- "Peeves is the most notorious and troublesome poltergeist in British history. Unlike the overwhelming majority of his colleagues, Peeves has a physical form, though he is able to become invisible at will. His looks reflect his nature, which those who know him would agree is a seamless blend of humour and malice."
- — Description of Peeves and his traits[src]
Peeves was a poltergeist at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, since c. 993. Fond of mischief and chaos, he was a constant pain to the school and its inhabitants, especially Argus Filch, the caretaker, as the only ones able to control him were the Bloody Baron and Albus Dumbledore. Though, he had taken into account students like Fred and George Weasley and help them with their chaos.
During the 1995–1996 school year, Peeves, along with most of the Hogwarts residents, opposed Dolores Umbridge, the High Inquisitor, and pranked her until she was removed at the end of the school year. On 2 May 1998, Peeves fought at the Battle of Hogwarts against Lord Voldemort and his Death Eaters. After the Second Wizarding War, Peeves continued making trouble at Hogwarts.
Founding of Hogwarts[]

Peeves causing mischief
Peeves has lived at Hogwarts Castle since its founding in c. 993. He "came with the building",[7] and came into existence with the founding of an institution containing a large number of children. Whilst unconfirmed, it was guessed that Peeves is a tangible manifestation of the students' mischief. Peeves has wrought havoc upon Hogwarts for centuries, and was often the cause of ire for various teachers and staff. Peeves had traditionally been a pet peeve of every caretaker the school had seen, starting with Hankerton Humble, the first caretaker who was appointed by the Founders themselves, hence where the poltergeist got his name.[8]
18th century[]
At some point in the 18th century, Peeves went on a mission of random destruction, as he always did, and, after a particularly aggressive riot through the Hogwarts Library, left behind some yellowed old pages of a map he had previously pilfered. The pages were found just outside the library and picked up by a student named Richard Jackdaw.
It is likely that Peeves never even noticed they were gone. Jackdaw also stole an heirloom wand belonging to the Ollivander family. They tried questioning the poltergeist about the theft, but Peeves was less than helpful.[9]
19th century[]
- "Here I've come from the toilet bowl, where she said I could swim did Eupraxia Mole.
As long as 'twere only one time per week, I can plunge the boys' lavatory — not for the meek!
He tried to stop me did Rancorous Carpe. Sought to trap me, confine me, inside of a jar —
— but he failed, as did his Containment Charms, so I took my revenge to wreak havoc and harm.
It was granted my privileges be handsome indeed, or I'd fire up the canon and so she agreed —
to draw up a contract, with her, not with him, that if I behaved I'd have one weekly swim!" - — Peeves recounting the event[src]
In 1876, caretaker Rancorous Carpe devised an "elaborate trap" in an effort to remove Peeves from the Castle. The trap comprised a bait of assortment of weapons and a vast enchanted bell jar, reinforced by various Containment Charms, which he intended to drop over the poltergeist once he was in place. This did not go as planned, as Peeves easily broke through the bell jar and was left armed with several cutlasses, crossbows, a blunderbuss and a miniature cannon. The Castle had to be evacuated for three days as Peeves amused himself by firing randomly and threatening the students with death.[8]
Professor Eupraxia Mole, Headmistress of the day, agreed to sign a contract with Peeves, so that he relinquished the weapons in exchange for additional privileges (a once-weekly swim in the boys' toilets on the ground floor, first choice on stale bread from the kitchens for throwing purposes, and a new custom-made hat by Madame Bonhabille). This was the last and most disastrous attempt to get rid of Peeves. These events forced Mr Carpe to take early retirement "for health reasons".[8]

