Project Gutenberg
Aatto S.
See: Suppanen, Aatto, 1855-1898
Abbott, Franklin Pierce, 1852-1923
- Annouchka: A Tale (English) (as Translator)
Ahava, Juho
Aksakov, S. T. (Sergei Timofeevich), 1791-1859
- A Russian Gentleman (English) (as Author)
Aldington, Richard, 1892-1962
- The Little Demon (English) (as Translator)
Anczyc, Wł. L. (Władysław Ludwik), 1823-1883
- Wiersz do Króla Pruskiego
Napisany Przy Zdobyciu Arsenału Dnia 14 Czerwca 1848 W Berlinie (Polish) (as Author)
Andelin, Verner
See: Anttila, Werner, 1869-1954
Andrejev, Leonid
See: Andreyev, Leonid, 1871-1919
Andreyev, Leonid, 1871-1919
- Anathema: A Tragedy in Seven Scenes (English) (as Author)
- Best Russian Short Stories (English) (as Contributor)
- The Crushed Flower, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- The dark (English) (as Author)
- Los espectros: Novelas breves (Spanish) (as Author)
- The Glebe 1914/01 (Vol. 1, No. 4): Love of One's Neighbor (English) (as Author)
- He Who Gets Slapped: A Play in Four Acts (English) (as Author)
- Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Leonid Andreyev (English) (as Author)
- The Life of Man: A Play in Five Acts (English) (as Author)
- The Little Angel, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Pimeyttä (Finnish) (as Author)
- The red laugh: fragments of a discovered manuscript (English) (as Author)
- Satan's Diary (English) (as Author)
- Savva and the Life of Man: Two plays by Leonid Andreyev (English) (as Author)
- The Seven Who Were Hanged (English) (as Author)
- The Sorrows of Belgium: A Play in Six Scenes (English) (as Author)
- When the King Loses His Head, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- 血笑記 (Japanese) (as Author)
Andriessen, Simon Jacob, 1831-1901
- Per luchtballon naar de Zuidpool (Dutch) (as Translator)
Angé, Louis Marie Jean-Baptiste
See: Bournac, Olivier, 1885-1931
Anichkova, Anna Mitrofanovna
See: Strannik, Ivan, 1868-1935
Anttila, Werner, 1869-1954
- Alaikäinen: Huvinäytelmä 5:ssä näytöksessä (Finnish) (as Translator)
Arbes, Jakub, 1840-1914
- Rakontoj (Esperanto) (as Author)
Artois, Mary W. (Mary Webb), 1852-1935
- Through the Desert (English) (as Translator)
Artsybashev, M. (Mikhail), 1878-1927
- Best Russian Short Stories (English) (as Contributor)
- Millionen; Der Tod des Iwan Lande: Zwei Novellen (German) (as Author)
- Sanine (English) (as Author)
- Ssanin: Roman (German) (as Author)
Artzibashef, Michael
See: Artsybashev, M. (Mikhail), 1878-1927
Ashkinazi, Mikhail Osipovich
See: Delines, Michel, 1851-1914
Asnyk, Adam, 1838-1897
- Pobudka: zbiorek poezji (Polish) (as Author)
Avinova, Anna Mitrofanovna
See: Strannik, Ivan, 1868-1935
Azar y Azpe, P. de
See: Pedraza y Páez, Pedro, 1877-
Azpe, P. de Azar y
See: Pedraza y Páez, Pedro, 1877-
Bain, R. Nisbet (Robert Nisbet), 1854-1909
- Tales from Gorky (English) (as Translator)
Baring, Maurice, 1874-1945
- Landmarks in Russian literature (English) (as Author)
- An Outline of Russian Literature (English) (as Author)
Bax, Clifford, 1886-1962
- 'And So Ad Infinitum' (The Life of the Insects)
An Entomological Review, in Three Acts, a Prologue and an Epilogue (English) (as Editor)
Bely, Andrey, 1880-1934
- Petersburg (German) (as Author)
Benecke, Else C. M. (Else Cecilia Mendelssohn), 1873-1917
- More Tales by Polish Authors (English) (as Translator)
- Selected Polish Tales (English) (as Translator)
- Tales by Polish Authors (English) (as Translator)
Berg, Olof
See: Wuorinen, Olli, 1842-1917
Bernstein, Herman, 1876-1935
- Anathema: A Tragedy in Seven Scenes (English) (as Translator)
- The Crushed Flower, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- The Man Who Was Afraid (English) (as Translator)
- The Rendezvous
1907 (English) (as Translator) - Satan's Diary (English) (as Translator)
- The Seven Who Were Hanged (English) (as Translator)
- The Slanderer
1901 (English) (as Translator) - The Sorrows of Belgium: A Play in Six Scenes (English) (as Translator)
Bers, Sofia Andreyevna
See: Tolstaia, S. A. (Sofia Andreevna), 1844-1919
Berthold, Ernst
See: Talvj, 1797-1870
Bertram, Dr.
See: Schultz, Georg Julius, 1808-1875
Bezruč, Petr, 1867-1958
- Songs of the Slav : Translations from the Czecho-Slovak (English) (as Author)
Bianchi, Martha Dickinson, 1866-1943
- Russian Lyrics (English) (as Translator)
Bienstock, J. W.
See: Binshtok, V. L., 1868-1933
Biggs, Maude Ashurst, 1857-1933
- Konrad Wallenrod: An Historical Poem (English) (as Translator)
Binion, Samuel Augustus, 1853-1914
- The Knights of the Cross, or, Krzyzacy: Historical Romance (English) (as Translator)
Binshtok, V. L., 1868-1933
- Carnet d'un inconnu
(Stépantchikovo) (French) (as Translator)
Biriukov, Pavel Ivanovich, 1860-1931
- Tolstoi's leven
Zijne persoonlijke herinneringen, brieven en aanteekeningen 1828-1863 (Dutch) (as Author)
Biroekoff, Pavel Ivanovich
See: Biriukov, Pavel Ivanovich, 1860-1931
Black, Constance Clara
See: Garnett, Constance, 1861-1946
Blaumanis, Rūdolfs, 1863-1908
- Novelleja (Finnish) (as Author)
Blavatsky, H. P. (Helena Petrovna), 1831-1891
- The Grand Inquisitor (English) (as Translator)
- Nightmare Tales (English) (as Author)
Blink, Carl
See: Stjernström, Louise, 1812-1907
Blink, Karl
See: Stjernström, Louise, 1812-1907
Bogdanov, A. (Aleksandr), 1873-1928
- Der rote Stern: Ein utopischer Roman (German) (as Author)
Boltz, August, 1819-1907
- Der Held unserer Zeit: Kaukasische Lebensbilder (German) (as Translator)
Borg, Annie, 1887-1958
- Kunniansa vankina : Romaani ylioppilaselämästä (Finnish) (as Translator)
Borg, Felix, 1888-1959
- Kunniansa vankina : Romaani ylioppilaselämästä (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Sissipäällikkö: Kohtauksia ranskalais-saksalaisesta sodasta (Finnish) (as Translator)
Borrow, George, 1803-1881
- Emelian the Fool: a tale (English) (as Translator)
- The Story of Tim (English) (as Translator)
Botev, Khristo, 1848-1876
- Short Stories (Bulgarian) (as Author)
- Христо Ботев, Стихотворения (Bulgarian) (as Author)
Bournac, Olivier, 1885-1931
- Tolstoï (French) (as Translator)
Bowring, John, 1792-1872
- An Anthology of Jugoslav Poetry; Serbian Lyrics (English) (as Translator)
- Servian Popular Poetry (English) (as Translator)
Branch, Stephen
Brezina, Otokar, 1868-1929
- Hymnen (German) (as Author)
See: Seppänen, Rob. A., 1875-1920
Brjussow, Waleri
See: Bryusov, Valery Yakovlevich, 1873-1924
Brodziński, Kazimierz, 1791-1835
- Wiesław
sielanka krakowska w pięciu aktach (Polish) (as Author)
Bruck, Arthur Moeller van den
See: Moeller van den Bruck, Arthur, 1876-1925
Bruner, Ludwik, 1871-1913
- Jeden miesiąc życia: utwory prozą (Polish) (as Author)
Brussov, Valery
See: Bryusov, Valery Yakovlevich, 1873-1924
Bryusov, Valery Yakovlevich, 1873-1924
- The Republic of the Southern Cross, and other stories (English) (as Author)
- Die Republik des Südkreuzes: Novellen (German) (as Author)
Buek, Otto, 1873-1966
- Sämmtliche Werke 1: Die Abenteuer Tschitschikows oder Die toten Seelen I (German) (as Translator)
- Sämmtliche Werke 1: Die Abenteuer Tschitschikows oder Die toten Seelen I (German) (as Editor)
- Sämmtliche Werke 2: Die Abenteuer Tschitschikows oder Die toten Seelen II (German) (as Translator)
- Sämmtliche Werke 2: Die Abenteuer Tschitschikows oder Die toten Seelen II (German) (as Editor)
- Sämmtliche Werke 3: Abende auf dem Gutshof bei Dikanka; Phantastische Novellen (German) (as Editor)
- Sämmtliche Werke 4: Mirgorod (German) (as Editor)
- Sämmtliche Werke 5: Dramatische Werke (German) (as Editor)
- Sämmtliche Werke 6: Arabesken, Prosaschriften, Rom (German) (as Editor)
- Sämmtliche Werke 7: Briefwechsel I (German) (as Editor)
- Sämmtliche Werke 8: Briefwechsel II, Hans Küchelgarten
Briefwechsel II / Die Beichte des Dichters / Betrachtungen über die Heilige Liturgie / Jugendschriften / Fragmente / Hans Küchelgarten (German) (as Editor)
Bugaev, Boris Nikolaevich
Bugow, S.
- Sämmtliche Werke 2: Die Abenteuer Tschitschikows oder Die toten Seelen II (German) (as Translator)
- Sämmtliche Werke 4: Mirgorod (German) (as Translator)
- Ssanin: Roman (German) (as Translator)
Bullick, Thomas H.
- Sielanka: An Idyll (English) (as Translator)
Bulwer Lytton, Edward Robert, Earl of Lytton
See: Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton, Earl of, 1831-1891
Bunin, Ivan Alekseevich, 1870-1953
- The Gentleman from San Francisco, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Reminiscences of Anton Chekhov (English) (as Author)
- The Village (English) (as Author)
Busch, Marie, 1885-1958
- More Tales by Polish Authors (English) (as Translator)
- Selected Polish Tales (English) (as Translator)
Calamnius, Ilmari
See: Kianto, Ilmari, 1874-1970
Calderon, George, 1868-1915
- Reminiscences of Tolstoy, by His Son (English) (as Translator)
Calderón, Sofronio G., 1878-1954?
