AboutDialog |
Displays information about a program. |
ActionBar |
Presents contextual actions. |
ActivateAction |
Activates a widget. |
Adjustment |
A model for a numeric value. |
AlertDialog |
Collects the arguments that are needed to present a message to the user. since: 4.10 |
AlternativeTrigger |
Combines two shortcut triggers. |
AnyFilter |
Matches an item when at least one of its filters matches. |
AppChooserButton |
The deprecated: 4.10 |
AppChooserDialog |
deprecated: 4.10 |
AppChooserWidget |
deprecated: 4.10 |
Application |
A high-level API for writing applications. |
ApplicationWindow |
A |
AspectFrame |
Preserves the aspect ratio of its child. |
Assistant |
deprecated: 4.10 |
AssistantPage |
deprecated: 4.10 |
ATContext |
Communicates with platform-specific assistive technologies API. |
BinLayout |
A layout manager for widgets with a single child. |
BookmarkList |
A list model that wraps |
BoolFilter |
Evaluates a boolean expression to determine whether to include items. |
Box |
Arranges child widgets into a single row or column. |
BoxLayout |
Arranges children in a single row or column. |
Builder |
Reads XML descriptions of a user interface and instantiates the described objects. |
BuilderCScope |
A |
BuilderListItemFactory |
Creates widgets by instantiating |
Button |
Calls a callback function when the button is clicked. |
Calendar |
Displays a Gregorian calendar, one month at a time. |
CallbackAction |
Invokes a callback. |
CClosureExpression |
A variant of |
CellArea |
An abstract class for laying out deprecated: 4.10 |
CellAreaBox |
A cell area that renders GtkCellRenderers into a row or a column. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellAreaContext |
Stores geometrical information for a series of rows in a GtkCellArea. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellRenderer |
An object for rendering a single cell. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellRendererAccel |
Renders a keyboard accelerator in a cell. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellRendererCombo |
Renders a combobox in a cell. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellRendererPixbuf |
Renders a pixbuf in a cell. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellRendererProgress |
Renders numbers as progress bars. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellRendererSpin |
Renders a spin button in a cell. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellRendererSpinner |
Renders a spinning animation in a cell. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellRendererText |
Renders text in a cell. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellRendererToggle |
Renders a toggle button in a cell. deprecated: 4.10 |
CellView |
A widget displaying a single row of a GtkTreeModel. deprecated: 4.10 |
CenterBox |
Arranges three children in a row, keeping the middle child centered as well as possible. |
CenterLayout |
Manages up to three children. |
CheckButton |
Places a label next to an indicator. |
ClosureExpression |
An expression using a custom |
ColorButton |
The deprecated: 4.10 |
ColorChooserDialog |
A dialog for choosing a color. deprecated: 4.10 |
ColorChooserWidget |
The deprecated: 4.10 |
ColorDialog |
Asynchronous API to present a color chooser dialog. since: 4.10 |
ColorDialogButton |
Opens a color chooser dialog to select a color. since: 4.10 |
ColumnView |
Presents a large dynamic list of items using multiple columns with headers. |
ColumnViewCell |
Represents items in a cell in since: 4.12 |
ColumnViewColumn |
Represents the columns in a |
ColumnViewRow |
Configures how rows are displayed in a since: 4.12 |
ColumnViewSorter |
Sorts since: 4.10 |
ComboBox |
A deprecated: 4.10 |
ComboBoxText |
A deprecated: 4.10 |
ConstantExpression |
A constant value in a |
Constraint |
Describes a constraint between attributes of two widgets, expressed as a linear equation. |
