ZM-S06G Zollidia

The ZM-S06G Zollidia is a mobile suit introduced in the anime Mobile Suit Victory Gundam.

Technology and Combat Characteristics[]

The ZM-S06G Zollidia is one of several mobile suits based on the ZM-S06S Zoloat. Specifically, the Zollidia was designed as a ground-use version for combat on Earth and optimized as such. Changes include an increase in armor, a reduction of thrusters' numbers, and a slight increase to the reactor output. Because of the changes to the shoulders, the Zollidia lacks the Zoloat's beam string emitter and the beam shield is relocated to the left forearm. This placement of the beam shield allows the Zollidia to protect itself from any direction, making it much more effective than the Zoloat's beam shield.


  • 4-barrel Vulcan Gun
A multi-barreled machine gun mounted on each side of Zollidia's torso. The weapon has a relatively small caliber, making it unsuitable for use against mobile suits. It is better used against lightly armored targets such as aircraft, transport trucks, or soldiers.
  • Beam Shield
Unlike an I-field generator, which is effective only against beam attacks, the beam shield blocks both beam and projectile weapons. The beam shield generates a plane of energy similar to the blade of a beam saber. This plane is divided into multiple sections, which can be turned on or off as needed to conserve energy. Individual sections are also automatically deactivated whenever they're in danger of coming into contact with the mobile suit itself.
  • Beam Saber
Standard melee combat weapon that uses high energy plasma contained by an I-field to form a blade. Hand-carried when in use. Stored in the torso shoulders when not in use.
  • Beam Cannon
A pair of beam cannons can optionally be mounted on the hardpoints on the suit's back.
  • Beam Rifle
A standard range weapon employed by almost all mobile suits, though with many different models, with the Zollidia using the same beam rifle as the ZMT-S12G Shokew. It fires beams of condensed mega particles and is powered by an e-pac.

Special Equipment & Features[]


After the success of the ZM-S06S Zoloat, BESPA used its data to develop several mobile suits for the invasion of Earth, one of which was the ground combat-use Zollidia. The Zollidia was often used together with the Einerad, and widely deployed in the North America.




Various linearts and details

Various linearts and details

Beam Shield

Beam Shield

Front & rear views (bottom)

Front & rear views (bottom)

Customized Zollidia units

Customized Zollidia units


1/144 Original ZM-S06G Zollidia (1993): box art

1/144 Original ZM-S06G Zollidia (1993): box art

Notes and Trivia[]

  • The Zollidia is similar to the Principality of Zeon's MS-06J Zaku II Ground Type in that both are mass production mobile suits configured for ground use. Additionally, the Zollidia's shoulder armors bear a similarity to that of Zaku II's.


External links[]

Mobile Suit Victory Gundam Mechanics
League Militaire/Earth Federation Forces
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
LM111E02 Gun-EZ | LM111E03 Gunblaster | LM312V04 Victory Gundam | LM312V04+SD-VB03A V-Dash Gundam | LM312V06 Victory Gundam Hexa | LM312V06+SD-VB03A V-Dash Gundam Hexa | LM314V21 Victory 2 Gundam | LM314V23 Victory 2 Buster Gundam | LM314V23/24 V2 Assault-Buster Gundam | LM314V24 Victory 2 Assault Gundam | RGM-119 Jamesgun | RGM-122 Javelin | Second V | ZM-S06S Zoloat

Land Vehicle
Camion | Core Fighter Carrier
Battle Speed Boat
Aircraft / Spacecraft
CS-H926 Setter H926 | Sinope-class
Transporter / Supply Ship
La Vie en Rose | Transporter
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Alexandria-class | Clop-class | Ra Cailum-class | Reinforce | Reinforce Junior | Salamis Kai-class | White Ark
Zanscare Empire
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
ZM-D11S Abigor | ZM-S06G Zollidia | ZM-S06S Zoloat | ZM-S08G Zolo | ZM-S08GC Zolo Kai | ZM-S09G Tomliat | ZM-S14S Contio | ZM-S19S Shy-Tarn | ZM-S20S Jabaco | ZM-S21G Bruckeng | ZM-S22S Rig Shokew | ZM-S22SC Rig Shokew for Imperial Guard | ZM-S24G Gedlav | ZM-S27G Domuttlia | ZMT-D15M Galguyu | ZMT-S12G Shokew | ZMT-S13G Godzorla | ZMT-S16G Memedorza | ZMT-S28S Gengaozo | ZMT-S29 Zanneck | ZMT-S33S Gottrlatan | ZMT-S34S Rig Contio
Mobile Armour
ZM-A05G Recarl | ZMT-A03G Galicson | ZMT-A30S Birknau | ZMT-A31A Doggorla

Land Vehicle
Battle Bike "Kou" | Battle Bike "Ohtu"
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Croaking | Overhead Hawk | Sinope-class
Support Weapon
Einerad | Twinrad
Transporter / Supply Ship
Cruiser / Mother Ship
Adrastea-class | Amalthea-class | Callisto-class | Lysithea-class | Squid-class
Super Weapon
Angel Halo | Keilas Guilie
Macedonia Army
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Suit
Gwigsy | RGM-109-M5 Heavygun

Land Vehicle
Missile Buggy
Salamis Kai-class
Mobile Weapon
Mobile Worker
MW544B Sandhoge

Land Vehicle
Moon Buggy | Wappa
Aircraft / Spacecraft
Aineias | Shuttle
Space Boat