- Sa Ano Nabubuhay Ang Tao (Tagalog) (as Translator)
Cankar, Ivan, 1876-1918
- Erotika (Slovenian) (as Author)
- Za narodov blagor: Komedija v štirih dejanjih (Slovenian) (as Author)
Cannan, Gilbert, 1884-1955
- The House with the Mezzanine and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- Sanine (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
Čapek, Josef, 1887-1945
- 'And So Ad Infinitum' (The Life of the Insects)
An Entomological Review, in Three Acts, a Prologue and an Epilogue (English) (as Author)
Čapek, Karel, 1890-1938
- 'And So Ad Infinitum' (The Life of the Insects)
An Entomological Review, in Three Acts, a Prologue and an Epilogue (English) (as Author) - Kreuzwege (German) (as Author)
- R.U.R. (Czech) (as Author)
- R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots)
A Fantastic Melodrama in Three Acts and an Epilogue (English) (as Author)
Čech, Svatopluk, 1846-1908
- Songs of the Slav : Translations from the Czecho-Slovak (English) (as Author)
Ceynowa, Florian Stanisław, 1817-1881
- Rozmowa Pòlocha z Kaszëbą (Kashubian) (as Author)
- Rozmowa Pòlocha z Kaszëbą (Polish) (as Author)
Chamot, A. E. (Alfred Edward), 1855-
- The shooting party (English) (as Translator)
Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
- Avioliittoja: Kokoelma aviotarinoita (Finnish) (as Author)
- Der Bär: Groteske in einem Aufzug (German) (as Author)
- Best Russian Short Stories (English) (as Contributor)
- The Bet, and other stories (English) (as Author)
- The Bishop and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- The Black Monk, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- The Chorus Girl and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- The Cook's Wedding and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- The Darling and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- The Duel and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Eno Vanja: Kuvaus maalaiselämästä neljässä näytöksessä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Ein Heiratsantrag: Scherz in einem Aufzug (German) (as Author)
- The Horse-Stealers and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- The House with the Mezzanine and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Ivanoff: A Play (English) (as Author)
- Kaksikymmentä: novellikokoelma (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kaksintaistelu (Finnish) (as Author)
- Karhu : Pila yhdessä näytöksessä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kertomuksia I (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kolme kertomusta: Koteloitunut ihminen. Karviaismarjat. Rakkaudesta. (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kosinta : Yksinäytöksinen pila (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kuudes osasto (Finnish) (as Author)
- Lääkärin kohtalo: eli Sairaalan n:o 6 (Finnish) (as Author)
- The Lady with the Dog and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Eine langweilige Geschichte: Aus den Aufzeichnungen eines alten Mannes (German) (as Author)
- Letters of Anton Chekhov to His Family and Friends (English) (as Author)
- Love, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Naisia (Finnish) (as Author)
- Note-Book of Anton Chekhov (English) (as Author)
- The Party and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Der persische Orden und andere Grotesken (German) (as Author)
- Plays by Anton Chekhov, Second Series (English) (as Author)
- Project Gutenberg Compilation of Short Stories by Chekhov (English) (as Author)
- Russian Silhouettes: More Stories of Russian Life (English) (as Author)
- The Schoolmaster and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- The Schoolmistress, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- The Sea-Gull (English) (as Author)
- The shooting party (English) (as Author)
- The Slanderer
1901 (English) (as Author) - Swan Song (English) (as Author)
- The Three Sisters (English) (as Author)
- Turha voitto: Kertomus (Finnish) (as Author)
- Uncle Vanya: Scenes from Country Life in Four Acts (English) (as Author)
- Venäläisiä talonpoikia (Finnish) (as Author)
- Venäläistä rakkautta (Finnish) (as Author)
- The Wife, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- The Witch, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
Chekh, Svatopluk
See: Čech, Svatopluk, 1846-1908
Chertkov, V. G. (Vladimir Grigorevich), 1854-1936
- The Journal of Leo Tolstoi (First Volume—1895-1899) (English) (as Annotator)
- The Last Days of Tolstoy (English) (as Author)
Chesterton, G. K. (Gilbert Keith), 1874-1936
- Creatures That Once Were Men (English) (as Commentator)
- Creatures That Once Were Men (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
- Leo Tolstoy (English) (as Author)
Chmelnitzky, Eugenie
- Sämmtliche Werke 4: Mirgorod (German) (as Translator)
Cissarz, J. V. (Johann Vincenz), 1873-1942
- Sewastopol (German) (as Illustrator)
Commichau, Thomas
- Sämmtliche Werke 5: Dramatische Werke (German) (as Translator)
Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
- Turgenev: A Study (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
Cournos, John, 1881-1966
- The Created Legend (English) (as Translator)
- The Little Demon (English) (as Translator)
- The Old House, and Other Tales (English) (as Translator)
- Short-story masterpieces, Vol. 3 : Russian (English) (as Translator)
- Short-story masterpieces, Vol. 4 : Russian (English) (as Translator)
Covan, Jenny
- The Lower Depths: A Drama in Four Acts (English) (as Translator)
Crath, Paul
See: Krat, P. (Pavlo), 1882-1952
Cropley, A. J., 1935-
- Bearslayer
A free translation from the unrhymed Latvian into English heroic verse (English) (as Translator)
Curtin, Jeremiah, 1835-1906
- The Argonauts (English) (as Translator)
- Children of the Soil (English) (as Translator)
- The Deluge: An Historical Novel of Poland, Sweden, and Russia. Vol. 1 (English) (as Translator)
- The Deluge: An Historical Novel of Poland, Sweden, and Russia. Vol. 2 (English) (as Translator)
- Hania (English) (as Translator)
- In Vain (English) (as Translator)
- Let us follow Him (English) (as Translator)
- Life and Death, and Other Legends and Stories (English) (as Translator)
- Lillian Morris, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- On the Field of Glory: An Historical Novel of the Time of King John Sobieski (English) (as Translator)
- Pan Michael: An Historical Novel of Poland, the Ukraine, and Turkey (English) (as Translator)
- The Pharaoh and the Priest: An Historical Novel of Ancient Egypt (English) (as Translator)
- The Pharaoh and the Priest: An Historical Novel of Ancient Egypt (English) (as Translator)
- Quo Vadis: A Narrative of the Time of Nero (English) (as Translator)
- With Fire and Sword: An Historical Novel of Poland and Russia (English) (as Translator)
Da Kowalewska, Linda
- The Jew (English) (as Translator)
Danilevskii, G. P. (Grigorii Petrovich), 1829-1890
- The Princess Tarakanova: A Dark Chapter of Russian History (English) (as Author)
Davison, Lawrence H. (Lawrence Herbert)
See: Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 1885-1930
De Ivanowski, Sigismond
See: Ivanowski, Sigismond de, 1875-1944
Delano, Aline, 1845-
- The Blind Musician (English) (as Translator)
Delines, Michel, 1851-1914
- Eaux printanières (French) (as Translator)
- L'enfance et l'adolescence
Édition spéciale pour la jeunesse revue par l'auteur (French) (as Translator)
De Mouchanoff, Ida
See: Mouchanoff, Ida de
Den Bruck, Arthur Moeller van
See: Moeller van den Bruck, Arthur, 1876-1925
Derély, Victor, 1840-
- Les possédés (French) (as Translator)
Derzhavin, Gavriil Romanovich, 1743-1816
- The Bakchesarian Fountain and Other Poems (English) (as Contributor)
- Духовные оды (Russian) (as Author)
De Vogüé, Eugène-Melchior, vicomte
See: Vogüé, Eugène-Melchior, vicomte de, 1848-1910
De Zielinska, Marie H.
Dole, Nathan Haskell, 1852-1935
- The great masters of Russian literature in the nineteenth century (English) (as Translator)
- The Invaders, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- A Russian Proprietor, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- Where Love is There God is Also (English) (as Translator)
Doroshevich, V. M. (Vlas Mikhaĭlovich), 1864-1922
- Orientaj fabeloj (Esperanto) (as Author)
Dostoevskaia, L. F. (Liubov Fedorovna), 1869-1926
- The Emigrant (English) (as Author)
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881
- Arme Leute (German) (as Author)
- Best Russian Short Stories (English) (as Contributor)
- The Brothers Karamazov (English) (as Author)
- Carnet d'un inconnu
(Stépantchikovo) (French) (as Author) - Um club da Má-Lingua (Portuguese) (as Author)
- Crime and Punishment (English) (as Author)
- El crimen y el castigo (Spanish) (as Author)
- Der Doppelgänger (German) (as Author)
- Dvojník. Nétička Nezvánova a Malinký Hrdina (Czech) (as Author)
- The Gambler (English) (as Author)
- The Grand Inquisitor (English) (as Author)
- Der Großinquisitor (German) (as Author)
- The House of the Dead; or, Prison Life in Siberia
with an introduction by Julius Bramont (English) (as Author) - The Idiot (English) (as Author)
- Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Fyodor Dostoevsky (English) (as Author)
- Kahden sydämen salaisuudet: Eriskummallinen kertomus (Finnish) (as Author)
- Karamazovin veljekset I : Romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
- Karamazovin veljekset II : Romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kristus inkvisitorin edessä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Lempeäluontoinen: Fantastillinen kertomus (Finnish) (as Author)
- Muistelmia kuolleesta talosta (Finnish) (as Author)
- Notes from the Underground (English) (as Author)
- Notes from the Underground (English) (as Author)
- Pelaaja (Finnish) (as Author)
- Poor Folk (English) (as Author)
- Les possédés (French) (as Author)
- The possessed : or, The devils (English) (as Author)
- Riivaajat 1/3 (Finnish) (as Author)
- Riivaajat 2/3 (Finnish) (as Author)
- Riivaajat 3/3 (Finnish) (as Author)
- Rikos ja rangaistus
Kuusiosainen romaani ynnä epilogi (Finnish) (as Author) - Sämtliche Werke 11: Autobiographische Schriften (German) (as Author)
- Sämtliche Werke 12: Literarische Schriften (German) (as Author)
- Sämtliche Werke 1-2: Rodion Raskolnikoff (Schuld und Sühne) (German) (as Author)
- Sämtliche Werke 13: Politische Schriften (German) (as Author)
- Sämtliche Werke 3-4: Der Idiot (German) (as Author)
- Sämtliche Werke 5-6: Die Dämonen (German) (as Author)
- Sämtliche Werke 7-8: Der Jüngling (German) (as Author)
- Sämtliche Werke 9-10: Die Brüder Karamasoff (German) (as Author)
- Short Stories (English) (as Author)
- Sorrettuja ja solvaistuja: Romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
- Souvenirs de la maison des morts (French) (as Author)
- Stavrogin's Confession and The Plan of The Life of a Great Sinner
With Introductory and Explanatory Notes (English) (as Author) - Uncle's Dream; and The Permanent Husband (English) (as Author)
- Valkoisia öitä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Vieras rouva (Finnish) (as Author)
- White Nights and Other Stories
The Novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky, Volume X (English) (as Author) - Zápisky z mrtvého domu (Czech) (as Author)
- Белые ночи (Russian) (as Author)
- Записки из подполья (Russian) (as Author)
Dozon, Auguste, 1822-1891
- Poésies populaires Serbes
Traduites sur les originaux avec une introduction et des notes (French) (as Author)
Drachman, E.
- En Nihilist (Danish) (as Translator)
Drezmal, Max A. (Max Anthony), 1867-
- In Desert and Wilderness (English) (as Translator)
- Whirlpools: A Novel of Modern Poland (English) (as Translator)
Duddington, Natalie, 1886-1972
- Akhnaton, King of Egypt (English) (as Translator)
Duff, J. D. (James Duff), 1860-1940
- A Russian Gentleman (English) (as Translator)
Dupuy, Ernest, 1849-1918
- The great masters of Russian literature in the nineteenth century (English) (as Author)
Dziekonska, Kasimir
- The Journal of Countess Françoise Krasinska, Great Grandmother of Victor Emmanuel (English) (as Translator)
Economopoulos, Elias, 1868-1929
- Άννα Καρένιν (Greek) (as Translator)
Edmands, Jane Loring, 1839-1913
- The Russian novelists (English) (as Translator)
Edwards, H. Sutherland, Mrs.
- The Queen of Spades, and other stories (English) (as Translator)
Eisemann, Frederick
- Contemporary Russian Novelists (English) (as Translator)
Ejegod, Erik
See: Stjernström, Louise, 1812-1907
Eliasberg, Alexander, 1878-1924
- Der persische Orden und andere Grotesken (German) (as Translator)
- Prinzessin Mymra: Novellen und Träume (German) (as Translator)
- Roman einer Ehe (German) (as Translator)
- Eine Teufelsaustreibung, und andere Geschichten (German) (as Translator)
- Der versiegelte Engel, und andere Geschichten (German) (as Translator)
- Visionen und andere phantastische Erzählungen (German) (as Translator)
Elomaa, Vilho, 1893-1926
- Kreuzer-sonaatti (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Kuudes osasto (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Turha voitto: Kertomus (Finnish) (as Translator)
Esenwein, J. Berg (Joseph Berg), 1867-1946
- Short-story masterpieces, Vol. 3 : Russian (English) (as Editor)
- Short-story masterpieces, Vol. 4 : Russian (English) (as Editor)
Fell, Marian
- Makar's Dream, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- Russian Silhouettes: More Stories of Russian Life (English) (as Translator)
- Swan Song (English) (as Translator)
Fiedler, Friedrich, 1859-1917
- Der Landjunker: Lustspiel in fünf Aufzügen (German) (as Translator)
Field, Claud, 1863-1941
- The Mantle, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- Peasant Tales of Russia (English) (as Translator)
Fiŝer, Andreo, 1855-1930
- Tri Noveloj (Esperanto) (as Translator)
Flachs-Fokschaneanu, Luise, 1863-
- Der Bär: Groteske in einem Aufzug (German) (as Translator)
- Ein Heiratsantrag: Scherz in einem Aufzug (German) (as Translator)
Foakes, Gertrude M.
