Kenner The Real Ghostbusters Toy Line

  • ️Mon Sep 28 2020

The Real Ghostbusters Toy line was created by Kenner from 1986 through 1991. It was mostly related to the Animated Series, however the Ecto-1a and ECTO-Charger where both related to the Ghostbusters II Film. Filmation's Ghostbusters had a line of toys as well, produced by Tyco.

Currently, Hasbro is set to reissue wave 1 figures in the Spring of 2020 as a Wal-Mart exclusive.


The Kenner line of The Real Ghostbusters first hit the stores fulfilling Christmas pre-orders in 1986 (notably the 1986 first print sold out in pre-orders). Later, the toys began to be put on shelves in January of 1987. The line continued being made and sold til the spring of 1991. It had ten waves of toys (based on card rearrangements) with at least one more planned. Notably the line ended during the Kenner and Hasbro merger in 1991.

Finger Pops[]


Finger Pops as seen in packaging.

In 1979, Kenner released "Finger Pops", which were foam cylinders that could be projected in the air. A similar type of product to Nerf like foam products, it was Kenner's answer to Parker Brothers Nerf line. The concept was brought to the Real Ghostbusters line with "Finger Pop Fiends", which along with having the same function also share the name "Finger Pops".

Also in 1979, Kenner released a second toy in the line called "Finger Pops Popper". This item as well was in many regards a precursor to the "GhostPopper", which would be able to fire foam pops. GhostPopper also shares the name Popper and refers to the ammo as "ghostpops" or "pops". The foam pops were also used with the "ECTO Popper & ECTO-Goggles", which uses the same idea and adds temporary storage on the goggles.

List of Toys[]

The list is based on packaging back cards of the American version line. For releases in other countries/regions please see the Foreign Market Releases section of this article. Sometimes the toy was released with other toys but wasn't included on the back card, in which case its included but noted. A few items were released that didn't have back cards and were not shown included with a wave. Educated guesses are used in those cases.

First Wave[]


First Wave America Back Card

It is believed that the first wave toys were released during the Christmas season in 1986, mostly to fulfill layaway orders. Officially, the first advertisements appeared, done by Toy's R Us in the newspapers around the end of January 1987. The toy line first wave first printing is believed to have been all the figures, but not the Ghost Zapper or the Plush Toys. Second printing which was released with additions from wave 2 was done sometime in the spring of 1987. A third printing was most likely done for the Christmas season of 1987. Later in Spring 2020, Hasbro is set to reissue all six of the first wave figures.

The Action Ghost "Green Ghost" incorrectly was printed in the first and second printing with item number #81020. The toy was given the correct item number on the third pressing.

Item Name Proof # Assortment # Production #/
Factory Code
Peter Venkman
Item #:80010 Asst #:80000 Prod 1#: 278-484-000 (NG)
Prod 2#: 278-484-010 (NG)
Prod 3#: 278-484-020 (NW)
Ray Stantz
Item #:80020 Asst #:80000 Prod 1#: 278-487-000 (NG)
Prod 2#: 278-487-010 (NG)
Prod 3#: 278-487-020 (NW)
Egon Spengler
Item #:80030 Asst #:80000 Prod 1#: 278-485-000 (NG)
Prod 2#: 278-485-010 (NG)
Prod 3#: 278-485-020 (NW)
Winston Zeddmore
Item #:80040 Asst #:80000 Prod 1#: 278-486-000 (NG)
Prod 2#: 278-486-010 (NG)
Prod 3#: 278-486-020 (NW)
Action Ghost:
Stay Puft
Marshmallow Man
Item #:80110 Asst #:80100 Prod 1#: 278-538-000 (NN)
Prod 2#: 278-538-010 (NN)
Prod 3#: 278-538-020 (NN)
Action Ghost:
Green Ghost
(aka: Slimer)
Item 1#:81020
Item 2#: 81020
Asst #: 80100 Prod 1#: 278-539-000 (NN)
Prod 2#: 278-539-010 (NN)
Prod 3#: 278-539-020 (NN)
The Item number is incorrect pressings.
GhostZapper Item #: 80200 same as Item #
Plush Ghost:
Stay Puft
Marshmallow Man
Item #:80160 Asst #:80150 Not Shown on card.
Plush Ghost:
Green Ghost
(aka: Slimer)
Item #:80170 Asst #:80150 Not Shown on card.

Second Wave[]


Second Wave America Back Card

The second wave was released sometime in the spring of 1987. The Action Ghost assortment (started wave 1) had additions of three ghost action figures. A second pressing for the three Action Ghosts was made for the Christmas season on 1987.

