- ️Fri Nov 07 2014
Before they are kicked out of Columbia, they investigate a haunting at the New York City Public Library and after seeing some symmetrical book stacking they encounter a ghost librarian (the Gray Lady) that runs them out of the Library.
Without a way to share their findings, Venkman, Stantz, and Spengler take matters into their own hands. They start a business named "Ghostbusters", a "professional paranormal investigation and elimination service", out of an old firehouse, using a 1959 Cadillac Miller-Meteor Ambulance dubbed "Ecto-1" to get about the city and hiring Janine Melnitz (Annie Potts) to handle the phones and clerical work. Dana Barrett (Sigourney Weaver) of 550 Central Park West, comes to the Ghostbusters and asks for their help after she experiences some horror in the kitchen of her own home. The Ghostbusters do a few tests to determine that she isn't crazy as she recounts a paranormal experience in her kitchen centering around the name "Zuul". Peter seizes the opportunity to get romantically closer to Dana and goes with her to the apartment. Using the Ghost Sniffer he checks out the place, finds nothing in the main room, and bedroom. Dana then directs him toward the kitchen where he finds eggs that cooked themselves on the counter but gets no readings on the Ghost Sniffer despite using it correctly.
Meanwhile, their funds are nearly dried up eating a Chinese food dinner, which they ate slowly. Janine gets a call with a serious client, and she rings the alarm bell. The Ghostbusters run and get dressed, then leave in the Ecto-1. They show up at the Sedgewick Hotel and the Hotel manager tells them that they are having problems with a resident ghost. Following a successful test of the equipment, they split up to search the hotel for the ghost. Peter finds the ghost which then slimes him. Egon calls Ray to tell him that the ghost is now in a ballroom. They enter the ballroom and as they attempt to capture it, they destroy the room and make a lot of noise. They ultimately manage to capture the ghost, and they find themselves an overnight success across both New York City and the nation. As the amount of calls grows, the team is required to hire a fourth member, Winston Zeddemore (Ernie Hudson). An unwanted side effect of their newfound popularity produces Walter Peck (William Atherton) from the Environmental Protection Agency. He comes to the firehouse trying to inspect the Storage facility which Peter refuses to let him do.
One night, Dana enters her apartment and is talking on the phone to her mother. After she hangs up, she gets grabbed by claws that burst out of her chair. She is taken into the kitchen where she becomes possessed by Zuul. Meanwhile, Louis Tully (Rick Moranis), another resident of the apartments, is hosting a party for the fourth anniversary of him becoming an accountant when a dog (also described as a bear and a cougar - but really a Terror Dog) attacks, and chases him out of the building and to a restaurant where it possesses him.
Peter makes a visit to Dana's apartment. He quickly realizes that she has been possessed by Zuul, the Gatekeeper of Gozer. Changed radically by her possession, Dana aggressively tries to seduce him but ends up growling fiercely and levitating above her bed in frustration after he repeatedly rejects her advances.
Louis, similarly possessed by Vinz Clortho, Gozer's Keymaster, stumbles around Central Park. He harasses locals until finding a carriage horse and confusing it with the Gatekeeper. When the coachman questions him, Louis responds by angrily flaring his eyes red and growling at the man. Later, the cops bring Louis to the Firehouse and ask Egon if he'd take him, as he is exhibiting strange behavior. Egon recognizes that Louis is possessed. Peter later calls Egon to tell him about Dana being possessed by Zuul, aka the "Gatekeeper".
The next day, Walter Peck accompanied by an officer and laborer, obtains a court order to shut the containment grid down, and unable to stop him, the team flees the firehouse as the grid collapses and hundreds of freed ghosts flood the city. The explosion of supernatural energy causes Zuul to awake in her bed and allows Vinz Clortho to escape and make his way back to 550 Central Park West where they unite inside Dana's apartment with a passionate kiss. Peck orders the Ghostbusters arrested while the ghosts create panic across the city. While waiting in jail, the team recognizes that Dana's apartment building was a huge super-conductive antenna, designed and built expressly for the purpose of pulling in and concentrating spiritual turbulence. The mayor (David Margulies) orders the release of the Ghostbusters from jail. He has a conversation with the Ghostbusters about the events while Peck tries to counter-attack their story. In the end of the discussion, Peter wins over the mayor's judgment allowing them to get to work to prevent the potential catastrophe overriding Peck's demands.
Assisted by the police and Army, the Ghostbusters make their way to the top of 550 Central Park West. They are too late to prevent the possessed Dana and Louis from completing the ritual for the coming of Gozer. When the Ghostbusters reach the hidden part of the building, the possessed Dana and Louis open a dimensional gate at the top of the building and are transformed into the Terror Dog forms of their possessors. They then take their positions beside Gozer's Temple as the Ghostbusters stare in shock. When Gozer (Slavitza Jovan) emerges in a female humanoid form, the team tries to shoot her with their packs, but fails to harm her. Gozer disappears and tells them to select the next form it will take, and though the team tries to empty their minds, Ray is unable to. Ray thinks about the most innocent thing he could imagine: the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. The team finds that a giant version of the marshmallow mascot has begun to lay waste to the city as it makes its way to the apartments and starts climbing the building. Egon realizes that the only way to end the destruction is to reverse the particle flow through the gate by crossing the streams, resulting in "total protonic reversal" which would destroy Gozer and the interdimensional gate. The plan is risky at best, but there is definitely a very slim chance of their survival. As the giant creature reaches the top of the building, the team executes Egon's plan, causing the gate to seal itself, creating an explosion and burning the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man away into large amounts of liquid marshmallow fluff. The Ghostbusters find that they have all survived and that Dana and Louis have returned to their normal, unpossessed, human forms. The team is cheered on by the vast population of New York City as they leave the building and drive away.
The concept was inspired by Aykroyd's own fascination with the paranormal, and it was conceived by Aykroyd as a vehicle for himself and for his friend and fellow Saturday Night Live alumnus John Belushi. The original story as written by Aykroyd "Ghost Smashers" was very different than what would be eventually filmed. In that version, a group of Ghostbusters would travel through time, space and other dimensions taking on huge ghosts.
In late 1981, Dan Aykroyd began writing his first draft. [3] Work on the script was slow and steady over the next few years due to other projects Aykroyd worked on. On March 5, 1982, while he was writing one of Venkman's lines, Aykroyd heard Belushi had passed away. [4] Aykroyd sent a half-completed script to Bill Murray and spoke to him about picking up the mantle left by Belushi. Murray responded favorably to the script's concept so Aykroyd took it to Ivan Reitman. [5] [6] Reitman looked through the script, which only had 40-50 pages done at that point, and had no idea how he could make it into a movie- alternate dimensions, very little character work, an all black somewhat sentient car that could dematerialize and a special effects budget he estimated to cost in the hundreds of millions of dollars. Still, Reitman did like the comic attitude contrasted with a serious script. He set it aside. [7] [8] [9] [10] Undaunted, Aykroyd kept working on the script and finished it months later on January 20, 1983. The finished script was around 180 pages. He submitted the final script to Reitman in April along with concept drawings by artist friend John Daveikis and a videotape of himself wearing a jumpsuit based uniform and makeshift nutrona wands and a Proton Pack fashioned from styrofoam and old radio parts. At the time, several of Reitman's projects were stalled in various stages of development. Eager to get something into production, Reitman took another look. [11] [12] [13] [14][15]
Reitman honed in on the idea of a group of men operating from a firehouse and responding to emergency calls like firefighters would. Reitman got a laugh out of the concept, equipment, car and logo but had reservations about the fantasy elements. He had a lunch meeting with Aykroyd at Art's Delicatessen in May 1983. [16] Reitman made some suggestions to which Aykroyd immediately took to such as setting the movie in a modern American city, doing an origin story, and bringing in Harold Ramis. [17] [18] After their meeting, Reitman and Aykroyd went to The Burbank Studios and talked to Harold Ramis. At the time, Reitman and Ramis had offices there. Ramis happened to be reading one of Aykroyd's other scripts, one about the Canadian Mounted Police. Aykroyd told him to put it aside and take a look at his Ghostbusters script. After about 20 minutes, Ramis was in. [19] Later in the afternoon, Reitman called his agent Mike Ovitz, who also represented Aykroyd, Ramis and Murray, and asked him to set up a meeting with Columbia Pictures chairman Frank Price. [20] Reitman did a 5 minute pitch to Price about the Ghostbusters concept. Price liked it and asked about the budget. Without a final script and knowledge of such a movie, Reitman pulled a number out of thin air since his last movie was $10 million. Price advised him to keep the budget in the mid-$20 million range and gave Reitman 13 months to make a summer tentpole movie for 1984. [21] [22] With no script, two writers, two associate producers, most of the main cast, and no special effects house, Ghostbusters was greenlit.
The first collaborative script between Aykroyd and Ramis was completed on June 6, 1983. The main thrust of the draft was to come up with a new story that made sense to Aykroyd, Ramis and Reitman. [23] Ramis came up with setting up the main characters as parapsychologists working at a university. [24] More were slowly added to the crew - John DeCuir, cinematographer Laszlo Kovacs, costume designer Theoni V. Aldredge, and editor Sheldon Kahn. With input from Edlund and DeCuir, the budget was adjusted from $25 million to $30 million. [25] [26] A rough story outline was achieved in the first draft. They settled on how the main characters would start out and where they would end up but the fine details still needed to be worked out. In terms of pacing, the movie didn't take off until the hotel around page 40. [27] The Ghostbusters were fired from a small college in New England and went to New York. They investigated a converted farmhouse where a family was being bothered with incessant knocking. [28] [29] Aykroyd and Ramis added in a love interest named Zuul, an alien fugitive from another dimension. After watching a diet cola commercial, the alien and her compatriot transforms into a beautiful female human and a heavy set male human. [30] [31] The romance proved too comedic. Peter and Zuul go to a restaurant. Zuul sees woman taking their wraps off and attempts to take her blouse off. After leaving a restaurant, Zuul takes pity on a carriage horse and kisses it with genuine emotion, leaving the driver concerned. Peter takes Zuul to the Times Square Motor Hotel. The next morning, he wakes up to find Zuul has taken on a warthog form. [32] [33] [34] Some effects were still rather elaborate. When the Containment Unit releases the ghosts, they descend upon a subway station and hover over the tracks then hitch a ride on the express train to uptown. [35] Like the beginning, the end wasn't solely set in New York. Egon concluded a small community in northern New Jersey was the likely epicenter of major psychic activity. The reason was its proximity to three nuclear power plants and chemical waste storage areas. [36] The Ghostbusters would ultimately regroup in New Jersey and battle Gozer, who took on the form of a swirling psychic maelstrom topped by a disembodied aphid's head of monstrous proportions [37]
Aykroyd, Ramis, and Reitman relocated to Martha's Vineyard for two and a half weeks around the July 4th weekend to work on the second draft. Aykroyd was living there at the time and work took place in his basement with an old Royal electric typewriter. [38] [39] New things were added and characters evolved. Egon demonstrated his prototype equipment but after it was plugged into an AC outlet, the Firehouse and Manhattan suffers a black out. [40] The 'foul-smelling amorphous vapor' from Aykroyd's first script became a green, potato-shaped ghost that haunted the hotel. [41] Louis Tully was a visiting conventioneer. [42] The Stay Puft Marshmallow Man became the Ghostbusters' final encounter. [43] Aykroyd, Reitman, and Ramis concluded they needed a fourth Ghostbuster to explain certain things in a more down to earth sort of way. Reitman also felt the movie could use another good guy coming in and joining the Ghostbusters. [44] [45] Initially, Winston came to the firehouse for the job as security guard before Dana went to the Ghostbusters for help. [46] The ending was grander and wrapped up everything. Ghostbusters became a highly successful multinational corporation named Ghostbusters International. Peter and Dana moved in together. Egon and Janine got married. Ray returned to Fort Detmerring for another visit from its resident female ghost. [47] The July rewrite was completed on July 6. The July rewrite was constantly rewritten, re-edited and re-commented on. Aykroyd, Ramis, and Reitman left on July 10 with a strong script. As rewrites continued, Reitman started auditions. [48]
As preproduction went along, Reitman's team hired many freelance artists to draw out ideas for the ghosts and entities that would be in the movie. The artists were supervised by Michael Gross. Hundreds of concepts were conceived. Reitman did a simple mix-and-match to come up with the best assortment of designs. [49] [50] [51] [52] Gross was also doing preliminary research into who would work on special effects. [53] The only major special effects houses at the time was Industrial Light & Magic (ILM) and Apogee. ILM was too busy with its current slate of projects, which included Star Wars: Return of the Jedi, Indiana Jones, and Star Trek III. Apogee was busy with Dune.[54] Michael Gross and Don Shay grew up in the same town and have been close friends since high school. Gross called Shay in for consultation on visual effects. Shay heard Richard Edlund was leaving ILM to set up his own effects studio. He set up a meeting with Ivan Reitman, Michael Gross, and Richard Edlund. During back surgery, Edlund received a phone call from Reitman to work on Ghostbusters. [55] Edlund's Boss Films (later Entertainment Effects Group) was hired to work on the movie. [56] [57] Columbia fronted $5 million to Richard Edlund to start his own effects house. It exclusively worked on Ghostbusters. [58] They had 10+ months to get their studio up and running, make up new techniques and styles, and design and construct everything. [59] It was discovered Filmation produced a children's live action comedy series called "The Ghost Busters" for the 1975-76 television season. Columbia entered negotiations with Filmation to secure the rights. Talks bogged down and uncertainty developed about the name of the movie. [60]
The next rewrite was fine tuned even more. Some scenes were still elaborate from an effects standpoint. The scene where Dana's eggs start cooking was accompanied by a loaf of bread splitting up into pieces of toast and every metal appliance and utensil flew across the room and stuck to the refrigerator door. [61] [62] Characters were brought back from the original script. Shandor was now a human with a morbid past. He was reimagined as a deranged surgeon and architect who worshiped Gozer who met his end when a failed abduction led police to his penthouse apartment, which was furnished with human bones. He was executed at Sing Sing by the electric chair. [63] Other characters were fleshed out better and were close to being finalized. Slimer's design and part was basically locked in. Peter and Ray discovered Slimer in the hotel. [64] Louis Tully, still scripted for John Candy, had rather earthier interests and hosted a party. [65] The sequence of Louis being chased by a Terror Dog was present. Louis attempts to hail a taxi but the Terror Dog jumps on the hood. Honing in on the New York attitude, the taxi driver isn't scared but really ticked off at the Terror Dog. Eventually, it falls off the cab and resumes his chase. The chase then shifts to Central Park. [66] The third rewrite was finished on August 6.