- In the World (English) (as Translator)
Fonvizin, D. I. (Denis Ivanovich), 1745-1792
- Alaikäinen: Huvinäytelmä 5:ssä näytöksessä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Der Landjunker: Lustspiel in fünf Aufzügen (German) (as Author)
Futabatei, Shimei, 1864-1909
- 血笑記 (Japanese) (as Translator)
Galitzin, Augustin Petrovich, prince
See: Golitsyn, Avgustin Petrovich, kniaz, 1824-1875
Garnett, Constance, 1861-1946
- Anna Karenina (English) (as Translator)
- The Bishop and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- The Brothers Karamazov (English) (as Translator)
- The Chorus Girl and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- The Cook's Wedding and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- Crime and Punishment (English) (as Translator)
- The Darling and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- A Desperate Character and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- The diary of a superfluous man, and other stories (English) (as Translator)
- Dream Tales and Prose Poems (English) (as Translator)
- The Duel and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- Fathers and Children (English) (as Translator)
- The Horse-Stealers and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- A House of Gentlefolk (English) (as Translator)
- The Jew and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- Knock, Knock, Knock and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- The Lady with the Dog and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- A Lear of the Steppes, etc. (English) (as Translator)
- Letters of Anton Chekhov to His Family and Friends (English) (as Translator)
- Love, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- On the eve: A novel (English) (as Translator)
- The Party and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- The possessed : or, The devils (English) (as Translator)
- Rudin: A Novel (English) (as Translator)
- The Schoolmaster and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- Smoke (English) (as Translator)
- A Sportsman's Sketches, Volume 2
Works of Ivan Turgenev, Volume 2 (English) (as Translator) - A Sportsman's Sketches
Works of Ivan Turgenev, Volume I (English) (as Translator) - The Storm (English) (as Translator)
- The Torrents of Spring (English) (as Translator)
- White Nights and Other Stories
The Novels of Fyodor Dostoevsky, Volume X (English) (as Translator) - The Wife, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
Garnett, Edward, 1868-1937
- A Lear of the Steppes, etc. (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
- Leo Tolstoy (English) (as Author)
- Turgenev: A Study (English) (as Author)
Garrett, Edmund H. (Edmund Henry), 1853-1929
- The Blind Musician (English) (as Illustrator)
- Lillian Morris, and Other Stories (English) (as Illustrator)
Garshin, V. M. (Vsevolod Mikhailovich), 1855-1888
- Best Russian Short Stories (English) (as Contributor)
Gide, André, 1869-1951
- Dostoïevsky (Articles et Causeries) (French) (as Author)
Głowacki, Aleksander
See: Prus, Bolesław, 1847-1912
Gnatowski, Jan, 1855-1925
- Na śmierć, 1863 (Polish) (as Author)
Gogol, Nikolai Vasilevich, 1809-1852
- Best Russian Short Stories (English) (as Contributor)
- Cossack Tales (English) (as Author)
- Dead Souls (English) (as Author)
- Demonien ruhtinatar: Kertomus (Finnish) (as Author)
- Home Life in Russia, Volumes 1 and 2
[Dead Souls] (English) (as Author) - The Inspector-General (English) (as Author)
- Kuolleet sielut (Finnish) (as Author)
- Der Mantel: Eine Novelle (German) (as Author)
- The Mantle, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Naimapuuhat: 2-näytöksinen huvinäytelmä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Nenä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Reviisori: Huvinäytelmä viidessä näytöksessä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Riita: Kertomus siitä, kuinka Ivan Ivanovitsh ja Ivan Nikiforovitsh riitaantuivat (Finnish) (as Author)
- Sämmtliche Werke 1: Die Abenteuer Tschitschikows oder Die toten Seelen I (German) (as Author)
- Sämmtliche Werke 2: Die Abenteuer Tschitschikows oder Die toten Seelen II (German) (as Author)
- Sämmtliche Werke 3: Abende auf dem Gutshof bei Dikanka; Phantastische Novellen (German) (as Author)
- Sämmtliche Werke 4: Mirgorod (German) (as Author)
- Sämmtliche Werke 5: Dramatische Werke (German) (as Author)
- Sämmtliche Werke 6: Arabesken, Prosaschriften, Rom (German) (as Author)
- Sämmtliche Werke 7: Briefwechsel I (German) (as Author)
- Sämmtliche Werke 8: Briefwechsel II, Hans Küchelgarten
Briefwechsel II / Die Beichte des Dichters / Betrachtungen über die Heilige Liturgie / Jugendschriften / Fragmente / Hans Küchelgarten (German) (as Author) - Stories by Foreign Authors: Russian (English) (as Contributor)
- Taras Bulba, and Other Tales (English) (as Author)
- Taras Bulba: Kertomus kasakkavallan mahtavuuden ajoilta (Finnish) (as Author)
- Tarass Boulba (French) (as Author)
- Viitta: Kertomus (Finnish) (as Author)
- Ο Γάμος του Κρεντσίνσκη, Κωμωδία εις τρεις πράξεις - Πανδρολογήματα, Κωμωδία εις δύο πράξεις (Greek) (as Author)
Golʹdenveĭzer, Aleksandr Borisovich, 1875-1961
- Talks with Tolstoi (English) (as Author)
Golitsyn, Avgustin Petrovich, kniaz, 1824-1875
- Ivan le terrible; ou, La Russie au XVIe siècle (French) (as Translator)
Goncharov, Ivan Aleksandrovich, 1812-1891
- Herra Oblomov: Romaani maaorjuuden ajoilta (Finnish) (as Author)
- Oblomov (English) (as Author)
- The Precipice (English) (as Author)
- Tavallinen juttu II
Kaksi-osainen romaani (Finnish) (as Author) - Tavallinen juttu I
Kaksi-osainen romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
Góralczyk, Kazimierz
See: Anczyc, Wł. L. (Władysław Ludwik), 1823-1883
Gorky, Maksim, 1868-1936
- Äiti (Finnish) (as Author)
- Best Russian Short Stories (English) (as Contributor)
- The Confession: A Novel (English) (as Author)
- Creatures That Once Were Men (English) (as Author)
- Creatures That Once Were Men (English) (as Author)
- In the World (English) (as Author)
- Kertomuksia I (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kertomuksia II (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kolme kertomusta (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kolme ystävystä I (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kolme ystävystä II (Finnish) (as Author)
- Konovalov (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kulkuri: Kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Author)
- The Lower Depths: A Drama in Four Acts (English) (as Author)
- A Mãe (Portuguese) (as Author)
- Malva: Kertomus (Finnish) (as Author)
- The Man Who Was Afraid (English) (as Author)
- Mother (English) (as Author)
- Orlóff and His Wife: Tales of the Barefoot Brigade (English) (as Author)
- The Orloff Couple, and Malva (English) (as Author)
- Orlowit: mies ja vaimo (Finnish) (as Author)
- The Outcasts, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Pohjalla: Kuvaelmia, neljä näytöstä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Reminiscences of Anton Chekhov (English) (as Author)
- Reminiscences of Leo Nicolayevitch Tolstoi (English) (as Author)
- Rippi (Finnish) (as Author)
- The Spy: The Story of a Superfluous Man (English) (as Author)
- Tales from Gorky (English) (as Author)
- Tales of Two Countries (English) (as Author)
- Three Men: A Novel (English) (as Author)
- Through Russia (English) (as Author)
- Tunnustus: Novelli (Finnish) (as Author)
- Twenty-six and One, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Les Vagabonds (French) (as Author)
- Vankila (Finnish) (as Author)
- Varjenka (Finnish) (as Author)
Gorschin, Vsevelod
See: Garshin, V. M. (Vsevolod Mikhailovich), 1855-1888
Gosse, Edmund, 1849-1928
- A History of Bohemian Literature (English) (as Editor)
Graham, Rosa Savary
- A Slav Soul, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
Graham, Stephen, 1884-1975
- The Emigrant (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
- A Slav Soul, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
Griboyedov, Aleksandr Sergeyevich, 1795-1829
- Verstand schafft Leiden: Schauspiel in vier Akten (German) (as Author)
Grňa, Josef, -1919
- Rakontoj (Esperanto) (as Translator)
Grönberg, A.
- Aatelispesä (Finnish) (as Translator)
Guenther, Johannes von, 1886-1973
- Die Republik des Südkreuzes: Novellen (German) (as Translator)
Guerney, Bernard Guilbert, 1894-1979
- Sulamith: A Romance of Antiquity (English) (as Translator)
- Yama [The Pit], a Novel in Three Parts (English) (as Translator)
Gul'bat, Abraam Abraamovich
- Caucasian Legends (English) (as Author)
Günther, Johannes von
See: Guenther, Johannes von, 1886-1973
Gusjev-Orenburgski, D.
- Nuori Venäjä (Finnish) (as Author)
Hagberg Wright, C. T. (Charles Theodore)
See: Wright, C. T. Hagberg (Charles Theodore Hagberg), 1862-1940
Hálek, Vítězslav, 1835-1874
- Songs of the Slav : Translations from the Czecho-Slovak (English) (as Author)
Halonen, Alexander, 1878-1948
- Majatalo (Finnish) (as Translator)
Halonen, J. A.
- Taras Bulba: Kertomus kasakkavallan mahtavuuden ajoilta (Finnish) (as Translator)
Halpérine-Kaminsky, E. (Ely), 1858-1936
- Lettres à Madame Viardot (French) (as Annotator)
Hämäläinen, Konstantin
- Leo Tolstoin kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Translator)
Hannikainen, Siiri, 1889-1968
- Ensimäinen rakkauteni (Finnish) (as Translator)
Hapgood, Isabel Florence, 1850-1928
- The diary of a superfluous man, and other stories (English) (as Translator)
- First love, and other stories (English) (as Translator)
- A Nobleman's Nest (English) (as Translator)
- On the Significance of Science and Art (English) (as Translator)
- Orlóff and His Wife: Tales of the Barefoot Brigade (English) (as Translator)
- A Reckless Character, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- Sevastopol (English) (as Translator)
- The Steel Flea (English) (as Translator)
- A Survey of Russian Literature, with Selections (English) (as Author)
- The Village (English) (as Translator)
Harbour, Jennie, 1893-1959
- Peasant Tales of Russia (English) (as Illustrator)
Harper, Elena
- The Three Sisters (English) (as Translator)
Hart, Michael, 1947-2011
- Poems and Tales from Romania (English) (as Author)
Hasegawa, Tatsunosuke
See: Futabatei, Shimei, 1864-1909
Hayes, Alfred, 1857-1936
- Boris Godunov: a drama in verse (English) (as Translator)
Hella, Alzir, 1881-1953
- Tolstoï (French) (as Translator)
Helve, Anton, 1878-1928
- Kolme ystävystä I (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Kolme ystävystä II (Finnish) (as Translator)
Herzog, Wilhelm, 1884-1960
- Das Leben Tolstois (German) (as Editor)
Hess, Adolf
- Kindheit: Autobiographische Novelle (German) (as Translator)
- Das Licht leuchtet in der Finsternis: Drama in vier Aufzügen (German) (as Translator)
Hjelt, August
- Reviisori: Huvinäytelmä viidessä näytöksessä (Finnish) (as Translator)
Hlasko, Vatslaf A.
- Sielanka: An Idyll (English) (as Translator)
Hoffmann, Nina, 1844-1914
- Th. M. Dostojewsky: Eine biographische Studie (German) (as Author)
Hoffmanowa, Klementyna (Tańska)
See: Tańska-Hoffmanowa, Klementyna, 1798-1845
Hogarth, C. J., 1869-1942
- Boyhood (English) (as Translator)
- Childhood (English) (as Translator)
- Childhood (English) (as Translator)
- Fathers and Sons (English) (as Translator)
- The Gambler (English) (as Translator)
- The Life of Man: A Play in Five Acts (English) (as Translator)
- Oblomov (English) (as Translator)
- Poor Folk (English) (as Translator)
- Through Russia (English) (as Translator)
- Youth (English) (as Translator)
Hogarth, D. J.
- Dead Souls (English) (as Translator)
Hohlov, Nikolao, 1891-1953
- Orientaj fabeloj (Esperanto) (as Translator)
Horne, Charles
- Three Men: A Novel (English) (as Translator)
H. P.
See: Pispa, Hanna
Hrubý, Jaromír
- Dvojník. Nétička Nezvánova a Malinký Hrdina (Czech) (as Translator)
Hunter, Alexander J. (Alexander Jardine), 1868-1940
- The Kobzar of the Ukraine
Being select poems of Taras Shevchenko done into English verse with biographical fragments by Alexander Jardine Hunter (English) (as Translator)
Ichak, Frieda, 1879-1952
- Sämmtliche Werke 3: Abende auf dem Gutshof bei Dikanka; Phantastische Novellen (German) (as Translator)
Iki-Kianto, Ilmari
See: Kianto, Ilmari, 1874-1970
Ilić, Dragutin J., 1858-1926
- Секунд вечности, источњачки роман (Serbian) (as Author)
Itelson, Gregorius
- Sämmtliche Werke 5: Dramatische Werke (German) (as Translator)
Ivanowski, Sigismond de, 1875-1944
- Mother (English) (as Illustrator)
Jakob, Therese Albertine Louise von
See: Talvj, 1797-1870
Jakowleff, Emily
- The Orloff Couple, and Malva (English) (as Translator)
- The Outcasts, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
Jalkanen, Huugo, 1888-1969
- Viitta: Kertomus (Finnish) (as Translator)
Järnefelt, Arvid, 1861-1932
- Lapsuus, Poika-ikä, Nuoruus 1: Lapsuus (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Lapsuus, Poika-ikä, Nuoruus 2: Poika-ikä, Nuoruus (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Väärä kuponki (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Ylösnousemus I (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Ylösnousemus II (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Ylösnousemus III (Finnish) (as Translator)
Jaroš, H.
- Zápisky z mrtvého domu (Czech) (as Translator)
Järviluoma, Lyyli
- Novelleja (Finnish) (as Translator)
Jebavý, Václav
See: Brezina, Otokar, 1868-1929
Johansson, Toivo Torsten
See: Kaila, Toivo T., 1884-1961
Kaden-Bandrowski, Juliusz, 1885-1944
- Selected Polish Tales (English) (as Conductor)
Kahila, Hilja
See: Järnefelt, Arvid, 1861-1932
Kaila, Toivo T., 1884-1961
- Valkoinen villakoira y.m. kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Translator)
Kalima, Eino, 1882-1972
- Anna Karenina (Finnish) (as Translator)
Kalima, Jalo Lahja, 1884-1952
- Ei-jumalainen komedia (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Kasakat: Kaukasialainen kertomus (Finnish) (as Translator)
Kalima, Toini, 1884-1929
- Mistä ihmiset elävät : ynnä muita kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Translator)
Kaminsky, E. Halpérine
See: Halpérine-Kaminsky, E. (Ely), 1858-1936
Karadžić, Vuk Stefanović, 1787-1864
- Servian Popular Poetry (English) (as Compiler)
- Први Српски Буквар (Serbian) (as Author)
Karhinen, Hanna
- Nuoruuden tunnustuksia: Romaani (Finnish) (as Translator)
Kassner, Rudolf, 1873-1959
- Der Großinquisitor (German) (as Translator)
- Der Mantel: Eine Novelle (German) (as Translator)
Keane, T.