Item Name Proof # Assortment # Production #/
Factory Code
Action Ghost:
Bug-Eye Ghost
Item #: 80130 Asst #: 80100 Prod 1#: 278-491-000 (NG)
Prod 2#: 278-491-010 (NN)
Action Ghost:
H2 Ghost
Item #: 80140 Asst #: 80100 Prod 1#: 278-491-000 (NG)
Prod 2#: 278-491-010 (NN)
Action Ghost:
Bad-To-The-Bone Ghost
Item #: 80210 Asst #: 80100 Prod 1#: 278-491-000 (??)
Prod 2#: 278-491-010 (??)
Ecto-1 Item #: 80230 same as Item #
Ecto-Plazm (Purple) Item #: 80240 same as Item #
Gooper Ghost:
Item #: 80280 Asst #: 80250
Gooper Ghost:
Banshee Bomber
Item #: 80270 Asst #: 80250
Gooper Ghost:
Sludge Bucket
Item #: 80260 Asst #: 80250
GhostPopper Item #: 80220 same as Item #

Third Wave[]


Third Wave America Back Card

The third wave was likely first released to fulfill layaway orders in the Christmas season of 1987. The first public promotion for the wave didn't happen til mid January of 1988. Initially Fright Feature Janine Melnitz was not released as she wasn't listed on back of card. She was later released in the fourth wave.

The three Mini Ghost toy sets were released with their assortment number of "80400" mistakenly printed on the front of the card as the item number. All three also share the same bar code on the back. The Canada line printed corrected item numbers.

The Fright Features Heroes are the most common of the Hero sets released. They were released in all major foreign markets toy lines, including being the exclusive hero line for Brazil's Caça-Fantasmas released by Estrela.

Item Name Proof # Assortment # Production #/
Factory Code
Fright Feature:
Peter Venkman
Item #: 80360 Asst #: 80350 Prod #: 281-123-000 (NG)
Fright Feature:
Egon Spengler
Item #: 80370 Asst #: 80350 Prod #: 281-126-000 (NG)
Fright Feature:
Ray Stantz
Item #: 80380 Asst #: 80350 Prod #: 281-125-000 (NG)
Fright Feature:
Winston Zeddmore
Item #: 80390 Asst #: 80350 Prod #: 281-124-000 (NG)
Fire House Item #: 80580 same as Item #
Mini Ghost:
Mini Goopers
Item #: 80400
Actual Item #:
Asst #: 80400 Prod #: 0282-168-01
no Factory Code present
Mini Ghost:
Mini Traps
Item #: 80400
Actual Item #:
Asst #: 80400 Prod #: 284-028-000 (NV) Not Shown on card.
Mini Ghost:
Mini Shooter
Item #: 80400
Actual Item #:
Asst #: 80400 Prod #: 282-170-000 (NV)
Ecto-Plazm (Red) Item #: 80240 same as Item #
Ecto-Plazm (Purple) Item #: 80240 same as Item #
Ecto-Plazm (Blue) Item #: 80240 same as Item #
Proton Pack Item #: 80340 same as Item #

Fourth Wave[]


Fourth Wave America Back Card

Wave four was like wave two released in the late spring 1988. Janine saw a release for the first time as a add on toy to the Fright Line from wave three. Along with Haunted Humans, there was two ghosts released that ended up with two printings with errors.

Haunted Humans saw a sequel of sorts in Kenner's Beetlejuice line with Neighborhood Nasties group of four figures in late 1990.

Item Name Proof # Assortment # Production #/
Factory Code
Haunted Human:
Terror Trash
Item #: 80550 Asst #: 80500 Prod #: 3280-002-00 (NT)
Haunted Human:
Granny Gross
Item #: 80510 Asst #: 80500 Prod #: 0280-402-00 (NT)
Haunted Human:
Mail Fraud
Item #: 80520 Asst #: 80500 Prod #: 0284-404-00 (NC)
Haunted Human:
Hard Hat Horror
Item #: 80540 Asst #: 80500 Prod #: 3282-258-00 (NT)
Haunted Human:
Tombstone Tackle
Item #: 80560 Asst #: 80500 Prod #: 3281-012-00 (NC)
Haunted Human:
Item #: 80530 Asst #: 80500 Prod #: 3279-002-00 (NC)
Fright Feature:
Janine Melnitz
Item #: 80570 Asst #: 80350 Prod #: 284-400-000 (NG)
Brain Blaster Ghost Item 1#: 80100
Item 2#: 80620
Asst #: 80620 Prod 1#: 3369-018-00 (NW)
Prod 2#: 3369-018-01 (NW)
Not Shown on card.
Pull Speed Ahead Ghost Item #: 80610 same as Item # Prod 1#: 3329-012-00 (NW)
Prod 2#: 3329-012-01 (NW)
ECTO-2 Item #: 80450 same as Item #
Highway Haunter Item #: 80600 same as Item #
Gooper Ghost:
Green Ghost
(aka: Slimer)
Item #: 80320 same as Item #

Fifth Wave[]


Fifth Wave America Back Card

Wave five saw it's release in January 1989. This line included stickers for the "Find The Ghosts" Contest promotion.

