Library ghost
- ️Fri Aug 05 1983
The Library Ghost (also known as The Grey Lady, Gray Lady, Librarian Ghost, the Librarian, and Eleanor Twitty) was the ghost of a librarian and the very first ghost that the Ghostbusters encountered. She appears to be a very odd reader as she likes to stack books up in the air. She was a minor character in the first movie and a major character of the Library level of the video game.
The Library Ghost in the Primary Canon is developed from Ghostbusters (1984) and Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire. In Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions), a Secondary Canon, Ghostbusters (1984) and Ghostbusters II pre-date the game, Ghostbusters: Afterlife conflicts with the game. Library ghost (prime) appears in the IDW Comic Series, a Secondary Canon, which follows Ghostbusters (1984) and Ghostbusters II, also includes some elements from Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Realistic Versions) and Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Stylized Versions); as well as being canon to Tobin's Spirit Guide (Insight Editions). Ghostbusters: The Board Game, deemed a Tertiary Canon, loosely follows the events of IDW Comics.
Primary Canon History[]
Ghostbusters (1984)[]
In 1984, the Library ghost caused a disturbance in the stacks of the New York City Public Library. As a librarian named Alice passed by a card catalog, the ghost exhibited telekinesis and made several drawers open on their own and cards shot out all over the area. Alice paused, turned around, screamed and ran, dodged drawers, and hurried through the stacks. She went left, left again, another left, turned and looked briefly, then kept running. She turned right, stopped, turned, and went left instead. She turned right, stopped, and came face to face with Library ghost. It transmogrified. Alice screamed and her hair was blown back. Alice only remembered it had arms because it reached for her. 10 people witnessed the ghost. It blew books off shelves from 20 feet away. Roger Delacorte contacted Columbia University for help. Ray Stantz and Egon Spengler conducted an investigation later that day. Egon confirmed the ghost's presence with the P.K.E. Meter. He took P.K.E. valances and they went right off the top of the scale, buried the needle. Based on eyewitness descriptions, Ray believed the entity to be a Free-Roaming, Vaporous, Full Torso Apparition. Egon, Ray, and Peter went down into the stacks and observed Symmetrical Stacking and Ectoplasm left behind by the ghost. Peter collected some of the Ectoplasm for analysis. Soon after a green wooden bookcase almost fell on them. Egon followed the ghost's readings with the P.K.E. Meter and they found it. The ghost was looking at books. Ray was excited and as softly as he could, stated it was a full torso apparition. The ghost began reading a book. Peter asked what to do. Egon and Ray were silent and looked at each other. Peter rolled his eyes and asked them to come over for a talk. He pulled Ray by the ear into an aisle. The ghost looked over at them.
Ray proposed they make contact. Egon agreed. They both looked at Peter. Peter huffed over the silent vote. He walked out of the aisle. Egon took over the Camcorder. Ray followed and quickly snapped photographs with the Nikon SLR FE2 Camera. Peter greeted the ghost, introduced himself, and asked her where it was from. He kicked himself and clarified, "Originally." The ghost only shushed him. Peter returned to the aisle, corralling Ray and Egon back into the aisle. Ray had a new plan. He instructed them to stay close and do exactly as he said. They inched back out and slowly moved closer. Ray suddenly exclaimed, "Get her!" The ghost transmogrified into a monstrous form and screamed "Rah!" at them. They cried out and Ray and Egon backed away almost in unison. Ray, Egon, and Peter promptly left the library. Roger came out the door after them and asked them if they saw it and what it was. Peter yelled they would get back to him.
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire[]
In the summer of 2024, Possessor possessed a trash bag and ran away with a wax cylinder recording of a chant that could free Garraka. Phoebe Spengler, Podcast, Dr. Hubert Wartzki, and Ray ran through the stacks after it. The Library ghost was in one of the rows and shushed them. Ray paused and looked back. The Library ghost was in its second form and charged towards him. Ray screamed and continued running.
Secondary Canon History[]
Ghostbusters: The Video Game[]
Dr. Eleanor Twitty was the head librarian of the New York City Public Library and curated its Special Collections, which included ancient artifacts, stone tablets, and otherwise forgotten parchments. Dr. Twitty was seduced by a man named Edmund Hoover (also known as The Collector), who was a rather unscrupulous rare book collector. She was unaware that "The Collector" was just using her in order to get to the rare books in her care, including the Gozerian Codex. They got engaged. When she discovered her fiancee's true motives, she broke off the relationship and engagement. Sadly, dumping him all but sealed her fate and in March 1924, he murdered her in cold blood, in a secret section of the Library constructed by Gozer's infamous worshiper and architect, Ivo Shandor. Dr. Twitty was reported missing. The New York Police Department made every effort to find her and even conducted repeated room-to-room searches of the underground library stacks where she was last seen but she was never found alive. She was the fifth woman to go missing under mysterious circumstances in 1924. Hoover also murdered many others to cover up Twitty's death and collected their bodies like he collected books. At least 12 bodies of women were discovered under the library in a search led by Detective Sergeant Ambrose Hannigan. Hoover was convicted and sentenced to death by hanging before dawn on May 10, 1924.
