
Kyoto University Research Information Repository: バーブル・パーディシャーフとハイダル・ミールザー : その相互關係

  • ️閒野, 英二

ダウンロード数: 450

    Permalink : https://doi.org/10.14989/154212
タイトル: バーブル・パーディシャーフとハイダル・ミールザー : その相互關係
その他のタイトル: Bābur Pādishāh and Haydar Mīrzā : their Mutual Relationship
著者: 閒野, 英二  KAKEN_name
著者名の別形: MANO, Eiji
発行日: 31-Dec-1987
出版者: 東洋史研究會
誌名: 東洋史研究
巻: 46
号: 3
開始ページ: 559
終了ページ: 590
抄録: In the first half of the sixteenth century two excellent histories of Central Asia, namely Babur-nama of Babur Padishah and Tarikh-i Rashidi of Haydar Mirza, appeared. Figuratively speaking, these histories are two stars shining brightly in the sky of Central Asian historiography. Before and after them, they have no equals. Then why not only one, but also two excellent histories could appear almost simultaneously in that period in Central Asia where such histories are rare from ancient times? In order to answer this simple but important question, the author tries to examine the mutual relationship between Babur Padishah and Haydar Mirza. The author's conclusions are as follows : 1. Centering around the Moghul Khans, the families of Babur and Haydar associated with each other very friendly. 2. With such relationship for a background, Babur and Haydar associated closely twice : firstly between 1505 and 1507 and secondly between 1509 and 1512. 3. The participation of Muhammad Husayn, Haydar's father, in the Moghul's revolt against Babur in Kabul broke off the first association. But the generous and humanistic attitude of Babur toward Muhammad Husayn and others impressed young Haydar. 4. In 1509 Babur invited Haydar, whose father was killed by the Uzbeg, to Kabul and took care of Haydar with great hospitality. Babur's fatherly interest in Haydar removed the bitterness of orphanage and the poison of banishment from the latter's mind. Haydar passed a long time in the service of Babur, in perfect happiness and freedom from care. Babur always took Haydar by the side of himself and encouraged Haydar to study. After nearly one year's stay in Kabul, Haydar accompanied Babur on an expedition to Central Asia and entered Samarkand with Babur triumphantly. But, being unable to hold Samarkand, Babur retreated to Hisar, from where Haydar separated from Babur and went to Andijan to join Sa'id Khan. Thus close and warm relationship between Babur and Haydar, which lasted almost three years, came to an end. 5. Babur and Haydar set a high value on each other's abilities. Haydar in particular regarded Babur as the most talented prince in the house of Timur. 6. Since Haydar held Babur in such a high respect, it is probable that Haydar conducted himself after the model of Babur in many respects. If it be true, it is also probable that Haydar's Tarikh-i Rashidi was composed after the model of Babur's Babur-nama. The author wants to make certain of the last presumption by comparing the structure, contents and style of the two histories in another paper.
DOI: 10.14989/154212
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/2433/154212
