Containment Unit
- ️Fri Jan 16 2015
May I please see the storage facility?
The Containment Unit (also known as as the Ecto-Containment System, Storage Facility and Protection Grid) is located in the basement of the Firehouse. It is a large, laser-confinement grid that holds and restrains all the vapors and entities that the Ghostbusters trap.
The Containment Unit in the Primary Canon is developed from Ghostbusters (1984), Ghostbusters: Afterlife, and Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire. In Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions), a Secondary Canon, Ghostbusters (1984) and Ghostbusters II pre-date the game, Ghostbusters: Afterlife conflicts with the game. The Containment Unit (prime) appears in the IDW Comic Series, a Secondary Canon, which follows Ghostbusters (1984) and Ghostbusters II, also includes some elements from Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions) and Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Stylized Versions); as well as being canon to Tobin's Spirit Guide (Insight Editions). The Containment Unit in 88MPH Comics, deemed a Tertiary Canon, follows the events of Ghostbusters and Ghostbusters II. The Containment Unit in Ghostbusters: The Board Game, deemed a Tertiary Canon, loosely follows the events of IDW Comics.
Primary Canon History[]
Ghostbusters (1984)[]
In 1984, the Containment Unit was constructed in the Firehouse. It took up most of the basement, which was walled-off to create a space in which the captured ghosts could be incarcerated, leaving only a relatively small portion of the basement accessible. As well as the main power supplies and monitoring equipment, the most prominent feature of the Containment Unit was the "air-lock" through which the ghosts were transferred into the Unit from the Traps. A few weeks after the Ghostbusters were founded, the newly-hired Winston Zeddemore was taken down to the basement to empty Traps into the Containment Unit. Ray Stantz briefly informed Winston about the unit and taught him the proper procedure on how to empty a Trap into it. Egon Spengler worried that it was getting crowded in the Containment Unit in the midst of unusually high P.K.E. levels in New York.
Eventually, EPA inspector Walter Peck visited the Firehouse due to concerns about the presence of dangerous and potentially harmful waste-chemicals that the storage facility might be producing. When he failed to convince Peter Venkman to show him the storage facility, he returned a couple weeks later with a search warrant and police escort. Egon warned that turning off everything in the basement would be extremely hazardous. Peck was not swayed and told him the Ghostbusters were facing federal prosecution for at least half a dozen environmental violations. He again ordered Egon to shut everything off and threatened they would shut them off for him if he did not. Egon tried to explain it was a high-voltage laser containment system and simply turning it off would be like dropping a bomb on the city. The Con Edison electrician pointed out he never saw anything like the Containment Unit before and he was unsure about touching anything. Peck was not interested in his opinion and ordered him to just shut it off. The Con Edison electrician was nervous about proceeding but pulled a gray lever down. The lights dimmed and several alarms went off. The red light above the Containment Unit flashed. The D.C. Microamperes gauge plummeted from 100 to 0. Almost immediately, it became apparent that Egon's warnings were not exaggerated as the whole unit began to rumble and cracks began to appear in the retaining wall before entire blocks were blown out, prompting all present to flee. Ultimately, the vast amount of psycho-kinetic energy released from the system was enough to punch through all three floors and the roof of the Firehouse.
After Ghostbusters (1984)[]
At some point after Gozer was defeated, the Containment Unit was rebuilt.
Ghostbusters: Afterlife[]
In summer 2021, shortly after Winston purchased the Firehouse, the button on the Containment Unit for setting the entry grid suddenly lit up in red and started blinking.
Ghostbusters: Back in Town[]
In 2023, the Firehouse suffered a blackout but back up power kept the Containment Unit running normally.[1] Several days later, many Cockroach Acolytes made their way into the Firehouse basement and shut down the Containment Unit.
Before Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire[]
The Ghostbusters Engineer Corps built a new Containment Unit with expanded capacity in the Paranormal Research Center. Ghosts extracted by the Ionic Separator were deposited into the new unit. Winston decided to wait until it was fully completed before he revealed it to the new Ghostbusters team. The new unit was built with five access panels with six docks each for a total of 30.
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire[]
In the summer of 2024, the Containment Unit slightly rumbled after Gary Grooberson pushed the buttons to set the entry grid and neutronize the field. He struggled to pull the lever down. Callie Spengler helped and after some effort they eventually pulled the lever all the way down and finished depositing Sewer Dragon. The green light illuminated. A Death Chill unleashed from the Orb of Garraka while it was in Ray's Occult Books shook the basement. The wall the unit was mounted on had large visible cracks in the aftermath. Frost started to develop on the unit. Janine Melnitz checked out the basement with Gary. He asked if the original Ghostbusters even emptied it. Janine sarcastically asked where they could have done that and suggested the East River. She took a photo of the unit with her phone and promised to let Winston's engineers know about the problem. The next day, Lars Pinfield took readings of the Containment Unit with a Narda Electromagnetic Radiation Monitor and Isotropic Probe. Gary tried to make small talk and asked if his equipment helped him hear the ghosts in the unit. Lars replied silence helped him hear the ghosts. Gary and Phoebe exchanged looks. Lars was startled by a klanging sound from the unit. Winston, Janine, and Lars met with the new team and went over Egon's original designs for the Containment Unit then addressed the problem of it running out of space after 40 years of compiling spiritual waste. Janine admitted in the '80s nobody was concerned about the future. Winston emphasized his concern about the rift the momentary burst of spiritual energy created in 1984 when the unit was shut down. Callie asked if he meant Heaven. Winston admitted he didn't know and that's what scared him. Janine and Winston stated they bought the Firehouse back for a reason: for the Ghostbusters to be the "finger in the dam" dealing with spiritual acitivty and the Firehouse needed to be protected. Trevor Spengler asked why another Containment Unit couldn't be built. Lars was surprised they didn't know already. Winston admitted his engineers already did.
