Gay rights with a side of apartheid
- ️Thu Jul 11 2024
journal contribution
posted on 2024-07-11, 19:02 authored by Nada Elia
Colonialism and dishonesty have always gone hand in hand. Nineteenth and twentieth century colonial powers sought to justify their imperial designs through a myopic denunciation of the circumstances of women in the colonised societies. These imperial countries pretended to 'save brown women from brown men' by dispossessing and disenfranchising entire peoples. Twenty-first century colonialism has evolved to justify occupation and apartheid as a new and improved 'civilising mission', one that distinguishes itself as gay-friendly, while the downtrodden societies are represented as homophobic. On the other hand, Palestinian queer activism, and the non-violent Palestinian strategy of BDS, which seek equality for all people regardless of their ethnicity, sexuality, or religion, present the model for a queer state, which allows individual citizens to define themselves as they wish, without losing power, entitlement, or safety.
Journal title
settler colonial studies
Swinburne University of Technology
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