Peeves hovering next to Sebastian Sallow
During the 1890–1891 school year, Peeves would harass Hufflepuff students outside of the boys' toilets on the ground floor recounting the tale of how he won his swimming privileges there.[10] Later that year, Peeves discovered the new fifth-year and Sebastian Sallow enter the Restricted Section of Hogwarts Library, and reported it to the then librarian Agnes Scribner.[11] According to the Wizard's Field Guide, Peeves's favourite pranking spot was a boy's toilet located in the dungeons. It was often avoided by students unless they were really desperate.[12]
20th century[]
Jacob's sibling's school years[]
Throughout the 1980s, Peeves would frequently disrupt Flying classes by mixing the brooms with the mops, which Jacob's sibling in particular would help to rearrange.[13][14][15] He would also sometimes disrupt Professor Binns's History of Magic lessons in the History of Magic Classroom to ask students questions about making mischief.[16][17][18] During the 1986–1987 school year, Nicholas de Mimsy Porpington told Jacob's sibling in the Great Hall one day that he had to prevent Peeves from throwing Severus Snape's soup bowl.[19]

Peeves offering Jacob's sibling a portrait of himself in the Prefects' Bathroom
Peeves stole the vault portrait in the 1980s. During the 1988–1989 school year, Jacob's sibling had to find him for the portrait, and asked various ghosts in Hogwarts about where he could be.[20] When they found him and asked for the portrait, Peeves demanded some chaos in exchange. They created some minor chaos, and Peeves responded by attempting to give them his self-portrait and saying they had to create a mischief masterpiece to win over the vault portrait.[21] Jacob's sibling and their friends carefully planned out a series of mischief[22][23][24] and presented it to Peeves, who finally gave them the portrait.[25]
During the 1990–1991 school year, Victor Ketsueki summoned him with Jacob's sibling in his room, asking him where to find coffin, which contained the Dark Scroll. Peeves lamented Victor neglecting to visit him often, given how he had become a "popular vampire", and Victor expressed his apologies that they would spend more time together causing mischief. He then revealed that Fred and George Weasley had agreed with him to steal Victor's coffin as a prank, but that the twins had failed to show up with the coffin, so the two went to find them.[26]
Harry Potter's school years[]
- "My dear Friar, haven't we given Peeves all the chances he deserves? He gives us all a bad name and you know, he's not really even a ghost."
- — Nearly Headless Nick discussing Peeves with his fellow ghosts[src]

Peeves in the History of Magic classroom
Peeves was a topic of discussion before the Start-of-Term Feast of 1991. The Hogwarts ghosts debated whether or not Peeves should be allowed to attend the feast. While the Fat Friar was willing to give Peeves another chance, Nearly Headless Nick felt Peeves did not deserve to be even considered; ghosts had been given a bad name because of him.[27]
After the Start-of-Term Feast, Peeves appeared to torment prefect Percy Weasley as he led the Gryffindor first-years to Gryffindor Tower. Peeves threw walking sticks at the prefect, disregarded Percy's threat to tell the Bloody Baron, responded by blowing a raspberry, dumped even more walking sticks onto Neville Longbottom's head and left.[27] Peeves wrote rude words on a classroom blackboard when Professor McGonagall surprised Harry with the position of Gryffindor Seeker.[28]

Peeves speaking with first-year Harry Potter
Later in the year, Peeves caught Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, and Neville Longbottom sneaking around the school after curfew. He teased them and then loudly alerted Filch to their presence in the halls. However, once Filch arrived, Peeves did nothing but antagonise him.[28] In October, Ron suspected Peeves to have been the one who released the Mountain Troll on Hallowe'en but in truth, it turned out that Professor Quirrell had done it.[29]
Harry, Ron, and Hermione once again encountered Peeves in the hallways during their quest to save the Philosopher's Stone. Without Peeves's knowledge, the three of them were concealed under Harry's Invisibility Cloak from which Harry impersonated the Bloody Baron, the only ghost who Peeves obeys, warning Peeves to stay away from the third floor that night, which was sufficient enough to frighten him away and avoid being caught during their mission.[2]
- — Peeves after the attacks on Sir Nicholas and Justin Finch-Fletchley[src]