The meeting shifted to the Paranormal Research Center. Winston presented the new unit. Ray remarked it could spin the equivalent of 50 million cubic hectares of plasmic confinement, a space equal to the American West. He and Gary did a riff on "Home, Home on the Range". Callie cut to the chase and asked how long it would take to transfer the ghosts in the Containment Unit to the new one. Lucky Domingo estimated in regular shifts, going Trap by Trap, it would take three to seven years. The next day, the basement was hit again. Gaping holes in the wall were created in the second rumbling. The unit was even more frosted over. Gary, Callie, and Phoebe checked the unit. The green light was still on. Lars scanned the Containment Unit again with his Narda Monitor but he was startled when Nadeem Razmaadi came down and shouted in amazement.
The next day, Garraka arrived. The Containment Unit was punctured open from the inside by the Death Chill ice spikes. He summoned his his ghost army from the Containment Unit. A column of energy shot out of the Containment Unit and Firehouse just like in 1984. Ghosts flew out of the floor into the city. Phoebe regained consciousness and headed upstairs. She fired a trifurcated Proton Stream with her brass plated Proton Pack and had an effect on him. The column of energy receded back into the Containment Unit. Podcast tried to use the Drone Trap but Garraka struck it out of the air. Peter remarked they were going to need a bigger Trap. Ray realized they had one: the Containment Unit. Peter implored him to pretend he didn't know what he was talking about. Ray, Peter, Winston, and Janine ran down to the basement. Ray tried to quickly explain that if he could neutralize the mass energy density to reduce criticality, it would then force the unit to re-prime itself and reverse the polarity but Peter cut him off and yelled to just do it. Ray pushed the three buttons in reverse order but struggled to pull the handle down. Everyone helped. Ice spikes shot out towards them. Ray and Winston both recalled "Golden years" from a prior conversation. The Containment Unit pulled Garraka in and the tear sealed up. The light above the unit turned green. Everyone celebrated. Peter commended the unit for having one more dance left.
Secondary Canon History[]
Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions)[]
Read more at Containment Unit (Realistic Variant)
Egon recently added a viewer to the unit, something that fascinated Slimer. At the beginning of the Thanksgiving holiday in 1991, the Rookie accidentally hit the unit with a Proton Stream, which allowed the Sloth Ghost to escape. Egon maintained it was "his fault" because he was fine-tuning the interspatial gasket earlier in the day and set to work repairing the damage whilst Ray and the Rookie pursued the escapees.
IDW Comics[]
The Containment Unit was built as a fully secured system. Even if power was lost, the unit designed to operate for awhile. After the first bust concluded, the Ghostbusters returned from the Sedgewick Hotel. Egon was too excited to eat and wanted to use the Containment Unit for the first time, prematurely declaring a clean sweep of functional equipment. They deposited Slimer but the unit made an odd noise. The red alert activated and they were knocked on their backs. Egon speculated the field was not properly neutronized. Suddenly, a P.K.E. Meter lit up. Slimer investigated Tribeca but was recaptured by Egon and properly placed in the Containment Unit. The massive influx of P.K.E. from the coming of Gozer in 1984 and the Containment Unit pushing capacity created a unique and unforeseen problem. When Walter Peck ordered the power to be shut off, the ghosts inside the unit could no longer resist the pull of the ambient P.K.E. and violently shot out like iron to a magnet.[2][3] Following Gozer's defeat, Egon already had a failsafe against the incident in mind.[4]
In need of funds to start repairs on the Firehouse and Containment Unit, Egon agreed to be involved in a biographical book about the Ghostbusters that Peter brokered with a publishing company.[5] Winston accompanied the book's author, Rebecca Morales, to the Firehouse. He found Egon in the basement scanning around the Containment Unit with the Gamma Rate Meter. Naturally, Rebecca's attention turned to the Containment Unit and she asked if that was were the ghosts were stored then asked him if he ever thought that exploding as soon as it lost power was a major design flaw. She pointed out blackouts could happen. Egon asked her where she heard that. Rebecca looked at the hole in the unit and told him she was very thorough then asked why there was no failsafe. Egon was annoyed and stated it was a fully secured system. He explained what really happened with the unit. Rebecca asked if that was an admission of fault. Egon denied it and pointed out he was not the one who ordered the power to be turned off. He asserted the scenario would be accounted for when the unit was rebuilt. She asked him if he thought ghosts would continue to be a problem, citing regular sightings diminished after the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man exploded. Egon thought some would continue to be a problem like the first ghost they captured. Winston recalled Ray's story about it escaping the first time they tried to put it in the unit. Rebecca was mock surprised something else escaped from the fully secured system. Egon sarcastically thanked Winston for bringing it up. Winston excused himself to run an errand. Rebecca wanted to hear the story.
At some point after the Shandor Incident in November 1991, the Containment Unit was modified into a much larger version. Parts from the previous version were re-purposed and integrated into the side of the new unit as a set of controls and safety measures.[6] This mark has its own self-contained power source.[7] It can be reached through a side panel on the bottom right of the unit. Stuck in the Old West era, Peter Venkman made his own Containment Unit, as close as he could jury rig, to hold the ghosts suddenly appearing. The last known entities deposited in it were The Rudely Mallard Gang.
