


deprecated: 4.10 

Description [src]

final class Gtk.TreeViewColumn : GObject.InitiallyUnowned
  implements Gtk.Buildable, Gtk.CellLayout {
  /* No available fields */

A visible column in a GtkTreeView widget

The GtkTreeViewColumn object represents a visible column in a GtkTreeView widget. It allows to set properties of the column header, and functions as a holding pen for the cell renderers which determine how the data in the column is displayed.

Please refer to the tree widget conceptual overview for an overview of all the objects and data types related to the tree widget and how they work together, and to the GtkTreeView documentation for specifics about the CSS node structure for treeviews and their headers.



Creates a new GtkTreeViewColumn with a number of default values. This is equivalent to calling gtk_tree_view_column_set_title(), gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start(), and gtk_tree_view_column_set_attributes() on the newly created GtkTreeViewColumn.

deprecated: 4.10 

Instance methods


Returns TRUE if any of the cells packed into the tree_column are visible. For this to be meaningful, you must first initialize the cells with gtk_tree_view_column_cell_set_cell_data().

deprecated: 4.10 


Sets the cell renderer based on the tree_model and iter. That is, for every attribute mapping in tree_column, it will get a value from the set column on the iter, and use that value to set the attribute on the cell renderer. This is used primarily by the GtkTreeView.

deprecated: 4.10 


Emits the “clicked” signal on the column. This function will only work if tree_column is clickable.

deprecated: 4.10 


Sets the current keyboard focus to be at cell, if the column contains 2 or more editable and activatable cells.

deprecated: 4.10 


Gets the fixed width of the column. This may not be the actual displayed width of the column; for that, use gtk_tree_view_column_get_width().

deprecated: 4.10 


Returns the GtkTreeView wherein tree_column has been inserted. If column is currently not inserted in any tree view, NULL is returned.

deprecated: 4.10 


Adds the cell to end of the column. If expand is FALSE, then the cell is allocated no more space than it needs. Any unused space is divided evenly between cells for which expand is TRUE.

deprecated: 4.10 


Packs the cell into the beginning of the column. If expand is FALSE, then the cell is allocated no more space than it needs. Any unused space is divided evenly between cells for which expand is TRUE.

deprecated: 4.10 


Sets the alignment of the title or custom widget inside the column header. The alignment determines its location inside the button — 0.0 for left, 0.5 for center, 1.0 for right.

deprecated: 4.10 


Sets the header to be active if clickable is TRUE. When the header is active, then it can take keyboard focus, and can be clicked.

deprecated: 4.10 


Sets the column to take available extra space. This space is shared equally amongst all columns that have the expand set to TRUE. If no column has this option set, then the last column gets all extra space. By default, every column is created with this FALSE.

deprecated: 4.10 


If fixed_width is not -1, sets the fixed width of tree_column; otherwise unsets it. The effective value of fixed_width is clamped between the minimum and maximum width of the column; however, the value stored in the “fixed-width” property is not clamped. If the column sizing is GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_GROW_ONLY or GTK_TREE_VIEW_COLUMN_AUTOSIZE, setting a fixed width overrides the automatically calculated width. Note that fixed_width is only a hint to GTK; the width actually allocated to the column may be greater or less than requested.

deprecated: 4.10 


Sets the maximum width of the tree_column. If max_width is -1, then the maximum width is unset. Note, the column can actually be wider than max width if it’s the last column in a view. In this case, the column expands to fill any extra space.

deprecated: 4.10 


Sets the logical sort_column_id that this column sorts on when this column is selected for sorting. Doing so makes the column header clickable.

deprecated: 4.10 


Call this function with a setting of TRUE to display an arrow in the header button indicating the column is sorted. Call gtk_tree_view_column_set_sort_order() to change the direction of the arrow.

deprecated: 4.10 


Sets the spacing field of tree_column, which is the number of pixels to place between cell renderers packed into it.

deprecated: 4.10 


Sets the widget in the header to be widget. If widget is NULL, then the header button is set with a GtkLabel set to the title of tree_column.

deprecated: 4.10 

Methods inherited from GObject (43)

Please see GObject for a full list of methods.

Methods inherited from GtkCellLayout (10)

Adds an attribute mapping to the list in cell_layout.

deprecated: 4.10 


Unsets all the mappings on all renderers on cell_layout and removes all renderers from cell_layout.

deprecated: 4.10 


Clears all existing attributes previously set with gtk_cell_layout_set_attributes().

deprecated: 4.10 


Returns the underlying GtkCellArea which might be cell_layout if called on a GtkCellArea or might be NULL if no GtkCellArea is used by cell_layout.

deprecated: 4.10 


Returns the cell renderers which have been added to cell_layout.

deprecated: 4.10 


Adds the cell to the end of cell_layout. If expand is FALSE, then the cell is allocated no more space than it needs. Any unused space is divided evenly between cells for which expand is TRUE.

deprecated: 4.10 


Packs the cell into the beginning of cell_layout. If expand is FALSE, then the cell is allocated no more space than it needs. Any unused space is divided evenly between cells for which expand is TRUE.

deprecated: 4.10 


Re-inserts cell at position.

deprecated: 4.10 


Sets the attributes in the parameter list as the attributes of cell_layout.

deprecated: 4.10 


Sets the GtkCellLayoutDataFunc to use for cell_layout.

deprecated: 4.10 



Logical sort column ID this column sorts on when selected for sorting. Setting the sort column ID makes the column header clickable. Set to -1 to make the column unsortable.


Signals inherited from GObject (1)

The notify signal is emitted on an object when one of its properties has its value set through g_object_set_property(), g_object_set(), et al.