The final shooting script was completed on October 7. In total, the new script took about three months. [67] Around the time of shooting, it became apparent John Candy was going to pass on the role of Louis Tully. On the same day, Reitman called up Rick Moranis. Moranis was available and was sent the script. Two hours after receiving it, Moranis called back the same day and accepted the role. Moranis helped mold Louis into the accountant character seen in the final version. [68] [69] Bill Murray was due to return to the States a week or two before shooting began in October. Murray did some costume fittings then went back to Paris for a few more days of last minute photography for his movie "Razor's Edge." [70] Ivan Reitman and Harold Ramis drove to La Guardia International Airport and pick up Murray. Murray's private plane landed an hour later than scheduled. Murray then came through the terminal with a stadium horn programmed with 80 different fight songs. Reitman and Ramis 'dragged' Murray to a restaurant in Queens. [71] With about a week before principal photography, some camera and wardrobe tests were being conducted. Reitman decided to shoot a montage piece of the three Ghostbusters in uniform running down a street. Murray started filming on October 27, 1983 after taking a Concorde to New York and driving to 62nd Street and Madison for an 11 am start.[72] Aykroyd, Murray, and Ramis suited up and Reitman filmed the montage piece on Madison Avenue around 61st Avenue. [73] In late October, a week of preliminary second unit work and three-and-a-half weeks of principal photography began in New York. [74] [75] Most of the Tavern on the Green scenes were filmed the week before principal photography. [76] [77] The scene with the Subway Ghost was also shot before principal photography. [78] New dialogue continued to be discovered, suggested and inserted during rehearsal and shooting. Scenes were rearranged, such as when Zuul and Vinz reunite. Some scenes and lines were ultimately cut. Some were improvised and looped later. [79] [80] [81] [82] [83] [84] On the first day of principal photography, shooting took place at the Avenue of the Americas at the New York Public Library and Irving Trust Bank. [85] [86] [87] The scene with the Zombie Taxi Driver was also done on Madison Avenue during the first week of shooting. [88] The scene where possessed Louis walks and just before Slimer appears in the hot dog stand was shot in Broadway. It was also one of the very first things shot. [89] [90]
The montage pieces were mostly shot in one day with a small unit. There were two trucks used to transport the unit, made up of six crewmen, a cameraman, and a soundman, and equipment. Aykroyd drove the Ecto-1. No permits were obtained for shooting at places like Chinatown, the Rockefeller Center, 42nd Street, Saks Fifth Avenue, and the United Nations. [91] The crew went to bed at around 6 am and got up at 10 am. They went and chased Ecto-1 around making up scenes. They shot the night before and the night after. They shot on Central Park West all night with the crowds. Then they went to bed for a couple hours and started shooting all the reaction shots to the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man on the street. [92] Edlund and his crew also filmed background plates around New York, such as on the top of RCA Building for the ghost montage. [93] While the police department was very cooperative with helping the film crew, the shoots caused a lot of major traffic jams. The locals weren't very happy with the various disruptions. In one instance, Gross hid his Ghostbusters badge while Medjuck simply lied and said they were filming "The Cotton Club." [94] Some local businesses minded as well. The most trouble the film crew got in during shooting in New York was at Radio City Music Hall. It was private property. The crew was shooting on the street and a man in a suit asked Ivan Reitman and if he had permission. Reitman pulled over the location manager and told the man they had a permit. The man then said that the city couldn’t give a permit there since it was private property. Reitman then directed the man to talk to Joe Medjuck. Medjuck kept him busy while Reitman just kept on shooting. Finally, the man called a police officer over and reiterated it was private property and the cop said, "They have a permit, I can’t stop them from shooting." The man then pointed to a plaque in the sidewalk that said that the property was owned by Radio City and the cop just replied, "Hey, anyone could have put that there." [95] Surprisingly, the film crew was allowed to shoot scenes in New York City Hall for two days. City Council president Carol Bellamy's office was used as a stand-in for the Mayor's office as both were identical. [96]
Three weeks into shooting, the crew quickly edited some footage together and did a first screening at Columbia Ranch. Footage from the library scenes were part of the first screening. The Library ghost's transformation was one of the only special effects done so far. The audience screamed and laughed. [97] Four weeks into shooting, the rights to the title Ghostbusters were still up in the air. As a precaution, three different signs were made to hang over the firehouse door. Ghoststoppers was on the only other name seriously considered. During the Central Park West shoots, when Ecto-1 makes its grand entrance, Joe Medjuck called Columbia from a phone booth to check on negotiations. He held up the receiver so the shouts of 300 extras chanting 'Ghostbusters! Ghostbusters!' could be heard. [98] Luckily, a deal was finally made with Filmation thanks in part to Frank Price after he left Columbia in October 1983.[99][100]
Around November-December, the main unit wrapped up filming in New York and went to Los Angeles for nine weeks of shooting at The Burbank Studios and various locations. [101] On the first day, only one shot was finished. Three shots were done on the second day. The production fell seven days behind. Murray hated being called to the set when the crew wasn't ready so assistant director Gary Daigler gave him a two way radio. Murray and Aykroyd hung out at a nearby sushi restaurant until they were called back.[102][103] A standing set was used for the Fort Detmerring scene. [104] Stage 12 at The Burbank Studios was used for Fort Detmerring interiors, Dana and Louis' apartments, the apartment hallway, Sedgewick elevator, and Sedgewick corridor [105] [106] [107] John DeCuir constructed the million dollar Temple of Gozer set on Stage 16. [108] [109]
Locations used in Los Angeles included the Biltmore Hotel for some Sedgewick Hotel and 550 Central Park West scenes, a firehouse for interior Firehouse scenes, and the Los Angeles Public Library for the downstairs stacks scenes. Two days were spent at the Biltmore's banquet hall. [110] [111] [112] [113]
Filming wrapped in February 1984 after 15 weeks of shooting in New York and Los Angeles. Richard Edlund and his special effects team had less than four months to complete about 200 to 260 optical effects.[114][115] With around four to five weeks left, Ivan Reitman added 50 more shots then wanted to add 80 to 90 shots. Edlund allegedly met with Reitman out in the parking lot with a samurai sword and told him they had to do "the samurai cut." Edlund talked him down from a number of additional shots he requested.[116] The effects cost $5.6 million total.[117] Ghostbusters grossed more than $225 million.[118]
For full coverage of trailers for the film, see Ghostbusters Movie Trailers article.
- In Ghostbusters: The Other Side #1:
- On Page 12 and 21, Gozer is referenced by Fred.
- On Page 19, Fred references the Ghostbusters' slogan in jest.
- In Ghostbusters: Displaced Aggression #1:
- When researching Dan Aykroyd's early concepts for the first film, writer Scott Lobdell decided to use the idea of the Ghostbusters traveling through time and dealing with ghosts of different ages.
- On Page 11, Peter reminisces about the first case. The scene is of Egon, Peter, and Ray walking to the elevators of the Sedgewick from a bird's eye view point.
- On Page 13, Peter quotes a line he made in the first film, "Nice shootin', Tex.
- In Ghostbusters: Displaced Aggression #4:
- On Page 28, Janine asks the same questions during her interviews as she asked Winston Zeddemore.
- In Ghostbusters: Tainted Love:
- On Page 8, Egon suggests the ghost is a Gatekeeper, a reference to Zuul from the first film. Ray mentions Gozer.
- In Ghostbusters: Con-Volution:
- On Page 17, Peter mentions Gozer while distracting D'Orka.
- In Ghostbusters: What in Samhain Just Happened?!:
- On Page 1, "Who are you gonna call?" is quoted. The DJ is holding a Ghostbusters LP album cover.
- On Page 8, Janine's car has license plate "GBI ZUL," a reference to Zuul in the first movie.
- On Page 17, a woman is dressed like Dana Barrett, post Temple of Gozer getting blown up, seated next to the Hatbox Ghost from the Haunted Mansion ride. At the party, Sherri says there is "something weird and it doesn't look good", a reference to the Ghostbusters Theme Song.
- On Page 22, the entities watching Sam Hain includes a Terror Dog
- In Ghostbusters: Guess What's Coming to Dinner?:
- On Page 74, Winston says he hopes "it's not another ghost in the fridge."
- In Ghostbusters: Infestation #1:
- On Page 5, Peter asks Egon if he drilled a hole in his head yet
- In Ghostbusters: Infestation #2:
- On Page 1, the Twinkie metaphor from the first movie is used by Winston.
- On Page 4, Britt calls the team "private sector types." The private sector is mentioned by Ray in the first movie.
- On Page 11, the "Cross the Streams" strategy is mentioned but Egon advocates against it.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 1 #1:
- On Page 1, Janine mentions the Mass Sponge Migration.
- On Page 3, Gozer asks Ray if he is a god.
- On Page 4, Gozer fires lightning and Ray is nearly knocked off the roof of 550 Central Park West.
- On Page 5, Ray Puft rampages near 2 Columbus Circle.
- On Page 8, 55 Central Park West appears again.
- On Page 9, the hands are reminiscent of when Zuul attacked Dana Barrett.
- On Page 10, Janine has a book titled "Learn Squash and Racquetball in a Weekend" which references her racquetball hobby conversation with Egon in Ghostbusters.
- On Page 14, Peter uses the Ghost Sniffer.
- On Page 16, Peter bemoans stairs, referencing the traumatic stairwell climb.
- On Page 19, Peter mentions he has a score to settle with Slimer.
- On Page 21, the schematics of Ecto-1 from "Making Ghostbusters" are in the file.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 1 #2:
- Cover B is a homage to the commercial.
- On Page 1, Winston references the Sedgewick Hotel and the team's first case.
- On Page 5, Jim Silver/Idulnas mentions Gozer.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 1 #3:
- On Page 2, "It's Milla Time" - a phrase shouted when the Ghostbusters thought they neutronized Gozer appears on one of the neon displays.
- On Page 9, Spates Catalog appears.
- On Page 10, a Manhattan City Bank with a three mortgage reference can be seen on a billboard.
- On Page 11, Builtmore Hotel - reference to Biltmore Hotel used for filming Sedgewick Hotel scenes.
- On Page 15, Peter makes light of Ecto-1a eating people. Ecto-1 was almost sentient in the final version of Ghostbusters.
- On Page 16, Ray's "Identify yourself..." line is a variation of his 'greeting' to Gozer.
- On Page 16, Idulnas later refers to the Zuul and Vinz Clortho, and the Traveller.
- On Page 19, Egon refers to Zuul and Vinz Clortho. Peter refers to crossing the streams.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 1 #4:
- On Page 5, Winston mentions Twinkies
- On Page 6, the framed articles on Peck's wall and speed dial references the EPA's role in shutting down the Ghostbusters and Mayor Lenny.
- On Page 10, Idulnas mentions a Sloar.
- On Page 17, Ray enters room 2206, Dana Barrett's apartment. The person is based on John Candy's take of Louis Tully - a German man with two dogs. The original Ghostbusters commercial is playing in 2206.
- On Page 23, a map of locations and events from the first movie are seen: 55 Central Park West, Lincoln Center where Peter made a date with Dana, Tavern on the Green where Louis was possessed, and Columbia University. This map originated from the book "Making Ghostbusters".
- In Ghostbusters Volume 1 TPB:
- The back cover re-uses Cover B of Issue #2, a take on the commercial.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 1 #5:
- On Page 7, the 489 address posted in a repeating fashion indicates the gym occupies the same building on 5th Avenue as Manhattan City Bank. The logo for Manhattan City Bank can be seen over Egon's right shoulder.
- On Page 12, the phrase "Burn in Hell Venkman" can be partially seen outside Ray's Occult.
- On Page 13, a bag of Wise Natural Potato Chips is in Peter's office.
- On Page 15, the Atlantic issue from montage in Ghostbusters is on the wall
- On Page 15, stack of books include "Roylance Guide to Secret Societies and Sects" and "Spates Catalog".
- On Page 17, the Proton Packs are more similar visually to the versions from the movie.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 1 #6:
- On Page 1, the Spates Catalog symbol is still visible in the Ray's Occult storefront.
- On Page 4, Ted and Annette Fleming from Louis' party are outside the diner.
- On Page 4, the Canned Ghost poster on the wall is from Coca-Cola's "Ghost in a Can" promotion
- On Page 4, on the newspaper, Gozer's "Choose or Perish" quote is embedded.
- On Page 21, Rachel Unglighter went to Columbia University.
- On Page 21 and 22, Gozer and the Cult of Gozer come up.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 1 #7:
- On Page 4, Peter talks to the Hungry Manitou in the Paranormal Studies Laboratory of Weaver Hall from the first movie. The Manitou is dressed like Peter was in the Lincoln Center scene from the first movie. The Manitou holds up the ESP cards Peter used for his test at the start of the first movie.
- On Page 9, the Manitou conjures an image of Dana Barrett playing her cello.
- On Page 19, Peter has a get well card from Dean Yeager from the first movie and quotes his famous line when he addressed why the guys were terminated. To the left of Yeager's card is a card from Jennifer and the interior references the 8 o'clock appointment Peter made with her before he went to the library with Ray.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 1 #8:
- On Page 4, Winston references his famous "Yes!" line.
- On Page 7, the guestbook is turned to a page with the infamous bad English text that you see at the end of the Ghostbusters Activision NES video game.
- On Page 8, on the poster board is Egon's initial critique of the Firehouse from the first movie.
- On Page 10, between the truck and Egon, with his back turned, is the Violinist from the first movie.
- On Page 11, the two bums from the deleted scenes of the first movie are present.
- On Page 12, a third can references Shubs, a race destroyed by Gozer.
- On Page 21, the meeting with Belascu led to the Tunguska Blast of 1909.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 TPB:
- The back cover is a homage to when the guys talk to Mayor Lenny about mass hysteria in Chapter 24 "Biblical" with quotes on an invoice.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 1 #10:
- On Page 3, next to the helicopter is a bag of Wise Natural Potato Chips, a product seen in Peter's office.