A new group of Poltergeists possess a unique energy signature different from a standard entity. This development allows these entities to escape the Containment Unit.[8][9][10] During the breach, the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man also escapes. After Egon jury-rigs a zombie radar to track the Zombies, he decides to move it downstairs into the basement and connect it to the grid's generator for more power.[11]
By March of the following year, a biometric security measure was added to the Containment Unit and could only be accessed by senior staff. Over a year later, Janine's security clearance to the unit was a determining factor in her remaining a member of the New Ghostbusters team. As part of her plans to mess with Gozer, Tiamat blocked some of Ray's memories. During the course of battle with the Ghostbusters, Gozer remembered they had imprisoned some of his essence in the Containment Unit after their last battle a few years ago. Since Ray was possessed by Gozer and Tiamat, the unit's biometric security panel registered an invalid reading from Ray's palm print and refused him access.[12] Utterly enraged, Gozer prepared to rip the unit apart physically but the others wrangled Ray. Once Tiamat assumed total control of Ray, she punched the hull of the unit and threatened to cause a physical rupture that would overload the grid, set off a chain reaction resulting in a massive explosion and lastly release all captured entities.[13]
After Tiamat left Ray, he came to and Peter pointed him to the smoking containment grid. Ray grabbed a monkey wrench and went to work on the unit. With no other choice, Ray and Egon manually vented the Containment Unit to prevent a catastrophe. The venting worked but Ellen Gold, along with the Crybaby Ghost, were released and recaptured. After learning about the Turtles' Interspatial Teleportation Unit, Ray realized the Containment Unit's power source would be able to power a jury rigged unit and get them back to their proper dimension. He took Donatello down to the basement and verified his hunch. As Egon and Donatello worked on the Interspatial Teleportation Unit, they compensated for potential power surges but it still caused an intense drain on the grid's power supply when turned on. Egon wasn't so sure the Electromagnetic Pulse Emitter affected it despite the psychokinetic energy signature. They raced against time to correct the issue or risk the grid rupturing and exploding. While Egon rerouted power, Donatello worked on the guts of the power supply. They successfully prevented catastrophe and Tribeca was once again spared from being turned into a smoking crater.
To capture The Collectors once and for all, Egon and Donatello worked on an idea to combine the portal technology of the Interspatial Teleportation Unit with the Traps to directly transport them into the Containment Unit since a Trap alone failed in the past. Donatello devised a Trap-Gate. Egon and Ray were able to fine tune the Trap-Gate to closely match the Collectors' P.K.E. signature then they successfully sent them directly into the Containment Unit. Comparing notes with the Real Ghostbusters of Dimension 68-R made Ray curious about the inner workings of his team's Containment Unit. Beforehand, Ray assumed it functioned in a similar manner to the Traps and kept a ghost's psychokinetic energy compressed and inert. The possibility that they inadvertently tapped into a pocket dimension where captured entities could roam free was too tempting for Ray. He felt observation could lead to new understanding. Egon preferred to operate on the side of caution. Ray reminded him it was a lot of days since the last incident and the experiment would be safe as long as the Containment Unit and Interspatial Teleportation Unit weren't turned on at the same time.[14] He left a diagnostic running to sync up the monitoring equipment to the interdimensional transport array. Ray decided to leave a note just to be safe. Peter returned from a bust and was in the process of depositing a ghost into the Containment Unit when the teleportation unit suddenly activated due to Ron and Holtzmann secretly testing their Remote Access Teleportation Unit. The basement was enveloped in a white flash.
Ray checked the Containment Unit and only saw a blown capacitor but Egon discovered several major entities were missing. Egon realized the structural integrity was compromised but Gareth Dibello was suddenly released. He took control of a Proton Pack and fired at Holtzmann while the others took cover. The teleportation unit activated and several miniature portals were generated. Dibello flew through one with Holtzmann but she got stuck halfway. Egon and Ray pulled Holtzmann back into the basement, with part of Dibello's arm, just in time before the portal closed. Egon looked at the logs and realized all the missing entities used similar portals to go to other dimensions. In order to capture and return all the entities in the quickest and most efficient manner, the Ghostbusters brought in the support staff, Chicago Ghostbusters, and nine teams from other dimensions they worked with before. They had to re-capture and return all the entities back into the Containment Unit then recalibrate it as soon as possible or else there would be a structural collapse followed by an explosion. To contain the situation, Ray and Egon moved the Interspatial Teleportation Unit and its array to the Warehouse. Several Trap-Gates were modified to fit atop Traps in order to send the missing ghosts directly back into the Containment Unit as efficiently and quickly as soon as possible once they were located. The Chicago Ghostbusters volunteered to monitor the Containment Unit in case any more ghosts escaped. After Kevin Tanaka finished updating Peck on the situation, he returned to the Firehouse to help watch the Containment Unit.
Despite the ghosts being recaptured and the ghosts captured in the team's absence, the Containment Unit was still nearing meltdown. Jenny called the Warehouse from the basement and informed Ray of the developments. She asked him if there were any filled Traps laying around. Ray checked the remote monitor but it stated the unit's capacity was back to where it was before the accident. It made no sense. Jenny checked the possibly skewed readings and estimated one more ghost was needed. However, time was up and the unit was about to blow up. With no choice and no time, Jenny sacrificed herself and went into the Containment Unit's hatch. It stabilized and returned to normal working order. After a day's worth of work, Egon, Ray, Egon 68-R, and Holtzmann of 80-C finished work on the Containment Observation Monitor. Once the grid was stable and the monitor was ready, it was turned on. It worked and Ray inputted Jenny's P.K.E. signature. Jenny was found but a Mail Fraud Ghost charged her. Ray was aghast but Holtzmann told him to slow down. Jenny punched out the ghost. Holtzmann declared they were locked in there with her. Ray was relieved and hugged everyone at once. Ray vowed to make sure Jenny's promise they would see each other again would come true even though it meant pioneering a whole new science.
Secondary Canon (Expanded Universe) History[]
Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Stylized Versions)[]
The unit is unchanged from its film appearance in the Stylized Version. The Player can dump a fresh trap into the Containment Unit after each level by interacting with the lever on the right side of the screen.