In 1991, a new paranormal threat was triggered. While en route to the Natural History Museum, the Ghostbusters heard of a ghost outbreak happening at the Library, and stopped to settle an old score. Ray, in particular, was still bitter about their first encounter, and hinted that they may have had trouble capturing the Library ghost throughout the years. While he scouted out the archives, Winston Zeddemore discovered information, via a stack of old newspaper clippings, providing insight into Library ghost's history and ghostly purpose. The clippings revealed her history and the events in her life which led to her death (and becoming a ghost). Winston relayed this information over the Radio while Ray, Egon, and the Rookie chased her. The information disturbed Ray and Egon. Due to Winston's research, the connection was made that she was a victim of the Cult of Gozer. During the chase they came across the Gozerian Codex, which being used as bait as part of trap for the Ghostbusters, however they managed to overcome it and continue their pursuit of her. They eventually found the ghost in an underground room at a desk quietly reading the codex. Surprisingly, she allowed the Rookie to take it. Upon taking the book, she disappeared, causing Ray to believe they had helped her pass on. Ray gave the impression that after learning about her tragic murder, he got over his bitterness towards her, however she suddenly reappeared, changed into her "transmogrified form".
She used the Gozerian books scattered around to generate an energy shield. The team eventually managed to destroy her shield and trap her, but Ray realizes that it was too easy to the point it seemed to them that she wanted them to have it. While Ray and Egon pondered this revelation, a portal to an alternate dimension opened up in the room. Egon revealed the portal was a result of the energy produced from their battle with her, which caused the dimensional rip. They surmised that the ghost did it to lead them to the one who murdered her, a man now known as a powerful ghost calling itself Azetlor the Destroyer.
Insight Editions and IDW Comics[]
In 1924, Eleanor Twitty, the head librarian of the New York Public Library, went missing in the library itself. Police were unable to find her. Twitty's apartment was searched, too, and yielded no results. [1] Twitty's corpse lay undiscovered in secret catacombs under the library. In 1925, the staff and the patrons of the library started to notice obvious signs of her presence. Twitty's favorite books appeared on the front desk in the morning, those who raised their voices above a whisper were shushed, and those who used the reference section reported they felt like she was watching them. This continued until 1929, then she went dormant. [2] Many years later, Twitty began to manifest in the lower levels of the library, where she harassed staff and patrons and left ectoplasm in her wake. Peter, Ray, and Egon investigated and had their first paranormal encounter. They tried to rush her fearlessly in hopes of forcing her to disperse. Twitty, however, changed into an aggressive, bestial form and screamed. They made a strategic retreat. Fortunately, the data collected from Twitty helped in the design and calibration of their proprietary equipment. Egon and Ray performed a cursory search into the Library ghost. Among their findings, they identified the ghost as former librarian Eleanor Twitty.[3] The Ghostbusters returned several times in the following months after their founding but failed to trap her. [4]
At some point after Winston Zeddemore was hired, the situation with the ghost had gotten worse and it was actively harassing the library patrons. Roger called the Ghostbusters and left multiple messages but due to the heavy workload, they never responded. He eventually went to the Firehouse and pleaded his case. The Ghostbusters went to the library after hours and followed a P.K.E. reading into the stacks. The ghost zipped around the corner and was gone. Winston noted it was a long day and asked if the had a "duck call" or something to bring the ghost to them. Peter teased. Egon was adamant he didn't and never needed such a thing. Ray got an idea. Peter recalled he said that before. Ray explained she was a librarian and didn't like noise so he yelled. They got ready. But nothing happened. Peter called it 0 for 2. Many books levitated around them and attacked. Ray came up with a new plan and grabbed one of the flying books. He addressed the ghost by name, Eleanor Twitty, to Winston's surprise and threatened to destroy Ptolomy's Cosmographia unless she materialized. It worked and the ghost appeared in her transmogrified form. Peter wrangled her and taunted her that trick only worked once. Winston trapped her and the books reverted to normal and fell to the ground. Peter held up the Trap and remarked things could have gone differently a few months ago if she had a polite conversation with them. Winston wasn't so sure he needed to taunt it further. Peter claimed it struck fear in them. Luckily, they avoided damaging the stacks in the bust. Roger was so happy the ghost was gone, Ray talked him into selling him some of the library's occult collection for a good deal.
