Be Careful What You Wish For.../TV episode
"Be Careful What You Wish For" is the first episode of season two of the Goosebumps TV series, and the 20th episode overall. It premiered on May 11, 1996, on Fox during the Fox Kids block.
- Melody Johnson as Samantha Byrd
- Ellen-Ray Hennessy as Clarissa
- Susan Cooke as Judith Bellwood
- Robin Weekes as Cory
- Simone Rosenberg as Anna Frost
- Catherine Fitch as Coach
- Cindy Cook as Mrs. Byrd (uncredited)
Samantha Byrd is the class klutz and laughingstock of the girls’ basketball team. And that rotten Judith Bellwood isn't making her life any easier by teasing and humiliating her in front of the whole class every chance she gets. But now, Samantha has found someone who will grant her three wishes giving her the chance to make Judith her friend. But be careful what you wish for... now Sam's wishes are turning her life into a living nightmare!
Differences from the book[]
- Samantha is not unnaturally tall (though she's still clumsy and gets bullied for being a bad basketball player).
- In the episode, Clarissa is played up to be more eccentric, while in the book she was quieter and calmer.
- In the book, Samantha's first wish to be the best player on her basketball team ends up with everyone except her getting sick. In the episode, the result is everyone on the team being as clumsy and incompetent at basketball as Samantha is.
- In the book, Samantha's second wish is to that Judith would vanish, which leads to everyone on Earth vanishing. In the TV adaptation, Samantha's second wish was for everyone to “buzz off”, which causes everyone except her and Clarissa to turn into flies (actually it wasn't a real wish since she said it out of frustration, but it's still granted because Clarissa is beholden to grant any wish Samantha commands).
- The ending in the episode is altered. In the book, Judith's first wish from Clarissa is for Samantha to "Fly away, Byrd!" Samantha is then turned into a crow and happily lives a new life as a bird. In the television adaptation, Judith's first wish is to be constantly admired wherever she was, ending with Judith becoming a park statue and a crowd of people gathering around her. Interestingly, a crow briefly perches on her head, a possible nod to the book's ending.
- Several characters do not appear in the episode: Ron (Samantha's older brother), Samantha's father, and dog, Punkin. There is also Samantha's teachers, Sharon (math), Daphne (Home Ec), Lisa (reading teacher), Mrs. Reynolds the school Principal, Dr. Stone, Samantha's orthodontist, Audrey the school nurse, Judith's mom and brother, and Cory Blinn's dad. Along with several minor characters that appeared or were mention in some way or other.
- Ron was replaced by Toby. He doesn't appear in the episode, but gets mentioned.
- In the book, Samantha had blonde hair and Judith had red hair, but in the television episode, Samantha has brown hair and Judith has blonde hair.
- In the book, Samantha's wishes are granted with a crystal ball. In the episode, they are granted with an amulet that Samantha finds in the gym. Also, Sam is given the amulet so she can make wishes without Clarissa, while in the book, Clarissa had to be there for them to be granted.
- In the book, it was raining when Samantha and Clarissa met. In the episode, it was not.
- In the book, Samantha wishes her brother would shrink, though it is not granted. Its absence fixes the continuity error that while that wish didn't come true, Samantha wishing in the spur of the moment that Judith would disappear did come true.
- Bobby, the young local boy who's seen regularly riding his tricycle isn't a character from the book. He was created for the TV episode.
- Unlike the book, both Judith and Anna don't get sick in the episode whatsoever, which happened to have been from one of Samantha's wises from the book.
Other media[]
Goosebumps Presents[]
No. | Cover | Release date | Pages |
8 | January 1997 | 59 |
Home media[]
Title | Release date | Media type |
Ghost Beach |
September 13, 2011 | DVD |
3-Pack Thriller |
August 26, 2014 | DVD |
- This episode was adapted into Goosebumps Presents book #8.
- Robin Weekes (Cory) would later on play Nathan in "The House of No Return".
- He also appeared in the Are You Afraid of the Dark? episode "The Tale of the Photo Finish" as Alex.
- He also made numerous appearances in the children show The Adventures of Dudley the Dragon as Dudley's human friend Terry.
- He also appeared in the Are You Afraid of the Dark? episode "The Tale of the Photo Finish" as Alex.
- The school that was used to film Montrose Middle School is John English Junior Middle School in Etobicoke, Toronto, Ontario.
- René Bonnière, the director of this episode, also directed the episode You Can't Scare Me!.
- While this was the first episode of Season 2 to air, it was the second to be produced.[1]
- According to Ellen-Ray Hennessy, she had Clarissa act like a bird in some ways to match with Samantha Byrd's last name. [2]
- The TV book adds in a little moment in the scene where Sam talks to Cory after the first wish, where he jokingly wishes he lived next door to a supermodel.
- While the episode cuts away when Sam gets the phone call from Judith, the TV book shows the call. Judith calls to say how much she likes Sam.
- In the locker room scene during wish 3, Anna is given a few more lines.
- The TV book adds Judith paying for Sam's lunch.
- When Sam wishes Clarissa met Judith instead, the episode shows Judith walking towards Clarissa. In the TV book, there is a flash of light and they are automatically next to each other.
- The ending adds Sam commenting that Judith should have been more careful what she wished for.
- Nor the episode or TV book show/mention anything playing on the TV that is shown in Sam's house after Clarrisa fixes Wish #2. But in the original script, it mentions Bill Clinton being on the TV.
- It is unknown who the actor that plays Bobby in the episode is, because he was uncredited.
- Despite being the first episode of Season 2, it aired a week before "The Werewolf of Fever Swamp", the finale of season 1.
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