Earthquake Articles, News and Information |

San Andreas Fault

What is the San Andreas Fault?
What is the San Andreas Fault? Map, photos and description of the fault.

Tsunami Causes

Tsunami Causes
What Causes a Tsunami? Learn how plate motions trigger earthquakes and tsunamis.

California EQ Maps

California Earthquake Maps:
California Earthquake Maps A collection of isoseismal maps for earthquakes in California.

Largest Earthquake

Largest Earthquake
Largest Earthquake - The largest recorded earthquake: M9.5, near Valdivia, southern Chile, 1960.

Draw Plate Tectonics

Draw Plate Tectonics
Teaching Plate Tectonics with Easy-to-Draw Illustrations. Students love to draw.

Earthquake Lessons

Earthquake Lessons
Earthquake Lessons K-12 resources for teaching about earthquakes.

Gifts That Rock

Gifts That Rock
Gifts That Rock - What are the most popular gift items in the store?

Japan Earthquake

Japan Earthquake
The Japan Earthquake shifted Earth*s mass resulting in a shorter day.

Virginia Earthquakes

Virginia Earthquakes
Small Earthquakes are experienced in Central Virginia every year or two.

New Madrid Concerns

New Madrid Seismic Zone:
New Madrid Seismic Zone An earthquake hazard review for the NMSZ.

Geology Tools

Geology Tools
Geology Tools - Hammers, field bags, hand lenses, maps, hardness picks, gold pans.