MSK-008 Dijeh

The MSK-008 Dijeh (ディジェ Dije?) is a mobile suit introduced in the anime Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam. During the Gryps War, it was piloted by Amuro Ray.

Technology & Combat Characteristics[]

The Dijeh is a prototype ground-use mobile suit developed by Karaba (hence the 'K' in its model number), the earthbound counterpart of the AEUG, based on the RMS-099 Rick Dias that AEUG left behind after the assault on Jaburo. Karaba put all of its industrial capabilities and technologies supplied by AEUG into building the suit, and although it uses avionics from the AEUG's MSA-003 Nemo, its specifications are far better and worthy of an ace-use machine. Like the Rick Dias, many former Zeon engineers were involved in the Dijeh's development, hence its design has many Zeon-style features, such as the mono-eye sensor. Another similarity with the Rick Dias is that the Dijeh's cockpit is also located in its head.

To adapt to ground operations, the suit's cooling system is improved and lightened. Furthermore, large heat radiator fins are mounted on its back, and the suit can hover over the ground due to the vectoring nozzle type jet thrusters installed in the legs. The suit also features enhanced communication capabilities due to the blade antenna on the head and rod-shaped multi-antennas (also known as radar receivers) mounted on top of the heat radiator fins. Amuro Ray, Karaba's ace and eventual pilot of the Dijeh, participated in the suit's development at the final stage and suggested the weapons rack on the left shoulder. Armament-wise, the suit has a pair of vulcan guns, a beam naginata, a shield on the right shoulder, and uses the beam rifle used by the AEUG's MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki, as well as the Rick Dias' clay bazooka. It can also use the same hyper mega launcher as the MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam.

In U.C.0097, Luio & Co. operated a number of dark gray-colored Dijehs that were equipped with beam rifles modified to use the same standard E-pac as the beam rifles of RGM-89D Jegan D Type and RGZ-95 ReZEL. Additionally, the commander-use unit has a searchlight on its left shoulder.


  • 60mm Vulcan Gun
Mounted in the Dijeh's head, the pair of 60mm vulcan guns are shell firing weapons with a high-rate of fire, but little power and are generally ineffective against mobile suits. However, they can damage lightly armored areas such as the sensors, and are ideal for shooting down small, lightly armored targets such as missiles or small vehicles. Unique to the Dijeh, the vulcan guns' ammunitions are stored in the suit's back, and fed to the weapon via two exposed tubes.
  • Shield
An articulated shield attached to the right shoulder. As it is not handheld, it has limited defensive angles and directions, but it does has a wide defensive area. Also known as 'Round Shield'.
  • Beam Naginata
Like Zeon's MS-14A Gelgoog, the Dijeh carries a twin beam sword, also known as a "Beam Naginata". It has a long handle and a beam emitter at both ends for generating two Naginata-shaped beam blades simultaneously. Alternatively, it can generate only a beam blade on one end, but this blade is thicker. When not in use, the beam naginata is stored on the rear skirt armor.
  • BR-M-87 Beam Rifle
The standard ranged armament of many mobile suits is the beam rifle, and the particle beam it fires can penetrate almost any armor that has not been treated with specific counter-measures. The Dijeh carried the same model of Beam Rifle as the Hyaku Shiki, with a power rating of 2.8 MW and powered by a replaceable e-pac. It has a retractable hook on top of the barrel for mounting onto the suit's backpack when not in use.
  • AE/ZIM.C-BAZ-531 300mm Clay Bazooka
The Dijeh was equipped with the same model of Clay Bazooka as used by Rick Dias and Hyaku Shiki. It was originally designed to fire adhesive rounds which immobilize enemy machines rather than destroying them outright. However, it could also be loaded with other types of ammunition, including conventional explosive round as well as pellet shot round. The Clay Bazooka has 1 round in its chamber with 7 more rounds in a reloadable magazine. A retractable hook is present on top of the bazooka's barrel for mounting onto the suit's backpack when not in use.
  • Hyper Mega Launcher
The same weapon used by the MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam which is the most powerful class of beam weapon used by mobile suits. The Hyper Mega Launcher is a large mega particle cannon with firepower exceeding that of a warship's guns, which draws its power from a built-in thermonuclear reactor. The Hyper Mega Launcher can be stored on the Weapon Rack when not in use.
  • Long-Range Beam Rifle
A long-range beam rifle with a high-powered scope, allowing the pilot to hit distant targets with pinpoint accuracy. Sniping is also possible by utilizing a bipod. Used by Jona Bashta in the manga version of Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative.