Eventually, during the Shandor incident, they were led to the secret catacombs and found Twitty's corpse. She manifested and attacked in her bestial form. The Ghostbusters finally captured her.[5]
Ghostbusters: The Video Game Information[]
Player Strategy[]
Realistic Version: If the Librarian comes back after you took the Gozerian Codex off her desk in room where The Collector killed her and transforms into her monster form, first throw out a Trap, then use the Shock Blast to destroy the book stands. Then equip Stasis Stream to freeze her and when her PKE is down to one throw a Capture Stream on her.
Stylized Version: When you are in the room The Collector killed the Gray Lady, she appears in the air floating above her desk and changes into her transmogrified form. Throw out a trap, equip the Shock Blast, and destroy book stands generating her shield. If the Shock Blast meter is empty, let it recharge. Switch to Proton Streams. When fully recharged and there's no shield protecting the Librarian, use the Shock Blast and weaken her. When weakened enough, switch back to Proton Streams. Once you've got her in the Capture Stream slam her, then pull her into the Trap.
Realistic Version Information[]
According to Tobin's Spirit Guide[]
- Category: Class IV Semi-Anchored Entity
- Type: Ghost (must trap)
- Behaviors:
- Attacks: Range, Spawn
- Weakness: Proton Stream
- Dazed Duration: Moderate
- Trap Resistance: Low
- Special: Summoning books
Dr. Eleanor Twitty was the head librarian of the New York City Public Library and overseer of its collection of ancient artifacts, stone tablets, and otherwise forgotten parchments. In March 1924, Dr. Twitty went missing. The New York Police Department made every effort to find her, including repeated room-to-room searches of the underground library stacks where she was last seen but she was never found—alive, that is.
Now she wanders the stacks of the New York City Public Library still organizing books and keeping louder library patrons shushed with a bony finger to the lips. By most reports she is still the same quaint and genteel-looking woman she was in life. Aggravate her, however, and she will transform into a rage-filled horror, and heaven help you if you have any overdue books.
Contact Protocol[]
The ghost of Eleanor Twitty, also known as the Gray Lady, has been haunting the New York City Public Library for years. As the Library's head haunter, she uses several different lower-level spooks like tools. After you corner the elusive specter, she surrounds herself in a protective shield generated by several floating book stands. Target the book stands first and destroy them. As you do, fend off her Book Bats with your Shock Blaster. Once all flying lecterns are destroyed, target the librarian directly and disperse her PKE with your Proton Stream.
Manifestation Point[]
- New York City Public Library
Stylized Version Information[]
According to Tobin's Spirit Guide[]
- Category: Class 7 Full Torso Floating Manifestation
- Abilities: Shushing
Tobin's Summary[]
A standard paranormal event is the anthropomorphic manifestation. These are the remnants of people that probably inhabited the area where the ghost is now being witnessed. Oftentimes the person in question had some strong tie to the location or had unfinished business there. The spirit remains until either the business us attended to or it is driven away.
Egon's Notes[]
Her name was Eleanor Twitty. With all the havoc manifestations cause, it's easy to forget that a lot of them originally came from the psychic imprints of human beings. I don't believe that there's much of anything left of a 'soul,' or whatever at this point, but it's still an unnerving concept to ponder if you let your rational guard down.
Ray's Tips[]
The Gray Lady! Good job getting a clear scan of her, rookie! In this form, she's fairly harmless, but unfortunately she's also too elusive to actually trap.
The art page can be found in the NYC Public Library, during the "Hardcover Ghost Stories" section. It is hidden inside a book shelf in a room just before the second stairwell leading down.
Transmogrified Gray Lady[]
According to Tobin's Spirit Guide[]
- Category: Class 5 Transmogrified Manifestation
- Abilities: Codex Shield, Book Throw, Summon Book Bats
Tobin's Summary[]
Some manifestations have hidden reserves of energy either buried deep within themselves or stored in an external location, similar to the way ancient Egyptians used canoptic jars. When in duress, these spectres will often draw from this source to assume a more frightening form. Far from a scare tactic, this new shape carries with it any appendages and size advantages that its appearance implies. This is usually a last-ditch move for the ghost in question, though, as tapping the secondary energy source will drain it until it can slowly build up over a couple of weeks or months.
Egon's Notes[]
The librarian was one of the first manifestations we were able to get readings off of within close proximity. Her intensity was enough that I was able to use the measurements from her to structure our first containment system. I'm certain there would have been another manifestation to scan had she not come along, but I sometimes feel that we owe a lot of our progress to this free floating manifestation.