- The Prose Tales of Alexander Pushkin (English) (as Translator)
Kennan, George, 1845-1924
- The Blind Musician (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
Kianto, Ilmari, 1874-1970
- Herra Oblomov: Romaani maaorjuuden ajoilta (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Kuolema (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Nuori Venäjä (Finnish) (as Translator)
Kochanowski, Jan, 1530-1584
Koenig, Charlotte Lolly
See: König, Charlotte
Koeprin, Alexander I.
See: Kuprin, A. I. (Aleksandr Ivanovich), 1870-1938
Köhler, Reinhold, 1830-1892
- Ehstnische Märchen (German) (as Commentator)
Kollár, Ján, 1793-1852
- Songs of the Slav : Translations from the Czecho-Slovak (English) (as Author)
Kollontai, A. (Aleksandra), 1872-1952
- Red love (English) (as Author)
König, Charlotte
- Sämmtliche Werke 4: Mirgorod (German) (as Translator)
- Sämmtliche Werke 6: Arabesken, Prosaschriften, Rom (German) (as Translator)
Konstantinidis, Agathoklis, 1854-1920
- Ο Γάμος του Κρεντσίνσκη, Κωμωδία εις τρεις πράξεις - Πανδρολογήματα, Κωμωδία εις δύο πράξεις (Greek) (as Translator)
Korolenko, Vladimir Galaktionovich, 1853-1921
- Best Russian Short Stories (English) (as Contributor)
- Birds of Heaven, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- The Blind Musician (English) (as Author)
- Makar's Dream, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Siperialaisten maanpakolaisten elämästä: "Metsä humisee"
Metsälegenda (Finnish) (as Author)
Korzeniowski, Józef Konrad Teodor
See: Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924
Koteliansky, S. S. (Samuel Solomonovitch), 1880-1955
- All Things are Possible (English) (as Translator)
- Autobiography of Countess Tolstoy (English) (as Translator)
- The Bet, and other stories (English) (as Translator)
- The Gentleman from San Francisco, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- The House with the Mezzanine and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- Note-Book of Anton Chekhov (English) (as Translator)
- Reminiscences of Anton Chekhov (English) (as Translator)
- Reminiscences of Leo Nicolayevitch Tolstoi (English) (as Translator)
- The River of Life, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- Stavrogin's Confession and The Plan of The Life of a Great Sinner
With Introductory and Explanatory Notes (English) (as Translator) - Talks with Tolstoi (English) (as Translator)
Kotouč, Otto, 1885-1973
- Songs of the Slav : Translations from the Czecho-Slovak (English) (as Translator)
Kouprine, Alexandre
See: Kuprin, A. I. (Aleksandr Ivanovich), 1870-1938
Kovalevskaia, S. V. (Sofia Vasilevna), 1850-1891
- Veera Vorontzoff : Kertomus venäläisestä elämästä (Finnish) (as Author)
Kowalewska, Linda da
See: Da Kowalewska, Linda
Krasiński, Zygmunt, hrabia, 1812-1859
- Ei-jumalainen komedia (Finnish) (as Author)
- Moja Beatrice (Polish) (as Author)
Kraszewksi, Joseph Ignatius
See: Kraszewski, Józef Ignacy, 1812-1887
Kraszewski, Józef Ignacy, 1812-1887
- Count Brühl (English) (as Author)
- The Countess Cosel: A Romance of History of the Times of Augustus the Strong (English) (as Author)
- Iermola (English) (as Author)
- The Jew (English) (as Author)
Krat, P. (Pavlo), 1882-1952
- Songs of Ukraina, with Ruthenian poems (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
Krauskopf, Joseph, 1858-1923
- "My Visit to Tolstoy": Five Discourses (English) (as Author)
Kravchinskii, S. M. (Sergei Mikhailovich)
Krestanoff, Ivan H., 1890-1966
- Nuntempaj Rakontoj (Esperanto) (as Translator)
Kreutzwald, Friedrich Reinhold, 1803-1882
- Ehstnische Märchen (German) (as Author)
- Ehstnische Märchen. Zweite Hälfte (German) (as Compiler)
Kreymborg, Alfred, 1883-1966
- The Glebe 1914/01 (Vol. 1, No. 4): Love of One's Neighbor (English) (as Editor)
Kriloff, Ivan Andryeevich
See: Krylov, Ivan Andreevich, 1768-1844
Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich, kniaz, 1842-1921
- Russian literature (English) (as Author)
Krylov, Ivan Andreevich, 1768-1844
- Tarinoita (Finnish) (as Author)
Kuhl, Bronisław, 1886-1955
- Legendoj (Esperanto) (as Translator)
Kunnas, Hanna
- Äiti (Finnish) (as Translator)
Kuosmanen, Hanna
See: Pakkala, Hanna, 1864-1950
Kuprin, A. I. (Aleksandr Ivanovich), 1870-1938
- Best Russian Short Stories (English) (as Contributor)
- The duel (English) (as Author)
- Le duel : roman (French) (as Author)
- Reminiscences of Anton Chekhov (English) (as Author)
- The River of Life, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- A Slav Soul, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Sulamith: A Romance of Antiquity (English) (as Author)
- Valkoinen villakoira y.m. kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Author)
- Yama [The Pit], a Novel in Three Parts (English) (as Author)
Kusmin, Michail
See: Kuzmin, M. A. (Mikhail Alekseevich), 1872-1936
Kuzmin, M. A. (Mikhail Alekseevich), 1872-1936
- Geschichten (German) (as Author)
Lacerda, Augusto de, 1864-1926
- A Mãe (Portuguese) (as Translator)
Lach-Szyrma, Krystin, 1791?-1866
- Home Life in Russia, Volumes 1 and 2
[Dead Souls] (English) (as Translator)
Łada, Jan
See: Gnatowski, Jan, 1855-1925
Laihia, Sandra
- Pimeyttä (Finnish) (as Translator)
Lattu, Iisakki, 1857-1932
- Pohjalla: Kuvaelmia, neljä näytöstä (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Vankila (Finnish) (as Translator)
Lawrence, D. H. (David Herbert), 1885-1930
- All Things are Possible (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
- The Gentleman from San Francisco, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
Lepar, Jan, 1827-1902
- Cítanka pro skoly obecné. Díl I (Czech) (as Author)
Lermontov, Mikhail Iurevich, 1814-1841
- Aikamme uros (Finnish) (as Author)
- Bela: Kaukaasialainen kertomus (Finnish) (as Author)
- Daimoni: Itämainen tarina (Finnish) (as Author)
- Der Held unserer Zeit: Kaukasische Lebensbilder (German) (as Author)
- A Hero of Our Time (English) (as Author)
Leskov, N. S. (Nikolai Semenovich), 1831-1895
- Die Klerisei (German) (as Author)
- Novellen (German) (as Author)
- The Steel Flea (English) (as Author)
- Eine Teufelsaustreibung, und andere Geschichten (German) (as Author)
- Der versiegelte Engel, und andere Geschichten (German) (as Author)
Leśmian, Bolesław, 1879?-1937
- Łąka (Polish) (as Author)
Linden, A. (Alexandra)
- The red laugh: fragments of a discovered manuscript (English) (as Translator)
Livesay, Florence Randal, 1874-1953
- Songs of Ukraina, with Ruthenian poems (English) (as Author)
L., M.
See: M. L.
Lodygowski, Kasimir
- Auf silbernen Gefilden: Ein Mond-Roman (German) (as Translator)
Löfgren, Elisabeth, 1851-1931
- Luutnantti Jergunovin juttu (Finnish) (as Translator)
Long, R. E. C. (Robert Edward Crozier), 1872-
- The Black Monk, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
Łoś, Jan, 1860-1928
- Język Polski, 1920, nr 3 (maj/czerwiec) (Polish) (as Author)
Löwe, F. (Ferdinand), 1809-1889
- Ehstnische Märchen (German) (as Translator)
- Ehstnische Märchen. Zweite Hälfte (German) (as Translator)
Löwenfeld, Raphael, 1854-1910
- Sewastopol (German) (as Editor)
Lowe, W. H.
- The Little Angel, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
Łubieński, Maciej
- Ironia Pozorów (Polish) (as Author)
Luther, Arthur, 1876-1955
- Die Klerisei (German) (as Translator)
- Legenden und Geschichten (German) (as Translator)
Lützow, Francis, hrabe, 1849-1916
- A History of Bohemian Literature (English) (as Author)
Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton, Earl of, 1831-1891
- An Anthology of Jugoslav Poetry; Serbian Lyrics (English) (as Translator)
Macedo, Manuel de
- Um club da Má-Lingua (Portuguese) (as Translator)
Machar, J. S., 1864-1942
- Songs of the Slav : Translations from the Czecho-Slovak (English) (as Author)
Maciejowski, Wacław Aleksander, 1793-1883
- Legendy i pieśni ludu polskiego nowo odkryte (Polish) (as Author)
Magnus, Leonard A. (Leonard Arthur), 1879-1924
- The dark (English) (as Translator)
Malinovski, Alexander Alexandrowitsch
See: Bogdanov, A. (Aleksandr), 1873-1928
Manning, Clarence Augustus, 1893-1972
- Birds of Heaven, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- A history of Slavic studies in the United States (English) (as Author)
Mannstén, Emil, 1873-1944
- Ei rahallakaan: Kertomus (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Kaksintaistelu (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Lääkärin kohtalo: eli Sairaalan n:o 6 (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Majurin holhokit (Finnish) (as Translator)
Man Ray, 1890-1976
- The Glebe 1914/01 (Vol. 1, No. 4): Love of One's Neighbor (English) (as Editor)
Margolies, Vera
- The Emigrant (English) (as Translator)
Marjanen, V. A.
- Rippi (Finnish) (as Translator)
Martin, Eva (Translator)
- The Idiot (English) (as Translator)
Masiutyn, Vasyl Mykolaiovych
See: Masjutyn, Wasyl, 1884-1955
Masjutyn, Wasyl, 1884-1955
- Der persische Orden und andere Grotesken (German) (as Illustrator)
Massjutin, W. N.
See: Masjutyn, Wasyl, 1884-1955
Matscheko, Nina
See: Hoffmann, Nina, 1844-1914
Maude, Aylmer, 1858-1938
- The Cause of it All (English) (as Translator)
- The Cossacks: A Tale of 1852 (English) (as Translator)
- The Devil (English) (as Translator)
- Father Sergius (English) (as Translator)
- The First Distiller (English) (as Translator)
- Fruits of Culture (English) (as Translator)
- The Life of Tolstoy: First Fifty Years
Fifth Edition (English) (as Author) - The Light Shines in Darkness (English) (as Translator)
- The Live Corpse (English) (as Translator)
- Master and Man (English) (as Translator)
- Plays: Complete Edition, Including the Posthumous Plays (English) (as Translator)
- The Power of Darkness (English) (as Translator)
- Three Days in the Village, and Other Sketches.
Written from September 1909 to July 1910. (English) (as Translator) - War and Peace (English) (as Translator)
- War and Peace, Book 01: 1805 (English) (as Translator)
- What Men Live By and Other Tales (English) (as Translator)
- What Men Live By, and Other Tales (English) (as Translator)
Maude, Louise, 1855-1939
- The Cause of it All (English) (as Translator)
- The Cossacks: A Tale of 1852 (English) (as Translator)
- Father Sergius (English) (as Translator)
- The First Distiller (English) (as Translator)
- Fruits of Culture (English) (as Translator)
- The Light Shines in Darkness (English) (as Translator)
- The Live Corpse (English) (as Translator)
- Master and Man (English) (as Translator)
- Plays: Complete Edition, Including the Posthumous Plays (English) (as Translator)
- The Power of Darkness (English) (as Translator)
- Resurrection (English) (as Translator)
- Three Days in the Village, and Other Sketches.