Item Name Proof # Assortment # Production #/
Factory Code
The Frankenstein Monster
Item #: 80820 Asst #: 80800 Prod #: 3840-013-00 (NT)
The Mummy Monster
Item #: 80840 Asst #: 80800 Prod #: 3842-015-00 (NT)
The Dracula Monster
Item #: 80830 Asst #: 80800 Prod #: 3841-017-00 (NT)
The Zombie Monster
Item #: 80940 Asst #: 80800 Prod #: 3875-014-00 (NT)
The Quasimodo Monster
Item #: 80930 Asst #: 80800 Prod #: 3876-016-00 (NT)
The Wolfman Monster
Item #: 80810 Asst #: 80800 Prod #: 3839-014-00 (NT)
Screaming Hero:
Peter Venkman
Item #: 80860 Asst #: 80850 Prod #: 3628-027-00 (NV)
Screaming Hero:
Egon Spengler
Item #: 80870 Asst #: 80850 Prod #: 3631-024-00 (NV)
Screaming Hero:
Ray Stantz
Item #: 80890 Asst #: 80850 Prod #: 3629-026-00 (NV)
Screaming Hero:
Winston Zeddmore
Item #: 80880 Asst #: 80850 Prod #: 3630-026-00 (NV)
Screaming Hero:
Janine Melnitz
Item #: 80900 Asst #: 80850 Prod #: 3810-024-00 (NV)
Haunted Vehicle: Wicked Wheelie Item #: 80690 Asst #: 80680 Factory Code: (NN)
Haunted Vehicle: Air Sickness Item #: 80700 Asst #: 80680 Factory Code: (NN)
Ghost Spooker Item #: 80670 same as Item # none present

Sixth Wave[]


Sixth Wave America Back Card

Some sites merge this wave with five or seven, however going by packaging cards it is a clearly released batch of toys during spring/summer of 1989.

This wave is assumed to have been released late spring around May, much like wave four and two. It is unclear why they didn't release this as part of wave seven a few months later, but one of the toys released in the wave didn't appear on the back card til the next wave card.

Item Name Proof # Assortment # Production #/
Factory Code
Finger Pop Fiends Item #: 81010 Asst #: 80400 Prod #: 3868-006-00 (NV)
Green Ghost with Proton Pack (Slimer) Item #: 81040 Asst #: 80400 Not Shown on card.
Fearsome Flush Item #: 80920 same as Item # Prod #: 3810-016-00 (NV)
ECTO Popper & ECTO-Goggles Item #: 81020 same as Item # Factory Code: (NT)
Nutrona Blaster Item #: 81030 same as Item # none present
Water Zapper Item #: 80910 same as Item # Factory Code: (NC)

Seventh Wave[]


Seventh Wave America Back Card

Wave seven most likely was released sometime in August or September, and included a new group of hero toys.

Item Name Proof # Assortment # Production #/
Factory Code
Super Fright Features:
Janine Melnitz
Item #: 81110
Super Fright Features:
Winston Zeddmore
Item #: 81100
Super Fright Features:
Ray Stantz
Item #: 81090
Super Fright Features:
Egon Spengler
Item #: 81080
Super Fright Features:
Peter Venkman
Item #: 81070
ECTO-3 Item #: 81050
Ghost Trap Item #: 81130

Eighth Wave[]


Eighth Wave America Back Card

Proof #/Prod. # Item Name Notes
Item #: 81170 Power Pack Heroes:
Ray Stantz
Item #: 81210 Power Pack Heroes:
Janine Melnitz
Item #: 81190 Power Pack Heroes:
Winston Zeddmore
Item #: 81180 Power Pack Heroes:
Egon Spengler
Item #: 81400 Power Pack Heroes:
Louis Tully
Wasn't shown on other cards, only on its own card.
Item #: 81160 Power Pack Heroes: Peter Venkman
Item #: 81230 Gobblin' Goblins: Terror Tongue
Item #: 81220 Gobblin' Goblins: Nasty Neck
Item #: 81240 Gobblin' Goblins: Terrible Teeth
Item #: 81390 Ghost Sweeper
Item #: 81120 ECTO-500

Ninth Wave[]


Ninth Wave America Back Card

Proof #/Prod. # Item Name Notes
Item #: 81560 Slimed Heroes: Egon Spengler
Item #: 81550 Slimed Heroes: Peter Venkman
Item #: 81570 Slimed Heroes: Ray Stantz
Item #: 81580 Slimed Heroes: Winston Zeddmore
Item #: 81590 Slimed Heroes: Louis Tully
Item #: 80230 ECTO-1A
Item #: 81450 Ecto-Charger Pack
Item #: 81440 Rapid Fire Ecto-Blaster
Item #: 81430 Ghost Grab-A-Meter

Tenth Wave[]


