefuri-KozōAobōzuBake-GarasuBakerōBakuBari-BariBiwa-BokubokuGanbari-NyūdōHoihoi-BiIdo-SenninKokonNueOsoreRashōmon-no-OniShiroshōzokuShisaTenjō-SagariTsunomagari Obake Stag BeetleTsurube-BiUbaga-BiUwanYagyō-san
Japanese Threats Ama-no-Jaku & Te-no-MeBake-TōrōBake-ZōriFuru-TsubakiGyūkiHari-OnagoHata-OnryōHone-Onna & Mai-KubiHyakumeIsogashiItsu-MadenJamiJubokkoKubi-KajiriKubire-OniKurobōzuKuro-KihatsuKyōkotsuKyōrinrinMakura-GaeshiMokumokurenMomon-JiiMōrei-YassanNeko-ShōNuma-GozenOdoro-OdoroŌmukadeOnmorakiSakabashiraSara-KozōSazae-OniShichinin MisakiShibito-Tsuki & Chimi-Mōryō & DoseiShōkeraSuikoTsuchi-KorobiTsuchinokoTsujigamiUbumeYato-no-Kami & Orochi-Onna
Nurarihyon Faction NurarihyonShu-no-BonJakotsu-BabaaKamaitachiKani-BōzuKyūsoHitorimaKatasharinUmizatō & Funa-YūreiYōkai Castle (Four Spirit Dragons) • Yuki-Nyūdo & Mashiro
Backbeard's Army BackbeardBalmondCount DraculaDracula IIDracula IIIFrankensteinGorgonGremlinMabiMakenMummiesPantherPumpkin SoldiersVampire BatsWitchWolfmanWildYoualtepuztliZambia
Yōkai Castle Trio TantanbōFutakuchi-Onna
South Asian Five AkamataAsanbosamLangsuyarPoYashi-Otoshi
Qi's Gang QiGahiKami-no-SeiTora-OtokoYangtze Suiko
Koku'unbō's Army Koku'unbōTengu-KugutsuSuiryūmaruTaimatsumaru
Other Foreign Threats BelialMahi MahiKahakuKyūketsujuRakshasaVampire EliteYasha
Jigoku Enma-DaiōGokan-ŌSō-DaiōJion-ŌGion-ŌGodō Tenrin-ŌRenge-ŌByōdō-ŌShokō-ŌHenjō-ŌTaizan-ŌShinkō-ŌToshi-ŌGozuMezu
Shinigami Shinigami ChiefShinigami No. 100
Former Threats AkaeiAmamehagiDarumaDodomekiDorotabōFuguruma-YōbiGasha-DokuroHidarugamiIchimoku-NyūdōKagami-JijiiKamanariKami-sama & KemedamaKeukegenMiage-NyūdōMonroe & PiiNobiagariNoderabōShiro-KihatsuTsubomiUshirogami
Other Japanese Yōkai Aka-AtamaAkanameAnagura-Nyūdō & JakiAyatsuri-MusumeBake-DanukiBakenokoBeto-Beto-sanBirabiraCerberusChikarasuiChōchin-KozōChōchin-ObakeFurusomaFutatsume-NyūdōGangi-KozōGobutsuHiderigamiHitodamaHitotsume-KozōHitotsume-NyūdōHiyoribōHizamaIyake-MushiKaifukibōKami-KokeshiKawa-OtokoKaze-no-KamiKiba-GuruiKijimunaKinu-TanukiKo-OniKuneyusuriKyushu KappaMikoshi-Nyūdō & BabyMinomushi-BiMitsume-KozōMitsume-NyūdōNebutoriNekokoNyoi-JizaiOhiagariOkikuOshiroi-BabaaŌyamaiSakeyoiShichimiShiro-UneriSoroban-BōzuTenaga-AshinagaTenkaYakoYamaiYama-OniYanariYōkai CactusYōkaijuYuki-Otoko
Other Foreign Yōkai AguriGolem & Ko-GolemGuhaKaruraMonroe & PiiNew Guinea Forest SpiritsYōka