Written from September 1909 to July 1910. (English) (as Translator) - War and Peace (English) (as Translator)
- War and Peace, Book 01: 1805 (English) (as Translator)
- What Men Live By and Other Tales (English) (as Translator)
- What Men Live By, and Other Tales (English) (as Translator)
Meredith, Owen
See: Lytton, Edward Robert Bulwer Lytton, Earl of, 1831-1891
Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeyevich, 1865-1941
- Akhnaton, King of Egypt (English) (as Author)
- The Death of the Gods
(Christ and Antichrist, 1 of 3) (English) (as Author) - Peter and Alexis: The Romance of Peter the Great (English) (as Author)
- The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci, the Forerunner (English) (as Author)
- Le Roman de Léonard de Vinci: La résurrection des Dieux (French) (as Author)
- Sämtliche Werke 11: Autobiographische Schriften (German) (as Contributor)
- Sämtliche Werke 12: Literarische Schriften (German) (as Contributor)
- Sämtliche Werke 1-2: Rodion Raskolnikoff (Schuld und Sühne) (German) (as Contributor)
- Sämtliche Werke 13: Politische Schriften (German) (as Contributor)
- Sämtliche Werke 3-4: Der Idiot (German) (as Contributor)
- Sämtliche Werke 5-6: Die Dämonen (German) (as Contributor)
- Sämtliche Werke 7-8: Der Jüngling (German) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
- Sämtliche Werke 9-10: Die Brüder Karamasoff (German) (as Contributor)
Mérimée, Prosper, 1803-1870
- The Mantle, and Other Stories (English) (as Contributor)
Mesching, Edgar
- Geschichten (German) (as Translator)
Mesquita, Marcelino, 1856-1919
- Petronio
Peça livremente extrahida do romance Quo Vadis de Henryk Sienkiewicz (Portuguese) (as Author)
Mexin, Alexandra
- Elektitaj noveloj (Esperanto) (as Translator)
Miall, Bernard, 1876-1953
- Tolstoy (English) (as Translator)
Mickiewicz, Adam, 1798-1855
- Bajki (Polish) (as Author)
- Balady i romanse (Polish) (as Author)
- Grażyna: Powieść Litewska (Polish) (as Author)
- Konrad Wallenrod: An Historical Poem (English) (as Author)
- Pan Tadeusz
Czyli Ostatni Zajazd na Litwie. Historja Szlachecka z r. 1811 i 1812 we Dwunastu Księgach Wierszem (Polish) (as Author) - Pan Tadeusz; or, The last foray in Lithuania
a story of life among Polish gentlefolk in the years 1811 and 1812 (English) (as Author) - Sonety Adama Mickiewicza (Polish) (as Author)
- Sonnets from the Crimea (English) (as Author)
- Żywila: Powiastka z Dziejów Litewskich (French) (as Author)
- Żywila: Powiastka z Dziejów Litewskich (Polish) (as Author)
Mickiewicz, Ladislas, 1838-1926
- Żywila: Powiastka z Dziejów Litewskich (French) (as Translator)
- Żywila: Powiastka z Dziejów Litewskich (Polish) (as Translator)
Mickiewicz, Władysław
See: Mickiewicz, Ladislas, 1838-1926
Mierzinski, S. (Stanislaus)
- Novellen (German) (as Translator)
Mikkola, Maila Winter
Mikulich, V.
See: Veselitskaia, Lidiia Ivanovna, 1857-1936
Millet, Francis Davis, 1846-1912
- Sebastopol (English) (as Translator)
Milne-Home, Mary Pamela
- The Daughter of the Commandant (English) (as Translator)
M. L.
- Seuratkaamme häntä! (Finnish) (as Translator)
Moeller van den Bruck, Arthur, 1876-1925
- Sämtliche Werke 11: Autobiographische Schriften (German) (as Editor)
- Sämtliche Werke 12: Literarische Schriften (German) (as Editor)
- Sämtliche Werke 1-2: Rodion Raskolnikoff (Schuld und Sühne) (German) (as Editor)
- Sämtliche Werke 13: Politische Schriften (German) (as Editor)
- Sämtliche Werke 3-4: Der Idiot (German) (as Editor)
- Sämtliche Werke 5-6: Die Dämonen (German) (as Editor)
- Sämtliche Werke 7-8: Der Jüngling (German) (as Editor)
- Sämtliche Werke 9-10: Die Brüder Karamasoff (German) (as Editor)
Mongault, Henri, 1888-1941
- Le duel : roman (French) (as Translator)
Montefiore, Dora B.
- The Orloff Couple, and Malva (English) (as Translator)
- The Outcasts, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
Mouchanoff, Ida de
- The Princess Tarakanova: A Dark Chapter of Russian History (English) (as Translator)
Mühlen, Hermynia zur
See: Zur Mühlen, Hermynia, 1883-1951
Müller, Georg, 1877-1917
- Ssanin: Roman (German) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
Murray, J. Middleton
See: Murry, John Middleton, 1889-1957
Murray, Marr
- A Hero of Our Time (English) (as Translator)
Murrik, Ella
See: Wuolijoki, Hella, 1886-1954
Murry, John Middleton, 1889-1957
- The Bet, and other stories (English) (as Translator)
- The River of Life, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
Muzáková, Johana Rottová
See: Svetlá, Karolina, 1830-1899
Nałkowska, Zofia, 1884-1954
- Kobiety (Women): A Novel of Polish Life (English) (as Author)
- Selected Polish Tales (English) (as Contributor)
Neilson, William Allan, 1869-1946
- Fathers and Children (English) (as Editor)
Nekrasov, Nikolai Alekseevich, 1821-1878
- Who Can Be Happy and Free in Russia? (English) (as Author)
Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vasilii Ivanovich, 1848-1936
- Majurin holhokit (Finnish) (as Author)
- Peasant Tales of Russia (English) (as Author)
Nemirovitsh-Damtshenko, Vasili
See: Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vasilii Ivanovich, 1848-1936
Niemojewski, Andrzej, 1864-1921
- Legendoj (Esperanto) (as Author)
Niewiadomska, Cecylia, 1855-1925
- Bez przewodnika (Polish) (as Author)
Nigrin, Jaroslav Victor
- Bohemian Grammar (English) (as Author)
Nitsch, Kazimierz, 1874-1958
- Język Polski, 1920, nr 3 (maj/czerwiec) (Polish) (as Author)
Nötzel, Karl, 1870-1945
- Eine Teufelsaustreibung, und andere Geschichten (German) (as Translator)
Novotný, Oldrich
Noyes, George Rapall, 1873-1952
- Pan Tadeusz; or, The last foray in Lithuania
a story of life among Polish gentlefolk in the years 1811 and 1812 (English) (as Translator) - Plays (English) (as Editor)
Nušić, Branislav, 1864-1938
- Свет (Serbian) (as Author)
Obecny, Edmund
- The Comedienne (English) (as Translator)
Oldington, Richard
See: Aldington, Richard, 1892-1962
Omelka, František, 1904-1960
- Aventuroj de Antonio (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Blesky nad Beskydami (Czech) (as Author)
- Hore dědinú: A jiné povídky (Czech) (as Author)
- Pasáček Ali: Pověst z východu (Czech) (as Author)
- Vlci proti Mustangům (Czech) (as Author)
Oppman, Artur, 1867-1932
- Szopka
Wiersz Or-Ota (Polish) (as Author)
Orzeszkowa, Eliza, 1842-1910
- The Argonauts (English) (as Author)
- Kuin unikuva (Finnish) (as Author)
- Marta (Esperanto) (as Author)
- An Obscure Apostle: A Dramatic Story (English) (as Author)
Ostrovsky, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 1823-1886
Ostrovsky, Alexander
See: Ostrovsky, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 1823-1886
Ostwald, Hans, 1873-1940
- Maxim Gorki (English) (as Author)
Páez, Pedro Pedraza y
See: Pedraza y Páez, Pedro, 1877-
Pakkala, Hanna, 1864-1950
- Siperialaisten maanpakolaisten elämästä: "Metsä humisee"
Metsälegenda (Finnish) (as Translator)
Panin, Ivan, 1855-1942
- Lectures on Russian Literature: Pushkin, Gogol, Turgenef, Tolstoy (English) (as Author)
- Poems
With Introduction and Notes (English) (as Translator)
Paris, A.
- La fille du capitaine (French) (as Illustrator)
Patten, William, 1868-1936
- Short story classics (Foreign), Vol. 1, Russian (English) (as Editor)
Pedraza y Páez, Pedro, 1877-
- El crimen y el castigo (Spanish) (as Translator)
Pekari, Ida, 1894-1986
- Riivaajat 1/3 (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Riivaajat 2/3 (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Riivaajat 3/3 (Finnish) (as Translator)
Perris, G. H. (George Herbert), 1866-1920
- Leo Tolstoy (English) (as Author)
Persky, Serge, 1870-1938
- Contemporary Russian Novelists (English) (as Author)
- A Mãe (Portuguese) (as Translator)
Peshkov, Alexey Maximiovich
Pfemfert, Alexandra Ramm
See: Ramm, Alexandra, 1883-1963
Phelps, William Lyon, 1865-1943
- Essays on Russian Novelists (English) (as Author)
Pick, Otto, 1887-1940
Pilniak, Boris, 1894-1937
- Tales of the Wilderness (English) (as Author)
Pinkerton, Percy, 1855-1946
- Sanine (English) (as Translator)
Piotrowski, Antoni, 1853-1924
- Szopka
Wiersz Or-Ota (Polish) (as Illustrator)
Pispa, Hanna
- Pelaaja (Finnish) (as Translator)
Playfair, Nigel, 1874-1934
- 'And So Ad Infinitum' (The Life of the Insects)
An Entomological Review, in Three Acts, a Prologue and an Epilogue (English) (as Editor) - R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots)
A Fantastic Melodrama in Three Acts and an Epilogue (English) (as Translator)
Polevoi, P. (Petr), 1839-1902
- Ei rahallakaan: Kertomus (Finnish) (as Author)
Pollen, John, 1848-1923
- Rhymes from the Russian : Being faithful translations of selections from the best Russian poets (English) (as Translator)
Potapenko, I. N. (Ignatii Nicholaevich), 1856-1929
- Best Russian Short Stories (English) (as Contributor)
- Nuoruuden tunnustuksia: Romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
Prall, Dorothea
- Laments (English) (as Translator)
Prus, Bolesław, 1847-1912
- More Tales by Polish Authors (English) (as Contributor)
- The Pharaoh and the Priest: An Historical Novel of Ancient Egypt (English) (as Author)
- The Pharaoh and the Priest: An Historical Novel of Ancient Egypt (English) (as Author)
- Selected Polish Tales (English) (as Contributor)
Pumpurs, Andrejs, 1841-1902
- Bearslayer
A free translation from the unrhymed Latvian into English heroic verse (English) (as Author)
Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich, 1799-1837
- Aatelisrosvo Dubrovskij (Finnish) (as Author)
- The Bakchesarian Fountain and Other Poems (English) (as Contributor)
- Best Russian Short Stories (English) (as Contributor)
- Boris Godunov: a drama in verse (English) (as Author)
- The Daughter of the Commandant (English) (as Author)
- Eugene Oneguine [Onegin]
A Romance of Russian Life in Verse (English) (as Author) - La fille du capitaine (French) (as Author)
- La fille du capitaine (French) (as Author)
- Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Aleksandr Pushkin (English) (as Author)
- Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Alexander Pushkin (English) (as Author)
- Kapteenin tytär (Finnish) (as Author)
- Laukaus y.m. kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Author)
- Marie; a story of Russian love (English) (as Author)
- Patarouva (Finnish) (as Author)
- Poems
With Introduction and Notes (English) (as Author) - The Prose Tales of Alexander Pushkin (English) (as Author)
- The Queen Of Spades (English) (as Author)
- The Queen of Spades, and other stories (English) (as Author)
- Stories by Foreign Authors: Russian (English) (as Contributor)
- Tri Noveloj (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Красавице (Russian) (as Author)
- Красавице, которая нюхала табак (Russian) (as Author)
Putro, Sakari, 1856-1931
- Tarinoita (Finnish) (as Translator)
Radenski, Emmanuel
See: Man Ray, 1890-1976
Rahsin, E. K., 1886-1966
- Sämtliche Werke 11: Autobiographische Schriften (German) (as Translator)
- Sämtliche Werke 12: Literarische Schriften (German) (as Translator)
- Sämtliche Werke 1-2: Rodion Raskolnikoff (Schuld und Sühne) (German) (as Translator)
- Sämtliche Werke 13: Politische Schriften (German) (as Translator)
- Sämtliche Werke 3-4: Der Idiot (German) (as Translator)
- Sämtliche Werke 5-6: Die Dämonen (German) (as Translator)
- Sämtliche Werke 7-8: Der Jüngling (German) (as Translator)
- Sämtliche Werke 9-10: Die Brüder Karamasoff (German) (as Translator)
Ralston, William Ralston Shedden, 1828-1889
- Liza; Or, "A Nest of Nobles" (English) (as Translator)
Ramm, Alexandra, 1883-1963
- Sämmtliche Werke 3: Abende auf dem Gutshof bei Dikanka; Phantastische Novellen (German) (as Translator)
- Sämmtliche Werke 5: Dramatische Werke (German) (as Translator)
Randal, Florence Hamilton
See: Livesay, Florence Randal, 1874-1953
Ray, Man
See: Man Ray, 1890-1976
Remizov, Aleksei, 1877-1957
- Legenden und Geschichten (German) (as Author)
- Prinzessin Mymra: Novellen und Träume (German) (as Author)
Repo, K.
- Naimapuuhat: 2-näytöksinen huvinäytelmä (Finnish) (as Translator)
Reymont, Władysław Stanisław, 1867-1925
- The Comedienne (English) (as Author)
- More Tales by Polish Authors (English) (as Contributor)
- Selected Polish Tales (English) (as Contributor)
Ritter, Carl
- Sämmtliche Werke 5: Dramatische Werke (German) (as Translator)
Robinson, Edward, 1794-1863
- Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations
With a Sketch of Their Popular Poetry (English) (as Author of introduction, etc.)
Robinson, Therese Albertine Louise von Jakob
See: Talvj, 1797-1870
Röhl, Hermann, 1851-1923
- Der Doppelgänger (German) (as Translator)
- Herr und Knecht: Novelle (German) (as Translator)
- Eine langweilige Geschichte: Aus den Aufzeichnungen eines alten Mannes (German) (as Translator)
- Der lebende Leichnam: Drama in sechs Akten (zwölf Bildern) (German) (as Translator)
Rolland, Romain, 1866-1944
- Das Leben Tolstois (German) (as Author)
- Tolstoy (English) (as Author)
- Vie de Tolstoï (French) (as Author)
Rose, Temi
- The Three Sisters (English) (as Translator)
- The Three Sisters (English) (as Editor)
Rottová, Johana Nepomucena
See: Svetlá, Karolina, 1830-1899
Rousek, Ant. Svat.