- On Page 3, on the hanging TV screen is the city view of the Ghostbusters Activision video game. In the next panel, the screen shifts to the games infamous Conglaturation screen
- On Page 3, Peter refers to his "bad" line from the first movie when Egon first explains crossing the streams.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 1 #11:
- On Page 10 and 11, in one of the rows is an example of Symmetrical Stacking.
- On Page 11, "1984" appears on a shelf sign behind Ray.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 1 #12:
- On Page 9, to the left behind Ray is a poster of The Bus Boys who did the song "Cleanin' Up The Town". To the extreme right is a picture of Ray Parker, Jr. wearing a No Ghost logo shirt. Below Parker is a picture of the Alessi Brothers who did the song "Saving the Day".
- On Page 9, a poster of Air Supply is on the club's wall in the flashback's first panel.
- On Page 14, Ecto-1a's billboard references the 1-800-555-2368 number from the commercial in the first movie
- On Page 19, the man who wondered on set during the first movie's montage when the reporter talked about his grandmother and a spectral locomotive in the crowd to the right.
- On Page 19, Ray is wearing one of the outfits he wore early on in the first movie.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 1 #14:
- On Cover RI, the Zombie Taxi Driver appears in an homage to one of the movie posters of "Taxi Driver".
- On Page 5, in the kitchen area is a box of Cheez-It.
- On Page 10, the Ectomobile outfitting section of the Ghostbusters Activision video game is on the screen of the Ethereral Solidifier.
- On Page 12, the hot dog vendor is from the first movie, he was startled when he found Slimer inside eating his product.
- On Page 6, Peter is wearing the outfit he wore before the Sedgewick Hotel bust in Ghostbusters.
- On Page 20, the Ghost Smashers' name is taken from Dan Aykroyd's original script for the Ghostbusters movie, "Ghost Smashers"
- On Page 20, the Ghost Smasher's car is all-black, the original concept for Ecto-1. It was pointed out the all black design was not feasible for filming at night.
- In Ghostbusters: Times Scare!:
- On Page 4, Peter uses the KL5-2368 (555-2368) phone number from the first movie.
- On Page 10, Egon looks in the Trap like in the first movie.
- On Page 11, Egon gets in a line about his hobby, spores and fungus.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 1 #15:
- On Page 1, Carl the reporter refers to the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man's debut in the first movie.
- On Page 4, a plaque refers to "Wally Wick," an alternative to the infamous "Dickless" line from the first movie used in TV broadcasts. Also in the plaque is a reference to the 3rd District, Peck's station in the first movie when he worked for the E.P.A.
- On Page 4, an Omni magazine, first seen in the first movie, is on Peck's desk.
- On Page 6, the Fight Back poster is from the second montage in the first movie when the Subway Ghost appears.
- On Page 11, Alice the Librarian from the first movie is among the crowd. A civilian in the crowd mentions the E.P.A.
- On Page 18, Winston suggests Crossing the Streams but Egon refers to the absence of something like the Temple of Gozer to skew the results.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 1 #16:
- On Page 5, the Police Sergeant who aided in the opening of the Containment Unit and the Jail Guard from the prison scene in are hauling away Ron Alexander in the framed article. The article itself is an old review of the first movie.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #1:
- On the Subscription Variant Cover, the lamp is from Peter's desk is present, behind Janine is a bag of Wise Natural Potato Chips like in the first movie, and the 1915 frame hanging up is from the first movie.
- On Page 2, the Ritz Cafe is acting as a stand-in for the Tavern on the Green.
- On Page 6, the scene draws several parallels with Ray and Peter's first meeting with Slimer - the ghost drinking from a bottle, a Proton Stream missing it, and someone gets slimed.
- On Page 6, above the refrigerator door are Stay Puft Marshmallows and a box of Cheez-It. In the refrigerator is a Ghost in a Can on top shelf. The contents of the refrigerator loosely resembles what was in Dana Barrett's in the first movie.
- On Page 10, the officers present from left to right are the Police Commissioner from the first movie and one of the cops who escorted the Ghostbusters to City Hall in the first movie.
- On Page 13, by the Mayor is the crisis map the Police Commissioner utilized in the first movie
- On Page 14, the prison is the one from the first movie. Kylie Griffin looks at the blueprints to the Shandor Building from the first movie. An inmate is one of the extras from the prison scene. Peck arrives with the jail cop from the first movie.
- On Page 15, the Collectors' Limbo dimension is based on the Gozerian dimension designs from the first movie seen in "Making Ghostbusters"
- On Page 17, Winston refers to the various Sumerian deities the Ghostbusters have defeated from Gozer and on.
- On Page 18, behind Peck is Peter's Psychology Doctorate from Columbia University. One of the signatures seen is Slavitza Jovan, who portrayed Gozer.
- On Page 19, also behind is the bag of Wise Natural Potato Chips from the first movie.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #2:
- On Page 5, the inside of the locker "Zuul!" poster.
- On Page 7, Peter references the term Protonic Reversal.
- On Page 12, on the wall are sketches of the Gozerian dimension, seen in "Making Ghostbusters".
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #3:
- On Page 5, still on the walls are Gozerian letters and sketches of the Gozerian dimension seen in "Making Ghostbusters".
- On Page 9, there is an ad for Manhattan City Bank, from first movie, ad to the right of Molta.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #4:
- On Page 2, the Zombie Taxi Driver from the first movie was Ron's driver.
- On Page 2, the Gozerian dimension sketches from the first movie are still up on the walls.
- On Page7, Ray refers to Louis Tully when he was possessed by Vinz Clortho.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #5:
- On Page 1, outside the Pequod's on the left is Scott Dickinson, the electrical shocks guy, and on the right is Ron Jeremy who had a cameo when the Containment Unit was shut down.
- On Page 1, some of the subtitles for characters reference lines from the first movie like "Heart of the Ghostbusters."
- On Page 13, Walter Peck drinks from an EPA mug.
- On Page 17, the periodic table seen in Ghostbusters II is visible.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #6:
- On Cover A, below the Ghostbusters Mug and Balloon is the whale figurine on Janine's desk in Ghostbusters. To the left of the whale is a quote of Janine's conversation when she gets the call from the Sedgewick Hotel. The paper in the typewriter has the "We got one!" line from the first movie. By Egon is another quote from the first movie, during the montage, is on another paper "Does it have arms and legs..." Near Egon is a quote from the first movie, "I quit better jobs than this." By Egon's right hand is Janine's lucky coin from a deleted scene in the first movie. By Egon and Roger is another quote from the first movie, "Ghostbusters, what do you want?" By Roger are the interview questions Janine asked Winston in the first movie. Also below is Peter's "bug-eyes thing" line from the first movie. Also below is a racquet ball set, also one of Janine's hobbies and under Egon's right hand is a racquet ball book.
- On Page 3, the set up of items on the round table is a homage to the "We got one!" scene from the first movie.
- On Page 8, Janine working in fast food may be a nod to Peter's quip to Janine in the first movie when she mentions she's been working two weeks without a break.
- On Page 9, the job interview memory fills in between scenes of the first movie showing how Janine was hired. Peter holds a Weaver Hall mug, a nod to where he, Ray, and Egon used to work at on Columbia University campus. Behind Janine is the car that would become Ecto-1 that Ray bought.
- On Page 10, the first memories are from the first movie: When Egon emerges from Janine's desk and they talk about their hobbies, when Janine has a premonition Egon is going to die but Peter calls the Firehouse just as the two embrace, and the reunion between Egon and Janine as the Ghostbusters emerge from the Shandor Building.
- On Page 20, racquetball, Janine's hobby, comes up in conversation.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #7:
- On Page Two, it appears to be the Hot Dog Vendor from the first movie is the one off screen serving Peter. Peter is wearing one of his suits from the first movie.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #8:
- On Page 18, Winston refers to the others talking about stingy hotel managers. A similar showdown occurred between the three and the manager of the Sedgewick Hotel.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #9:
- On Page 1, the Ghostbusters commercial uses the 555-2368 phone number is from the commercial in the first movie.
- On Page 9, the Zombie Taxi Driver from the first movie brought Melanie Ortiz to the Firehouse.
- On Page 9, on the upper right of the board is Steven Dane's schematic for Ecto-1 seen in Making Ghostbusters, page 66, and by Wat is a photo of an unused entity from the first movie shown in Making Ghostbusters.
- On Page 10, Egon's clipboard has Don Shay's map of shooting locations from a page from Making Ghostbusters.
- On Page 21, the pin up is also a nod to Peter's electric shock experiment at the start of the first movie, complete with the Male Student.
- On Page 22, the pin up nods to Ray's memory of roasting Stay Puft Marshmallows at Camp Waconda.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #10:
- The Cover RI is a recreation of the famous scene depicting Gozer's "Then Die!" response.
- On Page 4, in the upper left corner, sitting on the edge of the sidewalk is Harlan Bojay, one of the bums from the first movie. In the lower right corner, walking, is Robert Learned Coombs.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #11:
- On Page 1, the yellow pennant refers to Camp Waconda.
- On Page 6, among the books Ray asks for are Tobin's Spirit Guide and Spates Catalog, first mentioned in the first movie by Egon and Ray.
- On Page 6, on Tobin's, there is a red Post-It note that appears to reference Dan Aykroyd's encounter with Isaac Asimov during filming outside Central Park West which caused major traffic.
- On Page 6, the October 1st, 1983 date on the red Post-It note refers to when filming for the first movie began. on the Luko picture is a blue Post-It that refers to the Tunguska Blast of 1909.
- On Page 6, Kylie asks about the first encounter with Gozer and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in the first movie.
- On Page 6, the third yellow Post-It Note, on the upper left of Gallon's Spectral Almanac, references 55 Central Park West. The fourth yellow Post-It Note, on the middle left of Gallon's Spectral Almanac, references Room 2206, formerly Dana Barrett's apartment unit at 550 Central Park West. The fifth yellow Post-It Note, on the right of Gallon's Spectral Almanac, references again the October-November time frame of the first movie and Room 2202, formerly Louis Tully's apartment unit at 550 Central Park West. The sixth yellow Post-It Note, to the right of the Luko art, references the Manhattan City Bank and the 19% interest rate from the first movie.
- On Page 15, in the middle is a square Zener card, used by Peter at the start of the first movie.
- On Page 16, Kylie refers to Gozer.
- On Page 16, in the kitchen area, on the counter is a Ghost in a Can drink.
- In The X-Files: Conspiracy: Ghostbusters:
- On Page 2, Byers mentions the time the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man blew up.
- On Page 3, Ringo mentions the EPA and its history with the Ghostbusters.
- On Page 4, the first panel of Janine is taken from the first movie when she's fielding the call from the Hotel manager of the Sedgewick Hotel and the shot of the Lone Gunmen entering the Firehouse is from Walter Peck's arrival with the Police Captain and Con Edison Man later in the movie.
- On Page 9, the shot of the Ghostbusters arriving is lifted from the Fort Detmerring deleted scene, the positioning of Ecto-1 and the way Ray and Winston get out of the car.
- On Page 17, Winston references Gozer's "Are you a god?" question from the first movie, much to Ray's dismay.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #12:
- On the Cover A, among the litter is a Ghost in a Can.
- On Page 9, in the center of the Times Tower, there is an ad for Manhattan City Bank. On the right side, there's "Builtmore Hotel," nod to Biltmore Hotel where Sedgewick Hotel scenes were filmed at, and the Atlantic Monthly.
- On Page 10, the Ghostbusters have to ascend a 25 story building for a rooftop battle, in similar fashion to the first movie.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #13:
- The order forms for this issue revealed Tiyah Clarke's middle name to be Elizabeth and Winston's to be Ramsey. Ramsey was the original name for the character that would become Winston during development of the first movie.
- On the Story So Far page, there is reference to their first case and Gozer.
- On Page 15, on the refrigerator, Oscar's teacher is listed as Mrs. Runyon, a nod to Jennifer Runyon who portrayed Jennifer in the first movie. There is also a note about the Lincoln Center and Dana's upcoming performance.
- On Page 15, Dana is wearing the same articles of clothing she did when she was taken by Zuul in the first movie. On top a cupboard is the wooden hand from Dana's apartment's living room in the first movie. In the refrigerator is the ceramic dish from Dana's refrigerator in the first movie.
- On Page 19, Tiamat refers to Gozer and Zuul.
- On Page 20, there's bag of Stay Puft Marshmallows, a bag of Wise Natural Potato Chips, and a box of Cheese-Its.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #14:
- On the Dramatis Personae, Dana's bio refers to Zuul and Gozer.
- On Page 1, Peter has his flask from the scene after they are removed from Columbia University.
- On Page 4, Peter is wearing the attire he wore in the first movie, from Chapter 19 "Peter's Date with Zuul" to Chapter 24 "Biblical".
- On Page 5, this Pequod's is at Columbus Circle, located at the southeastern tip of Central Park.
- On Page 8, Peter makes light of Ray's Belo Horizonte reference, as a callback to Ray's Mass Sponge Migration and Philadelphia Mass Turbulence of 1947 references in the first movie.
- On Page 9, behind the bus is the USS Maine Monument. The monument was previously seen in the first movie during the Chapter 20 "Keymaster" scene before the possessed Louis talks to the horse.
- On Page 10, Dana's front door matches the design motif of the front doors in the Shandor Building.
- On Page 10, Melanie makes note of Dana's past with Zuul.
- On Page 11, Melanie also notes Dana was part of the Ghostbusters first case.
- On Page 12, above Dana atop the cupboard, the wooden hand from her apartment living room in the first movie.
- On Page 17, in the ABS News ticker is "Darkness! Earthquakes, Volcanoes" - part of the classic 'Mass Hysteria' line from the first movie when the Ghostbusters talk to Mayor Lenny.
- On Page 17, to the left of Tiyah is the Seiko travel clock from the deleted "Honeymooners" scene in the first movie.
- On Page 20, the red lamp to the right of Dana is from her bedroom in the first movie.
- On Page 20, in panel 5, behind Dana on the wall is a light fixture based on the one above her piano in the first movie.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #15:
- On the Regular Cover, on the planner, the 4:00 mentions Smoked salmon, full price - a nod to a line from Louis' party. The 6:00 mentions Milk-Bones - reference to what Louis wanted to give to Vinz Clortho as he was trapped outside the Tavern on the Green. The 6:00 also mentions Generic aspirin - another reference to a line during Louis' party in Ghostbusters. On the gym paper is a mention of 20 minute workout VHS - referring to Louis' workout regime he revealed at the start of Ghostbusters to Dana.