Nearly Headless Nick's deathday party
In the autumn of 1992, Peeves crashed a vanishing cabinet over Filch's office, after being persuaded by Nearly Headless Nick, saving Harry from one of Filch's punishments. Wearing a bright orange party hat and a revolving bow tie, Peeves attended Nearly-Headless Nick's deathday party, where he appeared to be civilised, even though he taunted Hermione Granger for gossiping about Moaning Myrtle. He later pelted mouldy peanuts at Myrtle, mocking her spots.[30]
Some time later, Peeves appeared in a hallway with Harry, where he noticed the two new basilisk victims, Justin Finch-Fletchley and Nearly Headless Nick. He loudly alerted the faculty and students of Hogwarts of the attack. He performed a song to taunt Harry over the fact that students thought he was the one releasing Slytherin's monster and petrifying the muggle-born students. Peeves soon added a dance routine for the song.[31]
In 1993, Peeves appeared before Remus Lupin and his third-year Defence Against the Dark Arts class when they were entering the teacher's lounge for a practical lesson. Peeves stuffed a keyhole with chewing gum when he noticed Remus. He began singing the phrase "Loony, loopy Lupin" over and over again. Professor Lupin asked him to remove the gum, but Peeves's only response was a loud raspberry. To this, Remus cast a simple spell, Waddiwasi, which shot the gum up Peeves's nose.[32]

Peeves floats above the students after Sirius Black's first attempted break-in
On 31 October, Peeves informed Professor Dumbledore of the Fat Lady's location after her portrait was attacked. He also revealed that her attacker was the escaped prisoner, Sirius Black.[33] At half past four in the morning, Peeves woke Harry Potter up by blowing in his ear, disregarding the fact that the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff Quidditch match was to be that day.[34]
Peeves was shown on the Marauder's Map to entertain himself by bouncing around the trophy room.[35] He also displayed quite an amount of glee at the prospect of the Dementors using the "Kiss" on Sirius Black.[36]
- Argus Filch: "It's Peeves, professor! He threw this egg down the stairs."
- Severus Snape: "Peeves? But Peeves couldn't get into my office."
- Argus Flich: "This egg was in your office, professor?"
- Severus Snape: "Of course not!"
- — Argus Flich and Severus Snape, discussing that Peeves stole Harry's Triwizard Champion egg[src]
His first appearance was before the welcoming feast in the entrance hall, where he dropped water balloons on the students. During the feast, Gryffindor ghost Nearly Headless Nick stated that Peeves was enraged at being unable to attend the feast, as decided via ghost's council, and therefore had caused havoc and mayhem in the kitchens, terrorising the house-elves.[37]
When Harry was practising the Summoning Charm with Hermione in preparation for the first task of the Triwizard Tournament, Peeves appeared and started chucking chairs across the room under the pretence that Harry wanted things thrown at him.[38]
Around the time of the Yule Ball, Peeves frequently hid in a suit of armour and sang rude songs,[39] and was also accused of stealing Harry's golden egg the night Harry worked out the clue.[40]
- "Oh, most think he's barking, the Potty wee lad,
But some are more kindly and think he’s just sad,
But Peevesy knows better and says that he's mad —" - — Peeves singing a disparaging song about Harry Potter[src]
After Harry Potter's first Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson with Dolores Umbridge, Peeves began tormenting Harry in the corridor outside of the classroom, much to Harry's anger.[4] That year, Peeves orchestrated a prank to knock the bust of Paracelsus on top of any student which passed it; Nearly Headless Nick alerted Harry to avoid this, and went to find the Bloody Baron in order for him to put a stop to it.[41]
Peeves was in the classroom where Harry, Ron, and Hermione were situated shortly after conversing with Sirius about forming Dumbledore's Army. He threw ink pellets at the trio and others, including Katie Bell, over whom he emptied an ink bottle.[42] At Christmas in 1995, Peeves caused trouble whilst Hermione and Ron attempted to put up Christmas decorations as part of their Prefect duties, by attempting to strangle Ron with tinsel.[43]

Peeves saluting the twins
Peeves was not completely without loyalties, though; during Dolores Umbridge's attempts to take control of Hogwarts in 1996, he showed respect for his fellow troublemakers, Fred and George Weasley. When given final instructions by Fred and George to give Umbridge hell from them just before they left Hogwarts, Peeves saluted the twins, marking possibly the first time he had knowingly and willingly obeyed a Hogwarts student.[44]