Special Equipment & Features[]

  • Weapon Rack
Installed on Dijeh's left shoulder for carrying large firearms such as Hyper Mega Launcher.[1][2][3][4] It was said that Amuro Ray proposed this equipment as he wanted to test various weaponry.[3][4]
  • Searchlight
The Commander type Dijeh piloted by Michele Luio in U.C.0097 was equipped with a searchlight on its left shoulder.


During the Gryps Conflict in U.C.0087, the Dijeh was assigned to One Year War veteran and Karaba ace pilot Amuro Ray. The Dijeh's operating data was used in the development of the MSA-099-2 Rick Dias II.

10 years later in U.C.0097, a team of Luio & Co.'s Dijehs with modified beam rifles was led by Michele Luio to capture Martha Vist Carbine. Despite being relatively antique compared to the escort MS team - which consists of several RAS-96 Ankshas, FD-03 Gustav Karls, and RGM-89D-ESC Jegan Type D Escort Types - the element of surprise and the Dijeh pilots' skill overwhelmed most of them.[5]

In the manga version of Gundam Narrative, the Dijehs operated by Luio & Co. had their serial numbers removed prior to sortieing to make them untraceable.[6]



BR-M-87 Beam Rifle

BR-M-87 Beam Rifle

AE/ZIM.C-BAZ-531 300mm Clay Bazooka

AE/ZIM.C-BAZ-531 300mm Clay Bazooka

Beam Naginata

Beam Naginata

Hyper Mega Launcher

Hyper Mega Launcher


Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam[]

Aiming AE/ZIM.C-BAZ-531 300mm Clay Bazooka

Aiming AE/ZIM.C-BAZ-531 300mm Clay Bazooka

Riding Dodai Kai and aiming BR-M-87 Beam Rifle

Riding Dodai Kai and aiming BR-M-87 Beam Rifle

Riding Dodai Kai and firing Beam Rifle (Ep36)

Riding Dodai Kai and firing Beam Rifle (Ep36)

Escorting Zeta Gundam (center) out of battlefield during the siege of Titans' Kilimanjaro base alongside Hyaku Shiki (right) (1) (Ep36)

Escorting Zeta Gundam (center) out of battlefield during the siege of Titans' Kilimanjaro base alongside Hyaku Shiki (right) (1) (Ep36)

Escorting Zeta Gundam out of battlefield during the siege of Titans' Kilimanjaro base alongside Hyaku Shiki (right) (2) (Ep36)

Escorting Zeta Gundam out of battlefield during the siege of Titans' Kilimanjaro base alongside Hyaku Shiki (right) (2) (Ep36)

Close up of head with open cockpit inside Garuda-class Audhumla (Ep37)

Close up of head with open cockpit inside Garuda-class Audhumla (Ep37)

Close up with Quattro Bajeena (Ep37)

Dijeh in Hangar (Ep38)

Dijeh in Hangar (Ep38)

Close Up (Ep38)

Close Up (Ep38)

Firing Clay Bazooka (Ep38)

Firing Clay Bazooka (Ep38)

Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative[]

Gundam Build Fighters[]

Custom unit head close up

Custom unit head close up

Illustrations & Artwork[]

Artwork for 1/144 Original MSK-008 Dijeh model release (1986)

Artwork for 1/144 Original MSK-008 Dijeh model release (1986)


In Titans colors from Mobile Suit Gundam: Gundam vs. Zeta Gundam

B-Rank Dijeh from SD Gundam Capsule Fighter Online

In Mobile Suit Gundam: Battle Operation 2.