Ray's Tips[]
We're not running away this time! She's learned to draw power from those lesser codices to shield herself, so you'll need to burn those up first. As quickly as she's moving, the Shock Blast is probably your best bet for doing that and it will work on the Book Bats she summons, too. Once the codices are gone and her shield drops, give her a nice, large dose of the Blast Stream. Then you can trap her like any other spook.
The art page can be found in the NYC Public Library, during the "Get Her!" section. It is on a pile of smoldering logs in the Transmogrified Gray Lady encounter arena.
Ghostbusters Beeline Information[]
Tobin's Spirit Guide
The Grey Lady is the soul of a former librarian. But don't be fooled by her meek demeanor- she has a deadly throw.
Ghostbusters: The Board Game Information[]
Ghost Card Information[]
Side A[]
- To Hit: 3 or higher
- To Trap: The Librarian cannot be Trapped.
- When Hit: Roll the Event Die until you roll a Gate. The Librarian moves until she reaches the nearest space adjacent to a Gate, and then flip this card over to transform her into The Grey Lady.
- When Missed: Moves to the nearest space adjacent to that Ghostbuster.
- Special:
- Ghostbusters within the Librarian's Line of Sight have their Move Actions reduced by 1 space.
- When the Librarian leaves the map, roll the Event Die until you roll a Gate symbol, and then place the Librarian in a random space adjacent to that Gate.
Side B[]
- To Hit: 3 or higher
- To Trap: The Grey Lady cannot be Trapped.
- When Hit: Roll the Event Die until you roll a Gate. The Grey Lady moves until she reaches the nearest space adjacent to a Gate, and then flip this card over to transform her into The Grey Lady.
- When Missed: Moves to the nearest space adjacent to that Ghostbuster.
- Special:
- Ghostbusters within the Grey Lady's Line of Sight have their Proton Rolls reduced by 1.
- When the Grey Lady leaves the map, roll the Event Die until you roll a Gate symbol, and then place the Grey Lady in a random space adjacent to that Gate.
Ruth Oliver did her scenes at the Entertainment Effects Group facility. The footage was then treated optically and composited into the live-action material shot in the library.[6] Ivan Reitman and co. wanted the ghost to have an "in-and-out transparency" so that it would look like parts of her looked solid and some didn't. Instead of filming Oliver in front of a blue screen, she was filmed against black. As a result, when they pulled the matte, areas of her would be nonexistent.[7] It would also look like her bottom half dissolved off. The team was then able to optically composite and nuance the density of her in the scene.[8] For an added effect, John Bruno filmed the scene with Ruth Oliver acting in reverse. Bruno added in the "Shh" part.[9]
The demonic version the ghost turns into was a mechanical puppet.[10] Mark Bryan Wilson worked on the mock up. He added a simple PVC pipe, wooden sticks, glue, and screws then put it together with the first rough foam latex skins of the mold of Ruth Oliver.[11] Steve Johnson wanted the ghost's head to lower, her shoulders to raise, her deltoid to her bicep to elongate, her wrist to elongate, her fingers to grow, her mouth to get bigger, and her head to flatten. All this was to be done in a 36 frame shot. During the build, Johnson realized it would impossible to work the puppet. It would take around 30 puppeteers to work in tandem in the span of seconds. Stuart Ziff went to John Alberti to mechanize the puppet. He took measurements and worked on a mechanical understructure. In the end, only one puppeteer was needed to pull the lever and work the puppet for the transformation sequence.[12][13][14][15][16][17] It was also shot against black then composited into the shot.[18] The ghost was meant to have an iconic "Quiet!" line. It originated from Berni Wrightson, one of the artists hired to draw ghost concepts. Wrightson's rendering of the Library ghost had a cartoon balloon that read "Quiet!" Ever since then, the gag stuck and was worked into the script. However, in the movie, it was deleted in favor of a simple roar.[19]
There was going to be a second stage to the Library ghost's transformation where it became even more demonic looking but Richard Edlund nixed it due to budgetary concerns despite the puppet being almost done.[20][21][22] It was recycled and reused for the 1985 horror / comedy hit, Fright Night, also released by Columbia Pictures.[23] Richard Edlund and his team did the special effects for both films back to back.
Secondary Canon Classification[]
Ghostbusters: The Video Game Realistic Versions Classification[]
The Library Ghost is a Class IV Semi-Anchored Entity.