Tenth Wave America Back Card

Proof #/Prod. # Item Name Notes
Item #: 81720 Ecto-Glow Hero: Egon Spengler
Item #: 81710 Ecto-Glow Hero: Ray Stantz
Item #: 81740 Ecto-Glow Hero: Louis Tully
Item #: 81730 Ecto-Glow Hero: Winston Zeddmore
Item #: 81690 Ecto-Glow Hero: Peter Venkman
Item #: 81470 ECTO-Bomber
Item #: 81620 Ecto-Headphones with "Radar" Blaster
Item #: 81610 Ghost Nabber

Unreleased Toys[]

Play-Doh Tie-ins[]

Released in 1987, Kenner introduced in it's Play-Doh line released The Real Ghostbusters Play-Doh set. A year later, as a special free item, Kenner included in the Play-Doh Fun Factory "The Real Ghostbusters Fun Kit".

Foreign Market Releases[]

Besides America, there were seven other lines produced and released. America and the UK releases seemed to be their own lineages from which other lines based their toy packaging and elements on. Also, some of these lines also imported in toys made for other markets.

  • The Real Ghostbusters from America was the default line made by Kenner. Articles on the wiki are based on these unless not released in America.
    • The Real Ghostbusters made by Kenner for the country of Canada. It was bilingual and has both English and French language on it. It follows the American lineage exclusively.
  • The Real Ghostbusters was made by Kenner for the United Kingdom. It took on a different design from the American counterpart, which usually added a glow to illustrations and darker background blue color. Hot color drop shadows were also featured behind the toys on the cardboard.
    • The Real Ghostbusters/S.O.S Fantômes was made by Kenner for the countries of France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Some of the first wave was only translated to French. The line uses the UK lineage.
    • The Real Ghostbusters made by Kenner for the country of Germany. Year three (1989) likely was not made for German. The line uses the UK lineage.
    • Gli Acchiappafantasmi made by Kenner for the country of Italy. Of the lines that uses the UK lineage, it is the rarest.
  • Caça-Fantasmas was made by Estrela for the country of Brazil. This line had used the American lineage, but altered it to fit with the short line. The line was made in 1991, after the American line had ended.
  • The Real Ghostbusters made by Jocsa for the country of Argentina. The line uses both lineages and even borrows from the Brazil line the year previous. The line featured some exclusive toys, which were altered versions of previously released Kenner toys. The line is noted for a cheap knock-off type quality to the toys. However, the toys were made under license in 1992. Jocsa also sold imports of the toys from America, Canada, France/Belgium/Netherlands, and the UK.

Exclusively Imported Releases[]

  • Auriken The Real Ghostbusters Toy Line made by Kenner (America), but relabeled by Auriken for release in Mexico. While Auriken may have made some of the role playing weapons and vehicles sold in the other lines, its packaging was done in America.
  • Portugal received imports of the UK line by importer LDA. Seemed to vary between year two to year four.
  • Australia received imports from America, Canada, and the UK.
  • Spain received imports from France/Belgium/Netherlands by importer Loustau And Sachnovsky, SA. Noted by Gog on Toys from the Past blog, the toys appeared in 1992. It seemed that only year two toys were imported.

Kenner Toys and Art Reuses[]

During the time of The Real Ghostbusters merchandise wave, many companies had released licensed products based on the cartoons promo art and design sheets. However, in a few causes the merchandise itself was based on the Kenner toy series exclusively.


Note that some of these are more based on solely the show in spirit. But likely are still aiming to take from the Kenner market, therefore are competing for market space unfairly.


  • Toy Weapons such as GhostZapper and GhostPopper have stylized names using CamelCase. A practice of writing compound words or phrases such that each word or abbreviation begins with a capital letter.
  • A Kenner 1989 commercial for the Ghost Trap, Ecto-Popper and Ecto-Goggles, and Nutrona Blaster plays during the NY1 News report in Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire.

References in IDW Comics[]