Tertiary Canon History[]
Read more at Containment Unit (Animated Variant)
After the Gozer incident, Egon Spengler decided to not only rebuild the Containment Unit but build a much bigger version. Though improved from the original version, the new unit still had its faults. One noticeable feature of the new unit was that it transported the ghosts captured to a containment dimension where they are free to roam around. The dimension seems to vary at times from a brightly colored realm with card tables to a dark realm of destruction.
Ghostbusters: The Board Game[]
Weeks after being released, Idulnas emptied the Ghostbusters' Containment Unit of every entity being held inside. After an earthquake, rocked the neighborhood, a horrid smell of sulfur and vomit and burnt flesh wafted up from the basement to the second floor. Ray raced down to check the Containment Unit. It was not damaged at all. The structural integrity of the unit was intact. He ran a diagnostic and realized the unit was completely empty.
Ghostbusters (Activision)[]
A portable containment grid could be purchased for use on the Ecto-1 vehicle, eliminating the need to return to HQ to empty traps.
Ghostbusters: Legion[]
The Containment Unit, six months after the Gozer incident, resembled the version seen in The Real Ghostbusters.
Technical Specifications[]
Primary Canon Specifications[]
There seems to be a limit to the amount of ghosts that can be contained in the Mark I Containment Unit, as evidenced by Egon Spengler's statement that the facility was "getting crowded". However the actual capacity of the Unit is never stated on-screen. The storage facility appears to work in much the same way as a ghost trap does, in that it uses an energy field or grid to act as a barrier which prevents escape.
The storage facility is a concept that Dr. Ray Stantz and Dr. Egon Spengler first theorized when they gathered data during their first close contact with an actual ghost. Assuming that the ionization rate for all ectoplasmic entities remained constant, they calculated that it would be possible to trap and contain a ghost "indefinitely". Egon's grand vision was for the Containment Unit to act essentially as a giant Ghost Trap. Articulated streams of protons stabilized the particles of ghost deposited into the unit.
Secondary Canon Specifications[]
In the Realistic Version of the 2009 video game, the Containment Unit is shown to have incorporated some visual elements from the cartoon version.
Description and Procedure[]
Loaded traps are emptied into the Containment Unit by way of an apparatus whose operation resembles that of an airlock. This takes the form of a large, red piece of machinery which is mounted on the retaining wall and has apparently been designed for ease of use; the procedure is demonstrated to be "quite simple" by Ray.
1) Unlock and open the system - The locking handle is rotated 90 degrees and a large access panel is rotated down to the horizontal, exposing a "dock" for loaded Traps to be inserted for emptying.
2) Insert trap - A loaded Trap is inserted into the dock. The outer case and carry-handle assembly can then be released and set aside, leaving the Trap in the dock. A red warning light also comes on above the airlock at this point, indicating that a "live" Trap is now in the system.
3) Close and lock the system - The opposite of stage 1, the access panel is closed and locked.
4) Set entry grid - A single button-push primes the grid to receive the trapped ghost(s).
5) Neutronize field - Another single button-push operation, the effect of which is not made clear.
6) Empty the Trap - Initiated by pulling down a mechanical lever, the Traps contents are "flushed" into the Containment Unit. The red status light also goes out at this point and the green one illuminates to show that the system is now secure and that the Trap can be removed, presumably to be used again.
As Ray puts it: "Light is green - Trap is clean! Ghost is incarcerated here in our custom-made storage facility."
There also appears to be a red access panel or door built into the wall of the unit, to the left of the Trap-emptying machinery. However this is never seen to be used or even referred to.
Ghostbusters (1984) Trivia[]
- The Containment Unit was originally set up in a deserted Sunoco gas station in northern New Jersey taken over and converted by the Ghostbusters.[15]
- In the August 5, 1983 and October 7, 1983 (Also referred to as "Final Shooting Script") drafts of the Ghostbusters script, there is a camera inside the Containment Unit which allowed the Ghostbusters to monitor incarcerated spirits via closed-circuit television. It was described as "a bleak repository for souls of many species. Strange lights, mists and spectral shapes waft about aimlessly. Human-like figures lean against the walls in despairing convict poses. Others flit and hand on the ceiling. It is a sad and frightening limbo and a most unholy makeshift asylum." Even Venkman declared that it was "too depressing" to watch the goings-on inside.[16][17]
- The video monitor was deleted from the first movie because there wasn't any time left for another major effects sequence and there was concern the audience would feel sorry for the ghosts.[18][19] Compositing large numbers of predominantly white, transparent entities on top of one of another would ultimately have resulted in a totally washed out image without any real sense of definition.[20]
- When the Containment Unit is shut down, the effects were practical. Lights, dust, and wind were used. Technicians stood behind the wall and shook the individual bricks.[21]
- In Ghostbusters: The Supernatural Spectacular, when Winston is first introduced to the Containment Unit, he peers through the view slit. One ghost "drifts to the viewport and stares back, like a grouper in an aquarium." The Unit is also described to have three slots or airlocks of different sizes for each of the custom traps that Ray Stantz put together. It is noted the type of trap Stantz uses to demonstrate with to Winston is a Mark II.[22][23]
Ghostbusters II Trivia[]
- In the Ghostbusters II August 5, 1988 draft, page 44, Janine mentioned Egon and Ray were building a new storage facility.[24]
- When Peter takes on Nunzio Scoleri, he alludes to the Containment Unit by calling it is "private zoo."
