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The Gwanban-class (also spelt as Gwanvan) is a battleship class introduced in Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

Developed by the Axis Zeon's engineers post One Year War, the Gwanban-class was a successor to the older Gwazine-class battleships. While the Gwanban-class was slightly smaller, it was well-armed, with three retractable mega particle cannons and six single barreled cannons, and could carry and maintain up to 18 mobile suits. A large MS deck located behind the bow of the ship has sufficient space for storing and maintaining large mobile weapon such as the NZ-000 Queen Mansa or the AMX-002 Neue Ziel, and the vessel sports a large recovery deck at the aft.


  • Mega Particle Cannon
The Gwanban-class is armed with three mega particle cannons. One is mounted atop the ship's midsection, while the the other two are mounted on the sides of the ship near the aft and close to the ventral cannons. These cannons are mounted in retractable mounts shielded by armored shutters and capable of rotating 360 degrees.
  • Single Barreled Cannon
The Gwanban-class is equipped with six single barreled beam cannons. One is mounted before the bridge tower, one each on the left and right side of the bridge tower, and two are on the underside of the ship. The last cannon is mounted midship - between the dorsal mega particle cannon and the turret in front of the bridge tower.


In U.C. 0083, the Gwanban-class battleship Gwanzan served as the flagship of the Axis advance fleet, which supported the Delaz Fleet during Operation Stardust. The Gwanzan also brought with it a mobile armor developed by Axis Zeon, the AMX-002 Neue Ziel, which became the personal machine of Anavel Gato. Near the end of the conflict, the Gwanzan was able to retreat back to Axis, taking with it several survivors of the Delaz Fleet.

During the Gryps War, the nameship vessel, the Gwanban served as the flagship of the Axis Zeon after the destruction of the Gwadan. During the First Neo Zeon War, Glemy Toto rebelled against Haman Karn and took the Gwanban as his flagship. During the Battle of Axis, the Gwanban was destroyed, marking the beginning of the end for both Glemy's rebellion and Haman Karn's Neo Zeon movement.



Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory[]

The Gwanzan (Top)

The Gwanzan (Top)

The Gwanzan (Front)

The Gwanzan (Front)

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam/Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam: A New Translation III - Love Is the Pulse of the Stars[]

Side view (Zeta Ep 47)

Side view (Zeta Ep 47)

Bottom view (Zeta Ep 47)

Bottom view (Zeta Ep 47)

Bridge (Zeta Ep 47)

Bridge (Zeta Ep 47)

Alongside an Endra-class cruiser (A New Translation III - Love Is the Pulse of the Stars)

Alongside an Endra-class cruiser (A New Translation III - Love Is the Pulse of the Stars)

Top view (A New Translation III - Love Is the Pulse of the Stars)

Top view (A New Translation III - Love Is the Pulse of the Stars)

Front view (A New Translation III - Love Is the Pulse of the Stars)

Front view (A New Translation III - Love Is the Pulse of the Stars)

Rear hatch (A New Translation III - Love Is the Pulse of the Stars)

Rear hatch (A New Translation III - Love Is the Pulse of the Stars)

Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ[]

Front (Ep 44)

Front (Ep 44)

Firing Mega Particle Cannons & Single Barreled Cannons (Ep 44)

Firing Mega Particle Cannons & Single Barreled Cannons (Ep 44)

Deploying the Queen Mansa (Ep 44)

Deploying the Queen Mansa (Ep 44)

Notes & Trivia[]



External links[]

Mobile Suit Gundam 0083 Mechanics
Earth Federation Forces/Titans
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MS-06F-2 Zaku II F2 Type | MS-14F Gelgoog Marine | RGC-83 GM Cannon II | RGM-79 GM | RGM-79C GM Type C | RGM-79 Powered GM | RGM-79N GM Custom | RGM-79Q GM Quel | RX-78GP01 Gundam "Zephyranthes" | RX-78GP01-Fb Gundam "Zephyranthes" Full Burnern | RX-78GP02A Gundam "Physalis" | RX-78GP03S Gundam "Stamen" | RX-81FC G-Line Full Custom
Mobile Pod
RB-79 Ball | RB-79C Ball Type C
RX-78GP03 Gundam "Dendrobium"

Land Vehicle
Command Vehicle
Aircraft / Spacecraft
FF-XII Core Fighter II | FF-XII-Fb Core Fighter II Full Burnern | FF-XII-Sp Core Fighter II-Sp | Patrol Vessel
Transporter / Supply Ship
C-88 Medea | Columbus Kai-class
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Alexandria-class | Birmingham-class | LMSD-76 Gray Phantom | Magellan Kai-class | MSC-07 Albion | Pegasus-class | Salamis Kai-class
Super Weapon
Solar System II
Principality of Zeon/Delaz Fleet/Zeon Remnants/Axis Zeon
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AGX-04 Gerbera Tetra | MS-06F Zaku II | MS-06F-2 Zaku II F2 Type | MS-09F/trop Dom Tropen | MS-09R Rick Dom | MS-09R-2 Rick Dom II | MS-14A Gelgoog | MS-14F Gelgoog Marine | MS-14Fs Gelgoog Marine Commander Type | MS-21C Dra-C | MS-21D1 Dra-C Custom | RX-78GP02A Gundam "Physalis" | YMS-09R-2 Prototype Rick-Dom Zwei | YMS-16M Xamel
Mobile Armour
AMX-002 Neue Ziel | MA-06 Val Walo