- On the Dramatis Personae, Louis' entry mentions Vinz Clortho and Gozer.
- On Page 2, Louis' memories include him running from Vinz Clortho through Central Park and opening the gateway for Gozer when he was possessed. The last memory is of breaking up with Janine. In it, Louis is wearing the blue tracksuit from the first movie.
- On Page 5, Dana is restrained by several monster arms like in the first movie.
- On Page 6, Tiamat alludes to Gozer and his need to have his servants help him gain entry to Earth.
- On Page 7, Dana (and later Louis) is possessed by a servitor like in the first movie.
- On Page 8, Kylie alludes to the Cult of Gozer.
- On Page 9, Kylie's notes the many rules that bound Gozer: the Cult of Gozer paving the way, the Keymaster and Gatekeeper, and choosing a Destructor Form.
- On Page 9, There are some Zener cards in Eduardo's deck.
- On Page 10, the news ticker quote's Egon's assessment of the Firehouse in the first movie.
- On Page 10, the It's Milla Time neon display is seen and Louis asks Tiamat his classic "Who does your taxes?" from the end of the first movie.
- On Page 12, a bag of Wise Natural Potato Chips is in its usual place behind Peter in his office.
- On Page 15, Peter leaping from his office is a nod to the first movie when he hopped over to greet Dana Barrett.
- On Page 17, the bums Robert Learned Coombs and Harlan Bojay, deleted from the first movie, are outside Dana's Apartment.
- On Page 20, Possessed Louis refers to when he was turned into a Terror Dog in the first movie.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #16:
- On the Regular Cover, the depiction of the possessed Dana and Louis appears to be a loose homage to a similar pose in the first movie when they were possessed and had 'reunited' in Dana's apartment room.
- On Page 1, Peter alludes to the Ghostbusters' storied history of facing 'Big Bads' on the top of buildings.
- On Page 2, like the first movie, the Ghostbusters ascend a long flight of stairs.
- On Page 7, Peter alludes to the first movie when Egon states he is scared beyond the capacity for rational thought in reaction to the manifestation of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
- On Page 8, like the first movie, the Ghostbusters reach the roof and see a zigguart in another dimension.
- On Page 9, like in the first movie, Louis makes a suggestion about exercising in half time to get greater results.
- On Page 11, like in the first movie, possessed Dana and Louis transform into their Terror forms but uniquely with their human faces intact.
- On Page 12, Ron invoked the "Get her!" line like when Peter, Ray, and Egon first tried to deal with the Library ghost in the first movie.
- On Page 12, the Terror Birds leap away from their positions just like the Terror Dogs did in the first movie.
- On Page 13, Tiamat knocks the Ghostbusters backwards like Gozer did in the first movie.
- On Page 15, Peter brings up Gozer and Crossing the Streams.
- On Page 16, Ray mentions Crossing the Streams worked at least twice before. The Ghostbusters used it to defeat Gozer the first time.
- On Page 20, like the end of the first movie, compared to the others, Peter is barely saturated with goop.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #17:
- On Page 1, in the vision, Ray is wearing the outfit he wore in the first movie when Dana Barrett comes to the Firehouse. Gozer takes on its first form in the first movie.
- On Page 5, the Stay Puft Marshmallows sign from the first movie is still on the building by the Firehouse.
- On Page 7, Gozer takes on the appearance of Ivo Shandor. This design is an unused concept from the first movie - a form of Gozer was to have taken on, to be portrayed by Paul Reubens, a kindly looking man in a nondescript suit and tie.
- On Page 8, Ray's lines appear to be a spin on his speech to Gozer in the first movie.
- On Page 8, Stay Puft also takes on a form when he was set on fire in the first movie.
- On Page 11, Louis offers Dana some Cheese-Its, popularized in the first movie.
- On Page 14, Peter exclaims "Daaah!" like in the first movie when he tries to collect Ectoplasm left by the Library ghost.
- On Page 20, Egon's foot locker has Cheese-Its from first movie and a framed The Atlantic Monthly from first movie.
- On Page 20, there are extra Firehouse light covers. The positioning appears to be a nod to the first movie, seen in Chapter 21: Out of Biz when Janine is pouring coffee and Walter Peck returns to shut down the Containment Unit.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #18:
- On Page 6, Winston's handkerchief bears the Sedgewick Hotel logo, like the one used by the Hotel manager in the first movie.
- On Page 9, Egon's footlocker has a Cheese Its, a framed Pacific Monthly, a nod to the Atlantic Monthly in the first movie during the first montage, a package of Twinkies, and when the Trap is removed, there are three bottles labeled 'Spores', 'Mold' and 'Fungus' - a nod to the first movie when Egon tells Janine what his hobby is.
- On Page 12, there is a plaque with the 'Today Eastside Theatre Guild Midnight Buffet' sign from the Sedgewick Hotel in the first movie.
- On Page 13, the Etc. piece on the wall is a nod to the same piece in Louis' apartment in the first movie.
- On Page 13, Kas Gibbons' credit card is with the Manhattan City Bank.
- On Page 14, Peter is wearing his orange jacket from the first movie when he meets with Dana outside the Lincoln Center.
- On Page 15, Dana and Louis' blankets are similar in color to the ones they wore at the end of the first movie.
- On Page 19, Peter inquires about human sacrifice, something mentioned in the Ghostbusters' Mass Hysteria speech to Mayor Lenny in the first movie.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #19:
- On the Story So Far page, the title of this issue's story "...At Least Two" appears to have a double meaning - Ray is possessed by Gozer and Tiamat and the title is a callback to one of Peter's lines when he meets the possessed Dana in the first movie.
- On Page 1, continuing straight from last issue, Peter still has his orange jacket from the first movie when he meets with Dana outside the Lincoln Center.
- On Page 2, Gozer takes on the form of a Torb, mentioned in the first movie.
- On Page 8, a label on a cabinet drawer near Winston reads "GB1 84", a nod to Ghostbusters which was released in 1984.
- On Page 9, Gozer takes on the form of a rejected Robert Kline concept, seen in "Making Ghostbusters" page 155. It was one of a few advance concepts for a third form after the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
- On Page 10, there is a Ghost Busters poster outside the R&D Lab doorway. It is an unused Ghostbusters logo concept and can be found on the special features of the 1999 DVD of the first movie.
- On Page 13, Gozer takes on the form of a Sloar.
- On Page 16, Gozer's consciousness is the first form seen in the first movie.
- In Ghostbusters Volume 2 #20:
- On Page 3, an unused Ghostbusters logo is on the tool box in the last panel.
- On Page 6, Ray mentions he suggested looking into off-site containment. In Dan Aykroyd's first script for Ghostbusters, the storage facility was not at the Firehouse. Instead, it was located in a deserted Sunoco gas station in northern New Jersey.
- On Page 9, 7E56, the taxi driven by the Zombie Taxi Driver, from Chapter 21 "Out of Biz" is on the left of Winston and behind the cab is the Con Ed Blue Ribbon Service van also from Chapter 21 "Out of Biz".
- On Page 21, like in the ending of the first movie, Slimer flies towards the audience.
- On Page 26, the last image is a homage to a scene in Ray Parker, Jr.'s "Ghostbusters" music video.
- In Ghostbusters: Mass Hysteria:
- On Page 2, in the upper left corner, cut off, is a bag of Stay Puft Marshmallows. Next to the marshmallows is a box of Cheeze Itz
- On Page 3, in the upper left corner is a bag of Wise Potato Chips. The calculator is left on four digits to spell out Zuul.
- In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters #1:
- On Page 10, the New York Today newspaper has a photo on the front page of the Subway Ghost.
- On Page 12, it is shown that the Ectomobile is back to its original Ecto-1 dressing.
- On Page 13, on the dining table is the 'magnificent feast' the Ghostbusters dined on just before they got the call from the Sedgewick Hotel.
- In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters #2:
- On Page 5, Egon pokes April on the shoulder as he did with the Hallway Bystander in the first movie at the Sedgewick Hotel.
- On Page 11, Egon's "It's...technical" response to the Ghost Sniffer question is a callback to Peter's response in the first movie to Dana's query.
- On Page 12, Peter mentions Trephination. In the first movie, Peter brought up how Egon attempted to drill a hole in his head.
- On Page 15, Ray alludes to Peter's initial skepticism in the first movie.
- On Page 16, there is an ad for the Manhattan City Bank from the first movie once more with Peter's 'everyone has three mortgages nowadays' line.
- On Page 20, in Egon's locker is a box of Cheese Its, seen in the first movie.
- On Page 21, Egon eats a Twinkie
- On Page 22, in Ray's locker is an article about another Mass Sponge Migration, a bag of Stay Puft Marshmallows, an article mentioning the Philadelphia Mass Turbulence of 1947, and a Camp Waconda pennant.
- In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters #3:
- On Page 7, on Egon's white board are a storyboard from the first movie depicting Louis Tully, portrayed by John Candy, running from Vinz Clortho in Central Park and John Bruno's layout of Louis Tully's apartment, seen in "Making Ghostbusters" page 120
- On Page 10, in panel 3, Janine's paper slip has the address for the Tai Hong Lau Restaurant on 70 Mott Street.
- On Page 11, the street this encounter takes place on is Mott Street, the same street featured in the first movie during the first montage.
- On Page 11, in panel 2, the kanji on the tarp on the left is Ghostbusters, the first movie, in Chinese.
- On Page 12, in panel 1, right of Peter, on the white board with red kanji in the vertical orientation, is from the left side the Chinese poster for Ghostbusters, the first movie.
- On Page 12, in panel 1, right of Peter, on the yellow tarp, is the subtitle in red kanji from the Chinese poster for Ghostbusters, the first movie.
- On Page 14, in panel 2, above the man Michelangelo saved, on the yellow tarp is the last 4 red kanji in the tagline underneath the Ghostbusters/Chinese movie poster
- On Page 14, in panel 2, above Raphael, the kanji in blue oriented vertically is from the right side of the Chinese poster for Ghostbusters, the first movie.
- On Page 14, in panel 2, above Raphael, the second board with kanji oriented vertically is from the left side of the Chinese poster for Ghostbusters, the first movie.
- In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters #4:
- On Page 1, in panel 4, still on the whiteboard from last issue are John Bruno's layout of Louis Tully's apartment from the first movie, seen in Making Ghostbusters page 120
- On Page 6, in panel 5, on the board is a Ghostbusters newspaper theater advertisement to promote the first movie. [402] and a Ghost in a Can promo flat for England to promote the first movie in 1985.
- On Page 11, Peter mentions Ray is still the owner of the Firehouse.
- In Ghostbusters: Get Real #1:
- On the Convention Cover, cut off from the cover on the left side, by the Scoleri Brothers, with only a claw visible is Gozer and by the Scoleri Brothers is the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
- The Nerd Block Cover is inspired by a poster for the first movie.
- On Page 9, in the far right, parked by the sidewalk, is a Con-Ed van like the one seen in the first movie when the containment grid is shut off.
- On Page 9, Janine is sporting one of her outfits and her hairdo from the first movie. It is the outfit she wore when she first debuted in the movie in Chapter 8: "Bug-Eyes Thing"
- On Page 18, Egon is wearing a gray vest similar to the one he worn in the first movie in Chapter 20 "Keymaster"
- On Page 18, one of the arcades is Star Gazer.
- On Page 18, on the table is Chinese take out from the Tai Hong Lau Restaurant seen during the first montage of the first movie.
- On Page 18, Egon pokes Winston's left shoulder like he did to the Hallway Bystander at the Sedgewick Hotel in the first movie.
- On Page 18, on the brown tack board in panel 4 are schematics of pack rack and Ecto-1 from Stephen Dane's isometric sketches during first movie.
- In Ghostbusters: Get Real #2:
- On Page 7, on the chalkboard, on the far left is a reference to a 9'o clock appointment at Weaver Hall.
- On Page 7, on the chalkboard, under the Weaver Hall reference, is a nod to the Sedgewick Hotel: the 'No Smoking' lettering from the elevator in the first movie.
- On Page 15, on the right side, at the top, is Venkman, Stantz and Ramsey - the team from Dan Aykroyd's original Ghost Smashers ideal cast. They are visually inspired by Michael Keaton, Eddie Murphy, and John Belushi. Murphy was originally an idea for Ramsey, Belushi for Venkman and Keaton was rumored for Venkman.
- On Page 15, under the Ghost Smashers are the Ghostbusters, Peter, Ray, and Egon, from the Ghostbusters Sega Genesis video game.
- On Page 18, in panel 3, now visible on the chalkboard in the upper right, partially blocked by Egon's head is Stephen Dane's detailed final sketch of Ecto-1 from the first movie.
- In Ghostbusters: Get Real #3:
- On Page 2, continued from last issue, Egon is still wearing his gray vest ensemble from the first movie
- On Page 2, in panel three, on Egon's clipboard is a nod to the Ghostbusters Official Fan Club (1984) - including the "I've Been Slimed" and "Back Off, Man" stickers.
- On Page 2, in panel three, on the red screen is a grab of a city map from the Ghostbusters Activision Video Game.
- On Page 5, continued from last issue, Janine is wearing one of her outfits from the first movie.
- On Page 11, the arcade on the right is the Star Gazer from the first movie.
- On Page 13, in panel 5, Janine is looking at "The Digest Book of Racquetball." It was printed in January 1980.
- In Ghostbusters: Get Real #4:
- On Page 3, continued from last issue, Janine is still wearing the outfit when she first appeared.
- In Ghostbusters Annual 2015:
- On the Regular Cover, Janine is wearing the outfit seen in Chapter 21 "Out of Biz" and her book is about her racquetball hobby.
- On Page 3, in panel 2, Peter mentions condemning the Firehouse like how Egon recommended in the first movie.
- On Page 5, in panel 4, Brent invokes the Ghostbusters' "We're Ready to Believe You" credo.
- On Page 10, the outside Firehouse signage is the original banner seen in the first movie.
- On Page 10, in panel 3, on the toolbox is two stickers. One is an unused Ghostbusters logo from the first movie.
- On Page 11, in panel 1, on the computer left of Ray is the ending to the Ghostbusters Activision video game.