Insight Editions Classification[]
On page 17 of Tobin's Spirit Guide, the ghost is listed as an anchored Class IV. [24]
Secondary Canon (Expanded Universe) Classification[]
In Ghostbusters: The Video Game, Stylized Versions, the Library ghost is a Class 7 Full Torso Floating Manifestation and her transmogrified form is a Class 5 Transmogrified Manifestation.
Tertiary Canon Classifications[]
In Ghostbusters: The Board Game, the Library Ghost is a Class 3 Vaporous, Full Torso Apparition and in demonic form, a Class 3 Transmogrified Monstrous Form.
On page 1 of Egon's Journal, a supplement of the Hasbro Haslab Ghostbusters Plasma Series Spengler's Proton Pack, the Library Ghost is a Class 4.
Ghostbusters (1984) Trivia[]
- In the 8/5/1983 draft of Ghostbusters, the Library ghost was the 73rd report of a ghost Peter, Ray, and Egon went to investigate while they were at the University.[25]
- The scenes where the librarian is in the stacks putting books back up to when the Library ghost scares her took four days to film. Ivan Reitman stood-in for the ghost and waved his arms around at Alice Drummond.[26]
- During tests at Boss Films, one of the cameramen wore a dress and stood-in for the Library Ghost. According to Bill Neil, it was a man "you would never expect to see in a dress."[27]
- Annick Therrien and the technical animation team fixed the Library ghost's book so that it looked like an actual object rather than looking ghostly, too. The book was rotoscoped and treated accordingly.[28]
- The wife of the model shop supervisor Mark Stetson owns the Library ghost costume.[29]
- In the script for "The Collect Call of Cathulhu," when Ecto-1 departed the Firehouse for the library, there was an exchange between Ray and Peter. Peter referred to the Library ghost in the dialogue. This was omitted in the actual episode.[30]
- In the episode, "The Haunting of Heck House," there is a brief dialogue between Peter and Egon regarding the library incident.[31]
Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire Trivia[]
- For the first form of the Library ghost, Visual Effects Producer Nicole Rowley searched through hundreds of pages in the original log from the post production office used for the first movie and found a mark named "70mm librarian." She arranged for it to be shipped to the Sony lot from a mine where it was archived. The 70mm reel contained raw and pristine unused takes of Ruth Oliver performing the scene of the Library ghost shushing Peter. It was used to create the new performance seen in Frozen Empire.[32]
- Kevin Mangold puppeteered the Library ghost's left arm.[33]
Ghostbusters: The Video Game Trivia[]
- On page 29 of the October 8, 2007 third draft of Ghostbusters: The Video Game's revised cut-scene script, the Library ghost was going to sacrifice itself and fight off the Collector while the Ghostbusters went through the portal to Ghostworld in Checking Out the Library Level.[34]
IDW Comics Trivia[]
- On page 12 of Ghostbusters 101 #2, in panel 1, on the bottom left monitor screen is a still from the Beeline game of Ghostbusters busting a Football Player and the Librarian.
- The ghost appears on the IDW Convention Variant cover of 35th Anniversary: Ghostbusters in her transmogrified form.
- The Library ghost in her transmogrified form appears on Cover RI of Ghostbusters Year One Issue #1.
- The ghost is featured on Cover A of Ghostbusters Year One Issue #2.
- On page 7 of Ghostbusters Year One Issue #2, the scene from the library investigation in the first movie, Chapter 3, is recreated:
- Panel 2 is when they find the Library ghost.
- Panel 3 is when the ghost shushes Peter.
- Panel 4 is the group huddle about what to do next.
- Panel 5 is Ray's "Get her!"
- On page 8 of Ghostbusters Year One Issue #2, the top panel recreates when she transmogrified and screaming at the guys.
- On page 15 of Ghostbusters Year One Issue #2, the Library ghost commands a swarm of books like she does with the Book Bats in Ghostbusters: The Video Game.
- On page 16 of Ghostbusters Year One Issue #2, Ray calls out to the Library ghost by her real name, Eleanor Twitty. It was first revealed in Ghostbusters: The Video Game after Rookie, Ray, and Egon spot her upon blowing up the Book Golem in the reading room.
Ghostbusters: The Board Game Trivia[]
- On February 18, 2015, the 9th stretch goal of Ghostbusters: The Board Game, $650,000, was introduced: the Grey Lady. [35]
- On February 20, 2015, the Grey Lady was unlocked.[36]
- On Library Ghost's character card in Ghostbusters: The Board Game
- The caption in the photograph quotes Ray's "Symmetrical book stacking!" quote from the first movie when Ray, Egon, and Peter investigate the stacks before forming the Ghostbusters
- Left of the photograph is Ray's "Vaporous, Full Torso Apparition" classification from the first movie when he interrupts Peter and Jennifer
- On the Grey Lady side, the caption in the photograph quotes Ray's "Get her!" line in the first movie
- The Librarian ghost is the only character card in the game that lacks a biography.
