
Beautification Potion

"At least it's only temporary. Imagine spending your life attracting hordes of pouring admirers. Ugh! A repellent thought!"
— Zygmunt Budge on the Beautification Potion[src]

A Beautification Potion was a potion that transformed the appearance of the drinker, making them seem to be attractive, even if they were not.[1]


"As even my own mother used to refer to me as 'Fungus-face', it became clear that my Beautification Potion had been a success."
Zygmunt Budge, Book of Potions[src]

A bottle of Beautification Potion

In the Middle Ages, Malodora Grymm, a Hag, used a Beautification Potion to trick a King into believing she was beautiful and then married him.[5]

In the 1500s, potioneer Zygmunt Budge developed his own recipe, which he had to test on himself (for it had the limitation of only working on humans or creatures of human-like appearance). His artificial good-looks attracted the attention of Muggle women, who started to circle the desert island in which he lived on small boats, calling things like "cooee!" and "give us a kiss, handsome!". Budge stopped taking the potion forthwith, and frightened the women away by coming up to the shore in his right appearance, wearing nothing but his favourite loincloth.[1]

Sacharissa Tugwood was an expert at these potions, pioneering their creation and use in the 19th century,[4] although they were not unheard of before her time.

During the 1890–1891 school year, a student was brewing a Beautification Potion in one of the girl's toilets. When an Unidentified 19th-century Hogwarts student discovered it, a talking mirror advised the student that they needed it and promised not to tell anyone.[6]

In the 1987–1988 school year, Jacob's sibling assisted Penny Haywood in brewing this potion in order to defeat a Red Cap in the Forbidden Forest.[2]

More contemporaneously, Madam Primpernelle's Beautifying Potions was a shop in Diagon Alley that specialised in getting rid of warts and worse.[7]

Brewing instructions[]

Beautifying Potion

A Beautification Potion being brewed

  1. Grind the wings of three fairies and add to cauldron.
  2. Stir slowly, and then add morning dew.
  3. Stir vigorously, then heat the mixture.
  4. Find a single fresh rose. Pluck seven petals and add to cauldron.
  5. Chop the dried Lady's Mantle and add to cauldron, then stir.
  6. Add a lock of unicorn hair and stir vigorously.
  7. Add powdered ginger root and then heat.
  8. Lastly, wave your wand over the cauldron to finish the potion.[1]

Behind the scenes[]


Notes and references[]