Words of Life 2 - Arabic, Sana'ani

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Short audio Bible stories and evangelistic messages that explain salvation and give basic Christian teaching. Each program is a customised and culturally relevant selection of scripts, and may include songs and music.



1. Noah

House on the Rock


2. House on the Rock

The Perfect Sacrifice


3. The Perfect Sacrifice

Related information

Words of Life - Audio gospel messages in thousands of languages containing Bible-based messages about salvation and Christian living.

Free downloads - Here you can find all the main GRN message scripts in several languages, plus pictures and other related materials, available for download.

The GRN Audio Library - Evangelistic and basic Bible teaching material appropriate to the people's need and culture in a variety of styles and formats.

Choosing the audio or video format to download - What audio and video file formats are available from GRN, and which one is best to use?

Copyright and Licensing - GRN shares its audio, video and written scripts under Creative Commons