- On Page 12, in panel 3, Peter has his liquor, that he and Ray drank from after they are are kicked out of Columbia University in the first movie.
- On Page 13, in panel 4, on the computer is the game over message from the Ghostbusters Activision video game
- On Page 14, in panel 1, there is a Ghostbusters theater ad.
- On Page 14, in panel 3, on the shelf over the bed is the military cap Ray wore in the deleted Fort Detmerring scene from the first movie.
- On Page 16, Peter's dream reality is a recreation of a scene from Chapter 20 "Keymaster" from the first movie right when Peter tells Egon he tranquilized Zuul-possessed Dana Barrett with 300 cc of Thorazine. Ray takes the place of the Zuul-possessed Dana Barrett.
- On Page 16, the original Ghostbusters commercial from the first movie plays on the TV on the left.
- On Page 19, in panel 2, under the Elon note is a quote of Harold Ramis' "We were delighted with the notion that this script could be so 'out there,' and yet still have a scientific and parapsychological plausibility" which is from an annotation on "Making Ghostbusters" page 104 about how he and Dan Aykroyd worked on the evolution of the Twinkie metaphor in the first movie.
- On Page 19, in panel 2, right of Winston is a nod to his "That's a big Twinkie" line in the first movie and Egon's estimate it would be 35 feet tall and weigh 600 pounds.
- On Page 19, in panel 2, above Peter's head is "Trepanation," a nod to the first movie when Peter referenced the time Egon tried to drill a hole in his head.
- On Page 19, in panel 2, in the top middle, written down are "Electrical Applications of the Psycho-sexual Drive" and "Astral Projections as an Untapped Power Source." These are two books Egon read in his youth, as recounted on page 23 of Ghostbusters: The Supernatural Spectacular.
- On Page 19, in panel 2, to the upper left of Egon is his "Print is dead" line from the first movie
- On Page 19, in panel 2, to the middle left of Egon is "Oswald Donsbach," a nod to the inspirations for the name 'Egon Spengler' - Oswald Spengler and Egon Donsbach, and more nods to Ghostbusters: The Supernatural Spectacular page 23 - Cleveland, Ohio where Egon grew up and more books he read "The Mysteries of Latent Abnormality," "Your Friends the Fungus," and "Necronomicon"
- On Page 19, in panel 2, left of Egon's boots is "Balloon will pop," a nod to the four dimensional balloon that was originally part of the Twinkie metaphor seen in drafts of the first movie and explained in annotation on Making Ghostbusters page 104.
- On Page 37, Louis is in his blue track suit from the first movie.
- In Ghostbusters International #1:
- Erik Burnham titled the issue's main story "Ready to Believe Everyone" - a nod to their commercial in the first movie.
- On the Dramatis Personae, Ray's biography mentions the Mass Sponge Migration he talked about.
- On the Dramatis Personae, Winston's biography alludes to his "seen shit that will turn you white" line from the first movie
- On the Dramatis Personae, Egon's biography mentions the time he almost he drilled a hole in his head which Peter mentioned in the first movie.
- On the Dramatis Personae, Janine's biography mentions her racquetball hobby.
- On Page 1, Jennifer from the first movie debuts in the IDW Comics continuity. She apparently took Peter's words to heart and became a psychic.
- On Page 2, Ray is wearing the outfit he wore when he first appeared in the first movie.
- On Page 3, as in the movie, a call about a ghost interrupts a session with Jennifer.
- On Page 11, Erland Vinter mentions the refusal as grounds to release the trapped ghost. This dates back to the Ghostbusters' first call seen in the first movie when they almost released Slimer back into the ballroom.
- On Page 12, in panel 4, Vinter's check references Irving Trust. This was the bank later replaced by Manhattan City Bank in the first movie script.
- On Page 14, Janine thinks back to Ray's quick hiring of Winston in the first movie.
- On Page 14, the neon light displays are for Miller Time, a nod to Miller Light and Peter's line after Gozer vanished in the first movie.
- On Page 16, in panel 2, the cardboard boxes are of Cracker Jacques and Swizzlers - a nod to Cracker Jacks and Twizzlers snacks.
- On Page 16, in panel 3, is a box of Cheese Its which Egon eats from in the first movie, a chart of spores, molds, and fungus on the wall and fungi in the fish tank, and in the bottom right corner is a Twinkie.
- On Page 17, Kylie mentions the Spates Catalog, a book came up in the first movie.
- On Page 27, the homage to the "Ghostbusters" music video from Volume 2 Issue #20 is reused on the page with the crew's social media links.
- In Ghostbusters International #2:
- On Page 10, the New York Public Library makes its debut appearance in the IDW comics.
- On Page 10, in panel 5, Alice and Roger Delacorte from the beginning of the first movie make a cameo appearance.
- On Page 13, Ray has on the first outfit he's seen in during the first movie when he mentioned Egon's scans at the library buried the needle.
- In Ghostbusters Deviations:
- On the Subscription Cover are Zuul and Vinz Clortho in their Terror Dog forms. The Ghostbusters are depicted in handcuffs, as a nod to Peter telling the Mayor if they were wrong they would go to jail.
- On Page 1, The story centers on what if the Ghostbusters did not Cross the Streams on the Temple of Gozer
- On Page 20, The timeline resets at Peter's "Let's show this prehistoric bitch how we do things downtown" line. As the timeline resets, Gozer does its aerial flip and lands on the altar.
- On Page 22, Winston exclaims his "I love this town!" line
- On Page 23, Egon and Ray's conversation with Louis is verbatim from the movie.
- On Page 24, Louis wears the Aura-Video Analyzer colander.
- In Ghostbusters International #3:
- On Page 6, in panel 2, Janine refers to when Winston applied for a job at Ghostbusters.
- On Page 6, in panel 3, on the drawer cabinet Janine pulls from, the label starts with 2206 which was also Dana Barrett's apartment in the 550 Central Park West Building.
- On Page 6, in panel 3, on the drawer cabinet Janine pulls from, the label ends with 013335 which was the reading on Ray's Ecto Goggles when he sighted Slimer in the Sedgewick Hotel ballroom.
- On Page 6, in panel 4, as always, is a bag of Wise Potato Chips in Peter's office
- On Page 6, in panel 5, on the newspaper there is an old theater screening ad of Ghostbusters with the headlines "They're Here to Save the World" and "The Supernatural Comedy"
- On Page 7, in panel 2 is Danny DeVito and in panel 8 is Peter Falk as seen in the "Ghostbusters" music video.
- On Page 17, Ray's camera appears to be the Nikon SLR FE2 he used in the first movie.
- On Page 19, in panel 3, a box of Cheez-Its is on Egon's table.
- On Page 20, in panel 4, on the right is a Twinkie.
- On Page 20, in panel 4, right of Egon's hand is the mug that references his Cobalt line.
- In Ghostbusters International #4:
- On Page 1, in panel 1, 2206 is on Janine's calculator. 2206 is a nod to Dana Barrett's apartment number in the first movie.
- On Page 1, in panel 2, behind Janine is a Wise Potato Chips bag, a staple of Peter's office since the first movie.
- On Page 8, Ray falls "victim" to the classic 'don't look in the Trap' gag from the first movie.
- On Page 15, in panel 1, the poster Ray looks at bears the phrase "Ils Arrivent Pour Sauver Le Monde" which appeared on the cover for the 1984 S.O.S. Fantomes novelization of the first movie by Jason Dark.
- On Page 19, in panel 4, on the computer screen monitor is the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man from the Ghostbusters Activision video game.
- In Ghostbusters International #5:
- On Page 4, Egon wears his gray vest ensemble from the first movie.
- In Ghostbusters International #6:
- On Page 1, Egon is still wearing his gray sweater vest outfit from the first movie.
- In Ghostbusters International #7:
- On Page 2, Peter asks Peck to say "please", likely a nod to the first time they met in the when Peter teased him with having to say the 'magic word'
- On Page 17, in panel 1, on the billboard is an advertisement for Angelus Puft Marshmallow Man, one of the inspirations for the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
- On Page 18, in panel 4, under the Ecto Coolers are a box of Cracker Jacques, a nod to Cracker Jacks
- On Page 19, Egon mentions Gozer.
- On Page 20, in panel 2 is a box of Cheese Itz from the first movie
- On Page 20, in panel 3, left of the Trap is a pamphlet for the Angelus Puft Marshmallow Man.
- In Ghostbusters International #8:
- On Page 4, in the upper left corner, the tray of Ecto Cooler cans are atop a box of Cracker Jacques.
- On Page 4, in panel 5, the box of Cheeze Itz seen in the first movie.
- On Page 17, in panel 1, Peter's framed diploma appears still up in his office.
- On Page 18, Winston alludes to Gozer and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
- On Page 19, in panel 1, right of Ray's first word balloon is a can of TaB.
- On Page 19, in panel 3, Kylie eats some Wise Potato Chips, seen in the first movie in Peter's office.
- On Page 20, Peter alludes to the Psychokinetic Atmospheric Influence that often accompanies the bigger paranormal incidents.
- In Ghostbusters International #9:
- On Page 1, in panel 1, Peck's framed articles and awards that nod to the movie are still up in his office: the Pacific Monthly "EPA Busts Ghost Catchers", The New Yorks' article on the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, and Wally Wick, a nod to the edited TV version of Ghostbusters.
- On Page 9, Peter alludes to Gozer who blasted the guys with lightning in their encounter in the first movie.
- On Page 9, Winston alludes to Gozer's "Are you a god?" question.
- On Page 20, Ray's outfit is based on an outfit Dan Aykroyd wore on the set of first movie.
- In Ghostbusters International #10:
- On the Dramatis Personae page, Ray's bio mentions he's down to two mortgages, a nod to the first movie when Peter, Ray, and Egon leave Manhattan City Bank.
- On Page 3, in panel 3, Peter reacts to the ghost appearing with his classic "Dah!" from the first movie
- On Page 15, Egon mentions Gozer and speaks of both teams' first encounters with it.
- On Page 16, in panel 2, right of Ray is a can of TAB, also seen in the first movie.
- On Page 16, the arcade on the right is Star Gazer from the first movie
- In Ghostbusters International #11:
- On Page 1, in panel 3, the license plate of the police car is "1984" - a nod to the first movie's release.
- On Page 3, in panel 5, part of the Tavern on the Green can be seen.
- On Page 19, Ray's girlfriend Jenny manifests as a ghost. Peter alludes to the Dream Ghost from the first movie; the ghost of a blonde woman. Kylie's disgust is a nod to the infamous blowjob the ghost gave Ray.
- On Page 20, in panel 2, on the computer screen is a still from the Ghostbusters Activision Video Game Commodore 64 version. It appears on the back of the game's box next to "One Temple of Zuul. Two Terror Dogs. And a zillion ghosts."
- On Page 20, in panel 4, on the board are a theater ad for the first movie and the Ghost in a Can England ad.
- On Page 21, Janine is wearing an outfit from the first movie, notably when she gets the call from the Sedgewick Hotel.
- On Page 21, on the bottom cabinet label is a reference to the first Ghostbusters movie and its year of release, 1984.
- On Page 21, in panel 3, on the slip of paper Winston has is "Millennium Biltmore Hotel 506 South Grand Avenue" - where parts of Sedgewick Hotel and 55 Central Park West scenes were filmed for the first movie.
- In Ghostbusters Annual 2017:
- On the Dramatis Personae Page, Peter's biography references Dana Barrett's game show host line from the first movie. Ray's biography mentions Fort Detmerring from the first movie.
- On the Story So Far Page, the Ghostbusters' first case in the first movie is mentioned.
- On the Story So Far Page, it is mentioned the Ghostbusters has expanded operations to other dimensions. This is in line with Dan Aykroyd's original premise in the Ghost Smashers script.
- On Page 10, the first cop mentions he was a rookie during the events of the first movie and was on marshmallow detail after the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man blew up.
- On Page 39, in panel 2, on the top left of the corkboard, between Egon's legs, the Millennium Hotels and Resorts logo of the group who owns the Biltmore Hotel used for the location of the Sedgewick Hotel in the first movie.
- On Page 43, Peter says his "You've earned it" line from the first movie when he gives a chocolate bar to Egon at Columbia University.
- On Page 46, the story appears to be a nod to the deleted scene from the first movie of honeymooners encountering Slimer at the Sedgewick.
- In Ghostbusters 101 Issue #1:
- On the Regular Cover, the map credit references Sigourney Weaver, Rick Moranis, Annie Potts, Joe Medjuck, and Ivan Reitman.
- On Subscription Cover B, Zuul plays the role of Kevin's pet dog Mike Hat.
- On the Retail Incentive Wraparound Cover, the PR photo used on the back is of the team at Gozer's altar.
- On the Convention Edition, the PR photo used is of the team posing covered in Stay Puft marshmallow.
- On the What Came Before Page, the first battle with Gozer is alluded to.
- On Page 7, in panel 4, on the right, is the "Ghostbusters" song's 30th anniversary edition.
- On Page 8, Janine has on a variation of an outfit from the first movie, when she first appeared. Egon has on his gray vest outfit from the first movie.
- On Page 8, the Ghostbusters revel in the irony of Peck being threatened with a shutdown by an EPA representative like he did to them in the first movie.
- On Page 8, in panel 3, behind Peter, is the I Love New York ceramic pig seen behind him in Chapter Two of the first movie when he administers electric shocks.
- In Ghostbusters 101 Issue #2:
- The Retailer Incentive Wraparound Cover's back cover is Egon in his gray lab coat outfit from when he spoke to the possessed Louis Tully in Ghostbusters, Chapter 20 "Keymaster".
- On the What Came Before Page, Peck's attempted shut down of the containment grid in Ghostbusters is mentioned.
- On Page 6, in panel 6, Egon has on his lab coat ensemble from the commercial in Ghostbusters, including his stethoscope and PC-4 Calculator.
- On Page 7, in panel 6, the shot is a homage to the end of the commercial in Ghostbusters along with the 555-2368 phone number in the yellow font. The difference is Winston is now added to the line up.
- On Page 8, in panel 1, as always, Janine's whale paperweight is on her desk. In panel 2, Janine is, like last issue, wearing variation of an outfit from the first movie, when she first appeared.