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire Trivia[]
- The new Containment Unit was originally straight along one wall but it was deemed boring and filling up too much wall. Eve Stewart and Gil Kenan decided to give it the L-design.[25]
Assorted Video Game Trivia[]
- The containment grid also appears in the arcade game and the ending cutscenes of the PlayStation game
Ghostbusters III: Hellbent Trivia[]
- On page 26, the team featured in the drafts are volunteered to take the Ecto-50 Transfer Truck, a large surplus city maxi-sized crew cab five ton box truck, to transfer an excess of captured ghosts to the GB Jersey Storage Facility off the Pulaski Skyway. The signs on the perimeter notes it is EPA approved, has a Class XC permit, there is a very high voltage anti-personnel fence, and Akita attack dogs. The transfer is completed but Franky fails to lock the clipping on a shunt. After they leave, ghosts escape and leads to a code purple emergency the next day that requires all teams to rectify.
Ghostbusters: The Video Game Trivia[]
- In Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions), at the start of Welcome to the Hotel Sedgewick, the seventh message on the Firehouse answering machine is prank call substituting the refrigerator for the Containment Unit.[26]
IDW Comics Trivia[]
- The Containment Unit appears on the Subscription Cover of Ghostbusters 101 #5.
- One page 12 of Ghostbusters 101 #6, in panel 4, in the bottom center, under the trap is the yellow Ghost Trap decal that originated from the trap slot of the Containment Unit in the first movie.
- On page 10 of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #3, the trap slot is loosely based on the Containment Unit's from the first Ghostbusters movie.
- The Ghostbusturtles' Containment Unit looks like the Ghostbusters' unit.
- On page 18 of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #5:
- The interior of this Containment Unit was previously seen in the first hardcover collection, Total Containment.
- In the lower left are:
- Stingy Jack from Ghostbusters Volume 2 #9.
- H2 Ghost from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #1.
- Kenner's Brain Matter from the Mini Ghost Figure: Mini Gooper set.
- Kenner's Banshee Bomber from the Gooper Ghost Figures.
- In the upper right are:
- Bug-Eye Ghost from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters #1.
- With its back to the reader, the red ghost that appears when Slimer enters the Containment Unit in The Real Ghostbusters episode "Janine Melnitz, Ghostbuster".
- Master Takeda from the Ghostbusters Funko Universe one-shot.
- The Five Points Killer from Ghostbusters Volume 2 #13.
- Gareth Dibello from Ghostbusters Volume 2 #2.
- Kenner's Sludge Bucket from the Gooper Ghost Figures.
- The Werecat Ghost from Ghostbusters International #1.
- Luis Antonio Delgado's 15 easter egg is on the pipe to the right of Stingy Jack.
- The Containment Unit was mentioned in Walter Pecks' bio on the 35th Crossing Over Virtual Trading Card, posted on June 19, 2018.[27]
- On page 4 of Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #1, Ray speculates about a pocket dimension in the Containment Unit. In the Total Containment hardcover collection and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #5, such a dimension was seen.
- The Egon Spengler of 68-R revealed his team offered to help upgrade the Containment Unit to hold a Class 7 entity.[28]
- The Containment Unit was mentioned in the Fire Goblin's bio in the 44th Crossing Over Virtual Trading Card, released on July 18, 2018.[29]
- On page 3 of Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #5, Peck alludes to when he had the Containment Unit turned off in the first Ghostbusters movie.[30]
- The Containment Unit maintained by the Ghostbusters of Dimension 50-S is also protected by a secure access system on it.[31]
- In the IDW canon, Egon created the Containment Unit on his own.[32]
- On cover B of Ghostbusters Year One Issue #4, Janine's phone references the Containment Unit.
Ghostbusters: The Board Game Trivia[]
- On page 2 of Ghostbusters: The Board Game's Operations and Field Manual comic, the original Ecto Containment Unit was defined as a storage facility that safely compressed and neutralized the psychokinetic energy and autonomy of most classes of supernatural entities.[33]
Tertiary Canon Trivia[]
- On page 8 of Egon's Journal, a supplement of the Hasbro Haslab Ghostbusters Plasma Series Spengler's Proton Pack, it is revealed Peter had an idea to bypass the restraining order in New York and take Ghostbusters national by converting an 18 wheel tanker truck into a mobile Containment Unit.
See Also[]
- Containment Unit (Animated Variant)
- Containment Unit (Realistic Variant)
- Paranormal Containment Research Tank
- Portable Ecto-Containment Unit
- Containment Unit (Spirits Unleashed Variant)
Primary Canon Appearances[]
- Ghostbusters
- Chapter 04: Terminated
- Mentioned by Ray Stantz.
- Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard
- Chapter 15: E.P.A. Man
- Chapter 21: Out of Biz
- Chapter 24: Biblical
- Alluded to by Ray Stantz.
- Chapter 04: Terminated
- Ghostbusters II
- Chapter 12: Two in the Box
- Alluded to by Peter Venkman.
- Chapter 12: Two in the Box
- Ghostbusters: Afterlife
- Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire
- Dark Horse Comics
Secondary Canon Appearances[]
- Ghostbusters: The Video Game
- IDW Comics
- Ghostbusters: The Other Side
- Ghostbusters: Displaced Aggression
- Ghostbusters: Infestation
- Ongoing Series
- Volume One
- Volume Two
- Ghostbusters: Total Containment
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Ghostbusters
- Ghostbusters Get Real
- Ghostbusters Annual 2015
- On page 3, panel 2, Egon mentions the Containment Unit.[34]
- Volume 3
- Ghostbusters International #3
- Mentioned on page 23 in the Spectral Incident Report.[35]
- Ghostbusters International #5
- Mentioned by Egon on page 6.[36]
- Ghostbusters International #8
- Ghostbusters International #3
- Ghostbusters 101
- Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2
- Ghostbusters Annual 2018
- Mentioned by Ron Alexander on page 10.[44]
- Ghostbusters Crossing Over
- Transformers/Ghostbusters
- Ghostbusters Year One
- Ghostbusters IDW 20/20
- Insight Editions
Tertiary Canon Appearances[]
- IDW Comics
- The X-Files: Conspiracy: Ghostbusters
- Ghostbusters: Deviations
- On page 13, Egon mentions the Containment Unit. [65]
- Cryptozoic Entertainment
- Ghostbusters: The Board Game
- Operations and Field Manual comic only
- Ghostbusters: The Board Game
- 88MPH Studios
- ↑ Winston Zeddemore (2024). Dark Horse Comics- "Ghostbusters: Back in Town Issue #1" (2024) (Comic p.8). Winston Zeddemore says: "Looks like the back up power's working."