PV for Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme Vs. 2 XBoost

『機動戦士ガンダム エクストリームバーサス2 クロスブースト』第2弾追加リリース機体|ディジェ【BNAM公式】

Game Card from Gundam War


1/144 Original "MSK-008 Dijeh" (1986): box art

1/144 Original "MSK-008 Dijeh" (1986): box art

1/144 Popy "MSK-008 Dijeh" full-cast resin model (2005): box art

1/144 Popy "MSK-008 Dijeh" full-cast resin model (2005): box art

1/144 B-Club "MSK-008 Dijeh" full-cast resin model (2010): box art

1/144 B-Club "MSK-008 Dijeh" full-cast resin model (2010): box art

1/144 HGUC "MSK-008 Dijeh" (2018): box art

1/144 HGUC "MSK-008 Dijeh" (2018): box art

1/144 HGUC "MSK-008 Dijeh (Narrative Ver.)" (P-Bandai exclusive; 2019): box art

1/144 HGUC "MSK-008 Dijeh (Narrative Ver.)" (P-Bandai exclusive; 2019): box art

1/144 HGUC "MSK-008 Dijeh [Clear Color]" (Events and The Gundam Base Tokyo exclusive; 2020): box art

1/144 HGUC "MSK-008 Dijeh [Clear Color]" (Events and The Gundam Base Tokyo exclusive; 2020): box art

1/144 HGUC "MSK-008 Dijeh" (Action Pose 1)

1/144 HGUC "MSK-008 Dijeh" (Action Pose 1)

1/144 HGUC "MSK-008 Dijeh" (Action Pose 2)

1/144 HGUC "MSK-008 Dijeh" (Action Pose 2)

1/144 HGUC "MSK-008 Dijeh" (Armaments and hand options)

1/144 HGUC "MSK-008 Dijeh" (Armaments and hand options)

1/100 RE/100 "MSK-008 Dijeh" (2015): box art

1/100 RE/100 "MSK-008 Dijeh" (2015): box art

1/100 RE/100 Dijeh: color art

1/100 RE/100 Dijeh: color art

Action Figures[]

Robot Damashii Ka Signature "MSK-008 Dijeh" (Tamashii Web exclusive; 2017): box art

Robot Damashii Ka Signature "MSK-008 Dijeh" (Tamashii Web exclusive; 2017): box art

Robot Damashii Ka Signature "MSK-008 Dijeh [NARRATIVE Ver.]" (Tamashii Web exclusive; 2019): box art

Robot Damashii Ka Signature "MSK-008 Dijeh [NARRATIVE Ver.]" (Tamashii Web exclusive; 2019): box art


In Gashapon Senshi Forte #05

In Gashapon Senshi Forte #05

Notes & Trivia[]

  • The Robot Damashii Ka Signature action figure Dijeh comes with a FXA-03M2 Hyper Mega Launcher, like that used by the MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam. Despite its size, it can be stored on the weapons rack when not in use.
  • More recent designs of the Dijeh have started incorporating empty sockets for twin eye cameras into its head, behind its monoeye, as if it was supposed to have two Gundam-style eye cameras originally, but they were just never installed in favor of a monoeye. The RE/100 Dijeh was the first kit to include this almost imperceptible detail, while the HGUC Dijeh includes two head parts -one with the empty twin camera sockets, and one without.
    • The Robot Damashii Ka Signature figure takes this the furthest, even having a sharp Zeta-style faceplate hidden behind behind the Dijeh's normal beaky face in addition to the empty eyes. However, this detail is not replicated in the Dijeh [​Narrative Ver.] of the figure.



Information and specifications from 1/144 Original "MSK-008 Dijeh" model kit manual

Information and specifications from 1/144 Original "MSK-008 Dijeh" model kit manual

Information from Project File: Z Gundam

Information from Project File: Z Gundam

Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative Mechanical Archives Vol. 1

Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative Mechanical Archives Vol. 1

Narrative Ver. Lineart and Information

Narrative Ver. Lineart and Information



  1. 1/144 Original MSK-008 Dijeh model kit manual
  2. Dijeh's profile on archived version of the Gundam Official website
  3. 3.0 3.1 1/100 RE/100 MSK-008 Dijeh model kit manual
  4. 4.0 4.1 1/144 HGUC MSK-008 Dijeh model kit manual
  5. Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative
  6. Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative (Manga), Volume 1, Chapter 1