  • On page 9 of Ghostbusters Volume 1 Issue #1, the Fearsome Flush makes a non-canon cameo in the bathroom of Jim Silver.
  • The Gulper Ghost from Classic Hero Figure Egon appears on the Second Printing cover of Ghostbusters Volume 1 Issue #2.
  • In Volume 1 Issue #2 page 9, in the opposite lane is the Highway Haunter.
  • The Bad-To-The-Bone Ghost makes a non-canon cameo on Ghostbusters Volume 1 Issue #9 Cover RI-B, P.P.F. Comics.
  • The Action Vehicle Ecto-1's Blaster seat makes a non-canon cameo on a special sketch cover of Ghostbusters Volume 1 #9.
  • On page 20 of Ghostbusters Volume 1 Issue #11, the Fearsome Flush is referenced on one of the store signs outside the cafe.
  • On page 2 of Ghostbusters Volume 1 Issue #12, the Ecto Headgear and Radar makes a non-canon cameo being used by Winston Zeddemore.
  • On page 9 of Volume 1 Issue #12, the Wicked Wheelie is parked outside of KBIB.
  • On page 19 of Volume 1 Issue #12, a sticker on the front door of Seattle City Hall features the pizza, pork chop, and watermelon that came with Kenner's Green Ghost toy.
  • On page 10 of Ghostbusters Volume 1 Issue #14, a can of Ecto-Plazm makes a cameo on the table.
  • On page 12 of Volume 1 Issue #14, in panel 1, the mascot on the hot dog cart is based on the Meanie Wienie Ghost that comes with Kenner's Super Fright Features Winston figure.
  • On Cover RI of Ghostbusters Volume 1 Issue #15: **Grabber Ghost from Classic Hero Figure Peter makes a non-canon cameo.
    • Wrapper Ghost from Classic Hero Figure Ray makes a non-canon cameo.
    • Gulper Ghost from Classic Hero Figure Egon makes a non-canon cameo.
    • Chomper Ghost from Classic Hero Figure Winston makes a non-canon cameo.
  • On page seven of Volume 1 Issue #15, on the helicopter dashboard is the Haunted Vehicle Air Sickness.
  • In Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #1, the new Ghostbusters go after a ghost based on Fright Feature Ray's Jail Jaw Ghost.
  • On page 6 of Volume 2 Issue #1, the Green Ghost's food makes a non-canon cameo in the refrigerator.
  • On page 19 of Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #2, the Haunted Humans (except Tombstone Tackle) make a non-canon cameo as people outside the Pequod's.
  • On page 23, in the back up story of Volume 2 Issue #2, several ghosts are based on:
    • Granny Gross
    • Hard Hat Horror
    • Tombstone Tackle
    • Mail Fraud X-Cop
    • Terror Trash
    • Bug-Eye Ghos
    • Orange Mini Trap
  • On pages 3-5 of Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #16:
    • The Fright Features Peter design is used as the look of the future version of Peter.
    • The Fright Features Egon design is used as the look of the future version of Egon.
    • The Fright Features Ray design is used as the look of the future version of Ray.
    • The Fright Features Winston design is used as the look of the future version of Winston.
  • On page 10 of Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #17, a can of Ecto-Plazm makes a non-canon cameo in the Firehouse's R&D lab on top of the mini cabinet.
  • On page 12 of Volume 2 Issue #17, the ghosts that come with Ecto-Plazm make a non-canon cameo among the Hart Island Ghosts.
  • On page 20 of Volume 2 Issue #17, the Action Vehicle Ecto-1 makes a non-canon cameo on top of the footlockers. The Real Ghostbusters: Play Shaving Kit" was on top the footlockers.
  • On the subscription cover of Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #18, Gulper Ghost from Classic Hero Figure Egon makes a non-canon cameo.
  • On page 15 of Volume 2 Issue #18, a Fright Features Egon and Proton Pack toy makes a non-canon cameo on the shelf above Peter.
  • On page 1 of Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #19, the GhostZapper toy makes a non-canon cameo on the shelf.
  • In Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Issue #1, page 10-11, the ghost is visually based on the Bug-Eye Ghost.
  • On page 7 of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Issue #3, the picture that comes with the Ghost Zapper is on the white board.
  • On page 1 of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Issue #4, the Ghost Zapper makes a non-canon cameo once more on the white board.
  • On page 18 of Ghostbusters: Get Real Issue #1, on the white board, in the upper left is one of the Kenner booklet pages with the Proton Pack and Firehouse toys.
  • On page 11 of Ghostbusters: Get Real Issue #3, the Proton Pack appears in the upper left of the white board.
  • On page 11 of Ghostbusters: Get Real Issue #4, the Firehouse playset box makes a non-canon cameo in panel 1 and 2, on the middle shelf of the shelving on the left.
