
The Sleeves (袖付き Sodetsuki?) is a faction introduced in Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn.


The Sleeves, so-called by Federation Forces because of the ornate sleeve designs on their mobile suits, are a Neo Zeon movement formed from the survivors of Newborn Neo Zeon and led by Full Frontal. The Sleeves are a relatively small paramilitary organization that primarily operate out of Palau, but they have secret ties to some Zeon Remnants, a multitude of Zeon sympathizer cells hiding on Earth, and certain government officials and right-wing political activists within the Republic of Zeon. Since the Sleeves have no formal ties to the Republic of Zeon's government, the Earth Federation does not recognize the Sleeves as a legitimate military organization and has branded them a terrorist group.

The mobile suits used by the Sleeves consist of older models left from the previous wars as well as a number of newer and one-off models that were obtained from Anaheim Electronics' factory in Granada in U.C. 0093. The Sleeves have no plans to mass-produce their own suits due to resource limitations.


Following its defeat in Second Neo Zeon War in U.C. 0093, the scattered remnants of Newborn Neo Zeon entered a period of dormancy, during which Full Frontal, a Cyber Newtype altered to look like the MIA Zeon ace Char Aznable, stepped into the leadership vacuum and reorganized them into a cohesive group. In U.C. 0096, Full Frontal's Neo Zeon organization began ramping up its activity and became known to the Earth Federation as the "Sleeves". At this time, the Sleeves were presented with an irresistible opportunity by the Vist Foundation, which offered to give them Laplace's Box, a legendary object rumored to be capable of toppling the Federation. The Sleeves planned to use Laplace's Box to pick up where Newborn Neo Zeon and Char Aznable left off in their long struggle against the Federation, specifically by coercing the Federation into allowing the Republic of Zeon to remain independent long enough to establish what Full Frontal called the Side Co-Prosperity Sphere. This would unite the Sides under a self-sufficient economic system that would boycott the Earth, bringing about the dissolution of the Federation and making mass emigration of humanity to space a necessity.

However, the exchange of Laplace's Box was thwarted by the intervention of Londo Bell, the Federation's special forces unit ECOAS, and the Vist Foundation's RX-0 Unicorn Gundam piloted by Banagher Links, the illegitimate son of Cardeas Vist. The ensuing rush for control of the Box and its "key", the Unicorn Gundam, became known as the Laplace Incident. The Sleeves expended a significant portion of their military power during the conflict, and coordinated with Zeon remnants on Earth to launch attacks on Dakar and Torrington Base. Ultimately, despite the efforts and sacrifices of numerous Sleeves members, and public revelation of the Box's secrets, the organization failed in its objectives. Full Frontal perished in battle, and most of the Sleeves' military assets were destroyed. Following the conclusion of the Laplace Incident, the few remaining members of the Sleeves dispersed.

In U.C. 0097, a group of Republic of Zeon members, lead by Zoltan Akkanen, used the iconography and name of the Sleeves in their attempt to capture the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex when it reappeared within Earth. They used a number of remaining Mobile Suits used by the Sleeves, including the MSN-06S-2 Sinanju Stein and the NZ-999 II Neo Zeong. This group was ultimately defeated by Jona Basta working in tandem with the Phenex before it disappeared for parts unknown. Mineva Lao Zabi believed government forces within the Republic of Zeon were behind the attacks, but had no proof.

In U.C. 0100, the Republic of Zeon officially ceded its autonomy and rejoined the Earth Federation in accordance with the Granada Treaty. This effectively marked the end of Neo Zeon movements in the Earth Sphere until the emergence of Mars Zeon in U.C. 0120.



Notes & Trivia[]



Universal Century Nations and Factions
Earth Federation
Criminal Police Organization | Earth Federation Forces | Federation Survey Service
Earth Federation Forces Subdivisions
08th Mobile Suit Team | 13th Autonomous Corps | 23rd Independent Fleet | Aggressor Squadron | Black Dog Squad | Circe Unit | ECOAS | Grave | Londo Bell | Man Hunting Attachment | Moore Brotherhood | Phantom Sweep Corps | Slave Wraith | Task Force Alpha | Tianem Fleet | Titans | White Dingo Team
Principality of Zeon
Autonomous Republic of Munzo | Black Tri-Stars | Chimera Corps | Cyclops Team | Eagle Corps | Griffon Corps | Hunter Corps | Invisible Knights | Kycilia Agency | Living Dead Division | Marchosias Team | Midnight Fenrir Corps | Republic of Zeon | Rommel Corps | Simbu Base Corps | Tombstone Project | Zeon Remnants - Delaz Fleet - Kimberlite Forces | Red Wolf Squadron | Midnighters Squadron | Salamanders Squadron
Neo Zeon Movements
Axis Zeon - 3-D Team - Glemy Faction | Newborn Neo Zeon | Jupiter Phantom | Mars Zeon/Oldsmobile Army | ReZeon | Sleeves
Anti-Earth Federation Movements
Anti Earth Union Group - Gundam Team | African Independence Front | Blue Corps | Karaba | Mafty - Mafty's 1st Army
South Seas Alliance | Crossbone Vanguard | Cosmo Babylonia | Jupiter Empire | Jupiter Energy Fleet | Riah Republic | Zanscare Empire/BESPA | Congress of Settlement Nations | Settlement Freedom League | Illuminati | Metatron/Zi Zeon | Saint Gotthard Colony
Non-Governmental Organizations
Anaheim Electronics | Buch Concern | Colony Public Corporation | Hervic Company | League Militaire | Luio & Co. | SNRI | Flanagan Institute | Minovsky Physics Society | MIP | New Desides | Newtype Research Institute | Vist Foundation | Zimmad | Zeonic | List of Universal Century companies