External links[]

Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam Mechanics
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
Petite-Mobile | MS-14A Gelgoog | MSA-003 Nemo | MSA-005 Methuss | MSK-008 Dijeh | MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki | MSZ-006 Zeta Gundam | RGC-83 GM Cannon II | RGM-79N GM Custom | RMS-099 Rick Dias | RMS-179 GM II | RX-178 Gundam Mk-II | RX-178+FXA-05D Super Gundam

Aircraft / Spacecraft
Beechcraft Model D17 "Comet" | Dodai Kai | Flying Armor | FXA-05D G-Defenser | Hohsenka | Shackles | Space Boat | Temptation-class | XB-70 Valkyrie
Transporter / Supply Ship
H.L.L.V. | Suit Carrier | Supply Transport Ship
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Argama-class | Garuda-class | Irish-class | Salamis Kai-class
Earth Federation Forces/Titans
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MS-06E Zaku Reconnaissance Type | MS-06K Zaku Cannon | MS-06M Marine Hizack | MS-06V Zaku Tank | MS-07H Gouf Flight Test Type | MS-11 Act Zaku | PMX-001 Palace Athene | PMX-002 Bolinoak Sammahn | PMX-003 The-O | RGC-80 GM Cannon | RGM-79Q GM Quel | RGM-79SC GM Sniper Custom | RMS-106 Hizack | RMS-106CS Hizack Custom | RMS-108 Marasai | RMS-117 Galbaldy β | RMS-154 Barzam | RMS-156 Griffon | RMS-179 GM II | RMV-1 Guntank II | RX-110 Gabthley | RX-121-2A Gundam TR-1 (Advanced Hazel) | RX-139 Hambrabi | RX-160 Byarlant | RX-178 Gundam Mk-II | RX-77-3 Guncannon Heavy Custom
Mobile Armor
MRX-009 Psycho Gundam | MRX-010 Psycho Gundam Mk-II | NRX-044 Asshimar | NRX-055 Baund Doc | ORX-005 Gaplant | PMX-000 Messala

Land Vehicle
Missile Car
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Base Jabber | FF-6 TIN Cod | FF-S3 Saberfish | Geta | Space Launch | Temptation-class
Transporter / Supply Ship
Jupitris-class | Supply Transport Ship
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Alexandria-class | Dogosse Giar-class | Garuda-class | Lombardia-class | Salamis Kai-class
Super Weapon
Gryps II
Axis Zeon
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMX-003 Gaza-C | AMX-004 Qubeley | AMX-007 Gaza-E | MS-110 Chaika | MS-21C Dra-C

Cruiser / Mother Ship
Endra-class | Gwadan-class | Gwanban-class | Musai Kai-class
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Zeon Space Launch
Republic of Zeon
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MS-09R Rick Dom | RMS-106 Hizack

Cruiser / Mother Ship
Chivvay Kai-class | Musai Kai-class
Principality of Zeon
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
MS-06F Zaku II | MS-14A Gelgoog

Mother Ship
Anaheim Electronics
Supply Ship
La Vie en Rose
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative Mechanics
Earth Federation Forces/Luio & Co.
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
FD-03-13 Gustav Karl Type-13 | MSK-008 Dijeh | MSN-001A1 Delta Plus | RAS-96 Anksha | RGM-89A2 Jegan Type-A2 (GR) | RGM-89D-ESC Jegan Type D Escort Type | RGM-96Xs Jesta (Shezarr Type) | RGZ-95C ReZEL Type-C (GR) | RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex | RX-9 Narrative Gundam | RX-9/A Narrative Gundam A-Packs | RX-9/B Narrative Gundam B-Packs | RX-9/C Narrative Gundam C-Packs
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Base Jabber
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Clop-class | Dogosse Giar-class | Irish-class
Republic of Zeon
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
AMS-129 Geara Zulu (Ellic Custom) | AMS-129 Geara Zulu (Guards Type) | AMX-009 Dreissen | MSN-06S-2 Sinanju Stein
Mobile Armour
NZ-999 II Neo Zeong
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Mineva Faction
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
ARX-014S Silver Bullet Suppressor
Garencieres Junior