  • On page 11 of Get Real Issue #4, the Toy Weapon's box makes a non-canon cameo in panel 1 and 2 on top of the shelving on the left.
  • On page 6, panel 3, of Ghostbusters Annual 2015, the Ecto Goggles used are visually based on Ecto-Popper and Ecto-Goggles toy. Later, on page 8, in the Ecto-Goggle POV, one of the readings is "1989 MHz" - a possible nod to Ghostbusters II, which released in 1989.
  • On page 11, panel 2, of Annual 2015, in the hallway, is a Kenner Real Ghostbusters toy line up in the big picture frame. The Terror Trash Ghost is visible on the corner.
  • On page 27, panel 2, of Annual 2015, the vehicle behind Peter Venkman and Winston Zeddemore appears to be visually based on Ecto-500.
  • On page 16 of Ghostbusters International #1, in panel 2, left of the boxes is the Kenner Ecto-Blaster from the Weapon Action Figure Toys 5 set.
  • On page 17 of Ghostbusters International #1, in the observation tank is the Gulper Ghost from the Classic Hero Figure Egon action figure.
  • In Ghostbusters International #3, on page 6, in panel 5, on the newspaper, to the left of the Ghostbusters ad is an ad for Kenner's Fright Features line seen in the Schenectady Gazette on June 29, 1988. [2]
  • In Ghostbusters International #3, on page 8, in panel 4, the box for Kenner's Ecto-Charger Pack toy is on the far right under the table.
  • In Ghostbusters International #3, on page 19, in panel 3, still in the containment tank is the Gulper Ghost. The box for Kenner's Proton Pack toy makes a non-canon cameo right of the table
  • On page 2 panel 2 of Ghostbusters International #4, Kevin Tanaka is carrying a box marked "Fire Station Headquarters," a nod to the U.K. printing of the Kenner Firehouse playset.
  • On page 18 of Ghostbusters International #7, the Paranormal Containment Research Tank's pedal is visually inspired by the Kenner Trap's. The Justin walkie talkie box makes a non-canon cameo in panel 3.
  • On page 4 of Ghostbusters International #8, once again the Concept 2000 Solid State Walkie Talkie box makes a non-canon cameo, this time right of Special Agent Melanie Ortiz.
  • On page 7 of Ghostbusters International #8, the Squisher ghost is based on the Gooper Ghost Squisher figure.
  • On page 17 of Ghostbusters International #8, in panel 2, the Kenner Ecto-Charger Pack box makes a non-canon cameo on the white cabinet.
  • On page 11 of Ghostbusters International #8, the ghost is visually based on the Granny Gross Ghost figure.
  • On page 21 of Ghostbusters International #11, the nature of the Bronx case, a toilet-eating dog, appears to be a nod to the Fearsome Flush.
  • In Ghostbusters Annual 2017, on page 44, in panel 2, the Fright Feature Figure: Egon Spengler's Terror Tweezer is standing up to Pagan's left.
  • On page 7 of Ghostbusters 101 #1, in panel 3, on the shelf behind Ray Stantz is the Ecto-Plazm box.
  • On page 12 of Ghostbusters 101 #2, in panel 1, on shelf left of Zoe Zawadzki are two Ecto-Plazms.
  • On the Subscription Cover of Ghostbusters 101 #3:
    • The Kenner Ecto-2 is driven by Peter in his animated counterpart's Screaming Heroes suit.
    • The Kenner Highway Haunter is driven by Janine Melnitz in her animated counterpart's Screaming Heroes suit.
    • The Kenner Ecto-3 is driven by Egon and Ray in their animated counterpart's Screaming Heroes suit.
    • The Kenner Ecto-500 is driven by Winston in his animated counterpart's Screaming Heroes suit.
  • On page 1 of Ghostbusters 101 #3, in panel 1, the ghost is visually based on the Soar Throat Ghost from Kenner's Fright Features Egon Spengler figure. In panel 3, Ms. Zeigler's Proton Pack is visually based on the Kenner Proton Pack. Her Trap is visually based on Kenner's Trap toy.
  • On page 1 of Ghostbusters 101 #3, in panel 4, in front of Cait is the Kenner Ecto-500.
  • On page 6 of Ghostbusters 101 #4, in panel 5, in Egon's box, the blue object is Kenner's Nutrona Blaster toy and the text on Egon's box references the Ecto Glow Heroes figures. In panel 6, on the corkboard is Kenner's Real Ghostbusters toys/Ghostbusters II in theatre ad.
  • On page 18 of Ghostbusters 101 #4, the Ecto-4 is visually based on Kenner's unreleased Glow Copter Vehicle.
  • On the Subscription Cover of Ghostbusters 101 #5, below Kylie Griffin is the Ghost Sweeper Vehicle and the Fire Frighter Vehicle.
  • On page 1 of Ghostbusters 101 #5, panel 1:
    • The Green Ghost's watermelon accessory is the last beer tap on the right.
    • The purple Mini-Trap makes a non-canon cameo as the beer tap between the two word balloons.
    • The Brain Blaster makes a non-canon cameo as the second to last beer tap on the right.
  • On page 19 of Ghostbusters 101 #5, panel 2, Erin Gilbert's box references Kenner's Highway Haunter.