Peeves chasing Umbridge with McGonagall's cane
After the Weasley twins' departure, Peeves began a rampage of ceaseless mayhem by juggling burning torches over students, dumping a bag of tarantulas in the Great Hall, twice locking Mrs Norris in a suit of armour (much to Filch's great displeasure), destroying property like never before and smearing ink on the eyepieces of the school telescopes.
It appears that Peeves was actually on friendly terms with the strict Professor McGonagall during this time, due to their mutual disdain for Umbridge.[45] Professor McGonagall went as far as telling Peeves that he was unscrewing a chandelier the wrong way,[45] and apparently she later allowed him to borrow her walking stick to hit Umbridge with as she fled from Hogwarts at the end of the school year.[46]
During 1996, when Harry Potter asked Luna Lovegood to attend Professor Slughorn's Slug Club Christmas party, Peeves overheard and started singing a song of his own composition describing the situation.[47] Shortly after the Apparition lessons, Peeves blocked a door to the Gryffindor Common Room, and wouldn't let anyone pass unless they set fire to their own pants. Only Neville Longbottom fell prey to this prank.[48]

Kreacher and Dobby fight, while being encouraged by Peeves
In March 1997, when Harry was admitted to the hospital wing after suffering a cracked skull when Cormac McLaggen hit him with a bludger, Harry summoned Kreacher to have him tail Draco Malfoy around the castle. Kreacher apparated there along with Dobby, with whom he was fighting after Kreacher insulted Harry. A moment later Peeves apparated, saying that he was watching the fight. Then Peeves egged them on verbally, and threw chalk at them to enrage them further. He only left when Harry used Langlock to glue Peeves's tongue to the roof of his mouth.[3]
After attending the burial of Aragog and getting an important memory from Horace Slughorn, Harry could feel the effects of Felix Felicis wearing off as he escaped back into the castle. He encountered Peeves but managed to escape detection by taking a shortcut.[49]
- "We did it, we bashed them, wee Potter's the one, and Voldy's gone mouldy, so now let's have fun!"
- — Peeves after Lord Voldemort's death[src]
During the Battle of Hogwarts in 1998, Filch (albeit forcibly and only after he was persuaded by Minerva McGonagall) invited Peeves to take part in the defence of the castle. Despite his long career of mischief and disregard for school authorities, Peeves rose valiantly to the occasion, willingly joining in the effort to protect Hogwarts.[50]

Peeves witnesses Voldemort's final defeat at the hands of Harry Potter
When Death Eaters breached the school itself, Peeves sowed chaos in their ranks by swooping over their heads, dropping Snargaluff pods on them as he went. He did nothing to bother or distract the defenders of Hogwarts, his usual targets for as long as he had existed at the school.[6] After the battle, he flew amongst the survivors, singing a victory song.[51]
21st century[]
One evening, Peeves was in the Grand Staircase when he saw three students, Robyn Thistlethwaite, Kevin Farrell and their friend talking to the portrait of William de Cognac. He had heard about the disappearance of Ivy Warrington and took great delight in finding what he thought were the missing first-years before realising there was only supposed to be one. They told Peeves they weren't lost but they were also looking for Ivy. He decided to test their mettle and tried to attack them. The three students eventually managed to defeat Peeves.[52]
During the Calamity in the late 2010s or early 2020s, Peeves schemed to get the Calamity to focus on Rancorous Carpe, the Hogwarts caretaker who tried to trap the poltergeist in 1876. However, a Calamity Investigator working for the Statute of Secrecy Task Force managed to convince Peeves to give up on this plan after a protracted period of negotiation.[53]
Physical description[]

