Chloe Croce

Chloe Croce is a character that appears in the Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story: Missing Link video game.

Personality & Character[]

Originally a gentle and innocent girl, Chloe was turned into a merciless killing machine by the enhancement procedures she underwent, which dulled her mind and slowly made her lose her memories. Though she feared that she would eventually lose herself, she felt a sense of freedom like nothing else when piloting mobile suits. Unfortunately for her, as she participated in battles, she was given more drugs, causing her to lose even more of her memories.[1]

After she was defeated during the Battle of A Baoa Qu, she had lost almost all of her memories. She fell in love with Vincent Gleissner and decided to start her life anew. Though she was aware that Vincent was under orders to keep an eye on her, and has his gun pointed at her back during battles, she was still willing to sacrifice her life in order to protect him, her only wish being that Vincent would be the one to pull the trigger on her at the end, and that he would cry for her after her death.

Skills & Abilities[]

Though Chloe did not possess any Newtype aptitude, her artificial enhancements dulled her sense of pain, allowed her body to withstand the high G-force exerted by the HADES system, and enhanced her brainwaves and reaction speed. The procedures that created her would later be refined into the Cyber Newtype process, essentially making her a prototype Cyber Newtype. However, the enhancements also caused her to suffer memory loss. By the time she was defeated during the Battle of A Baoa Qu, all of her previous memories felt like nothing but a dream to her. According to Travis Kirkland, her lifespan was also greatly reduced.


Originally a war orphan, Chloe was taken in by a secret Earth Federation Forces research facility at Augusta and chosen to become the pilot of the RX-80PR Pale Rider. In order to effectively make use of the Pale Rider's HADES system, which places a heavy strain on the pilot, she was given performance enhancement drugs and body modifications, which improved her neural transmission and allowed her to withstand the massive G-force caused by the HADES system's activation, but also dulled her mind, causing her to gradually lose her memories.[1]

According to the manga adaptation of Missing Link, Chloe lost her parents and her home during Operation British. She was found by Grave, a mysterious EFF official, and became the test subject for the Pale Rider project. Unbeknownst to her, the drugs had life-threatening side effects, and Grave was planning on having her dissected after the end of the war in order to study the effects of the drugs on the human body. Although she is not a regular member of the military, she has been given the rank of ensign by the upper echelons of the military for the sake of convenience, in order to avoid problems when she is put into actual combat and to gain a certain degree of discretion.

During the Battle of Jaburo, Grave ordered Chloe to wipe out the Slave Wraith Team, which was directed to Jaburo under the pretense of protecting the base, using the Pale Rider. Chloe engaged both the Slave Wraith Team and Zeon's Marchosias Team, which was attacking Jaburo. Though the Pale Rider proved to be a dangerous opponent, it was eventually defeated, and Chloe was forced to retreat.

During the Battle of A Baoa Qu, Chloe sortied in the Pale Rider (which was reconfigured for space combat) and fought the Marchosias Team once again. This time, the Pale Rider was finally destroyed by the combined efforts of the entire team. However, Chloe managed to survive. Vincent Gleissner, the Marchosias Team leader, was shocked to discover that Chloe was only a child.

Due to the effects of her memory impairment, she became attached to Vincent, and they continued to fight together in various camps, and in the year 0090, she joined the Newborn Neo Zeon, but her body was nearing its limits due to the effects of experiments and HADES. Chloe, now piloting a repaired and heavily modified Pale Rider, now designated the AMX-018[HADES] Todesritter, engaged in combat with remnants of a Neo Zeon splinter faction that included Vincent's former Marchosias squadmate, Annerose Rosenheim in the repaired NZ-000 Queen Mansa. Annerose held an intense vendetta against Chloe for the death of Albert Bell and many of her other Marchosias squadmates at the end of the One Year War, and engaged in a fierce battle with Chloe. This battle ultimately culminated with the destruction of both of their machines. However, both women managed to survive the battle with relatively few injuries, and were rescued after the battle by Vincent and his father, Travis Kirkland, who interfered with the conflict while searching for his son. After the battle, all four pilots were finally able to resolve their respective conflicts with each other, and left the battlefield to live a relatively peaceful life together. Chloe settled down with Vincent, eventually giving birth to his child.


  • In the Missing Link video game, Chloe's face during the One Year War was obscured by her helmet. However, all subsequent media, starting from the Missing Link manga adaptation, showed the face of One Year War-era Chloe normally.
  • In the Missing Link Video Game when Chloe was first introduce she did not have a backstory or in-depth detail who she was. It wasn't until the manga adaption of Missing Link Chloe was given a proper backstory.


Chloe during One Year War

Chloe during One Year War

Chloe during U.C. 0090

Chloe during U.C. 0090

After Operation British, from Missing Link manga

After Operation British, from Missing Link manga

Unconcious from the effects of the drugs

Unconcious from the effects of the drugs

Piloting the Pale Rider

Piloting the Pale Rider

One Year War appearance, from Gundam Versus

0090 appearance, from Mobile Suit Gundam U.C. Card Builder

In Gundam Try Age

In Mobile Suit Gundam Arsenal Base

0090 Chloe from Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs. 2 OverBoost

Burst Portait of 0090 Chloe from OverBoost

Burst Portait of 0090 Chloe from OverBoost


  1. 1.0 1.1 Mobile Suit Gundam Side Story - Missing Link - Archives