ConstraintGuide |
An invisible layout element in a |
ConstraintLayout |
Uses constraints to describe relations between widgets. |
ConstraintLayoutChild |
CssProvider |
A style provider for CSS. |
CustomFilter |
Determines whether to include items with a callback. |
CustomLayout |
Uses closures for size negotiation. |
CustomSorter |
Sorts items via a callback function. |
Dialog |
Dialogs are a convenient way to prompt the user for a small amount of input. deprecated: 4.10 |
DirectoryList |
A list model that wraps |
DragIcon |
A |
DragSource |
An event controller to initiate Drag-And-Drop operations. |
DrawingArea |
Allows drawing with cairo. |
DropControllerMotion |
An event controller tracking the pointer during Drag-and-Drop operations. |
DropDown |
Allows the user to choose an item from a list of options. |
DropTarget |
An event controller to receive Drag-and-Drop operations. |
DropTargetAsync |
An event controller to receive Drag-and-Drop operations, asynchronously. |
EditableLabel |
Allows users to edit the displayed text by switching to an “edit mode”. |
EmojiChooser |
Used by text widgets to let users insert Emoji characters. |
Entry |
A single-line text entry widget. |
EntryBuffer |
Holds the text that is displayed in a single-line text entry widget. |
EntryCompletion |
deprecated: 4.10 |
EventController |
The base class for event controllers. |
EventControllerFocus |
Tracks keyboard focus. |
EventControllerKey |
Provides access to key events. |
EventControllerLegacy |
Provides raw access to the event stream. |
EventControllerMotion |
Tracks the pointer position. |
EventControllerScroll |
Handles scroll events. |
EveryFilter |
Matches an item when each of its filters matches. |
Expander |
Allows the user to reveal or conceal a child widget. |
Expression |
Provides a way to describe references to values. |
FileChooserDialog |
deprecated: 4.10 |
FileChooserNative |
deprecated: 4.10 |
FileChooserWidget |
deprecated: 4.10 |
FileDialog |
Asynchronous API to present a file chooser dialog. since: 4.10 |
FileFilter |
Filters files by name or mime type. |
FileLauncher |
Asynchronous API to open a file with an application. since: 4.10 |
Filter |
Describes the filtering to be performed by a |
FilterListModel |
A list model that filters the elements of another model. |
Fixed |
Places its child widgets at fixed positions and with fixed sizes. |
FixedLayout |
Places child widgets at fixed positions. |
FixedLayoutChild |
FlattenListModel |
A list model that concatenates other list models. |
FlowBox |
Puts child widgets in a reflowing grid. |
FlowBoxChild |
The kind of widget that can be added to a |
FontButton |
The deprecated: 4.10 |
FontChooserDialog |
The deprecated: 4.10 |
FontChooserWidget |
The deprecated: 4.10 |
FontDialog |
Asynchronous API to present a font chooser dialog. since: 4.10 |
FontDialogButton |
Opens a font chooser dialog to select a font. since: 4.10 |
Frame |
Surrounds its child with a decorative frame and an optional label. |
Gesture |
The base class for gesture recognition. |
GestureClick |
Recognizes click gestures. |
GestureDrag |
Recognizes drag gestures. |
GestureLongPress |
Recognizes long press gestures. |
GesturePan |
Recognizes pan gestures. |
GestureRotate |
Recognizes 2-finger rotation gestures. |
GestureSingle |
A |
GestureStylus |
Recognizes tablet stylus input. |
GestureSwipe |
Recognizes swipe gestures. |
GestureZoom |
Recognizes 2-finger pinch/zoom gestures. |
GLArea |
Allows drawing with OpenGL. |
GraphicsOffload |
Bypasses gsk rendering by passing the content of its child directly to the compositor. since: 4.14 |
Grid |
Arranges its child widgets in rows and columns. |
GridLayout |
Arranges child widgets in rows and columns. |
GridLayoutChild |
GridView |
Presents a large dynamic grid of items. |
HeaderBar |
Creates a custom titlebar for a window. |
IconPaintable |
Contains information found when looking up an icon in |
IconTheme |