Peeves's phsyical form
Unlike the overwhelming majority of his ghostly colleagues, Peeves had a physical form, though he was able to become invisible at will.[27]
Peeves looked like a little man dressed in loud, outlandish clothes including a bell-covered hat and an orange bow tie. Compared to the Hogwarts ghosts, he was solid-looking, not pearly white and transparent.[37] He was capable of flight and intangibility, like a ghost, but could also affect solid objects and make himself invisible. He could be affected by magic, as Harry used Langlock to silence him.[3]
Personality and traits[]

Peeves giving a mischievous smile
Peeves was more of a chaotic spirit rather than a physical being, but highly different from the other school ghosts. Peeves was essentially an embodiment of disorder and took great pleasure in constantly causing it.[27][5][8] At times, Peeves could be legitimately dangerous. Hogwarts caretaker Argus Filch waged a constant war with Peeves, and year after year requested the poltergeist be thrown out of the school.
Peeves further annoyed and bothered the Hogwarts community by joining in with whatever current gossip was circulating among students. When Harry Potter was suspected of being the "Heir of Slytherin" in 1992, Peeves taunted him in the hallways for "speaking in tongues".[31] If students were late to class, he would, among other things, drop wastepaper baskets on their heads, pelt them with chalk, or pull the rugs out from under them. The worst case involved him sneaking up invisible, grabbing the person's nose and screeching "GOT YOUR CONK!".[5]
He also liked to speak in rhymes occasionally, usually while bragging, playing games, or taunting students.[54]
- "Oooooooh! Ickle Firsties! What fun!"
- — Peeves tormenting first-years[src]
Peeves was shown to be able to create food at will out of thin air. This ability of his was shown when Jacob's sibling was trying to get Peeves to give him the vault portrait. Since this broke one of Gamp's Law of Elemental Transfiguration, this might mean that Peeves might have had otherworldly powers. However, despite this, he did not seem to have the power to oppose tremendously powerful wizards, as he was shown to be unwilling to challenge the notoriously powerful Dumbledore.[33]
- "So sorry, your bloodiness, Mr Baron, sir. My mistake, my mistake — I didn't see you — of course I didn't, you're invisible — forgive old Peevsie his little joke, sir."
- — Peeves's fear of the Bloody Baron[src]
Peeves did not heed commands from Hogwarts prefects or professors, though Headmaster Albus Dumbledore was an exception. The one Hogwarts ghost that struck fear in Peeves, in addition to controlling him, was the Bloody Baron.[2] His fear of the Baron was so well known that in his first year, Harry Potter, under his Invisibility Cloak, was able to drive him away by pretending to be the Baron. Although Peeves did not usually heed commands, he did recognise authority of a sort. Though generally unimpressed by titles and badges, he was generally amenable to the strictures of the teachers, agreeing to stay out of their classrooms while they taught. He had also been known to show an affinity for rare students (notably Fred and George Weasley).[8]
However, Peeves was loyal and devoted to Hogwarts and proved this twice: first by defying the hated Dolores Umbridge by assaulting her endlessly with trouble, and then in the Battle of Hogwarts where he dropped Snargaluff pods on Death Eaters in mid-air,[6] causing general chaos among their ranks and later showing evident joy when Voldemort was defeated.[51]
Peeves also possessed a honourable side, as after Jacob's sibling had caused great chaos around Hogwarts, Peeves kept his end of the bargain.[25] Students were known to allow Peeves to take the blame for their own mischief, for which he accepted responsibility, as he never had any fear of repercussions.
Fred and George Weasley[]
Though he never hesitated to prank them, Peeves appeared to genuinely like Fred and George Weasley. Presumably, this was due to their shared trait of taking delight in causing trouble for authorities. Peeves shocked everyone in 1996 when he actually listened to the twins' words, causing countless problems for Dolores Umbridge. As the twins left Hogwarts, Peeves saluted them in front of the student body.[44]
Argus Filch[]
- "Yes, Peeves, you fool, Peeves! Haven't you been complaining about him for the last quarter of a century?"
- — Professor McGonagall sending Filch to find Peeves in order to assist in the defence of Hogwarts[src]