- ↑ Egon Spengler (2020). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Year One Issue #4" (2020) (Comic p.6). Egon Spengler says: "Even with the power cut, things would've been fine for a while if not for the massive increase of ambient psychokinetic energy brought on by Gozer's approach."
- ↑ Egon Spengler (2020). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Year One Issue #4" (2020) (Comic p.6). Egon Spengler says: "Our Containment Unit was pushing capacity, and the ghosts inside were attracted like iron to a magnet by that massive influx of PKE."
- ↑ Egon Spengler (2020). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Year One Issue #4" (2020) (Comic p.6). Egon Spengler says: "But when the Containment Unit is rebuilt, the problem will be accounted for."
- ↑ Egon Spengler (2020). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Year One Issue #4" (2020) (Comic p.5). Egon Spengler says: "I only agreed to this because Venkman said the fee was contingent on my involvement, and, as you can see, we have a lot of rebuilding to do. It won't come cheap."
- ↑ Dapperpomade Tweet reply 1/16/15
- ↑ Ray Stantz (2014). IDW Comics- "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Issue #2" (2014) (Comic p.19). Ray says: "And it has an equally impressive self-contained power source, which is what I wanted you to take a look at."
- ↑ Peter Venkman (2011). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters: Infestation Issue #1" (2011) (Comic p.5). Peter says: "We got dozens of these dog-faced spooks just lying around in Traps because the containment grid can't hold 'em without springing a leak!"
- ↑ Egon Spengler (2011). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters: Infestation Issue #1" (2011) (Comic p.6). Egon says: "These new Poltergeists still maintain a different ectoplasmic signature than typical entities."
- ↑ Egon Spengler (2011). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters: Infestation Issue #1" (2011) (Comic p.6). Egon says: "If we try to put them into the containment grid again, they'll simply break out."
- ↑ Winston Zeddemore (2011). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters: Infestation Issue #2" (2011) (Comic p.2). Winston says: "Egon wanted more power. What's he...? Hey, he's tapping into the grid's generator."
- ↑ Ray Stantz (2014). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #19" (2014) (Comic p.16). Ray says: "Biometric security would prevent one of us from accessing the unit if our physical forms were compromised by possession."
- ↑ Egon Spengler (2014). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #19" (2014) (Comic p.19). Egon says: "Peter, if the Containment Unit is physically ruptured, it won't just release the entities we've captured as it would in case of shutdown. It will overload and set off a chain reaction resulting in a massive explosion. And then release all of the entities we've captured."
- ↑ Ray Stantz (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #1" (2018) (Comic p.6). Ray Stantz says: "It'll be fine so long as no one activates both the portal and the Containment Unit at the same time... I mean, what are the odds on that even happening?"
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 102. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "In Dan Aykroyd's first script, the spectral storage facility was not at the firehouse itself, but rather in a deserted Sunoco gas station in northern New Jersey, taken over by the Ghostbusters and surreptitiously converted into a holding cell for wayward spirits."
- ↑ Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1983). Ghostbusters (First Draft August 5, 1983) (Script p. 68). Paragraph reads: "The video camera sweeps back and forth like bank surveillance depicting the interior of the storage facility, a bleak repository for souls of many species. Strange lights, mists, and spectral shapes waft about aimlessly. Human-like figures lean against the walls in despairing convict poses. Others flit and hang on the ceiling. It is a sad and frightening limbo and a most unholy makeshift asylum."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 104. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "We zoom in on the monitor and get our first real look inside the storage facility. It is a bleak repository for souls of many species. Strange lights, mists, and spectral shapes waft about aimlessly. Human-like figures lean against the walls in despairing convict poses. Others flit and hang on the ceiling. It is a sad and frightening limbo and a most unholy makeshift asylum."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 104 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Michael Gross recounts: "And we started to think the audience might feel the same way. Again, we didn't want the audience to feel sorry for the ghosts. Another consideration was that this would have been a major effects sequence, requiring the generation of hundreds of supernatural creatures. We just didn't have enough time left, so the shot had to go."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 138 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "Since the use of a video monitor as a means of seeing inside the storage facility had already been cut, Spengler's invitation to Peck was deleted, as was Peck's snide reply."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 139. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "Devising a means of achieving it, however, proved most troublesome -- primarily because compositing large numbers of predominantly white, transparent entities on top of one of another would ultimately have resulted in a totally washed out image without any real sense of definition. In the end, the shot was never attempted -- primarily because of time and budget considerations."
- ↑ Ivan Reitman (1999). Ghostbusters- Commentary (1999) (DVD ts. 01:07:29-01:07:39). Columbia TriStar Home Video. Ivan Reitman says: "Again, we did most of this practically. We're just using lights and a lot guys shaking individual bricks from behind. And dust and wind."
