
Genetic diversity of barley cultivars grown in Spain, estimated by RFLP, similarity and coancestry coefficients | DIGITAL.CSIC

  • ️Molina-Cano, José Luis
  • ️Fri Aug 21 2015

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logo citeas Casas, A. M., Igartua, E., Valles, M. P., & Molina‐Cano, J. L. (1998, November). Genetic diversity of barley cultivars grown in Spain, estimated by RFLP, similarity and coancestry coefficients. Plant Breeding. Wiley. http://doi.org/10.1111/j.1439-0523.1998.tb01968.x

Título Autor CSIC ORCID ; Igartua Arregui, Ernesto CSIC ORCID ; Vallés Brau, María Pilar CSIC ORCID CVN ; Molina-Cano, José Luis Fecha de publicación1998 EditorBlackwell Publishing CitaciónPlant Breeding 117: 429-435 (1998) ResumenThis study was conducted with the objective of characterizing the genetic variation among a representative set of 37 barley cultivars currently grown in Spain, using restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) markers. Thirty-two RFLP probes, in combination with three restriction enzymes, were used to analyse polymorphism at the molecular level. Genetic distances (GD), based on RFLP band patterns, and coancestry coefficients (f), based on pedigree records, were calculated. Of the 95 clone-enzyme combinations analysed, 71 (74.7%) were polymorphic, representing 246 RFLP patterns. A cluster analysis of GD split the sample into five distinct germplasm groups that were consistent with the history of the cultivars (winter European, spring European, CIMMYT-ICARDA materials, the single cultivar 'Dobla' and Spanish local materials). The Spanish group was the most distinct one and had unique alleles at markers close to major loci determining phenological adaptation. The probes which best distinguished among groups were also identified. Genetic similarity estimates were moderately consistent with f (for cultivars with complete pedigrees). The implications for integration of diversity studies into breeding programmes are discussed. URIhttp://hdl.handle.net/10261/121301 DOI10.1111/j.1439-0523.1998.tb01968.x ISSN0179-9541
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