- On Page 13, in panel 2, the framed newspaper in the hall is the New York Post "Ghost Cops Bust Chinatown Spook" article from the first movie's first montage, seen in Chapter 14 "Welcome Aboard".
- In Ghostbusters: Funko Universe:
- The Regular Cover recreates when the Ghostbusters first sighted the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in the first movie, Chapter 27: Stay Puft Man.
- The Retailer Exclusive Cover takes place in Dana's kitchen at 550 Central Park West with Dana Barrett in the red dress she first wore while possessed by Zuul, Zuul in Terror Dog form, Louis Tully, wearing the Aura Video-Analyzer colander, Slimer, and Stay Puft Marshmallow Man present. A bag of Stay Puft Marshmallows are in the lower right corner.
- On Page 3, Egon wears his blue lab coat from the commercial.
- In Ghostbusters 101 Issue #3:
- On the Subscription Cover, Peter is wearing his orange jacket from the first movie when he spoke to Dana outside Lincoln Center.
- The Retailer Incentive Wraparound Cover's back cover is Ray from the first movie during the Sedgewick Hotel case.
- On Page 10, Egon is wearing his stock gray vest from the first movie.
- On, Page 15, Winston alludes to Egon's experiments on himself. In the first movie, Peter remembers when he tried to drill a hole in his head.
- On Page 17, panels two and three recreates scenes from the arrival of Gozer in Chapter 26 of the first movie. Ray steps up to talk to Gozer, Gozer pets Vinz, and the Temple of Gozer. Ray mentions Zuul and Ivo Shandor.
- On Page 18, panel 1 recreates scene from Chapter 28 when the Ghostbusters crossed the streams on the Temple of Gozer with the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man watching horror. Holtzmann alludes to the urinating joke that came from the crossing the streams term in the first movie.
- On Page 23, in the standard ectoplasm section, Smells "Funky" is a nod to Peter's recollection after he was slimed by Slimer in the first movie.
- In Ghostbusters 101 Issue #4:
- On the Regular Cover, 55[0] Central Park West and Tavern on the Green is marked on the map.
- On the Subscription Cover, Peter is wearing his outfit from the commercial in the first movie.
- The back of the RI Wraparound Cover is a close up on Winston in a group shot promo photo from the first movie.
- On Page 6, Kylie brings a copy of Spate's Catalog and Tobin's Spirit Guide.
- On Page 11, Abby uses the Ghost Sniffer from the first movie.
- On Page 23, the Bacharach series is brought up. It was used for the Ghost Sniffer. Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and Gozer are mentioned.
- In Ghostbusters 101 Issue #5:
- On the Subscription Cover near the top center are Egon and Janine hugging like when she had a premonition he was going to die. "84" is on her jacket, a nod to the year of the first movie. Peck is depicted shutting down the Containment Unit's power grid although he didn't do it himself.
- On the back of the RI Wraparound Photo Cover is a close up on Peter when the team approaches the Temple of Gozer.
- On Page 1, the Mayor mentions the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. In panel 1, chalk writing left of the drawing of green plant is "...Question, Yes is the answer. Right, Ray?!" is a nod to Winston's "You say Yes!" reply to Ray after Gozer blasted them.
- On Page 3, in panel 4, Zoe is wearing the Aura Video-Analyzer colander. On the far right, is the bad grammar ending to the video game on the computer.
- On Page 10, in panel 2 and 3, the frame that can be partially seen is the logo for Bandai's Ghostbusters toyline from 1984 to 1985.
- On Page 11, in panel 1, the posters reference the "Here to Save the World" and "I've Been Slimed" shirts from the first movie's Official Mail Order Merchandise.
- On Page 12, Erin refers to the Gozer incident.
- On Page 18, Ray's blue shirt and khaki slacks civies appears to be based on the civies he wears in Chapter 7 and 9 of the first movie but the collar is colored blue instead.
- On Page 19, in panel 4, Egon appears to be using his Casio Micro-Mini Calculator from the first movie when he, Peter, Ray left Manhattan City Bank.
- On Page 20, in panel 1, Egon eats from a box of Cheeze Itz.
- On Page 23, mentioned in the Tobin's Spirit Guide section is are Gozer, Ivo Shandor and the Ghostbusters' use of Tobin's in the first movie.
- On Page 24, mentioned in the Spates Catalog section is Tobin's Spirit Guide.
- In Ghostbusters 101 Issue #6:
- On the back of the RI Wraparound Cover is Janine Melnitz from Chapter 8 when she talks to Egon.
- On the What Came Before Page, Egon's "It would be bad" line, from when he explained the danger of crossing the streams to Peter at the Sedgewick Hotel, is referenced.
- On Page 11, in panel 3, Erin mentions there were so many stairs - the natural enemy of any Ghostbuster. In panel 4, on the signs on the left is Stay Puft Marshmallows ad.
- On Page 12, in panel 4, on the left of the trap are two panels that have screens from the Ghostbusters Activision video game for the first movie - the title screen and the red Ecto-1 screen. In panel 4, in the bottom center, under the trap is the yellow Ghost Trap decal that originated from the trap slot of the Containment Unit.
- On Page 18, the first image is from Chapter 3 "Get Her!" when the Library ghost roars at them. Erin and Patty appear in place of Peter and Egon. Ray and the Camcorder remain. The ninth image is from Chapter 27 "Stay Puft Man" when they shoot the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man. Abby appears in place of Ray.
- On Page 20, Peter alludes to Zuul, who possessed Dana Barrett then turned into a Terror Dog.
- In the Ghostbusters 101: Everyone Answers The Call TPB, the movie is mentioned in the Introduction.
- In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #1:
- On Cover A, the Ninja Turtles look into the Trap, a nod to Egon's warning in the first movie not to.
- On Page 5, in panel 1, some of the ghosts are visually based on unused designs of ghosts, the Terror Dog and Gozer forms in the first movie like a Bernie Wrightson concept of a Gozer form (seen in Making Ghostbusters page 155), a ghost concept (seen in Making Ghostbusters page 89) and a Wrightson Terror Dog concept (seen in Making Ghostbusters page 116).
- On Page 11, in panel 1, on the cork board is the Amstrad/Schneider "Richochet" EU cover for Ghostbusters Activision (1984), a 1985 "Now Making Housecalls!" ad for the VHS release of the 1st Ghostbusters movie reusing the poster of Peter, Ray, and Egon looking up, Slimer added to the top right corner, and the VHS cover on the left of the guys, and the black and white photo of 1984 Official Ghostbusters Fan Club's Swissvale, Pennsylvania founders Mark Lister and Jim Garvey with merchandise.
- On Page 12, in panel 1, left of Winston is the Star Gazer arcade from the first movie.
- On Page 16, in panel 4, on the left is a structure from a Gozerian dimension design concept made for the first movie from which the Collectors' limbo is loosely based on.
- On Page 20, in panel 3, the ghost sprites on the screen are from the city map in Ghostbusters Activision (1984). In panel 4, the arcade on the right is Star Castle - the middle arcade on the second floor of the Firehouse in the first movie.
- In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #2:
- On Page 4, Egon eats a Twinkie.
- On Page 4, in panel 1, the photo above Donatello appears to be from Chapter 27 of the first Ghostbusters movie when Stay Puft Marshmallow Man begins climbing 550 Central Park West after it's blasted or a photo of when the scene was filmed seen in books like Making Ghostbusters.
- On Page 7, Raphael's threat was a nod to Egon's request for a brain sample from Louis at the end of the first movie.
- On Page 9, Ray refers to his sister and nephew. They came up in a flashback scene in the novelization of the first movie.
- On Page 18, in panel 5, the arcade on the right is Star Castle - the middle arcade on the second floor of the Firehouse in the first movie.
- In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #3:
- On Page 10, the Trap slot is re-purposed from the first Containment Unit.
- In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #4:
- On Page 8, Danny is chosen to talk to Michelangelo, mirroring when Ray was elected to talk to Gozer. Danny's speech even mirrors Ray's speech to Gozer and Peter realizes this.
- On Page 11, Danny reveals their version of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man was a Marshmallow Bunny.
- On Page 17, in panel 4, an unused logo from development of the first movie is on the toolbox.
- On Page 18, in panel 4, between Donatello and Egon is a frame of a poster from the first movie. Egon's watch is based on the Seiko Voice Note M516 4009 watches worn in the first movie. They can be notably seen in most of the press photos worn by Egon and Ray.
- In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #5:
- On Page 19, in panel 1, Ray's "Don't look into the Trap" warning comes up between Michelangelo, Raphael, and Donatello.
- In Ghostbusters: Answer The Call Issue #3:
- On Cover A, one book is Tobin's Spirit Guide and another is Sumerian Legends - Behind the Legend of Gozer.
- In Ghostbusters Annual 2018:
- On Cover B, Kylie is wearing an orange jacket like Peter's.
- On Page 4, Ray attempts to communicate with Connla much like Gozer in the first movie.
- On Page 7, Peter does his "Dah!" from the first movie.
- On Page 11, in panel 1 is a recreation of a scene from Ghostbusters Chapter 11 "We Got One!" after Janine gets the call from the Sedgewick.
- On Page 12, in panel 5, the Manhattan City Bank branch is a stand-in for a TD Bank branch.
- On Page 12, Ray's 'We have a date with a ghost' line is similar to Peter's line to the crowd as they prepare to go into 550 Central Park West.
- On Page 32, Peter once again yells Dah!
- In Ghostbusters Crossing Over #1:
- On Cover RI-B, is the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and Slimer with his cart.
- The Convention Cover uses a behind-the-scenes photo of Harold Ramis, Dan Aykroyd, Bill Murray, and Ernie Hudson posing for a photo between filming when Peck turns off the Containment Unit in the first movie.
- On the What Came Before page, Winston's interview and Janine's questionnaire are mentioned.
- On Page 7, the civilian is visually based on the man who gives Ray and Peter ducks in the Chinatown segment of the first montage.
- On Page 8, in panel 5, the sign reveals the bust takes place inside Tai Hong Lau Restaurant from the Chinatown segment of the first montage.
- On Page 12, in panel 4, in Peck's desk is a nice fruit basket, a nod to Peter's line when Peck was ejected by Mayor Lenny. Still on the wall is the framed award referencing the Wally Wick alternate line.
- On Page 13, Peck mentions Gozer.
- On Page 18, in panel 2, on Janine's desk is the trusty whale paperweight.
- In Ghostbusters: Answer The Call Issue #4:
- On the bottom of Cover A, Egon's spores, molds, and fungus hobby is referenced.
- In Ghostbusters Crossing Over #2:
- On Page 1, behind Holtzmann, in the corner of the frame is the credit for John DeCuir and Bernie Brillstein in the "They're Here to Save the World" poster.
- On Page 4, on the shelf bottom right of Jenny is a Wise Natural Potato Chips minus the text between the logo and yellow band.
- On Page 6, Peter does his "Dah!" from the library scene. The glowing door is a nod to when Zuul possessed Dana Barrett, seen in Chapter 16: Dogs Drag Dana.
- On Page 7, the room recreates Dana's kitchen from the first movie in Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard. Peter's outfit is based on the one he wore to his initial investigation of her apartment in Chapter 10: Checking Out Dana in the first movie. The entity takes on the form of Dana Barrett from the first montage in Chapter 14 down to her chopping vegetables. In panel 1, on the microwave clock is "19:84" - a nod to the first movie.
- On Page 15, Egon alludes to when he was terrified by the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
- On Page 16, Gozer appears.
- On Page 17, the entity mentions Peter's paper on the theory of Werewolf Gladiators of Atlantis, a riff on the 'theory of Atlantis' question Janine read in the first movie.
- On Page 18, Egon is wearing his suit and vest outfit from the first movie.
- In Ghostbusters Crossing Over #3:
- On Cover B, left of Spectral Eduardo is the city map from the Activision Ghostbusters game from 1984.
- On Dramatis Personae Page 1, the Prime Ghostbusters' bio mentions when they crossed the streams at the end of the first movie and defeated Gozer.
- On Page 19, in panel 1, Extreme Ghostbusters Slimer is eating from a bag of Wise Potato Chips.
- Peter and Peck's first meeting and the shut down of the Containment Unit is mentioned in Walter Pecks' bio on the 35th Crossing Over Virtual Trading Card, posted on June 19, 2018. [403]
- In Ghostbusters Crossing Over #4:
- On Cover B, Slimer and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man appears.
- In Ghostbusters Crossing Over #5:
- On Page 3, Peck alludes to when he had the Containment Unit turned off.
- On Page 16, Koza'Rai mentions Gozer's first defeat.
- In Ghostbusters Crossing Over #6:
- On Cover B, Peter has on his orange jacket.
- On Cover RI, Ray's "Going up?" at the Sedgewick elevator is quoted.
- On Page 17, some of Louis 00-D's words are a nod to the prime Louis' lines in the first movie. He states he got a great deal on the Trap Orbslike in the movie, he states he got a great deal on the cedacelacytic acid and Nova Scotia smoked salmon and he asks Peter 68-R who does his hair like in the movie, he asks the Ghostbusters who does their taxes.
- In Ghostbusters Crossing Over #7:
- On Page 3, Peter does his Dah!
- In Ghostbusters Crossing Over #8:
- On Cover B, Janine is in her first outfit from the movie.
- On Page 13, in panel 2, Egon 68-E is wearing a "I've Been Slimed" T-Shirt from the Official Fan Club. Peter charges him $24.99 for the shirt. When it was originally sold, the price was $7.50.
- On Page 17, Ray and Egon are in their blue lab coats from the commercial in the first movie. Egon has his Stethoscope and PC-4 Calculator as well.
- In Ghostbusters IDW 20/20:
- On Page 2, Egon is wearing a blue lab coat from the commercial in the first movie.
- On Page 5, Samuel Hazer refers to the symmetrical book stacking seen in the first movie.
- On Page 20, Gabriel Sitter brings up the warning about not looking into an open Trap.
- In Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary: Ghostbusters:
- On Cover RE are Gozer, Stay Puft Marshmallow Man, Library ghost in her transmogrified form, Slimer, Zuul and Vinz Clortho, and Ecto-1.
- On Page 1, Peter alludes to Walter Peck and his court order in the first movie. In panel 2, the skull by Ray is visually based on the new dinosaur discovered in May 2017 in Montana and named after Zuul.