Ship / Submarine
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Transporter / Supply Ship
H.L.V. | Komusai II | Papua-class | Pazock-class
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Gwanban-class | Gwazine-class | Musai-class Late Production Type | Zanzibar II-class
Anaheim Electronics
Supply Ship
La Vie en Rose
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Colony Corporation Ship
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Mechanics
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
Petite-Mobile | MS-14A Gelgoog | MSA-003 Nemo | MSA-005 Methuss | MSK-008 Dijeh | MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki | MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam | RGC-83 GM Cannon II | RGM-79N GM Custom | RMS-099 Rick Dias | RMS-179 GM II | RX-178 Gundam Mk-II | RX-178+FXA-05D Super Gundam

Aircraft / Spacecraft
Beechcraft Model D17 "Comet" | Dodai Kai | Flying Armor | FXA-05D G-Defenser | Hohsenka | Shackles | Space Boat | Temptation-class | XB-70 Valkyrie
Transporter / Supply Ship
H.L.L.V. | Suit Carrier | Supply Transport Ship
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Argama-class | Garuda-class | Irish-class | Salamis Kai-class
Earth Federation Forces/Titans
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MS-06E Zaku Reconnaissance Type | MS-06K Zaku Cannon | MS-06M Marine Hizack | MS-06V Zaku Tank | MS-07H Gouf Flight Test Type | MS-11 Act Zaku | PMX-001 Palace Athene | PMX-002 Bolinoak Sammahn | PMX-003 The-O | RGC-80 GM Cannon | RGM-79Q GM Quel | RGM-79SC GM Sniper Custom | RMS-106 Hizack | RMS-106CS Hizack Custom | RMS-108 Marasai | RMS-117 Galbaldy β | RMS-154 Barzam | RMS-156 Griffon | RMS-179 GM II | RMV-1 Guntank II | RX-110 Gabthley | RX-121-2A Gundam TR-1 (Advanced Hazel) | RX-139 Hambrabi | RX-160 Byarlant | RX-178 Gundam Mk-II | RX-77-3 Guncannon Heavy Custom
Mobile Armor
MRX-009 Psycho Gundam | MRX-010 Psycho Gundam Mk-II | NRX-044 Asshimar | NRX-055 Baund Doc | ORX-005 Gaplant | PMX-000 Messala

Land Vehicle
Missile Car
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Base Jabber | FF-6 TIN Cod | FF-S3 Saberfish | Geta | Space Launch | Temptation-class
Transporter / Supply Ship
Jupitris-class | Supply Transport Ship
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Alexandria-class | Dogosse Giar-class | Garuda-class | Lombardia-class | Salamis Kai-class
Super Weapon
Gryps II
Axis Zeon
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMX-003 Gaza-C | AMX-004 Qubeley | AMX-007 Gaza-E | MS-110 Chaika | MS-21C Dra-C

Cruiser / Mother Ship
Endra-class | Gwadan-class | Gwanban-class | Musai Kai-class
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Zeon Space Launch
Republic of Zeon
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MS-09R Rick Dom | RMS-106 Hizack

Cruiser / Mother Ship
Chivvay Kai-class | Musai Kai-class
Principality of Zeon
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MS-06F Zaku II | MS-14A Gelgoog

Mother Ship
Anaheim Electronics
Supply Ship
La Vie en Rose
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ Mechanics
AEUG/Karaba/Earth Federation Forces
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMX-004 Qubeley Mk-II | FA-010S Full Armor ZZ Gundam | MSA-003 Nemo | MSA-005 Methuss | MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki | MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam | MSZ-010 ΖΖ Gundam | MSZ-010S Enhanced ZZ Gundam | RGM-86R GM III | RMS-179 GM II | RX-178 Gundam Mk-II

Aircraft / Spacecraft
Dodai Kai | Flying Armor | FXA-07GB Neo Core Fighter | FXA-08R Mega Rider
Transporter / Supply Ship
HOTOL | Suit Carrier
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Argama-class | Garuda-class | Salamis Kai-class | SCVA-76 Nahel Argama
Neo Zeon/Zeon Remnants
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMX-003 Gaza-C | AMX-004 Qubeley | AMX-004 Qubeley Mk-II | AMX-004G Qubeley Mass Production Type | AMX-006 Gaza-D | AMX-008 Ga-Zowmn | AMX-009 Dreissen | AMX-011 Zaku III | AMX-011S Zaku III Custom | AMX-014 Döven Wolf | AMX-015 Geymalk | AMX-101 Galluss-J | AMX-102 Zssa | AMX-103 Hamma Hamma | AMX-104 R-Jarja | AMX-107 Bawoo | AMX-109 Capule | AMX-117L Gazu-L | AMX-117R Gazu-R | MS-06D Desert Zaku | MS-06F Zaku II | MS-09G Dwadge | MS-09H Dwadge Custom | MS-14J ReGelgu | NZ-000 Queen Mansa | RMS-099B Schuzrum Dias | RMS-106 Hizack | RMS-108 Marasai | RMS-119 EWAC Zack | RMS-192M Zaku Mariner
Mobile Armor
AMA-01X Jamru Fin | MRX-010 Psycho Gundam Mk-II | NRX-044 Asshimar

Land Vehicle
Zaku Tanker
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Base Jabber | Geta
Transporter / Supply Ship
Camouflaged Ship
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Endra-class | Garuda-class | Gwanban-class | Sadalahn-class
African Independence Front / Blue Corps
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MS-06D Desert Zaku | MS-09G Dwadge | MS-14A Gelgoog | RMS-119 EWAC Zack | Petite-Mobile

Land Vehicle
Zaku Tanker
Anaheim Electronics
Supply Ship
La Vie en Rose
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MS-05B Zaku I | MS-06V Zaku Tank | MS-14A Gelgoog | MSM-03 Gogg | MSM-04 Acguy | MSM-04N Agguguy | MSM-07 Z'Gok | MSM-08 Zogok | Petite Mobile Suit
Mobile Worker
Cattle | Geze | Middle Mobile Suit

Land Vehicle
Missile Car
Transporter / Supply Ship