
Is a combined therapy more effective than either CBT or SSRI alone? Results of a multicenter trial on panic disorder with or without agoraphobia

  • ️den Boer, J. A.

Is a combined therapy more effective than either CBT or SSRI alone? Results of a multicenter trial on panic disorder with or without agoraphobia

van Apeldoorn, F. J.; van Hout, W. J. P. J.; Huisman, P. P. A. Mersch M.; Slaap, B. R.; Hale, W. W.; Visser, S.; van Dyck, R.; den Boer, J. A.

(2008) Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica, volume 117, issue 4, pp. 260 - 270



Objective: To establish whether the combination of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and pharmacotherapy (SSRI) was more effective in treating panic disorder (PD) than either CBT or SSRI alone, and to evaluate any differential effects between the mono-treatments. Method: Patients with PD (n = 150) with or without agoraphobia received CBT, SSRI ... read more

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Keywords: panic disorder, agoraphobia, randomized controlled trials, cognitive-behavioral therapy, drug treatment, COGNITIVE-BEHAVIORAL THERAPY, ANXIETY DISORDERS, EXPOSURE, PLACEBO, IMIPRAMINE, CLOMIPRAMINE, FLUVOXAMINE, PHARMACOTHERAPY, COMBINATION, DEPRESSION, Taverne, International (English)

ISSN: 0001-690X

Publisher: Blackwell Publishing Ltd

(Peer reviewed)