Loads themed icons. |
IconView |
deprecated: 4.10 |
Image |
Displays an image. |
IMContext |
The interface for GTK input methods. |
IMContextSimple |
Supports compose sequences, dead keys and numeric Unicode input. |
IMMulticontext |
Supports switching between multiple input methods. |
InfoBar |
deprecated: 4.10 |
Inscription |
Shows text in a predefined area. since: 4.8 |
KeyvalTrigger |
Triggers when a specific keyval and modifiers are pressed. |
Label |
Displays a small amount of text. |
LayoutChild |
The base class for objects that are meant to hold layout properties. |
LayoutManager |
Handles the preferred size and allocation for children of a widget. |
LevelBar |
Shows a level indicator. |
LinkButton |
A button with a hyperlink. |
ListBase |
The abstract base class for GTK’s list widgets. |
ListBox |
Shows a vertical list. |
ListBoxRow |
The kind of widget that can be added to a |
ListHeader |
Used by list widgets to represent the headers they display. since: 4.12 |
ListItem |
Used by list widgets to represent items in a |
ListItemFactory |
Creates widgets for the items taken from a |
ListStore |
A list-like data structure that can be used with the deprecated: 4.10 |
ListView |
Presents a large dynamic list of items. |
LockButton |
deprecated: 4.10 |
MapListModel |
A list model that maps the items in another model to different items. |
MediaControls |
Shows controls for video playback. |
MediaFile |
Implements the |
MediaStream |
The integration point for media playback inside GTK. |
MenuButton |
Displays a popup when clicked. |
MessageDialog |
deprecated: 4.10 |
MnemonicAction |
Activates a widget with a mnemonic. |
MnemonicTrigger |
Triggers when a specific mnemonic is pressed. |
MountOperation |
Asks the user for passwords and other information required to mount a volume. |
MultiFilter |
Base class for filters that combine multiple filters. |
MultiSelection |
A selection model that allows selecting multiple elements. |
MultiSorter |
Combines multiple sorters by trying them in turn. |
NamedAction |
Activates a named action. |
NativeDialog |
Base class for platform dialogs that don’t use |
NeverTrigger |
A |
NoSelection |
A selection model that does not allow selecting anything. |
Notebook |
Switches between children using tabs. |
NotebookPage |
An auxiliary object used by |
NothingAction |
Does nothing. |
NumericSorter |
Sorts items numerically. |
ObjectExpression |
A |
Overlay |
Places “overlay” widgets on top of a single main child. |
OverlayLayout |
The layout manager used by |
OverlayLayoutChild |
PadController |
Handles input from the pads found in drawing tablets. |
PageSetup |
Stores page size, orientation and margins for printing. |
PageSetupUnixDialog |
Presents a page setup dialog for platforms which don’t provide a native page setup dialog, like Unix. |
Paned |
Arranges its children in two panes, horizontally or vertically. |
ParamSpecExpression |
A |
PasswordEntry |
A single-line text entry widget for entering passwords and other secrets. |
PasswordEntryBuffer |
A since: 4.4 |
Picture |
Displays a |
Popover |
Presents a bubble-like popup. |
PopoverMenu |
A subclass of |
PopoverMenuBar |
Presents a horizontal bar of items that pop up menus when clicked. |
PrintContext |
Encapsulates context information that is required when drawing pages for printing. |
PrintDialog |
Asynchronous API to present a print dialog to the user. since: 4.14 |
Printer |
Represents a printer. |
PrintJob |
Represents a job that is sent to a printer. |
PrintOperation |
High-level, portable printing API. |
PrintSettings |
Collects the settings of a print dialog in a system-independent way. |
PrintUnixDialog |
A print dialog for platforms which don’t provide a native print dialog, like Unix. |
ProgressBar |
Displays the progress of a long-running operation. |
PropertyExpression |
A |
Range |
Base class for widgets which visualize an adjustment. |
RecentManager |
