Newborn Neo Zeon

The Newborn Neo Zeon is a faction introduced in Mobile Suit Gundam: Char's Counterattack.



On December 22, U.C. 0092, Char Aznable emerged after his disappearance during the Gryps War and declared the creation of the second Neo Zeon. He seized control of Sweetwater, a colony filled with refugees displaced by the major conflicts of the last decade, in a bloodless occupation, as the citizens welcomed him with open arms. Sweetwater secretly served as Newborn Neo Zeon's staging ground until it revealed itself on February 27, U.C. 0093, when Aznable issued a declaration of war against the Earth Federation in a televised interview program, starting the Second Neo Zeon War.

Second Neo Zeon War[]



Notes & Trivia[]



Universal Century Nations and Factions
Earth Federation
Criminal Police Organization | Earth Federation Forces | Federation Survey Service
Earth Federation Forces Subdivisions
08th Mobile Suit Team | 13th Autonomous Corps | 23rd Independent Fleet | Aggressor Squadron | Black Dog Squad | Circe Unit | ECOAS | Grave | Londo Bell | Man Hunting Attachment | Moore Brotherhood | Phantom Sweep Corps | Slave Wraith | Task Force Alpha | Tianem Fleet | Titans | White Dingo Team
Principality of Zeon
Autonomous Republic of Munzo | Black Tri-Stars | Chimera Corps | Cyclops Team | Eagle Corps | Griffon Corps | Hunter Corps | Invisible Knights | Kycilia Agency | Living Dead Division | Marchosias Team | Midnight Fenrir Corps | Republic of Zeon | Rommel Corps | Simbu Base Corps | Tombstone Project | Zeon Remnants - Delaz Fleet - Kimberlite Forces | Red Wolf Squadron | Midnighters Squadron | Salamanders Squadron
Neo Zeon Movements
Axis Zeon - 3-D Team - Glemy Faction | Newborn Neo Zeon | Jupiter Phantom | Mars Zeon/Oldsmobile Army | ReZeon | Sleeves
Anti-Earth Federation Movements
Anti Earth Union Group - Gundam Team | African Independence Front | Blue Corps | Karaba | Mafty - Mafty's 1st Army
South Seas Alliance | Crossbone Vanguard | Cosmo Babylonia | Jupiter Empire | Jupiter Energy Fleet | Riah Republic | Zanscare Empire/BESPA | Congress of Settlement Nations | Settlement Freedom League | Illuminati | Metatron/Zi Zeon | Saint Gotthard Colony
Non-Governmental Organizations
Anaheim Electronics | Buch Concern | Colony Public Corporation | Hervic Company | League Militaire | Luio & Co. | SNRI | Flanagan Institute | Minovsky Physics Society | MIP | New Desides | Newtype Research Institute | Vist Foundation | Zimmad | Zeonic | List of Universal Century companies