  • On page 2 of Ghostbusters 101 Issue #6, the blonde girl is wearing Kenner's prototype Ecto-Charger Pack.
  • On page 3 of Ghostbusters 101 Issue #6, in panel 3, Garrett Parker is wearing the Ecto-Goggles from the Ecto-Popper toy.
  • On page 7 of Ghostbusters 101 #6, in panel 2, the cardboard box atop the white locker references the Fire House Headquarters playset.
  • On page 1 of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #1, the entity that grabs the woman's leg is visually based on the H2 Ghost.
  • On page 3 of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #1, The Meanie Wienie mascot is based on the Meanie Wienie Ghost that comes with the Super Fright Feature Winston figure.
  • On page 18 of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles/Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #5, in the lower left corner are the H2 Ghost, Brain Matter from the Mini Ghost Figure: Mini Gooper set, and Banshee Bomber from the Gooper Ghost Figures. In the upper right are the Bug-Eye Ghost and Sludge Bucket from the Gooper Ghost Figures.
  • On Cover B of Ghostbusters Annual 2018, between Egon and Janine is the Bad-To-The-Bone Ghost. Janine is in her New Ghostbusters flight suit and blows a bubblegum bubble like her animated. Kylie wears Kenner's Ecto-Goggles and Ecto-Popper.
  • On Page 35 of Annual 2018, in panel 2 is a ghost from the Kenner Ecto-Plazm. In panel 3 are three ghosts from the Kenner Classic Hero figures: Grabber Ghost from Peter, Wrapper Ghost from Ray, and Chomper Ghost from Winston. On the right is the Gulper Ghost from Classic Hero Egon.
  • On Page 36 of Annual 2018, in panel 1, on the left are Tombstone Tackle, Gulper Ghost, and Wrapper Ghost. In panel 1, on the right are X-Cop, Terror Trash, Hard Hat Horror, Pull Speed Ahead Ghost with its T-Stick Ghost, The two Mini-Traps, Fearsome Flush, Brain Blaster Ghost, and Bad-To-The-Bone Ghost.
  • On Cover RI-B of Ghostbusters Crossing Over #1, the Wrapper Ghost from Kenner's Classic Hero Ray appears.
  • On Cover B of Ghostbusters Crossing Over #2, Erin and Ron have the Kenner Ghost Poppers. Pull Speed Ahead Ghost with its T-Stick Ghost and X-Cop from Haunted Humans also appear.
  • On Page 20 of Crossing Over #2, Kevin Tanaka's box in part references the Firehouse playset.
  • On Cover A of Ghostbusters Crossing Over #3, Rookie is piloting Kenner's Ecto Bomber.
  • On Cover B of Crossing Over #3, the Spectral Janine has the Tease Ray weapon from the Kenner Fright Feature Janine.
  • On Page 16 of Crossing Over #3, in panel 4, on the upper right is the screen used for Kenner's The Real Ghostbusters P.K.E. Meter, but without the ghost icon.
  • On Cover B of Ghostbusters Crossing Over #4, the human form of Granny Gross appears in the frame on the upper level.
  • On Cover B of Ghostbusters Crossing Over #5, there are Ecto-Plazm and three ghosts that came with it, a P.K.E. Meter that came with the Proton Pack toy and the unreleased Egon's Lab Toy.
  • On Page 2 of Crossing Over #5, in panel 5, Slimer 68-R has a watermelon visually based on his Kenner toy accessory.
  • Cover B of Ghostbusters Crossing Over #7 is a nod to Kenner's Classic Hero Ray packaging with Kylie Griffin as the toy. The orange KB Toys price tag is changed to "IDW 7 Cover B". Kylie, Pagan, and Braided Hair Ghost from The Real Ghostbusters are in place of Ray and Wrapper Ghost. The cover artist's last name "Lattie" appears in place of "Kenner". The grammar is changed slightly from "I ain't 'fraid of no ghost" to "I ain't afraid of no ghost". "Ghostbusters Crossing Over" replaces "The Real Ghostbusters" The bottom of the packaging still has the "Action Zapping Ray with Nutrona Blaster". The Proton Pack has a purple proton stream instead of Ray's orange proton stream.
  • Cover B of Ghostbusters Crossing Over #8 features the van and motorcycle are from 1986 unused concept art.
  • On Page 17 of Crossing Over #8, in panel 4, the ghost attacking Jenny is visually based on Kenner's Mail Fraud Ghost.
  • In Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary: The Real Ghostbusters:
    • On Page 7, the ghost caught on Wednesday is Mail Fraud from Kenner's toyline.
  • In Ghostbusters 35th Anniversary: Extreme Ghostbusters:
    • On the regular cover is the Kenner Firehouse set.
    • On Page 4, in panel 1, in the frame is the human form of the Kenner Granny Gross figure.
  • In Ghostbusters Year One Issue #2:
    • On Cover RI are two parts from the Kenner Ecto-1 toy, in the lower left is the Ghost Claw and in the upper right is the Gunner seat. The floor and turquoise tile wall is based on the Fire House set.
  • In Ghostbusters Year One Issue #4:
    • On Cover RI, Janine is wearing a Flicky Flasher Watch from 1988.