Manages and looks up recently used files. |
Revealer |
Animates the transition of its child from invisible to visible. |
Scale |
Allows to select a numeric value with a slider control. |
ScaleButton |
Provides a button which pops up a scale widget. |
Scrollbar |
Shows a horizontal or vertical scrollbar. |
ScrolledWindow |
Makes its child scrollable. |
SearchBar |
Reveals a search entry when search is started. |
SearchEntry |
A single-line text entry widget for use as a search entry. |
SelectionFilterModel |
A list model that presents the selection from a |
Separator |
Draws a horizontal or vertical line to separate other widgets. |
Settings |
Provides a mechanism to share global settings between applications. |
Shortcut |
Describes a keyboard shortcut. |
ShortcutAction |
Encodes an action that can be triggered by a keyboard shortcut. |
ShortcutController |
Manages keyboard shortcuts and their activation. |
ShortcutLabel |
deprecated: 4.18 |
ShortcutsGroup |
A deprecated: 4.18 |
ShortcutsSection |
A deprecated: 4.18 |
ShortcutsShortcut |
A deprecated: 4.18 |
ShortcutsWindow |
A deprecated: 4.18 |
ShortcutTrigger |
Tracks how a |
SignalAction |
Emits a signal on a widget. |
SignalListItemFactory |
Emits signals to manage listitems. |
SingleSelection |
A selection model that allows selecting a single item. |
SizeGroup |
Groups widgets together so they all request the same size. |
SliceListModel |
A list model that presents a slice of another model. |
Snapshot |
Assists in creating |
Sorter |
Describes sorting criteria for a |
SortListModel |
A list model that sorts the elements of another model. |
SpinButton |
Allows to enter or change numeric values. |
Spinner |
Displays an icon-size spinning animation. |
Stack |
Shows one of its children at a time. |
StackPage |
An auxiliary class used by |
StackSidebar |
Uses a sidebar to switch between |
StackSwitcher |
Shows a row of buttons to switch between |
Statusbar |
A deprecated: 4.10 |
StringFilter |
Determines whether to include items by comparing strings to a fixed search term. |
StringList |
A list model that wraps an array of strings. |
StringObject |
The type of items in a |
StringSorter |
Sorts items by comparing strings. |
StyleContext |
deprecated: 4.10 |
Switch |
Shows a “light switch” that has two states: on or off. |
Text |
A single-line text entry. |
TextBuffer |
Stores text and attributes for display in a |
TextChildAnchor |
Marks a spot in a |
TextMark |
Marks a position in a |
TextTag |
Can be applied to text contained in a |
TextTagTable |
Collects the tags in a |
TextView |
Displays the contents of a |
ToggleButton |
Shows a button which remains “pressed-in” when clicked. |
Tooltip |
Represents a widget tooltip. |
TreeExpander |
Provides an expander for a tree-like list. |
TreeListModel |
A list model that can create child models on demand. |
TreeListRow |
The type of item used by |
TreeListRowSorter |
Applies a gives sorter to the levels in a tree. |
TreeModelFilter |
A deprecated: 4.10 |
TreeModelSort |
A GtkTreeModel which makes an underlying tree model sortable. deprecated: 4.10 |
TreeSelection |
The selection object for GtkTreeView. deprecated: 4.10 |
TreeStore |
A tree-like data structure that can be used with the deprecated: 4.10 |
TreeView |
A widget for displaying both trees and lists. deprecated: 4.10 |
TreeViewColumn |
A visible column in a deprecated: 4.10 |
UriLauncher |
Asynchronous API to open a uri with an application. since: 4.10 |
Video |
Shows a |
Viewport |
Implements scrollability for widgets that don’t support scrolling on their own. |
VolumeButton |
deprecated: 4.10 |
Widget |
The base class for all widgets. |
WidgetPaintable |
A |
Window |
A toplevel window which can contain other widgets. |
WindowControls |
Shows window frame controls. |
WindowGroup |
Creates groups of windows that behave like separate applications. |
WindowHandle |
Implements titlebar functionality for a window. |