- ↑ Mueller, Richard (August 1985). "Ghostbusters: The Supernatural Spectacular," pp. 140. Tor Books, New York NY USA, ISBN 0812585984. Paragraph reads: Winston Zeddemore was absolutely fascinated as he stood peering through the view slit. It's a damned prison, he thought. A prison for ghosts. Inside, the various multicolored spirits, wisps of color and light, swirled about aimlessly or slouched in despair against the walls. Occasionally one would drift up to the viewport and stare back, like a grouper in an aquarium."
- ↑ Mueller, Richard (August 1985). "Ghostbusters: The Supernatural Spectacular," pp. 140-141. Tor Books, New York NY USA, ISBN 0812585984. Paragraph reads: He slid the smoking box into a slot on the wall of the storage facility. There were three, like airlocks of different sizes, for the custom traps Ray had put together. This one was a Mark II."
- ↑ Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1988). Ghostbusters II (August 5, 1988 Draft) (Script p. 44). "Janine Melnitz says: "They're in the basement working on the new storage facility."
- ↑ Adam Savage's Tested YouTube "Adam Savage Tours The Ghostbusters Research Lab Set!" 4:34-5:00 3/26/2024 Eve Stewart says: "Because we did have it and it was much straighter on the wall and it didn't look great. It looked a bit boring and it was filling up too much wall and suddenly with Gil, we came in and I went 'what if we just chop it in half?' and he went 'turn it around the corner' and suddenly it all came to life. We were running outside and finding bits of pipe and handles and I think the joy of it is it became a kind of collaborative event trying to create something that worked."
- ↑ Male Caller; At start of Welcome to the Hotel Sedgewick, Firehouse 2nd Floor Answering Machine Message 7 of 7 (2009). Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions) - Firehouse (2009) (PC/PS3/Xbox 360). Terminal Reality. Male Caller says: "Hello? Is this Ghostbusters? Is your Containment Unit running? Well, you better catch it. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Hurry!"
- ↑ TomWaltz Tweet 6/19/18
- ↑ Egon Spengler of 68-R (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #4" (2018) (Comic p.10). Egon Spengler of 68-R says: "We've offered to help them upgrade, but --"
- ↑ TomWaltz Tweet 7/18/18
- ↑ Walter Peck (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #5" (2018) (Comic p.3). Walter Peck says: "No one decided to press the point with "the idiot who forcibly turned off the Containment Unit." In any case, I wouldn't worry about any Men in Black showing up on your doorstep."
- ↑ Egon Spengler of Dimension 50-S (2019). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters IDW 20/20" (2019) (Comic p.10). Egon Spengler of Dimension 50-S says: "Are you sure you're not just having trouble with the secure access system?"
- ↑ Dramatis Personae (2020). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Year One Issue #1" (2020) (Comic Dramatis Personae page). Biography reads: "The brain of the Ghostbusters, Spengler co-created most of the team's proprietary equipment, but the designs of the PKE Meter and the ecto containment unit – as well as an overwhelming love of junk foods -- are his alone."
- ↑ Narrator (2015). Cryptozoic Entertainment- "Ghostbusters: The Board Game" (2015) (Comic p.2). Narrator says: "Years ago, shortly before the Ghostbusters faced the first coming of Gozer, their original Ecto Containment Unit (a storage facility that safely compressed and neutralized the psychokinetic energy and autonomy of most classes of supernatural entities) had been forcibly shut down by Walter Peck, then of the Environmental Protection Agency."
- ↑ Egon Spengler (2015). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Annual 2015" (2015) (Comic p.3). Egon says: "The integrity of the Containment Unit was maintained."
- ↑ Spectral Incident Report (2016). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters International #3" (2016) (Comic p.23). Line reads: "This cuts down on the potential for damage, repeat manifestations, and especially, escape from confinement en route to the New York or Chicago storage facilities."
- ↑ Egon Spengler (2016). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters International #5" (2016) (Comic p.6). Egon Spengler says: "You'd be captured again, and this time... you'd go into the Containment Unit instead..."
- ↑ Ghostbusters 101 Class Notes (2017). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters 101 #4" (2017) (Comic p.24). Ghostbusters 101 Class Notes reads: "The portable ghost trap allows for us to contain a finite amount of spectral matter for transfer to our larger containment unit."
- ↑ Egon Spengler (2017). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters 101 #5" (2017) (Comic p.4). Egon Spengler says: "Well... the security we use on the Containment Unit was incompatible, and there are only so many hours in the day..."
- ↑ Egon Spengler (2017). IDW Comics- "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #2" (2017) (Comic p.5). Egon Spengler says: "My thought is to combine the portal technology with that of our Ghost Traps in order to send the Collectors directly into the Containment Unit."
- ↑ Donatello (2017). IDW Comics- "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #2" (2017) (Comic p.18). Donatello says: "If we just boost the power by a factor of three on this Trap-Gate, it should make the portal into your Containment Unit --"
- ↑ Narrator (2017). IDW Comics- "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #3" (2017) (Comic What Came Before Page). Narrator says: "EGON SPENGLER and DONATELLO work on a trap that will send the Collectors directly into the Containment Unit, a prison they can't escape from..."
- ↑ Narrator (2017). IDW Comics- "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #4" (2017) (Comic What Came Before page). Narrator says: "Back in the GHOSTBUSTERS' home dimension, EGON SPENGLER and DONATELLO work on a trap that will send the Collectors directly into the Containment Unit, a prison they can't escape from... if the two teams can manage to trap them in the first place."
- ↑ Egon Spengler (2017). IDW Comics- "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #4" (2017) (Comic p.17). Egon Spengler says: "If even one of the Collectors is left free, the others will be able to escape the Containment Unit."
- ↑ Ron Alexander (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Annual 2018" (2018) (Comic p.10). Ron Alexander says: "-- Maybe ol' Ray oughta pop you in the Containment Unit for safe keeping!"
