Bat for Lashes – Glass

“Glass” is the opening track of Bat for Lashes' Two Suns. It begins with a quote from the Song of Solomon, which is the fifth book of Wisdom in the Old Testament of the Christian Bible.

Natasha explained the song in an radio interview:

‘Glass’ actually started off with an excerpt from the Song of Solomon, which is a kind of love poem from the Bible and it talks about my mission for the album, I suppose. It’s like a actual narrative and you can hear the New York subway, there’s this JMZ train from Brooklyn to New York that I recorded while standing under the bridge in the introduction. […] Basically, this song is kind of the fable, the kind of fairy tail version of what’s to come. It kinda describes the fact that I go across an ocean and I discover a city made of glass and the watchmen, and the city pointed to my beloved which is a knight made of completely of glass and crystal. His heart is a sun which is too bright for me to see and he blinds me; so it kind of sets the tone for the rest of the record.