Roy, Kristina
See: Royová, Kristína, 1860-1936
Royová, Kristína, 1860-1936
- The Three Comrades (English) (as Author)
Rozwadowski, Jan Michał, 1867-1935
- Język Polski, 1920, nr 3 (maj/czerwiec) (Polish) (as Author)
Rubiner, Frida
Rubiner, Ludwig, 1881-1920
- Sämmtliche Werke 3: Abende auf dem Gutshof bei Dikanka; Phantastische Novellen (German) (as Translator)
Rudnitsky, Emmanuel
See: Man Ray, 1890-1976
Rygier-Nalkowska, Sofja
See: Nałkowska, Zofia, 1884-1954
Saalborn, Arn., 1888-1973
- Vaders en Zonen (Dutch) (as Translator)
Saarikoski, K. K.
- Ruhtinas Serebrjani: Kertomus Iivana Julman ajoilta (Finnish) (as Translator)
Sajó, Aladár, 1869-1943
- Tolsztoj (Hungarian) (as Translator)
Saltykov, Mikhail Evgrafovich, 1826-1889
- Best Russian Short Stories (English) (as Contributor)
- A family of noblemen (English) (as Author)
Samuli S.
See: Suomalainen, Samuli, 1850-1907
- Aatelisrosvo Dubrovskij (Finnish) (as Translator)
Sauramo, Lauri
Sayler, Oliver M., 1887-1958
- The Lower Depths: A Drama in Four Acts (English) (as Editor)
Schenrock, B.
- Sämmtliche Werke 3: Abende auf dem Gutshof bei Dikanka; Phantastische Novellen (German) (as Commentator)
Schiefner, Anton, 1817-1879
- Ehstnische Märchen (German) (as Commentator)
Schultz, Georg Julius, 1808-1875
- Verstand schafft Leiden: Schauspiel in vier Akten (German) (as Translator)
Schulz, Bruno, 1892-1942
- Sklepy cynamonowe (Polish) (as Author)
Schwarzmann, Lev Isaakovich
Seltzer, Thomas, 1875?-1943
- Best Russian Short Stories (English) (as Editor)
- The Glebe 1914/01 (Vol. 1, No. 4): Love of One's Neighbor (English) (as Translator)
- The Inspector-General (English) (as Translator)
- Savva and the Life of Man: Two plays by Leonid Andreyev (English) (as Translator)
- The Spy: The Story of a Superfluous Man (English) (as Translator)
Selver, Paul, 1888-1970
- 'And So Ad Infinitum' (The Life of the Insects)
An Entomological Review, in Three Acts, a Prologue and an Epilogue (English) (as Translator) - R.U.R. (Rossum's Universal Robots)
A Fantastic Melodrama in Three Acts and an Epilogue (English) (as Translator)
Semenov, S. T. (Sergei Terentʹevich), 1868-1922
- Best Russian Short Stories (English) (as Contributor)
Semyonov, S. T.
See: Semenov, S. T. (Sergei Terentʹevich), 1868-1922
Seppänen, Rob. A., 1875-1920
- Kertomuksia I (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Kertomuksia II (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Sota ja rauha III (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Sota ja rauha IV (Finnish) (as Translator)
Shanks, Louise
Shestov, Lev, 1866-1938
- All Things are Possible (English) (as Author)
Shevchenko, Taras, 1814-1861
- The Kobzar of the Ukraine
Being select poems of Taras Shevchenko done into English verse with biographical fragments by Alexander Jardine Hunter (English) (as Author)
Shirazi, J. K. M.
- Creatures That Once Were Men (English) (as Translator)
Shokor-Trotsky, Constantine
- The Journal of Leo Tolstoi (First Volume—1895-1899) (English) (as Contributor)
Ŝidlovskaja, Maria
- Princo Serebrjanij (Esperanto) (as Translator)
Sienkiewicz, Henryk, 1846-1916
- Anielka I (Finnish) (as Author)
- Anielka II (Finnish) (as Author)
- Bartek Sankari (Finnish) (as Author)
- Children of the Soil (English) (as Author)
- The Deluge: An Historical Novel of Poland, Sweden, and Russia. Vol. 1 (English) (as Author)
- The Deluge: An Historical Novel of Poland, Sweden, and Russia. Vol. 2 (English) (as Author)
- Erämaan halki (Finnish) (as Author)
- Hania (English) (as Author)
- Hiilipiirroksia (Finnish) (as Author)
- In Desert and Wilderness (English) (as Author)
- In Vain (English) (as Author)
- Der kleine Ritter (Herr Wolodyjowski): Historischer Roman (German) (as Author)
- The Knights of the Cross, or, Krzyzacy: Historical Romance (English) (as Author)
- Kunniansa vankina : Romaani ylioppilaselämästä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Leivän haussa (Finnish) (as Author)
- Let us follow Him (English) (as Author)
- Life and Death, and Other Legends and Stories (English) (as Author)
- Lillian Morris, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Majakanvartija y.m. kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Author)
- On the Field of Glory: An Historical Novel of the Time of King John Sobieski (English) (as Author)
- Pan Michael: An Historical Novel of Poland, the Ukraine, and Turkey (English) (as Author)
- Quo Vadis, a Narrative of the Time of Nero (English) (as Author)
- Quo Vadis: A Narrative of the Time of Nero (English) (as Author)
- Quo Vadis (Πού πηγαίνεις): Μυθιστόρημα της Νερωνικής Εποχής (Greek) (as Author)
- Qvo vadis: Kertomus Neron ajoilta (Finnish) (as Author)
- Se kolmas: Humoristinen kertomus taiteilijaelämästä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Seuratkaamme häntä! (Finnish) (as Author)
- Sielanka: An Idyll (English) (as Author)
- Sissipäällikkö: Kohtauksia ranskalais-saksalaisesta sodasta (Finnish) (as Author)
- So Runs the World (English) (as Author)
- Tales by Polish Authors (English) (as Contributor)
- Through the Desert (English) (as Author)
- Tulella ja miekalla: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta. 1 (Finnish) (as Author)
- Tulella ja miekalla: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta. 2 (Finnish) (as Author)
- Tulella ja miekalla: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta. 3 (Finnish) (as Author)
- Tulella ja miekalla: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta. 4 (Finnish) (as Author)
- Vedenpaisumus I : Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
- Vedenpaisumus II : Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
- Vedenpaisumus III : Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
- Whirlpools: A Novel of Modern Poland (English) (as Author)
- With Fire and Sword: An Historical Novel of Poland and Russia (English) (as Author)
- Without Dogma: A Novel of Modern Poland (English) (as Author)
Sieroszewski, Wacław, 1858-1945
- More Tales by Polish Authors (English) (as Contributor)
- Tales by Polish Authors (English) (as Contributor)
Silvanto, Reino, 1883-1943
- Avioliittoja: Kokoelma aviotarinoita (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Erämaan halki (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Kaksikymmentä: novellikokoelma (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Karhu : Pila yhdessä näytöksessä (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Kolme kertomusta: Koteloitunut ihminen. Karviaismarjat. Rakkaudesta. (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Kosinta : Yksinäytöksinen pila (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Naisia (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Riita: Kertomus siitä, kuinka Ivan Ivanovitsh ja Ivan Nikiforovitsh riitaantuivat (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Se kolmas: Humoristinen kertomus taiteilijaelämästä (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Varjenka (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Vedenpaisumus I : Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Venäläistä rakkautta (Finnish) (as Translator)
Silva, Reino
See: Silvanto, Reino, 1883-1943
Slaveikov, Pencho P., 1866-1912
- Епически песни (Bulgarian) (as Author)
- Олаф ван Гелдерн (Bulgarian) (as Author)
Słowacki, Juliusz, 1809-1849
- Anhelli (Polish) (as Author)
Smith, William E.
- The Awakening
(The Resurrection) (English) (as Translator)
Soini, Lauri, 1875-1919
- Kaarle ja Sigismund I: Protestanttiko vai katolinen?
Historiallis-romanttinen kuvaus (Finnish) (as Translator) - Laukaus y.m. kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Vieras rouva (Finnish) (as Translator)
Soininen, L.
Soissons, Count de, 1860-
- Count Brühl (English) (as Translator)
- The Countess Cosel: A Romance of History of the Times of Augustus the Strong (English) (as Translator)
- An Obscure Apostle: A Dramatic Story (English) (as Translator)
- So Runs the World (English) (as Translator)
Sokol, Josef, 1831-1912
- Cítanka pro skoly obecné. Díl I (Czech) (as Author)
Sologub, Fyodor, 1863-1927
- Best Russian Short Stories (English) (as Contributor)
- The Created Legend (English) (as Author)
- Der kleine Dämon (German) (as Author)
- The Little Demon (English) (as Author)
- The Old House, and Other Tales (English) (as Author)
Sorrèze, Jacques
- Le Roman de Léonard de Vinci: La résurrection des Dieux (French) (as Translator)
Soskice, Juliet M.
- Who Can Be Happy and Free in Russia? (English) (as Translator)
Spalding, Henry
- Eugene Oneguine [Onegin]
A Romance of Russian Life in Verse (English) (as Translator)
Špecingrova-Baušová, Klára
- Dvojník. Nétička Nezvánova a Malinký Hrdina (Czech) (as Translator)
Spiridonov, V. S. (Vasilii Spiridonovich), 1878-1952
- Autobiography of Countess Tolstoy (English) (as Editor)
Spiro, Mario, 1883-1960
- Sämmtliche Werke 2: Die Abenteuer Tschitschikows oder Die toten Seelen II (German) (as Translator)
Stamatov, G. P. (Georgi Porfirievich), 1869-1942
- Nuntempaj Rakontoj (Esperanto) (as Author)
Stanoyevich, Beatrice Stevenson
See: Stevenson, Beatrice L. (Beatrice Louise), 1887-
Stastný, Jan, 1824-1913
- Cítanka pro skoly obecné. Díl I (Czech) (as Author)
Stebnitskii, M.
See: Leskov, N. S. (Nikolai Semenovich), 1831-1895
Steindorf, Ullrich
- Sämmtliche Werke 8: Briefwechsel II, Hans Küchelgarten
Briefwechsel II / Die Beichte des Dichters / Betrachtungen über die Heilige Liturgie / Jugendschriften / Fragmente / Hans Küchelgarten (German) (as Translator)
Sten, Jan
See: Bruner, Ludwik, 1871-1913
Stephen, Virginia
See: Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941
Stepniak, S., 1851-1895
- En Nihilist (Danish) (as Author)
Stevenson, Beatrice L. (Beatrice Louise), 1887-
- An Anthology of Jugoslav Poetry; Serbian Lyrics (English) (as Editor)
Stjernström, Louise, 1812-1907
- Kaarle ja Sigismund I: Protestanttiko vai katolinen?
Historiallis-romanttinen kuvaus (Finnish) (as Author)
Stojan, Harry
- Мислите в главите (Bulgarian) (as Author)
Stożek, Jan
Strachow, Nikolai Nikolajewitsch
See: Strakhov, N. (Nikolai), 1828-1896
Strakhov, N. (Nikolai), 1828-1896
- Sämtliche Werke 12: Literarische Schriften (German) (as Contributor)
Strannik, Ivan, 1868-1935
- Les Vagabonds (French) (as Translator)
Strasser, Nadja, 1871-1955
- Petersburg (German) (as Translator)
Strunsky, Rose
- The Confession: A Novel (English) (as Translator)
- The Journal of Leo Tolstoi (First Volume—1895-1899) (English) (as Translator)
Suchovo-Kobylin, Alexander V.
See: Sukhovo-Kobylin, A. (Aleksandr), 1817-1903
Sukhovo-Kobylin, A. (Aleksandr), 1817-1903
- Ο Γάμος του Κρεντσίνσκη, Κωμωδία εις τρεις πράξεις - Πανδρολογήματα, Κωμωδία εις δύο πράξεις (Greek) (as Author)
Sumanaru, Simona
- Poems and Tales from Romania (English) (as Author)
Suomalainen, K.
- Jumalallista ja inhimillistä eli vielä kolme kuolemaa (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Kertomuksia I (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Kulkuri: Kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Translator)
Suomalainen, Samuli, 1850-1907
- Isät ja lapset: Romaani (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Kapteenin tytär (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Kuningas Lear arolla (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Kuolleet sielut (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Metsämiehen muistelmia (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Savua : Romaani (Finnish) (as Translator)
Suppanen, Aatto, 1855-1898
- Pasinkow (Finnish) (as Translator)
Svetlá, Karolina, 1830-1899
- Kylätohtori (Finnish) (as Author)
Świętochowski, Aleksander, 1849-1938
- Aspazio: Tragedio en Kvin Aktoj (Esperanto) (as Author)
Sylvester, O. R.