Primary Canon Appearances[]
Secondary Canon Appearances[]
- Ghostbusters: The Video Game
- Insight Editions
- Tobin's Spirit Guide
- Section I: Ghosts of New York
- Pages 16-17
- Page 24
- Section I: Ghosts of New York
- Tobin's Spirit Guide
- IDW Publishing
- Ghostbusters Year One
Secondary Canon (Expanded Universe) Appearances[]
- Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Stylized Versions)
- Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Stylized Portable Versions)
Tertiary Canon Appearances[]
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.17). Paragraph reads: "In 1924, Eleanor Twitty, the head librarian of the New York Public Library, vanished. She was last seen at the library itself, and policemen who searched the entire building found no trace of her. A search of her apartment turned up the same results. She was gone."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.17). Paragraph reads: "But in 1925, patrons and other librarians started to notice signs of her presence; her favorite books began to appear regularly on the front desk in the morning, and people who spoke above a whisper would be shushed from the shadows. Patrons using the reference section also reported feeling that they were being watched by Twitty. The ghost appeared frequently in this manner until 1929, then went dormant."
- ↑ Egon Spengler (2020). IDW Comics- "Ghostbusters Year One Issue #2" (2020) (Comic p.16). Egon Spengler says: "We did some cursory research before the business took off."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.17). Paragraph reads: "We returned to the library more than once in the following months to seek out and trap the Gray Lady, but she remained out of reach."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.17). Paragraph reads: "Eventually, we were led to secret catacombs beneath the library, where Eleanor Twitty's corpse was discovered. The Librarian attacked us again there, in her aggressive, bestial form, but this time she was no match for us---or rather, our proton streams."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 29. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "Actress Ruth Oliver appeared as the library ghost in its initial quasi-human form. Since only a semi-transparent torso was required, her scenes were photographed on a stage at Richard Edlund's Entertainment Effects Group facility. The footage was then treated optically and composited into the live-action material shot in the library."
- ↑ Terry Windell (2009). Ghostbusters- Slimer Mode (2009) (Blu-Ray ts. 10:20-10:41). Columbia TriStar Home Video. Terry Windell says: "I remember the library ghost--They didn't wanna shoot her blue screen. They wanted this sort of in-and-out transparency. So parts of her would be solid, parts weren't. So they decided to shoot her against black and then let the shadows within her costume and everything go black, so that when you pulled the matte areas of her would be nonexistent."
- ↑ Richard Edlund (2009). Ghostbusters- Slimer Mode (2009) (Blu-Ray ts. 10:42-10:56). Columbia TriStar Home Video. Richard Edlund says: "And so she just kind of dissolved off in the bottom part of her. And that worked out pretty well. Then we were able to then optically composite and nuance that--her density in the scenes."
- ↑ John Bruno (2009). Ghostbusters- Slimer Mode (2009) (Blu-Ray ts. 10:57-11:22). Columbia TriStar Home Video. John Bruno says: "I added the little "Shh" thing, 'cause it was like, it's a library. Um, but in order to make it look weird and look different than anything else that was shot I decided to shoot the scene in reverse. So I had her act it out in reverse. If you look at the book she's holding, she basically turns the page. But if you look at it slowly, her hand is here and she does this and the page follows her hand over."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 29. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "At a crucial moment, the 'live' ghost was replaced with a mechanical replica which transformed into the demon figure."
- ↑ Mark Bryan Wilson (2019). Cleanin' Up The Town: Remembering Ghostbusters (2019) (Blu-Ray ts. 28:08-28:19). Bueno Productions. Mark Bryan Wilson says: "We had the foam latex skins. And I would take a simple PVC pipe, and wooden sticks, glue, and screws, and put something together with our first rough skins of mold, which were copies of the original actress."
- ↑ Steve Johnson (2019). Cleanin' Up The Town: Remembering Ghostbusters (2019) (Blu-Ray ts. 28:20-28:35). Bueno Productions. Steve Johnson says: "I want her head to lower. I want her shoulders to raise. And I want her deltoid to her bicep to elongate, from here to her wrist to elongate, her fingers to grow. I want her mouth to get bigger. I want her head to flatten. I wanted to do something, again, specifically for this 36 frame shot."
- ↑ Steve Johnson (2019). Cleanin' Up The Town: Remembering Ghostbusters (2019) (Blu-Ray ts. 28:42-28:51). Bueno Productions. Steve Johnson says: "As we're building it, I thought, we cannot control this. You're gonna probably have to have 30 puppeteers. Yet those 30 puppeteers have to hit their marks."
