Sylvaner Rouge
Synonym for the grape variety Blauer Silvaner; see there.
Blauer Silvaner
The grape variety originates from Germany. Synonyms are Blauer Österreicher, Blauer Reifler, Blauer Schönfeilner, Blauer Spätburgunder, Blauer Zierfandler, Blauer Zierfahndler, Bodenseetraube, Kék Szilvani, Roter Silvaner, Rother Schönfeiler, Schwarzer Österreicher, Schwarzer Silvaner, Süßschwarz, Sylvaner Bleu, Sylvanske Modre and Szilvaner Csor Juej. Some synonyms confusingly refer to other varieties (see also Zierfahndler). It is a colour mutation of the Silvaner variety (Grüner Silvaner and Roter Silvaner). The many names with "blue" or "black" suggest that there used...Origin & parentage
This page was last modified at 23 June, 2021 at 03:40.
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