- Das Leben Tolstois (German) (as Translator)
Szymański, Adam, 1852-1916
- More Tales by Polish Authors (English) (as Contributor)
- Selected Polish Tales (English) (as Contributor)
- Tales by Polish Authors (English) (as Contributor)
Talvio, Maila, 1871-1951
- Anielka I (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Anielka II (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Hiilipiirroksia (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Leivän haussa (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Majakanvartija y.m. kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Qvo vadis: Kertomus Neron ajoilta (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Rudin (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Tulella ja miekalla: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta. 1 (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Tulella ja miekalla: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta. 2 (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Tulella ja miekalla: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta. 3 (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Tulella ja miekalla: Kuvaus menneiltä ajoilta. 4 (Finnish) (as Translator)
Talvj, 1797-1870
- Historical View of the Languages and Literature of the Slavic Nations
With a Sketch of Their Popular Poetry (English) (as Author)
Tańska-Hoffmanowa, Klementyna, 1798-1845
- The Journal of Countess Françoise Krasinska, Great Grandmother of Victor Emmanuel (English) (as Author)
Tarkiainen, Viljo, 1879-1951
- Eno Vanja: Kuvaus maalaiselämästä neljässä näytöksessä (Finnish) (as Translator)
Tasin, N. (Nicolás)
- Los espectros: Novelas breves (Spanish) (as Translator)
Tchekhov, Anton
See: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Tchertkoff, V. (Vladimir)
See: Chertkov, V. G. (Vladimir Grigorevich), 1854-1936
Tervapää, Juhani
See: Wuolijoki, Hella, 1886-1954
Teternikov, Fyodor Kuzmich
See: Sologub, Fyodor, 1863-1927
Tolstaia, A. A. (Aleksandra Andreevna), grafinia, 1817-1904
- Erinnerungen an Leo N. Tolstoi (German) (as Author)
Tolstaia, S. A. (Sofia Andreevna), 1844-1919
- Autobiography of Countess Tolstoy (English) (as Author)
Tolstoi, A. A., Gräfin
See: Tolstaia, A. A. (Aleksandra Andreevna), grafinia, 1817-1904
Tolstoi, Ilia Lvovich, graf, 1866-1933
- Reminiscences of Tolstoy, by His Son (English) (as Author)
Tolstoi, Lev Lvovitš
See: Tolstoy, Lev Lvovich, 1869-1945
Tolstoj, Jurij V., 1824-1878
- Cossack Tales (English) (as Translator)
Tolstoy, Aleksey Konstantinovich, graf, 1817-1875
- Ivan le terrible; ou, La Russie au XVIe siècle (French) (as Author)
- Princo Serebrjanij (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Ruhtinas Serebrjani: Kertomus Iivana Julman ajoilta (Finnish) (as Author)
Tolstoy, Alexandra, Countess
See: Tolstaia, A. A. (Aleksandra Andreevna), grafinia, 1817-1904
Tolstoy, George
See: Tolstoj, Jurij V., 1824-1878
Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910
- Anna Karenina (Finnish) (as Author)
- Anna Karenina (Dutch) (as Author)
- Anna Karenina (English) (as Author)
- Anna Karenina, 1. Band (German)
- Anna Karenina, 2. Band (German)
- Anna Karénine, Tome I (French) (as Author)
- The Awakening
(The Resurrection) (English) (as Author) - Best Russian Short Stories (English) (as Contributor)
- Boyhood (English) (as Author)
- The Cause of it All (English) (as Author)
- Childhood (English) (as Author)
- Childhood (English) (as Author)
- The Cossacks: A Tale of 1852 (English) (as Author)
- The Devil (English) (as Author)
- L'enfance et l'adolescence
Édition spéciale pour la jeunesse revue par l'auteur (French) (as Author) - Fables for Children, Stories for Children, Natural Science Stories, Popular Education, Decembrists, Moral Tales (English) (as Author)
- Father Sergius (English) (as Author)
- The First Distiller (English) (as Author)
- The forged coupon, and other stories (English) (as Author)
- Fruits of Culture (English) (as Author)
- La guerre et la paix, Tome I (French) (as Author)
- La guerre et la paix, Tome II (French) (as Author)
- La guerre et la paix, Tome III (French) (as Author)
- Herr und Knecht: Novelle (German) (as Author)
- Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Leon Tolstoy (English) (as Author)
- The Invaders, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Isäntä ja renki (Finnish) (as Author)
- The Journal of Leo Tolstoi (First Volume—1895-1899) (English) (as Author)
- Jumalallista ja inhimillistä eli vielä kolme kuolemaa (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kaksi husaaria (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kasakat: Kaukasialainen kertomus (Finnish) (as Author)
- Katia (English) (as Author)
- Kaukasische vertellingen
Eene overvalling; Een houtkapping in het bosch; Een ontmoeting te velde met een moskousch kameraad (Dutch) (as Author) - Kindheit: Autobiographische Novelle (German) (as Author)
- The Kingdom of God is Within You / Christianity and Patriotism / Miscellanies (English) (as Author)
- The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Kreuzer-sonaatti (Finnish) (as Author)
- Kuolema (Finnish) (as Author)
- Lapsuus, Poika-ikä, Nuoruus 1: Lapsuus (Finnish) (as Author)
- Lapsuus, Poika-ikä, Nuoruus 2: Poika-ikä, Nuoruus (Finnish) (as Author)
- Der lebende Leichnam: Drama in sechs Akten (zwölf Bildern) (German) (as Author)
- Leo Tolstoin kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Author)
- Das Licht leuchtet in der Finsternis: Drama in vier Aufzügen (German) (as Author)
- The Light Shines in Darkness (English) (as Author)
- The Live Corpse (English) (as Author)
- Luonnosta ja elämästä: Satuja ja kertomuksia lapsille (Finnish) (as Author)
- Master and Man (English) (as Author)
- Master and Man (English) (as Author)
- On the Significance of Science and Art (English) (as Author)
- Perheonni (Finnish) (as Author)
- Pimeyden valta eli Kun kynsi on kiinni, niin on koko lintu hukassa: 5-näytöksinen näytelmä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Plays: Complete Edition, Including the Posthumous Plays (English) (as Author)
- The Power of Darkness (English) (as Author)
- Redemption and two other plays (English) (as Author)
- Resurrection (English) (as Author)
- Roman einer Ehe (German) (as Author)
- A Russian Proprietor, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Sa Ano Nabubuhay Ang Tao (Tagalog) (as Author)
- Sebastopol (English) (as Author)
- Sevastopol (English) (as Author)
- Sevastopoli (Finnish) (as Author)
- Sewastopol (German) (as Author)
- Sota ja rauha I
Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Author) - Sota ja rauha II (Finnish) (as Author)
- Sota ja rauha III (Finnish) (as Author)
- Sota ja rauha IV (Finnish) (as Author)
- Stories by Foreign Authors: Russian (English) (as Contributor)
- Three Days in the Village, and Other Sketches.
Written from September 1909 to July 1910. (English) (as Author) - Väärä kuponki (Finnish) (as Author)
- Vankina Kaukaasiassa Y. m. kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Author)
- War and Peace (English) (as Author)
- War and Peace, Book 01: 1805 (English) (as Author)
- What Men Live By and Other Tales (English) (as Author)
- What Men Live By, and Other Tales (English) (as Author)
- Where Love is There God is Also (English) (as Author)
- Ylösnousemus I (Finnish) (as Author)
- Ylösnousemus II (Finnish) (as Author)
- Ylösnousemus III (Finnish) (as Author)
- Youth (English) (as Author)
- Άννα Καρένιν (Greek) (as Author)
- Детство (Russian) (as Author)
Tolstoy, Lev Lvovich, 1869-1945
- Mistä ihmiset elävät : ynnä muita kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Author)
- Sininen päiväkirja (Finnish) (as Author)
Torquet, Charles, 1864-1938
- Carnet d'un inconnu
(Stépantchikovo) (French) (as Translator)
Tourgueneff, Ivan
See: Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich, 1818-1883
Townsend, R. S.
- Virgin Soil (English) (as Translator)
Trast, V. K., 1878-1953
- Kaksi husaaria (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Karamazovin veljekset I : Romaani (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Karamazovin veljekset II : Romaani (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Vankina Kaukaasiassa Y. m. kertomuksia (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Vedenpaisumus II : Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Vedenpaisumus III : Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Translator)
Trdina, Janez, 1830-1905
- Janeza Trdine zbrani spisi 1: Bahovi huzarji in Iliri
Spomini iz moje profesorske sluzbe na Hrvaskem (1853-1867) (Slovenian) (as Author)
Trench, Herbert, 1865-1923
- The Death of the Gods
(Christ and Antichrist, 1 of 3) (English) (as Translator) - The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci, the Forerunner (English) (as Translator)
Tucker, Benjamin Ricketson, 1854-1939
- The Kreutzer Sonata and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich, 1818-1883
- Aatelispesä (Finnish) (as Author)
- Annouchka: A Tale (English) (as Author)
- Asja (Finnish) (as Author)
- Best Russian Short Stories (English) (as Contributor)
- A Desperate Character and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- The diary of a superfluous man, and other stories (English) (as Author)
- The diary of a superfluous man, and other stories (English) (as Author)
- Dream Tales and Prose Poems (English) (as Author)
- Eaux printanières (French) (as Author)
- Elektitaj noveloj (Esperanto) (as Author)
- Ensimäinen rakkauteni (Finnish) (as Author)
- Fathers and Children (English) (as Author)
- Fathers and Sons (English) (as Author)
- First love, and other stories (English) (as Author)
- Gedichte in Prosa (German) (as Author)
- A House of Gentlefolk (English) (as Author)
- Isät ja lapset: Romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
- The Jew and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Knock, Knock, Knock and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- Kuningas Lear arolla (Finnish) (as Author)
- A Lear of the Steppes, etc. (English) (as Author)
- Lemmentarina (Finnish) (as Author)
- Lettres à Madame Viardot (French) (as Author)
- Liza; Or, "A Nest of Nobles" (English) (as Author)
- Luutnantti Jergunovin juttu (Finnish) (as Author)
- Majatalo (Finnish) (as Author)
- Metsämiehen muistelmia (Finnish) (as Author)
- A Nobleman's Nest (English) (as Author)
- On the eve: A novel (English) (as Author)
- Pasinkow (Finnish) (as Author)
- A Reckless Character, and Other Stories (English) (as Author)
- The Rendezvous
1907 (English) (as Author) - Rudin (Finnish) (as Author)
- Rudin (German) (as Author)
- Rudin: A Novel (English) (as Author)
- Savua : Romaani (Finnish) (as Author)
- Smoke (English) (as Author)
- A Sportsman's Sketches, Volume 2
Works of Ivan Turgenev, Volume 2 (English) (as Author) - A Sportsman's Sketches
Works of Ivan Turgenev, Volume I (English) (as Author) - Stories by Foreign Authors: Russian (English) (as Contributor)
- Tarpeeton ihminen (Finnish) (as Author)
- The Torrents of Spring (English) (as Author)
- Vaders en Zonen (Dutch) (as Author)
- Väter und Söhne (German) (as Author)
- Virgin Soil (English) (as Author)
- Visionen und andere phantastische Erzählungen (German) (as Author)
Twitchell, H.
- The Queen Of Spades (English) (as Translator)
Uminski, Wladyslaw, 1865-1954
- Per luchtballon naar de Zuidpool (Dutch) (as Author)
Underwood, Edna Worthley, 1873-1961
- Sonnets from the Crimea (English) (as Translator)
Van den Bruck, Arthur Moeller
See: Moeller van den Bruck, Arthur, 1876-1925
Vašek, Vladimír
Vazov, Ivan Minchov, 1850-1921
- Епопея на забравените (Bulgarian) (as Author)
Ventola, Viljami, 1884-1924
- Malva: Kertomus (Finnish) (as Translator)
Veselitskaia, Lidiia Ivanovna, 1857-1936
- Mimi's Marriage (English) (as Author)
Veselitskii-Bozhidarovich, Sergiei, 1882-
- Caucasian Legends (English) (as Translator)
Viardot, Louis, 1800-1883
- La fille du capitaine (French) (as Translator)
- Tarass Boulba (French) (as Translator)
Villard, André
- Sämmtliche Werke 5: Dramatische Werke (German) (as Translator)
- Ssanin: Roman (German) (as Translator)
Vizin, Denis von
See: Fonvizin, D. I. (Denis Ivanovich), 1745-1792
Vogau, Boris Andreevich
See: Pilniak, Boris, 1894-1937
Vogüé, Eugène-Melchior, vicomte de, 1848-1910
- The Russian novelists (English) (as Author)
Volkhovsky, Vera
- The Outcasts, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
Von Guenther, Johannes
See: Guenther, Johannes von, 1886-1973
Von Lützow, Franz Heinrich Hieronymus Valentin, hrabe
See: Lützow, Francis, hrabe, 1849-1916
Von Schultz, Georg Julius
See: Schultz, Georg Julius, 1808-1875
Von Vizin, Denis
See: Fonvizin, D. I. (Denis Ivanovich), 1745-1792
Von Walter, Reinhold
See: Walter, Reinhold von, 1882-1965
Vuoriniemi, J. G., 1891-1939
- Venäläisiä talonpoikia (Finnish) (as Translator)
Vuorjoki, U. J., 1877-1944
- Lemmentarina (Finnish) (as Translator)
Wallenius, Iivari
- Sota ja rauha I
Historiallinen romaani (Finnish) (as Translator) - Sota ja rauha II (Finnish) (as Translator)
Walter, K. (Karl)
- The dark (English) (as Translator)
Walter, Reinhold von, 1882-1965
- Der kleine Dämon (German) (as Translator)
Wanamaker, John, 1838-1922
- Tolstoy's Plower Story (English) (as Unknown role)
Welby, Frances A. (Frances Alice), 1862-1947
- Maxim Gorki (English) (as Translator)
Werner, Johannes
See: Schultz, Georg Julius, 1808-1875
Wesselitsky-Bojidarovitch, Sergei de
See: Veselitskii-Bozhidarovich, Sergiei, 1882-
Westerlund, Lyyli
- Kylätohtori (Finnish) (as Translator)
West, Julius, 1891-1918
- Plays by Anton Chekhov, Second Series (English) (as Translator)
Whishaw, Frederick, 1854-1934
- Uncle's Dream; and The Permanent Husband (English) (as Translator)
Widger, David, 1932-2021?
- Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Aleksandr Pushkin (English) (as Editor)
- Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Alexander Pushkin (English) (as Editor)
- Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Fyodor Dostoevsky (English) (as Editor)
- Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Leonid Andreyev (English) (as Editor)
- Index of the Project Gutenberg Works of Leon Tolstoy (English) (as Editor)
- Project Gutenberg Compilation of Short Stories by Chekhov (English) (as Editor)
Wiener, Leo, 1862-1939
- Anthology of Russian literature from the earliest period to the present time, volume 1 (of 2) : From the tenth century to the close of the eighteenth century (English) (as Author)
- Fables for Children, Stories for Children, Natural Science Stories, Popular Education, Decembrists, Moral Tales (English) (as Translator)
- The Kingdom of God is Within You / Christianity and Patriotism / Miscellanies (English) (as Translator)
Wijk, Emma B. van der
- Tolstoi's leven
Zijne persoonlijke herinneringen, brieven en aanteekeningen 1828-1863 (Dutch) (as Translator)
Wiles, James William
- An Anthology of Jugoslav Poetry; Serbian Lyrics (English) (as Translator)
Winstanley, Lilian, 1875-
- Tolstoy (English) (as Author)
Wisdom, J. H.
- A Hero of Our Time (English) (as Translator)
Wise, Thomas James, 1859-1937
- Emelian the Fool: a tale (English) (as Editor)
- The Story of Tim (English) (as Editor)
W., Lyyli
See: Westerlund, Lyyli
Wolfe, Archibald J. (Archibald John), 1878-
- When the King Loses His Head, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
Woolf, Leonard, 1880-1969
- Autobiography of Countess Tolstoy (English) (as Translator)
- The Gentleman from San Francisco, and Other Stories (English) (as Translator)
- Note-Book of Anton Chekhov (English) (as Translator)
- Reminiscences of Anton Chekhov (English) (as Translator)
- Reminiscences of Leo Nicolayevitch Tolstoi (English) (as Translator)
Woolf, Virginia, 1882-1941
- Stavrogin's Confession and The Plan of The Life of a Great Sinner
With Introductory and Explanatory Notes (English) (as Translator) - Talks with Tolstoi (English) (as Translator)
Wright, C. T. Hagberg (Charles Theodore Hagberg), 1862-1940
- The forged coupon, and other stories (English) (as Editor)
- Mimi's Marriage (English) (as Translator)
Wuolijoki, Hella, 1886-1954
- Tunnustus: Novelli (Finnish) (as Translator)
Wuori, Martti, 1858-1934
- Aikamme uros (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Daimoni: Itämainen tarina (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Isäntä ja renki (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Kahden sydämen salaisuudet: Eriskummallinen kertomus (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Lempeäluontoinen: Fantastillinen kertomus (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Pimeyden valta eli Kun kynsi on kiinni, niin on koko lintu hukassa: 5-näytöksinen näytelmä (Finnish) (as Translator)
- Tarpeeton ihminen (Finnish) (as Translator)
Wuorinen, Olli, 1842-1917
- Aatelispesä (Finnish) (as Translator)
Yarmolinsky, Avrahm, 1890-1975
- A family of noblemen (English) (as Translator)
Young, Iza
- Without Dogma: A Novel of Modern Poland (English) (as Translator)
Zamenhof, Leon, 1875-1934
- Aspazio: Tragedio en Kvin Aktoj (Esperanto) (as Translator)
Zamenhof, L. L. (Ludwik Lejzer), 1859-1917
- Marta (Esperanto) (as Translator)
Zamiatin, Evgenii Ivanovich, 1884-1937
- We (English) (as Author)
Zamyatin, Yevgeny
See: Zamiatin, Evgenii Ivanovich, 1884-1937
Zapolska, Gabriela, 1857-1921
- Menazerya ludzka (Polish) (as Author)
Żeromski, Stefan, 1864-1925
- More Tales by Polish Authors (English) (as Contributor)
- Selected Polish Tales (English) (as Contributor)
- Tales by Polish Authors (English) (as Contributor)
Zielinska, Marie H. de
- Marie; a story of Russian love (English) (as Translator)
Zilboorg, Gregory, 1890-1959
- He Who Gets Slapped: A Play in Four Acts (English) (as Translator)
- We (English) (as Translator)
Zulawski, Jerzy, 1874-1915
- Auf silbernen Gefilden: Ein Mond-Roman (German) (as Author)
Zur Mühlen, Hermynia, 1883-1951
- Der rote Stern: Ein utopischer Roman (German) (as Translator)
Zweig, Stefan, 1881-1942
Κωνσταντινίδης, Αγαθοκλής
See: Konstantinidis, Agathoklis, 1854-1920
Οικονομόπουλος, Ηλίας
See: Economopoulos, Elias, 1868-1929
Аксаков, Сергей Тимофеевич
See: Aksakov, S. T. (Sergei Timofeevich), 1791-1859
Андреев, Леонид Николаевич
See: Andreyev, Leonid, 1871-1919
Арцыбашев, Михаил Петрович
See: Artsybashev, M. (Mikhail), 1878-1927
Белый, Андрей
Бирюков, Павел Иванович
See: Biriukov, Pavel Ivanovich, 1860-1931
Блаватская, Е. П. (Елена Петровна)
See: Blavatsky, H. P. (Helena Petrovna), 1831-1891
Блауманис, Рудольф
See: Blaumanis, Rūdolfs, 1863-1908
Богданов, А. (Александр)
See: Bogdanov, A. (Aleksandr), 1873-1928
Ботев, Христо
See: Botev, Khristo, 1848-1876
Бржезина, Отакар
See: Brezina, Otokar, 1868-1929
Брюсов, Валерий Яковлевич
See: Bryusov, Valery Yakovlevich, 1873-1924
Бугаев, Борис Николаевич
Бунин, Иван Алексеевич
See: Bunin, Ivan Alekseevich, 1870-1953
Вазов, Иван Минчов
See: Vazov, Ivan Minchov, 1850-1921
Весели́тская, Ли́дия Ива́новна
See: Veselitskaia, Lidiia Ivanovna, 1857-1936
Вогау, Борис Андреевич
See: Pilniak, Boris, 1894-1937
Гаршин, В. М. (Всеволод Михайлович)
See: Garshin, V. M. (Vsevolod Mikhailovich), 1855-1888
Гоголь, Николай Васильевич
See: Gogol, Nikolai Vasilevich, 1809-1852
Гольденвейзер, Александр Борисович
See: Golʹdenveĭzer, Aleksandr Borisovich, 1875-1961
Гончаров, Иван Александрович
See: Goncharov, Ivan Aleksandrovich, 1812-1891
Горький, Максим
Грибоедов, Александр Сергеевич
See: Griboyedov, Aleksandr Sergeyevich, 1795-1829
Данилевский, Г. П. (Григорий Петрович
See: Danilevskii, G. P. (Grigorii Petrovich), 1829-1890
Державин, Гавриил Романович
See: Derzhavin, Gavriil Romanovich, 1743-1816
Дорошевич, Влас Михайлович
See: Doroshevich, V. M. (Vlas Mikhaĭlovich), 1864-1922
Достоевская, Л. Ѳ. (Любовь Ѳедоровна)
See: Dostoevskaia, L. F. (Liubov Fedorovna), 1869-1926
Достоевский, Фёдор Михайлович
See: Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881
Дуддингтон, Наталия Александровна Эртель
See: Duddington, Natalie, 1886-1972
Замятин, Евгений Иванович
See: Zamiatin, Evgenii Ivanovich, 1884-1937
Илић, Драгутин Ј.
See: Ilić, Dragutin J., 1858-1926
Караџић, Вук Стефановић
See: Karadžić, Vuk Stefanović, 1787-1864
Ковалевская, С. В. (Софья Васильевна)
See: Kovalevskaia, S. V. (Sofia Vasilevna), 1850-1891
Коллонтай, А. (Александра)
See: Kollontai, A. (Aleksandra), 1872-1952
Короленко, Владимир Галактионович
See: Korolenko, Vladimir Galaktionovich, 1853-1921
Котелянский, Самуел Соломонович
See: Koteliansky, S. S. (Samuel Solomonovitch), 1880-1955
Крат, П. (Павло)
See: Krat, P. (Pavlo), 1882-1952
Кропоткин, Пётр Алексеевич
See: Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich, kniaz, 1842-1921
Крылов, Иван Андреевич
See: Krylov, Ivan Andreevich, 1768-1844
Кузмин, М. А. (Михаил Алексеевич)
See: Kuzmin, M. A. (Mikhail Alekseevich), 1872-1936
Куприн, Александр Иванович
See: Kuprin, A. I. (Aleksandr Ivanovich), 1870-1938
Лёвенфельд, Рафаэль
See: Löwenfeld, Raphael, 1854-1910
Лермонтов, Михаил Юрьевич
See: Lermontov, Mikhail Iurevich, 1814-1841
Лесков, Н. С. (Николай Семенович)
See: Leskov, N. S. (Nikolai Semenovich), 1831-1895
Масютин, Василь
See: Masjutyn, Wasyl, 1884-1955
Мережковский, Дмитрий Сергеевич
See: Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeyevich, 1865-1941
Некрасов, Николай Алексеевич
See: Nekrasov, Nikolai Alekseevich, 1821-1878
Немирович-Данченко, Василий Иванович
See: Nemirovich-Danchenko, Vasilii Ivanovich, 1848-1936
Нушић, Бранислав Ђ.
See: Nušić, Branislav, 1864-1938
Островский, Александр Николаевич
See: Ostrovsky, Aleksandr Nikolaevich, 1823-1886
Пильняк, Борис
See: Pilniak, Boris, 1894-1937
Полевой, П. (Петр)
See: Polevoi, P. (Petr), 1839-1902
Потапенко, Игнатий Николаевич
See: Potapenko, I. N. (Ignatii Nicholaevich), 1856-1929
Пушкин, Александр Сергеевич
See: Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeevich, 1799-1837
Разин, Э. К.
Ремизов, Алексей Михайлович
See: Remizov, Aleksei, 1877-1957
Салтыков-Щедрин, Михаил Евграфович
See: Saltykov, Mikhail Evgrafovich, 1826-1889
Семёнов, Сергей Терентьевич
See: Semenov, S. T. (Sergei Terentʹevich), 1868-1922
Славейков, Пенчо
See: Slaveikov, Pencho P., 1866-1912
Сологуб, Федор
See: Sologub, Fyodor, 1863-1927
Спиридонов, В. С. (Василий Спиридонович)
See: Spiridonov, V. S. (Vasilii Spiridonovich), 1878-1952
Стаматов, Георги
See: Stamatov, G. P. (Georgi Porfirievich), 1869-1942
Степняк-Кравчинский, Сергей Михайлович
Стоянов, Хари
See: Stojan, Harry
Странник, Иван
See: Strannik, Ivan, 1868-1935
Страхов, Николай Николаевич
See: Strakhov, N. (Nikolai), 1828-1896
Сухово-Кобылин, Александр Васильевич
See: Sukhovo-Kobylin, A. (Aleksandr), 1817-1903
Тетерников, Федор Кузьмич
See: Sologub, Fyodor, 1863-1927
Толстая, С. А. (Софья Андреевна)
See: Tolstaia, S. A. (Sofia Andreevna), 1844-1919
Толстой, Алексей Константинович, граф
See: Tolstoy, Aleksey Konstantinovich, graf, 1817-1875
Толстой, Лев Львович
See: Tolstoy, Lev Lvovich, 1869-1945
Толстой, Лев Николаевич
See: Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910
Тургенев, Иван Сергеевич
See: Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich, 1818-1883
Фишер, Андрей
Фонвизин, Денис Иванович
See: Fonvizin, D. I. (Denis Ivanovich), 1745-1792
Хохлов, Николай
See: Hohlov, Nikolao, 1891-1953
Цанкар, Иван
Чертков, В. Г. (Владимир Григорьевич)
See: Chertkov, V. G. (Vladimir Grigorevich), 1854-1936
Чехов, Антон Павлович
See: Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904
Шварцман, Лев Исаакович
Шевченко, Тарас Григорович
See: Shevchenko, Taras, 1814-1861
Шестов, Лев
Шидловская, Мария
See: Ŝidlovskaja, Maria
Эліасберг, Александр
See: Eliasberg, Alexander, 1878-1924
Ярмолінскіў, Абрам Цалевіч
See: Yarmolinsky, Avrahm, 1890-1975