Argus Filch, his enemy
Peeves and Argus Filch were sworn enemies for over twenty-five years.[50] Filch never ceased his futile efforts to get Peeves banished from the castle, and Peeves never stopped taunting Filch.[28][40]
To annoy Filch, Peeves trapped Mrs Norris in a suit of armour twice, dropped chandeliers and caused general mayhem, which Filch was later responsible for cleaning.[45] For example, during the 1992–1993 school year, Peeves dropped a heavy object on the floor above Filch's office after being goaded by Nearly Headless Nick.
It is presumed that this ongoing war between them continued after the Battle of Hogwarts, but Peeves's valour in service to the school during the fighting would have only made it harder for Filch to ever get him removed.
The Bloody Baron[]
Apart from the Weasley twins, the Bloody Baron was one of the only beings that Peeves took orders from.[27] For unknown reasons, the Baron was one of the only beings that Peeves dared not cross.
During his first year, Harry imitated the voice of the Bloody Baron to chase Peeves away so Harry could get around Hogwarts without Peeves in the way. Peeves, fooled into thinking the Baron was speaking to him from the shadows, immediately left and promised to stay out of the area for the rest of the night as instructed.[2]
Albus Dumbledore[]

Albus Dumbledore, whom he held much respect for
- Albus Dumbledore: "We need to find her. Professor McGonagall, please go to Mr Filch at once and tell him to search every painting in the castle for the Fat Lady."
- Peeves: "You'll be lucky!"
- Albus Dumbledore: "What do you mean, Peeves?"
- Peeves: "Ashamed, Your Headship, sir. Doesn't want to be seen. She's a horrible mess. Saw her running through the landscape up on the fourth floor, sir, dodging between the trees. Crying something dreadful. Poor thing."
- — Albus Dumbledore and Peeves, after the attack on the Fat Lady.[src]
Apart from the Bloody Baron and the Weasley twins, Albus Dumbledore was the only being in Hogwarts who Peeves was known to have shown any respect for.
In Dumbledore's presence, Peeves adopted an oily voice in an attempt to be polite to the headmaster — which was likely out of fear that Dumbledore could have him expelled from the school if he angered him.[33]
Hogwarts students and staff[]

Hogwarts staff
Peeves enjoyed taunting all the students and staff members of Hogwarts.[5] Severus Snape told Filch that he "[doesn't] give a damn about that wretched poltergeist".[40] Most people were infuriated by him but on one occasion, Minerva McGonagall told Peeves that he was unscrewing a chandelier the wrong way when Peeves attempted to create as much trouble for Dolores Umbridge as possible.[45]
Peeves obeyed Fred's command to give Umbridge hell and caused her a great deal of trouble.[44] Most of the students and teachers were on Peeves's side on this occasion due to their hatred of Umbridge.[45] Umbridge had previously asked Minister for Magic Cornelius Fudge to sign an order for the expulsion of Peeves, but it is uncertain if he ever actually signed such an order, nor how the order could have been enforced had he done so.[55]
- — Peeves antagonising first-year students out of bed at night[src]
Peeves also happened to enjoy tormenting Harry Potter, Ronald Weasley, and Hermione Granger. He tried to get them in trouble with Neville Longbottom when he found them out of bed late in their first year,[28] but was once beaten by them that same year (excluding Neville) when Harry impersonated the Bloody Baron, telling him to go away from the third floor so they could save the Philosopher's Stone without any interference (although he was unaware of this).[2] The next year, Peeves made a foolish alarm that Harry had petrified two more people (Justin Finch-Fletchley and Nearly Headless Nick) and shouting that no humans or ghosts were safe.[31]
Peeves had directly clashed with other past Hogwarts caretakers, including Hankerton Humble and Rancorous Carpe. An attempt by Carpe to remove Peeves by luring him into a trap featuring weapons and trapping him with Containment Charms instead resulted in Peeves seizing the weapons and then subjecting Hogwarts to a three-day standoff. The standoff was only ended when then Headmistress Eupraxia Mole drew up a contract that granted him special privileges, including a once-weekly swim in the boys' toilets on the ground floor, first refusal on stale bread from the kitchen for throwing purposes, and a new hat — to be custom-made by Madame Bonhabille of Paris.[8]
However, despite all this, Peeves's surprisingly high loyalty to Hogwarts proved to allow him to work with both students and teachers alike when Hogwarts is truly in great danger, as he valiantly fought for Hogwarts during the Battle of Hogwarts and effectively coordinated with the fighters on Hogwarts's side; he taunted and attacked only the Death Eaters, and never once pranked any of those fighting for Hogwarts.[6]
Peeve means little devil or something that is personally annoying; a personal dislike (like a pet peeve). Peevish means disagreeable and bad-tempered.
Behind the scenes[]

