From ruler to Pariah: The life and times of the true path party
The historical conditions surrounding the birth of the True Path Party
(Doğru Yol Partisi—DYP) on June 23, 1983 are identical to the labor
pains of its predecessor, the Justice Party (Adalet Partisi—AP), on
November 20, 1961. The AP had established itself as the principal heir to
the Democratic Party (Demokrat Parti—DP) which was closed down by
the 1960 military coup. The military rulers rooted the emergence of both
the AP and DYP in the closure of their predecessor parties. More
importantly, this time the crisis coincided with the challenges and
uncertainties posed by new global trends, a generalized political
phenomenon of democratization, and free market economy being the most
significant ones. This contribution will consider the life and times of the
DYP essentially in terms of the language, method, and logic of its reluctant
change over time.