- On Page 3, Peter is wearing his blue sweater vest, shirt, brown pants combo before on the back cover of the Volume 2 trade paperback with a brown coat based on the scene in the first movie when the Ghostbusters talk to Mayor Lenny.
- On Page 6, Winston refers to his job interview with Janine in the first movie in Chapter 14 "Welcome Aboard".
- On Page 8, in panel 1, the walk on extra from the first montage during the ghost train story is to the left of Ecto-1. In panel 1, above the Penn Station signage is an ad for Manhattan City Bank with the quote of Ray's line about nobody having three mortgages. An ice cream ad is inspired by Snowman from the Ghostbusters Sega game. The Chomp ad quotes Peter's line to Egon, "You've Earned It" after the Library ghost.
- On Page 9, in panel 2, on the left is Richard Edlund, head of effects.
- On Page 11, Peter alludes to Egon talking about Ivo Shandor's conclusion the world was too sick to survive while they were in jail.
- On Page 13, Ray mentions Gozer.
- On Page 15, Egon pokes a light pole like when he scanned and poked the man in the Sedgewick Hotel hall.
- In Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary: The Real Ghostbusters:
- On Page 9, Saul's "Disgusting blob" line is a nod to Ray's line in when he first met Slimer.
- In Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary: Answer The Call Ghostbusters:
- On Page 1, the billboard uses the "Who You Gonna Call?" credo.
- On Page 12, on the book shelf is a plushie head of the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man.
- In Transformers/Ghostbusters: Ghosts of Cybertron Issue #1:
- On Page 2, Gozer repeats one of its lines, "The Traveler has come."
- On Page 3, instead of the Ghostbusters, the four who face Gozer are Decepticons Soundwave, Starscream, Megatron, and Shockwave. In panel 2 are the familiar twin pillars and alter that also appeared on the roof are present. Gozer shoots lightning out of its fingers at the four.
- On Page 4, instead of Ray, it is Megatron who goes up the stairs to address Gozer.
- On Page 5, Gozer tells the Decepticons to choose.
- On Page 6, Gozer suddenly announces the choice is made. Megatron's reaction about someone choosing mirrors Peter's. Shockwave's "what did you do?" mirrors Winston's line. Starscream is in Ray's position of having chosen the Destructor Form.
- On Page 12, the Ghostbusters climb out of a sink hole similar to when they arrived at the Shandor Building.
- On Page 16, Ectronymous vaporizes the parking ticket, a nod to a deleted scene "Ectomobile Rejects a Parking Ticket".
- In Transformers/Ghostbusters: Ghosts of Cybertron Issue #2:
- The Story so Far page mentions Earth's history with Gozer.
- On Page 10, Kremzeek refers to Gozer by its title of the Traveler.
- On Page 11, Egon alludes to Gozer's initial arrival in New York.
- On Page 17, Peter yells "Dah!" like in the library.
- In Transformers/Ghostbusters: Ghosts of Cybertron Issue #3:
- On Page 1, Janine is wearing her outfit from when the Containment Unit was shut down.
- On Page 2, Peter has on his orange jacket.
- On Page 5, Peter refers to Slimer as a "spud," a nickname originating from the first movie.
- On Page 10, Peter does his "dah!"
- On Page 11, Egon replies "That would be bad," similar to when he informed the team about crossing the streams
- On Page 19, in panel 1, one of the graffiti on Optimus Prime is "84," a nod to 1984 when both Transformers and Ghostbusters debuted.
- On Page 20, in panel 3, "Burn in Hell, Venkman" is a nod to the graffiti on the Paranormal Studies Laboratory door.
- In Transformers/Ghostbusters: Ghosts of Cybertron Issue #4:
- On Page 1, in panel 3, on the toolbox is a sticker of one of the unused logos.
- On Page 2, Winston alludes to not believing in the supernatural before he joined the Ghostbusters.
- On Page 4, Peter exclaims "Dah!" like in the first movie.
- On Page 5, like the Ghostbusters did, Ectotron blows something up the first time he uses his Proton Pack.
- On Page 6, in panel 2, the 555-2368 phone number from the commercial is on Optimus Prime's vehicle form.
- On Page 11, Winston mentions blowing up the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man all over Central Park West.
- On Page 16, in panel 2, there is the blue Con Edison sign.
- In Transformers/Ghostbusters: Ghosts of Cybertron Issue #5:
- On Page 3, Peter screams "dah!" like at the start of the movie.
- On Page 19, Ray is intrigued with the notion of ghosts in space, a nod to the Ghost Smashers script.
- In Ghostbusters Year One Issue #1:
- On Cover A are Winston and the Zombie Taxi Driver and scenes of Winston driving in Chapter 20: Keymaster and Winston about to declare, "I love his town!" in Chapter 28: Crossing Streams.
- On Cover B are a photo of Winston holding the Traps in Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard, a photo of Ray and Winston pulling up to Fort Detmerring in a deleted scene, a Second Dan Black Belt in Karate as a nod to the final shooting script for Ghostbusters and on page 136 of Ghostbusters: The Supernatural Spectacular where Winston's resume listed him as a black belt in karate, a photo of Winston on the file folder is a stock promo photo from the first movie, Winston's middle name Ramsey was the original name of the character in early drafts of the first movie, Winston's pay grade is listed as $11,500, mentioned by Winston in Chapter 27: Stay Puft Man, Janine's interview questions about UFOs, Astral Projection, Mental Telepathy, ESP, Clairvoyance, Spirit Photography, Telekinetic movement, Full trans-mediums, Loch Ness Monster, and the theory of Atlantis, the check is from Manhattan City Bank seen in Chapter 4: Terminated at the Avenue of Americas address, The New York Times Monday classifieds references the Sedgewick Hotel, Dan Aykroyd encounter with Isaac Asimov during filming in Central Park West amid a traffic jam production caused, Tavern on the Green, the original 555-2368 Ghostbusters' phone number from Chapter 7: Fried Eggs & Zuul, and a nod to the weight of the Proton Pack props.
- On Cover RI is the Library ghost is in her transmogrified form. Studio 84 appears to be a stand-in for Studio 54. The 1984 is a nod to the year the first movie came out in.
- The Dramatis Personae mentions The Ghostbusters defeating Stay Puft Marshmallow Man at the end of the first movie in Rebecca Morales' biography. The act of mortgaging his family home in the first movie in Chapter 4: Terminated and Ray quickly hiring Winston in Chapter 14 is mentioned in Ray's biography. Egon's biography mentions his love of junk food. Peter's biography mentions how he talked Ray and Egon into forming Ghostbusters.
- On Page 1, in panel 2, the Cosmopolitan: Tonetic VHS tape in Louis' box is a nod to his 10 minute work outs he tells Dana about in Chapter 6: Spook Central. Dana's outfit is from Chapter 16: Dogs Drag Dana, right before she gets taken by Zuul. In panel 7, the Sedgewick Hotel manager's name in this canon is revealed to be Bennett Davis. Bennett is technically correct. While Dana was the Ghostbusters' first client, the Sedgewick was the first place where the Ghostbusters trapped a ghost. In panel 7, Bennett admits the damages were unacceptable at first. In the first movie, Ray shot up a hallway and they wrecked the Alhambra Ballroom. In panel 8, Bennett alludes to Slimer and mentions his capture in Chapter 13: "Nice Shootin', Tex."
- On Page 2, in panel 1, the Archbishop's last name in this canon is revealed to be O'Sullivan. He refers to when the Ghostbusters talked to Mayor Lenny in Chapter 24: Biblical of the first movie. In panel 3, the jail guard's name in this canon is revealed to be Tim Carlson. He mentions when the Containment Unit was shut down on Peck's order and caused an explosion in Chapter 21: "Out of Biz", when Peter was signing "Something good! For goodness' sake..." in the jail cell in Chapter 22: Holding Cell, and Mayor Lenny.
- On Page 5, in panel 3, at the news stand are the Omni magazine and Atlantic Monthly seen in Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard at the top right. In the bottom right, on the left side of the second row is the Globe newspaper seen in Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard. In the bottom left, is the USA Today "Ghost Fever Grips New York" newspaper and Time magazine seen in Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard. In panel 4, the ad references the original 555-2368 Ghostbusters' phone number from Chapter 7: Fried Eggs & Zuul, and a nod to the weight of the Proton Pack props, Tavern on the Green, and Columbia University.
- On Page 6, the scene takes place in Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard between when Winston looks up at the sign and when Janine asks the question about what he believes in. Janine alludes to when Peter asked if the first sign was too subtle or not in Chapter 8: Fried Eggs & Zuul.
- On Page 7, Winston's interview from Chapter 14 is reenacted. Janine, however, bears her blue rim glasses from the IDW canon rather than the red rim glasses in the movie. In panel 5, Winston alludes to when he was shown how to empty a trap in the basement in Chapter 14.
- On Page 9, in panel 3, Ray and Winston allude to Egon's Twinkie metaphor in Chapter 15: E.P.A. Man.
- On Page 11, in panel 1, Winston notes Peter reminded him of a carny. In the Supernatural Spectacular novelization, Peter worked summers as a carnival barker. Posted on the inside of Peter's locker door is the New York Post "Ghost Cops Bust Chinatown Spook" newspaper from Chapter 14.
- On Page 15, in panel 1, on the right are Harlan Bojay and Richard Learned Coombs, the deleted characters from the first movie portrayed by Bill Murray and Dan Aykroyd.
- On Page 16, Egon uses the Gamma Rate Meter, the device he used before the disembodied voice of Gozer demanded them to chose a Destructor Form in Chapter 26: Gozer of the first movie.
- On Page 18, at the last second, Winston is earned not to look in the Trap when it's open like in Chapter 13: "Nice Shootin', Tex."
- On Page 19, Peter mentions when Egon looked in the Trap during Slimer's capture in Chapter 13.
- In Ghostbusters Year One Issue #2:
- On Cover A are Ray and the Library ghost. The cover recreates scenes from the first movie: Ray in a period costume from Fort Detmerring in a deleted scene and Ray seeing Slimer for the first time but the latter depiction lacks his cigarette in Chapter 12: "He Slimed Me!"
- On Cover B is bottom part of the classifieds seen on Ghostbusters Year One #1 Cover B with a reference to Columbia University, a bag of Stay Puft Marshmallows first seen in Chapter 7: Fried Eggs & Zuul, reference to the Tunguska Blast of 1909 mentioned by Ray in the last chapter, a reference to the Manse Turbulence, the predecessor of the Philadelphia Mass Turbulence of 1947, mentioned on page 40 of the August 5, 1983 draft where Ray tells Winston about a documented case from Pennsylvania, the "Manse Turbulence" that entailed the occurrence of major structural damage, the appearance of multiple full head and torso manifestations, and ecto fluids, a photo of Ray in his blue lab coat from the first commercial in Chapter 7: Fried Eggs & Zuul, Ray's file has the Firehouse's North Moore Street address and the 555-2368 phone number seen in Chapter 7: Fried Eggs & Zuul. A Post-It note mentions: "Jean," the name of Ray's sister in Ghostbusters: The Supernatural Spectacular. A Columbia University business card for Dean Yeager. In this canon, Yeager's first name is "Jordan," taken from the name of the actor who portrayed him, Jordan Charney. A document mentions Islip. Islip was listed as the location of Ray's family's home on page 45 of Ghostbusters: The Supernatural Spectacular. The top left corner of the The Atlantic issue seen in Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard appears at the top of the cover. In the petri dish is a piece of sponge, a nod to Ray's mention of a Mass Sponge Migration at the start of Chapter 3 "Get Her!" A document that references the Manhattan City Bank mortgage from Chapter 4: Terminated and Ray's "Francis" middle name uttered by Peter in Chapter 3 "Get Her!". A photo of Ray standing outside the Firehouse, before the exterior was modified, in the civies he wore in Chapter 5: Fixer Upper. A Camp Waconda card, the camp was mentioned by Ray in Chapter 27: Stay Puft Man and Stephen Dane's Trap sketch are on the right. Under the P.K.E. Meter is a passage "from a vantage...Librarian as the –" which is from the start of the August 5, 1983, September 30, 1983, and October 7, 1983 drafts of the first movie. The full passage is, "A single eerie musical note signals the presence of something strange looking down on the Librarian from a vantage point high above the room. It follows the Librarian as she pushes her cart around the corner." There is a Wise bag under the desk, seen in Chapter 15 E.P.A. Man.
- On Cover RI is Ray and Ecto-1. Ray is working on the red "sniffer" antennae seen on Ecto-1's roof rack. Next to the antennae is the Texas Instruments Cross-Section Sensitivity Unit, also installed on Ecto-1's roof rack. Ray is in his civies from Chapter 7 Fried Eggs and Zuul.
- On Page 1, continuing from page one of last issue, Dana's outfit is from Chapter 16: Dogs Drag Dana, right before she gets taken by Zuul. Jennifer brings up Peter convincing her of her psychic ability in Chapter 2 "Shock The Nerd". Bob refers to his repeated electrocutions in Peter's experiment in Chapter 2 "Shock The Nerd". As with his reason for taking part in Peter's experiment, Bob once again asks if he is being paid for the interview.
- On Page 2, Dean Yeager refers to firing Peter, Ray, and Egon in Chapter 4: Terminated and when he called Peter a poor scientist. Roger refers to the Library Ghost scaring Alice at the start of the first movie and to Peter's line of questions to Alice in Chapter 3: "Get Her!" Alice asks if she's talked about Saint Jerome. In the first movie, she mentions her uncle claimed he was Saint Jerome.
- On Page 3, Ray recounts the mass sponge migration he witnessed that he mentioned to Peter in Chapter 3: "Get Her!"
- On Page 4, Peter introduced Ray and Egon to each other. In the first movie's deleted scene "Nobel Prize Aspirations," Peter mentions he introduced Ray and Egon to each other.
- On Page 5, Peter assures Ray and Egon no one will care about their results. Evidently, the Board of Regents did.
- On Page 6, the flashback takes place before Chapter 2 and recreates how the New York Public Library exterior looked like in the movie down to the ongoing renovation and background extras. The moment of Ray and Egon first detecting the Library ghost, mentioned in Chapter 2, is shown. In panel 4, in the lower right seated is Joe Medjuck like his cameo but dressed like his later cameo in Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard.