British actor Rik Mayall was cast as Peeves in the first film, but his scenes were ultimately cut

Concept art of Peeves's cut film portrayal
- According to J. K. Rowling's website, Peeves was "an indestructible spirit of chaos".
- Peeves has appeared in all of the books and the first three video games, but none of the films. A scene with Peeves was filmed for the film adaptation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, but was left on the cutting room floor and to date has never even been released in any form, even the Ultimate Edition box set. Peeves's role in the films was replaced with his archenemy Argus Filch instead. Peeves was set to be played by the late British actor Rik Mayall, who was ironically known for his title role in the film Drop Dead Fred, in which he played a mischievous imaginary friend (somewhat similar to Peeves). According to Harry Potter Limited Edition, Peeves was conceived as having a consistently devilish grin, though there was a question of whether or not he would have hair. It is unknown why the character of Peeves was cut from the films.
- The only on-screen reference to Peeves occurs in the short film The Queen's Handbag, during which Harry Potter describes Peeves using the Queen's Birthday as an excuse to drop coloured eggs on Hogwarts students at breakfast, but then he appears during breakfast anyway.
- In the video games, Peeves is battled several times. For example, he randomly pops up out of boxes. In the video game adaptation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone PC version, Peeves is defeated with the Knockback Jinx. In the video game adaptation of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets PC version, he is defeated with the Skurge Charm. In the video game adaptation of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban PC version, where he is defeated with the Tickling Charm, as well as the Seize and pull charm and Freezing Spell in certain boss fights. Also, in the DS versions of LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4 and LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7, he is somewhat of a boss.
- Although Peeves does not actually appear in the video game adaptation of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, some students make references to him, saying things like, "Want to go watch Peeves throw things?"
- Peeves was voiced by Chris Crosby and Jonathan Kydd in the video game adaptation of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, and by Crosby in the video game adaptation of Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and the video game adaptation of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. He was voiced by Jeff Leach in Harry Potter: Magic Awakened,[56][57] and by Jason Anthony in Hogwarts Legacy.[58]
- Peeves is Oliver Phelps's favourite character in the Harry Potter series.[59]
The Harry Potter Wiki has 102 images related to Peeves.
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (First appearance)
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (film) (In Chapter 13 (Nick and other Residents) before being cut from final edit)
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (video game)
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (video game)
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (video game)
- Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
- Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (video game) (Mentioned only)
- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
- Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (Mentioned only)
- Harry Potter and the Cursed Child (play) (Mentioned only)
- J. K. Rowling's official site
- Pottermore
- Harry Potter (website)
- The Queen's Handbag (Mentioned only)
- Harry Potter Trading Card Game
- Harry Potter: The Character Vault
- LEGO Harry Potter
- LEGO Harry Potter: Building the Magical World
- LEGO Harry Potter: Characters of the Magical World
- LEGO Harry Potter: Years 1-4
- LEGO Harry Potter: Years 5-7[60]
- LEGO Dimensions (Mentioned only)
- Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery
- Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
- Harry Potter: Puzzles & Spells
- Harry Potter: Magic Awakened
- Hogwarts Legacy
- Harry Potter television series
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Boggart" at Harry Potter (website)
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Chapter 16 (Through the Trapdoor)
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 19 (Elf Tails)
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 12 (Professor Umbridge)
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Chapter 8 (The Potions Master)
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 31 (The Battle of Hogwarts)