- ↑ Stuart Ziff (2019). Cleanin' Up The Town: Remembering Ghostbusters (2019) (Blu-Ray ts. 28:57-29:01). Bueno Productions. Stuart Ziff says: "I actually had to go outside our group of people to get someone to mechanize."
- ↑ Steve Johnson (2019). Cleanin' Up The Town: Remembering Ghostbusters (2019) (Blu-Ray ts. 29:02-29:11). Bueno Productions. Steve Johnson says: "I want all these things to happen but they have to happen really quickly, and they have to happen in tandem, in concert, like a symphony."
- ↑ Mark Bryan Wilson (2019). Cleanin' Up The Town: Remembering Ghostbusters (2019) (Blu-Ray ts. 29:12-29:20, 29:26-29:32). Bueno Productions. Mark Bryan Wilson says: "The mechanic John Alberti. Gave him the mock up. And said this what Steve wants. You can see how far this pushes, how far that raises. And then he could then take measurements, and then base his mechanical understructure to move the rubber based on that."
- ↑ Steve Johnson (2019). Cleanin' Up The Town: Remembering Ghostbusters (2019) (Blu-Ray ts. 29:33-29:45). Bueno Productions. Steve Johnson says: "He figured it out so that one puppeteer—One puppeteer. You could sit back with a beer, smoking a cigarette, and the director would say action, you could just go--"
- ↑ Terry Windell (2009). Ghostbusters- Slimer Mode (2009) (Blu-Ray ts. 11:23-11:36). Columbia TriStar Home Video. Terry Windell says: "And then, of course, you know, she does this frightful change which was done with a pneumatic monster that was shot onstage and also shot against black that was composited in."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 33 annotation. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "The idea of having the transformed ghost roaring a characteristically librarian "Quiet!" came from an artist's rendering prepared by Berni Wrightson. Wrightson, one of several comic-oriented artists hired to produce concept sketches for the transformation, annotated one particularly vivid rendering with a cartoon balloon that read "Quiet!" The gag stuck and was worked into the script -- though in final execution, it was deleted in favor of a simple roar."
- ↑ Mark Siegel (2019). Cleanin' Up The Town: Remembering Ghostbusters (2019) (Blu-Ray ts. 29:51-30:01). Bueno Productions. Mark Siegel says: "There was going to be a second stage to the transformation that would push out her muscle and there were these sharp-like monstery teeth."
- ↑ Mark Bryan Wilson (2019). Cleanin' Up The Town: Remembering Ghostbusters (2019) (Blu-Ray ts. 30:03-30:08). Bueno Productions. Mark Bryan Wilson says: "Then Steve Johnson sculpted the head for that based off of what we had done for the first part of the transformation."
- ↑ Steve Johnson (2019). Cleanin' Up The Town: Remembering Ghostbusters (2019) (Blu-Ray ts. 30:09-30:20). Bueno Productions. Steve Johnson says: "And Richard is like, "Nope. No second puppet. No second puppet. Don't break the bank, Steve-O." But it's almost done. It'll be so much better! "36 frames. Leave it. Just leave it"."
- ↑ Shay, Don (November 1985). Making Ghostbusters, p. 29. New York Zoetrope, New York NY USA, ISBN 0918432685. Paragraph reads: "Mark Wilson sculpts a final, even more ferocious form for the ghost, which was deemed superfluous and never completed. Ultimately, the design was incorporated into a subsequent EEG project -- Fright Night."
- ↑ Narrator (2016). Insight Editions- "Tobin's Spirit Guide" (2016) (Book p.17). Paragraph reads: "CLASS IV. ANCHORED TO THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY."
- ↑ Aykroyd, Dan & Ramis, Harold (1983). Ghostbusters (First Draft August 5, 1983) (Script p. 6). Peter says: "Ray, in the past twelve months we have investigated seventy-two such apparitions and seen absolutely nothing and now you interrupt the most important meeting of our personal lives to tell me about apparition number seventy-three.""
- ↑ Bueno, Claire (2024). Cleanin' Up The Town: Remembering Ghostbusters. A Cast and Crew's Memoir of Ghostbusters, p. 104. Premiere Publishing, Devon England, ISBN 9781836903437. Alice Drummond says: "It took four days to do that one little scene downstairs. It was nice except Ivan thought he was scaring me; he was going like that (gestures arms waving scarily) (laughs), when I was supposed to see the ghost for the first time. He's not a scary man, and he was trying to scare me."