- On Page 7, the page recreates scenes from the library investigation in the first movie, Chapter 3: Panel 1 is Egon stepping away from the symmetrical stack while Ray films it. Panel 2 is when they find the Library ghost. Panel 3 is when the ghost shushes Peter. Panel 4 is the group huddle about what to do next. Panel 5 is Ray's "Get her!" Ray mentions Peter interviewing Alice in Chapter 3.
- On Page 8, the page recreates when the Library ghost transmogrifies and roars in Chapter 3. Ray alludes to them running out of the library, seen in Chapter 3.
- On Page 9, Rebecca alludes to Ray, Peter, and Egon getting fired in the first movie, Chapter 4: Terminated. Ray mentions going into business shortly after being fired, also seen in Chapter 4. Ray mentions the Sedgewick Hotel and getting their first call, seen in the first movie, Chapter 11: "We Got One!"
- On Page 10, Janine is wearing her outfit from the first movie, Chapter 21: Out of Biz when the grid is shut off.
- On Page 11, in panel 3, Peter is wearing the v neck sweater he had in the first movie, Chapter 11: "We Got One!" In panel 3, on Peter's locker door is the "Ghostbusters chief tells all" is originally from the July 2, 1984 Daily News interview with Ivan Reitman and an official 8x10 photograph of Sigourney Weaver in costume as Dana.
- On Page 12, Ray alludes to Peter not negotiating at Manhattan City Bank in the first movie, Chapter 4: Terminated.
- On Page 13, Peter's quip is a nod to Ray's plan to get the Library ghost in the first movie, Chapter 3: "Get Her!"
- On Page 14, Peter screams "Dah!" like in the first movie.
- On Page 19, in panel 4, behind Peter is a symmetrical stack of books.
- In Ghostbusters Year One Issue #3:
- On Cover A is Peter and Slimer. The scenes recreated on the cover from Ghostbusters are Peter radioing Ray after he sees Slimer for the first time in Chapter 12: "He Slimed Me!" and Peter holding up a Zener card in Chapter 2: Shock The Nerd.
- On Cover B are Janine's whale paperweight, the Ghost Sniffer, a photo of Peter dancing with a woman that references the issue's story about the bust at The Rose mentioned by Casey Kasem in Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard, Zener Cards from Chapter 2: Shock The Nerd, the Post-It note reminder to meet Dana Barrett after practice and bring flowers which is a nod to Peter's bouquet in Chapter 19: Peter's Date with Zuul, a book in a satchel referenceing Janine's reading hobby, the Atlantic issue seen in Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard, a flyer for a circus which references the family circus Peter was part of in page 155-156 in Ghostbusters: The Supernatural Spectacular, a photo of Peter in his blue lab coat from the first commercial in Chapter 7: Fried Eggs & Zuul, a game token referencing Peter's past as a carnival barker on page 153 of the Ghostbusters: The Supernatural Spectacular novelization, a mortgage contract from Manhattan City Bank seen in Chapter 4: Terminated, and the contract lists Ray's middle name, Francis used by Peter in Chapter 3: "Get Her!", the 19% interest rate from Chapter 4 is listed, the annual payment is listed as $19,000 references Chapter 4 when Egon stated in the first five years the interest would be $95,000 (in other words, each year, it would be $19,000), and Islip was listed as the location of Ray's family's home on page 45 of Ghostbusters: The Supernatural Spectacular.
- On Cover RI are Jennifer and Male Student from Chapter 2: Shock The Nerd, Male Student is spitting gum like he when he got shocked, EPA replaces the Comic Code, Peter's "8'o clock" quote replaces the Ha Ha Ha, the wavy line Zener card replaces the Ace of Spade playing card, and Peter is in his blue lab coat from the first commercial. Also on the cover is the Shandor Building, Temple of Gozer, the Firehouse, and Ecto-1.
- On Page 1, Louis is wearing his blue track suit from Ghostbusters Chapter 6: Spook Central. Next to Louis is a bottle of mineral water modeled after Perrier. In Chapter 6: Spook Central, Louis offered Dana some mineral water and in Chapter 17: "Who Brought The Dog?", bottles can be seen around the party. It is revealed Peck was placed on restricted duty pending official review after the events of the first movie. In panel 7, Janine is wearing the modified version of the outfit from her first appearance in Chapter 8: "Bug-Eyes Thing" that has been seen in past issues like Ghostbusters 101 Issue #1.
- On Page 2, Dana's instrument case is to her left, it was seen in Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard. Dana mentions Thorazine. It was what Peter used on her when Zuul was in possession of her. Peter mentions it in Chapter 20: Keymaster. It is revealed in this canon, the Thorazine Peter used was prescribed to Dana for hiccups. Dana alludes to when she saw the Temple of Gozer and Terror Dogs in her refrigerator in Chaper 6: Spook Central.
- On Page 3, the USS Maine National Monument appears in panel 1, indicating they are at the Merchant's Gate entrance to Central Park on Columbus Circle. The monument appeared in Chapter 20: Keymaster.
- On Page 4, Rebecca recalls Dana describing Peter as a game show host then remembers she told him so. This was in Chapter 10: Checking Out Dana when Peter went took readings in her apartment. Rebecca also recalls Dean Yeager called Peter a poor scientist. It came up last issue and originally in Chapter 4: Terminated.
- On Page 5, Peter alludes to saving the world at the end of the events of the first movie.
- On Page 6, Peter alludes to Louis Tully and when Vinz Clortho chased him to the Tavern on the Green in Chapter 18: Terror on the Tavern. Peter mentions he has both a doctorate in Psychology and Parapsychology. He told Peck that in Chapter 15: E.P.A. Peter alludes to his experiment in Chapter 2: Shock the Nerd.
- On Page 7, Rebecca refers to the Containment Unit as "storage facility," a name used in the first movie.
- On Page 8, Peter brings up the bust at The Rose. It was only mentioned in Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard. The IDW canon version of the events are gone over in this issue.
- On Page 9, in panel 1, one of the signs is changed from "Miller Time" to echo Peter's "It's Milla Time" in Chapter 26: Gozer after they open fire on Gozer a second time.
- On Page 14, in panel 4, tossed up the air from the explosion are: Chartbusters, a Ray Parker Jr. compilation album from 1984 in the top left, the Ghostbusters Soundtrack Album, evidenced by the red sticker advertising Ray Parker Jr.'s "Ghostbusters", "In the Name of Love" by Thompson Twins, "I Can't Wait Forever" by Air Supply, "Hot Night" by Laura Braingan, and and "Cleanin' Up The Town" by The Bus Boys, in the top right, and in the bottom right is the LP cover of the Japanese version of the Ghostbusters Soundtrack.
- On Page 19, in panel 2 is the tall woman from Louis' party, portrayed by Jean Kasem, in Chapter 17: Who Brought The Dog? In panel 5, the Ghostbusters dance like how they do in the music video for Ray Parker Jr.'s "Ghostbusters" song.
- On Page 20, Peter alludes to Casey Kasem talking about the bust at The Rose in Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard and even quotes his "pretty pesky poltergeist" line. Peter mentions the bust took place before they hired Winston. It was indeed mentioned in Chapter 14 right before Winston goes to the Firehouse and applies for the job opening.
- In Ghostbusters Year One Issue #4:
- On Cover A is Egon and the Subway Ghost. The scenes from the movie are Egon using his Twinkie metaphor in Chapter 15: E.P.A. Man and Egon reading about trepanation, a nod to Peter mentioning his aborted attempt in Chapter 3: "Get Her!"
- On Cover B is Egon's stethoscope is draped down the middle of the cover. Under the card are two articles about mycology, another nod to Egon's hobby. The top part of the Omni issue seen in Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard is at the top of the cover. Janine's phone references the Ghostbusters' 555-2368 phone number seen in Chapter 7: Fried Eggs & Zuul and the Containment Unit. Under the phone is a paper on trepanation, another nod to Chapter 3: "Get Her!" The file photo is of Egon in his blue lab coat from the commercial in Chapter 7: Fried Eggs & Zuul. The small blue bottle is a nod to Egon asking Louis for a brain sample in Chapter 28: Crossing Streams. A Post It note from Janine mentions Egon's Fungus of the Month is coming in mid-November, a nod to his fungus hobby. Next to the Post It is Egon's Casio Micro-Mini Calculator from Chapter 4: Terminated. 1984 is on the calculator screen. Next to the calculator is a photo is Egon's "I got it!" scene with Joe Medjuck in the montage in Chapter 14: Welcome Aboard. There is a Twinkie, first seen in Chapter 15: E.P.A. Man. The big jar contains mod, another nod to Egon's hobby. There is a Trap is under the desk. Slimer's ectoplasm is throughout the cover.
- On Cover RI is a Twinkie.
- On Page 1, Janine is wearing the modified version of the outfit from her first appearance in Chapter 8: "Bug-Eyes Thing". Janine alludes to trying to get to know Egon like when she asked him what his hobby was at the end of Chapter 8. Ray alludes to the P.K.E. readings taken at the New York Public Library and talks about when they were walking through Columbia University after the first encounter with the Library ghost, seen at the end of Chapter 3. Ray partially quotes Egon's line, "According to these new readings, I think we have an excellent chance of actually catching a ghost and holding it indefinitely," and alludes to when Peter gave Egon a Crunch bar. Peter refers to Egon's diet of junk food like the Twinkie in the first movie. Peter mentions HG Huges, a nod to Chapter 3 when Peter recalled Egon tried to drill a hole in his head. Hugo Bart Huges was a Dutch librarian and a proponent of trepenation.
- On Page 2, Winston mentions the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and the final battle in the first movie.
- On Page 3, it is revealed the Firehouse is still in disrepair from when Peck had the containment grid shut down. Officer Mike's license plate is 1984. Officer Mike's squad car is from the 41st Precinct. Those were seen outside the Shandor Building in the finale of the first movie.
- On Page 4, Winston alludes to when the Containment Unit detonated in Chapter 21: Out of Biz. Egon is using the Gamma Rate Meter, famously used after Gozer vanishes in Chapter 26: Gozer. Egon is in his gray sweater outfit like in Chapter 15 E.P.A. Man.
- On Page 5, Rebecca alludes to the Containment Unit blowing as soon as the grid was shut down in Chapter 21.
- On Page 6, Egon mentions Gozer and its arrival in the first movie. In panel 2, Winston mentions Egon's Twinkie analogy from Chapter 15. Egon mentions the Containment Unit was pushing capacity. He mentioned that in Chapter 15. Egon refers to the Shandor building as a magnet to the ghosts. Egon alludes to Walter Peck and his shut off order in Chapter 15. Rebecca mentions the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man and when it was blown up in Chapter 28: Crossing Streams.
- On Page 7, Egon refers to the capture of Slimer at the Sedgewick Hotel in Chapter 13 "Nice Shootin', Tex." Egon refers to Chapter 11 "We Got One!" when the Hotel manager revealed the original staff all knew about Slimer and its history of disturbances. The last panel recreates when Ecto-1 parked in front of the Sedgewick Hotel in Chapter 11.
- On Page 8, in panel 1, to Ray's right is the Man at the Elevator from Chapter 11. Also in panel 1, in the background between Egon and Peter is the Hotel manager. Peter brings up when Egon looked in the Trap in Chapter 13 as they captured Slimer. Janine is in the outfit she wore in Chapter 11. Peter alludes to all the damage they did to the Alhambra Ballroom in Chapter 13.
- On Page 9, Peter's invoice references when he gave to the bill in Chapter 13, entrapment for $4000 and a special on proton charging and storage cost $1000. Ray alludes to when their dinner of Chinese takeout was interrupted by the first call in Chapter 11.
- On Page 10, the table in the basement is essentially as it looks in Chapter 14 and 15.
- On Page 11, Egon mentions the field might not have been properly neutronized. That was one of the steps Ray taught Winston in Chapter 14.
- On Page 13, the Aura-Video Analyzer's tower briefly appears. In panel 4, on the table is a Budweiser, what Ray drinks in Chapter 9: The 1st Customer and Chapter 11 "We Got One!" and a Wise Potato Chips bag. In the movie, one was in Peter's office in Chapter 15. Rebecca correctly recalls it took the three Ghostbusters to catch Slimer in Chapter 13.
- On Page 14, in panel 1, on the refrigerator are newspaper clippings are the June 10, 1984 Michigan Daily article "In search of ghosts..." review, a Halloween 1984 showtime ad from a California newspaper of children in costumes bearing the Ghostbusters' logo and the headline "Give The Little Monsters What They Deserve", the foldout manual from the Spectrum Game Cassette version of Ghostbusters: The Computer Game, and the Temple of Gozer image from the foldout manual. Egon eats Cheez Its like in Chapter 9. In panel 2, the man with the pizza spooked by Slimer was also one of the men spooked at the hot dog cart in Chapter 21: Out of Biz.
- On Page 16, Egon mentions the Sedgewick Hotel and the bust in Chapter 13.
- On Page 17, Rebecca brings up when he looked in the Trap in Chapter 13. In panel 3 are the three arcades Missile Command, Star Castle, and Star Gazer, seen in Chapter 11.
- On Page 18, the swirl of pink P.K.E. is reminiscent to when the ghosts escaped the Containment Unit in Chapter 21.
- On Page 20, in panel 3, Peter is in his purple sweater from Chapter 7: Fried Eggs & Zuul when Ray arrives with the car.
The original 114 minute test screening was completed on February 17, 1984. Sheldon Kahn is known to have owned a copy on Betamax tape.[415] The Ghostbusters Ultimate Edition 4K Ultra HD Blu-ray 2022 Gift Set includes this test screening, referred to as a "preview cut" that contains alternate takes, additional scenes, and early effects.
The VHS version of the movie was released on October 31, 1985.[416] [417] The DVD version of the movie was released on June 29, 1999 and became one of the fastest selling units ever on Sony had announced at Comic-Con 2008 that the Blu-Ray version of the film was to be released on October 21, 2008, but it was actually released on June 16, 2009 to coincide with the release of Ghostbusters: The Video Game and the film's 25th anniversary.
In the United States, Ghostbusters premiered on the ABC television network on Thursday September 24, 1987 at 9:00 PM Eastern as the season premiere of the "ABC Thursday Night Movie" series. The movie ran, with commercials, until 11:07 PM. The "edited for television" version features several alternate takes to replace some of the more objectionable dialogue.
The Ghostbusters Movie was released all over the world. However, many aspects of the movie had to be localized.