- ↑ Bridget Gibbons (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #4" (2018) (Comic p.10). Bridget Gibbons says: "I bet that'd fill up the Containment Unit in one shot!"
- ↑ Egon Spengler of 68-R (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #4" (2018) (Comic p.10). Egon Spengler of 68-R says: "And anyway, their Containment Unit isn't designed to hold a Class 7 entity."
- ↑ What Came Before page (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #5" (2018) (Comic What Came Before page). Narrator says: "A bunch of ghosts have escaped captivity and fled to other dimensions, knocking the containment unit out of whack... and these ghosts need to be recaptured and reinserted before the containment unit can be recalibrated."
- ↑ Walter Peck (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #5" (2018) (Comic p.2). Walter Peck says: "Now look -- I was told the Ghostbusters have left the world, their Containment Unit is... is leaking dangerous ghosts, and there were some massive problems with that teleportation thing."
- ↑ Jenny Moran (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #5" (2018) (Comic p.2). Jenny Moran says: "Well, the unit is being monitored and we have these guys at our disposal for any local problems, so the Mayor can rest at ease."
- ↑ Narrator (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #6" (2018) (Comic What Came Before page). Narrator says: "A bunch of ghosts escaped captivity and fled to other dimensions, knocking the Containment Unit out of whack... and these ghosts need to be recaptured and reinserted before the Containment Unit can be recalibrated."
- ↑ Ray Stantz of Dimension 68-R (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #6" (2018) (Comic p.1). Ray Stantz of Dimension 68-R says: "Even if we could pull the ghost out of Garrett, it'd exhaust their power and we couldn't get it back to the Containment Unit where it belongs!"
- ↑ Erin Gilbert (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #6" (2018) (Comic p.17). Erin Gilbert says: "We were separated from our teams chasing down these ghosts that escaped from Dr. Stantz's Containment Unit."
- ↑ What Came Before page (2018). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #7" (2018) (Comic What Came Before page). Narrator says: "A bunch of ghosts have escaped captivity and fled to other dimensions knocking the Containment Unit out of whack... and these ghosts need to be recaptured and reinserted before the Containment Unit can be recalibrated."
- ↑ Peter Venkman (2019). IDW Comics- "Transformers/Ghostbusters Issue #3" (2019) (Comic p.6). Peter Venkman says: "Just be glad I didn't shoot you straight into the Containment Unit"
- ↑ Peter Venkman (2019). IDW Comics- " Transformers/Ghostbusters Issue #5" (2019) (Comic p.17). Peter Venkman says: "You want us to drop 'em into containment, or..."
- ↑ Dramatis Personae (2020). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Year One Issue #1" (2020) (Comic Dramatis Personae page). Biography reads: "The brain of the Ghostbusters, Spengler co-created most of the team's proprietary equipment, but the designs of the PKE Meter and the ecto containment unit – as well as an overwhelming love of junk foods -- are his alone."
- ↑ Peter Venkman (2020). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Year One Issue #3" (2020) (Comic p.7). Rebecca Morales says: "I also read a copy of his report on your storage facility, and --"
- ↑ Egon Spengler of Dimension 50-S (2019). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters IDW 20/20" (2019) (Comic p.10). Egon Spengler of Dimension 50-S says: "It has nothing to do with the lock on the Containment Unit."
- ↑ Wat of Dimension 50-S (2019). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters IDW 20/20" (2019) (Comic p.14). Wat of Dimension 50-S says: "I just need this one to open their cage."
- ↑ Egon Spengler of Dimension 50-S (2019). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters IDW 20/20" (2019) (Comic p.14). Egon Spengler of Dimension 50-S says: "The Containment Unit can't be opened -- this can't happen!"
- ↑ Samuel Hazer (2019). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters IDW 20/20" (2019) (Comic p.16). Samuel Hazer says: "At least we're leading him away from the Containment Unit, right?"
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.12). Paragraph reads: "Although we initially trapped Slimer at the Sedgewick Hotel, it was released from captivity when our original containment unit was shut down by Walter Peck, then of the Environmental Protection Agency."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.60). Paragraph reads: "Once she was there, the massive electrical output of the generators powering our ecto-containment unit was too much to resist."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.66). Paragraph reads: "It was an elaborate ruse; the demon had intended to release the contents of our ecto-containment unit and enlist the escaping ghosts into an army that could conquer mankind."
- ↑ Egon Spengler (2016). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters: Deviations" (2016) (Comic p.13). Egon Spengler says: "But we never put Tempore Ruga in the Containment Unit."
Primary Canon Images[]
Secondary Canon Images[]
Secondary Canon (Expanded Universe) Images[]
Tertiary Canon Images[]
Behind the Scenes Images[]
Seen in basement concept view 2 version 2 for Ghostbusters Frozen Empire by Andrew Smith dated 12/9/2022
Seen in destroyed basement concept view 2 version 2 by Andrew Smith for Frozen Empire dated 1/18/2022
Parts made for the interior by Nico Monterosso and James Hunt for Frozen Empire (Credit: James Hunt)
Basement of Firehouse set during Frozen Empire (Credit: Yes Have Some)
Luke Whitelock of Whitelock Design in basement of Firehouse set during Frozen Empire production (Credit: Whitelock Design)
Behind-the-scenes Frozen Empire still posted December 18, 2023 (Credit: Empire)
6 docks in 1 access panel of new Containment Unit in Frozen Empire (Credit: Yes Have Some)
Upgraded Proton Pack and new Containment Unit at Paranormal Research Center (Credit: FilmInk Magazine)
Logan Kim at the frozen Firehouse basement set during Frozen Empire filming (Credit: Logan Kim)
Filming Frozen Empire scene of Phoebe confronting Melody in basement (Credit: beforesandafters)