- ↑ Bueno, Claire (2024). Cleanin' Up The Town: Remembering Ghostbusters. A Cast and Crew's Memoir of Ghostbusters, p. 154-155. Premiere Publishing, Devon England, ISBN 9781836903437. Bill Neil says: "There was an in-house funny story. We were doing some tests for the Library Ghost, and I got one of the other cameramen to play the Library Ghost for our test. That was a big hit in the dailies because he was in a dress, he was a guy that you would never expect to see in a dress."
- ↑ Richard Edlund (1999). Ghostbusters (1984) "SFX Team Featurette" (1999) (DVD ts. 05:02-05:12). Columbia Pictures. Richard Edlund says: "And her book, I remember. She was kinda soft and diffused. But her book had to be sharp which we had Annick's people fix so the book was rotoscoped so it was separately treated."
- ↑ Bueno, Claire (2024). Cleanin' Up The Town: Remembering Ghostbusters. A Cast and Crew's Memoir of Ghostbusters, p. 551. Premiere Publishing, Devon England, ISBN 9781836903437. Mark Stetson says: "My wife ended up with the librarian ghost costume, but I can't remember how or why."
- ↑ Reaves, Michael (2009). The Real Ghostbusters Complete Collection Volume Two Disc Five, p. 3. CPT Holdings, Inc. Peter says: "I just hope Ray doesn't find another phantom librarian."
- ↑ Peter Venkman (2009).The Real Ghostbusters- "The Haunting of Heck House" (1990) (DVD ts. 07:37-07:49). Time Life Entertainment.
- ↑ ReelBlend Podcast YouTube "Old, Unused 'Ghostbusters' Footage Led To One Of 'Frozen Empires' Best Moments | Gil Kenan Interview" 30:14-32:13 3/22/2024 Gil Kenan says: "But the element that I still needed to figure out was the human performance of that ghost before the transformation process and Nicole Rowley, who is the visual effects producer on my film, went through the entire log of the original post-production office, the editing room for the 1984 film which means as they closed down that film once it got into theaters, the assistant editors wrote down every scrap of film that they had and were archiving. She went through hundreds of pages and found one interesting marking on a log book that said "70 mm librarian" and that's kind of all it said and she went through the work of having that archival bit of film pulled from the mines wherever they store this, like Utah, and we got in a box, a pristine roll of 70 mm film that had not been unspooled since 1984. We put it on the big screen at Sony and we had no idea what we would find on there and the image flickered to life and it was the most extraordinary experience. It felt like we had just pushed a button on the DeLorean to travel to 1984. There was raw incredible pristine 70 mm material of Richard Edlund, the visual effects supervisor on the '84 film, filming the librarian shushing the Ghostbusters. So we were able to use takes that have never been used before in Ghostbusters to create a new performance out of that archival material and it felt like movie magic."
- ↑ Extraplasm Podcast "Episode 80: Extraplasm Gets Slimed With Kevin Mangold of Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire" 38:12-38:21 4/17/2024 Kevin Mangold says: "I puppeteered spiders and all sorts of things. And part of the Library ghost in this movie. Yeah. I was the left arm."
- ↑ Zuur Platten, John & Dille, Flint (2007). Ghostbusters: The Video Game (Revised Cut-Scene Script Third Draft October 8, 2007) (Script p. 29). Line reads: "The Gray Lady Ghost throws herself at the COLLECTOR, a murderous apparition, and together they explode into a ball of energy, opening a PORTAL to the GHOSTWORLD. As she changes to her spirit self, The Gray Lady Ghost drops a book that she was carrying. Then, she and the Collector begin fighting in their ethereal forms...""
- ↑ Ghostbusters: The Board Game Update #14 2/18/15 "Trick or Treat?"
- ↑ Ghostbusters: The Board Game Update #18 2/20/15 "Shhhh!"
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Behind the Scenes Images[]
Arjen Tuiten and team tests Library ghost puppet for Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (Credit: Bill Bryan)
Arjen Tuiten and team tests Library ghost puppet for Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire (Credit: Bill Bryan)
Puppet of Library ghost second form used for Frozen Empire (Credit: Arjen Tuiten)
Luke Whitelock of Whitelock Design poses with Library ghost second form puppet during Frozen Empire production (Credit: Whitelock Design)
Kevin Mangold and Library ghost second form puppet during Frozen Empire production (Credit: Kevin Mangold)
Blue screen filming with Library ghost second form puppet and puppeteers during Frozen Empire production (Credit: Mckenna Grace)
Blue screen filming with Library ghost second form puppet and puppeteers during Frozen Empire production (Credit: Mckenna Grace)
Blue screen filming of Library ghost during Frozen Empire production (Credit: Luke Whitelock)