References in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed[]

  • As of DLC #2 released on April 20, 2023 for Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed, some of the pattern options added for clothing are based on the Power Pack Heroes toyline from Kenner.
  • A top, Coverall Scream Suit, added on October 19, 2023 is based on the Screaming Heroes Egon figure.
  • The "Fanatic" Proton Pack shell bears the Kenner Ghost Trap box.

Also See[]

External links[]


  1. Hasbro Pulse YouTube "Hasbro PulseCon 2020 Day 2" 4:05:41-4:06:15 9/28/2020 Mark Boudreaux says: "But I was able to develop a theme. It was a sports theme. It was the idea where the ghosts had infiltrated our sports arenas, you know, and everyday human life. The ghosts would take on the forms of footballs or tennis balls or hockey pucks. And so our heroes needed to develop unique equipment that would be suitable to capture and hold and kind of eradicate the ghosts from our favorite past time."
  2. Ghostbusters Wikia blog Merchandise Street Release Dates 1988


Toy Guide Images[]


Front of packaging for Finger Pops released by Kenner in 1979. This package was a later produced copy promoting the use of the Finger Pops Popper.

Front of packaging for Finger Pops released by Kenner in 1979. This package was a later produced copy promoting the use of the Finger Pops Popper.

Back of packaging for Finger Pops released by Kenner in 1979. This package was a later produced copy promoting the use of the Finger Pops Popper.

Back of packaging for Finger Pops released by Kenner in 1979. This package was a later produced copy promoting the use of the Finger Pops Popper.

Front of packaging for Finger Pops Popper released by Kenner in 1979.

Front of packaging for Finger Pops Popper released by Kenner in 1979.


Foreign Market UK poster for 1986 year. (Credit: Geeky Since Birth)

Foreign Market UK kite giveaway for 1986 year. (Credit: The Slipper)

Foreign Market UK kite giveaway for 1986 year. (Credit: The Slipper)

Foreign Market UK poster for 1987 year.

Foreign Market UK poster for 1987 year.

Foreign Market UK poster for 1990 year.

Foreign Market UK poster for 1990 year.

IDW Comics[]

As seen in Ghostbusters Volume 2 Issue #16

Non-Canon Cameo in Ghostbusters: Get Real Issue #1

Non-canon cameo of ad for Fright Features in Ghostbusters International #3

Squisher seen in Ghostbusters International #8

Granny Gross seen in Ghostbusters International #8

Granny Gross seen in Ghostbusters International #8

Non-Canon reference seen in Ghostbusters 101 #4

Non-Canon reference seen in Ghostbusters 101 #4

Non-Canon reference seen in Ghostbusters 101 #4

Bad-To-The-Bone Ghost seen on Ghostbusters Annual 2018 Cover B

Classic Hero ghost seen in Ghostbusters Annual 2018

Classic Hero ghost seen in Ghostbusters Annual 2018

As seen in Ghostbusters Annual 2018

As seen in Ghostbusters Annual 2018

As seen in Ghostbusters Annual 2018

As seen in Ghostbusters Annual 2018

As seen in Ghostbusters Annual 2018

As seen in Ghostbusters Annual 2018

As seen on Cover B of Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #5

As seen on Cover B of Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #5

As seen on Cover B of Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #5

As seen on Cover B of Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #5

As seen on Cover B of Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #5

Slimer 68-R holding watermelon seen in Crossing Over Issue #5

Slimer 68-R holding watermelon seen in Crossing Over Issue #5

Nod to Classic Hero Ray seen with Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #7 Cover B

Non-canon cameo seen on Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #8 Cover B

Non-canon cameo seen on Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #8 Cover B

Non-canon cameo seen on Ghostbusters Crossing Over Issue #8 Cover B

Non-canon nod on Ghostbusters Year One Issue #2 Cover RI

Non-canon nod on Ghostbusters Year One Issue #2 Cover RI

Non-canon nod on Ghostbusters Year One Issue #2 Cover RI

Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed Images[]

Nod to Power Pack Egon seen in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed pattern selection for flightsuits added 4/20/2023 (Credit: Ghostbusters News)

Nod to Power Pack Ray seen in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed pattern selection for flightsuits added 4/20/2023 (Credit: Ghostbusters News)

Nod to Power Pack Ray seen in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed pattern selection for flightsuits added 4/20/2023 (Credit: Ghostbusters News)

Nod to Power Pack Winston seen in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed pattern selection for flightsuits added 4/20/2023 (Credit: Ghostbusters News)

Nod to Power Pack Winston seen in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed pattern selection for flightsuits added 4/20/2023 (Credit: Ghostbusters News)

Nod to Power Pack Peter seen in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed pattern selection for flightsuits added 4/20/2023 (Credit: Ghostbusters News)

Nod to Power Pack Peter seen in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed pattern selection for flightsuits added 4/20/2023 (Credit: Ghostbusters News)

Nod to Power Pack Louis seen in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed pattern selection for flightsuits added 4/20/2023 (Credit: Ghostbusters News)

Nod to Power Pack Louis seen in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed pattern selection for flightsuits added 4/20/2023 (Credit: Ghostbusters News)

New top based on Screaming Heroes Egon figure in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed

New top based on Screaming Heroes Egon figure in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed

Nod to Ghost Trap box in "Fanatic" Proton Pack shell in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed

Nod to Ghost Trap box in "Fanatic" Proton Pack shell in Ghostbusters: Spirits Unleashed