

  • ️Tue May 21 2019

Icon MercWorkshop

Bartendotron is a rare friendly encounter in The Dalaran Heist that only shows mech or mech synergy cards.

The Dalaran Heist[]

On rare occasions, players find themselves encountering Bartendotron instead of Bartender Bob when they normally would.[1] The encounter functions the exact same way as the usual ones, but Bartendotron only offers Mech minions. Bartendotron is able to offer Mechs outside of the player's class.[2] Filling the Tavern with new minions will remove the tribe limitation. Players may encounter Bartendotron twice in the same run.

Bartendotron owns his own unique taverns:

  • The Cog and Gear
  • The Greased Axel[3]
  • The Rusty Bucket




Here to wet your whistle? PLEASE INSERT COINS.
Howdy! Plug yourself in partner.
My favorite customer! No roughhousing now, y'hear?
Well howdy partner! Don't get many living in here.
You look like you've had a rough day. Bless your heart.
Well tarnish my brass, a living flame! Care for some oil? (with Rakanishu)
There's a snake in my saloon! What can I get ya'? (with Vessina)
You're almost frothing more than my drinks! (with Ol' Barkeye)
Welcome welcome my fine feathered friend! (with Kriziki)
We don't get many Vulpera in these parts. Take a seat. (with Captain Eudora)
Hey there, big fella! No trouble, now! (with Mr. Chu)
I've got a stool made just for someone of your stature. (with Squeamlish)
With that rock skin on you, I'd say you're half-mech yourself. (with Tekahn)
You look like you've got a lot on your mind. Take a load off your feet. (with George the Fallen)


Big decisions can be tough. Go ahead and sit for a spell!
Hey partner, have you heard about this invasion business?
The oil's tasty but try not to get any on your cards.

Emote Response

I normally serve mechanical types here, but I always welcome new business.

Player's cards

Awww, buck up partner.
It's always darkest before the reboot.
Go on now! Get!
DELETED ya'll.
You're All Fired!
You heard 'em. Bounce 'em!
Good Food
This one's on the house! We can't eat it anyways.
Recruit a Veteran
That one's been sitting in the back eyeing you for a while.
Right Hand Man
Always good to have a companion by your side.
Round of Drinks
Round of motor oil, coming up!
Take a Chance
Didn't take you for the kind to roll the bones.
Tall Tales
Tales of that one are... greatly exaggerated.
Tell a Story
Warms my circuits to hear a friendly tale.
The Gang's All Here!
What a fine group of a friends you've got there.


Come on back now y'hear?
Enjoy your evil schemin' now!
If you ever need a bite, come on back.


Bartendotron full

Bartendotron, full art


  1. Bob's bar was closed. Bartendotron only offers mechs as minions!. (2019-05-21). Reddit. Retrieved on 2019-06-04.
  2. Apparently, Bob isn't the only bartender you can get. (2019-05-20). Reddit. Retrieved on 2019-08-04.
  3. I finally found Bartendotron!. (2019-08-31). Reddit. Retrieved on 2019-09-02.
The Dalaran Heist
Chapter 1: Dalaran Bank
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Chapter 2: The Violet Hold
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Chapter 3: Streets of Dalaran
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Chapter 4: The Underbelly
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Chapter 5: Kirin Tor Citadel
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Level 10
Level 11
Level 12

DALA BOSS 98hBartendotron