- ↑ Anelli, Melissa and Emerson Spartz. "The Leaky Cauldron and MuggleNet interview Joanne Kathleen Rowling: Part Two" The Leaky Cauldron, 16 July 2005
- ↑ 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 Writing by J. K. Rowling: "Peeves" at Harry Potter (website)
- ↑ Hogwarts Legacy
- ↑ Hogwarts Legacy (see this video)
- ↑ Hogwarts Legacy, Main Quest "Secrets of the Restricted Section"
- ↑ Hogwarts Legacy
- ↑ Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 6, Chapter 4 (Friends in Low Places) - Flying Lesson "Wollongong Shimmy"
- ↑ Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 6, Chapter 22 (The Exchange Student) - Flying Lesson "Broom Casting"
- ↑ Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 7, Chapter 43 (Father Knows Best) - Flying Lesson "Split S"
- ↑ Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 5, Chapter 32 (The Trouble With Ben) - History of Magic Lesson "International Warlock Convention of 1289"
- ↑ Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 6, Chapter 2 (Curses and Prophecies) - History of Magic Lesson "History of Wandlore"
- ↑ Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 6, Chapter 43 (What's Next) - History of Magic Lesson "14th Century Wizarding Economic Bubble"
- ↑ Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 3, Side Quest "Nearly Headless Nick"
- ↑ Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 5, Chapter 21 (The Search for Peeves)
- ↑ Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 5, Chapter 22 (Agent of Chaos)
- ↑ Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 5, Chapter 23 (Mischief Masterpiece)
- ↑ Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 5, Chapter 24 (Dark Pranks)
- ↑ Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 5, Chapter 25 (Creature of Chaos)
- ↑ 25.0 25.1 Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 5, Chapter 26 (Chaos Ensues)
- ↑ Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery, Year 7, Chapter 34 (The Scroll and the Sarcophagus)
- ↑ 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Chapter 7 (The Sorting Hat)
- ↑ 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Chapter 9 (The Midnight Duel)
- ↑ Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone, Chapter 17 (The Man with Two Faces)
- ↑ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 8 (The Deathday Party)
- ↑ 31.0 31.1 31.2 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Chapter 11 (The Duelling Club)
- ↑ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 7 (The Boggart in the Wardrobe)
- ↑ 33.0 33.1 33.2 Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 8 (Flight of the Fat Lady)
- ↑ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 9 (Grim Defeat)
- ↑ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 10 (The Marauder's Map)
- ↑ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Chapter 22 (Owl Post Again)
- ↑ 37.0 37.1 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 12 (The Triwizard Tournament)
- ↑ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 20 (The First Task)
- ↑ Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 23 (The Yule Ball)
- ↑ 40.0 40.1 40.2 Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Chapter 25 (The Egg and the Eye)
- ↑ Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 14 (Percy and Padfoot)
- ↑ Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 18 (Dumbledore's Army)
- ↑ Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 21 (The Eye of the Snake)
- ↑ 44.0 44.1 44.2 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 29 (Careers Advice)
- ↑ 45.0 45.1 45.2 45.3 45.4 Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 30 (Grawp)
- ↑ Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 38 (The Second War Begins)
- ↑ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 15 (The Unbreakable Vow)
- ↑ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 18 (Birthday Surprises)
- ↑ Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Chapter 23 (Horcruxes)
- ↑ 50.0 50.1 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 30 (The Sacking of Severus Snape)
- ↑ 51.0 51.1 Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Chapter 36 (The Flaw in the Plan)
- ↑ Harry Potter: Magic Awakened, Year 1, Main Story, Chapter I: The Night Ivy Went Missing
- ↑ Harry Potter: Wizards Unite
- ↑ Hogwarts Legacy
- ↑ Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, Chapter 28 (Snape's Worst Memory)
- ↑ Harry Potter: Magic Awakened Full Cast & Crew
- ↑ Jeff Leach at YouTube
- ↑
Jason Anthony at the Internet Movie Database
- ↑ LeakyNews - MegaCon Q&A with James & Oliver Phelps
- ↑ Peeves is available in the "Downloadable Character Pack" DLC for the game.
External links[]
Peeves at the Hogwarts Legacy Wiki