- ️Tue Nov 02 2021
The battlefield (or game board) is where the action takes place, representing the board on which each game is played out. Around the battlefield are various important UI elements, such as each player's hand, deck and Mana Crystals, as well as the two heroes themselves. Each battlefield features its own design with numerous interactive elements which produce fun animations and sound effects when clicked on. Gameplay is in no way affected or determined by the battlefield, except for the one exception, Transfer Student. Battlefields are chosen at random and are independent of the heroes chosen by players or used by the Innkeeper.
There are currently 33 battlefields: The original battlefields Stormwind, Orgrimmar, Pandaria, Stranglethorn, as well as at least one battlefield for every card set. There are also four special battlefields, used only during seasonal events. New battlefields are added regularly, alongside the release of new content.
With the exception of the original four battlefields, each is associated with a particular expansion or adventure, and depicts elements from that setting. Battlefields usually feature unique music, used exclusively when playing on those battlefields, and not heard when playing on others. The battlefields of Goblins vs Gnomes, The Grand Tournament, Whispers of the Old Gods, Mean Streets of Gadgetzan, Journey to Un'Goro, and the default battlefields share a common pool of music tracks.
Every year when card sets are rotated out into Wild, each battlefield associated with a rotated expansion also rotates out of use from Standard format matches. Tavern brawls that allow the use of Wild card sets can take place on any battlefield, Standard or Wild. The original four battlefields were permanent until Patch, when they rotated to Wild.
The term board is also used to refer to each player's current array of minions and locations. Players may "clear the board" by removing all enemy minions, or fight for control of the board by attempting to achieve minion dominance.
Your hero is displayed near the bottom of the battlefield, while your opponent's is displayed near the top. To the right of your hero is displayed your Hero Power, and in the lower-right corner you can find your Mana Crystals. Your hand is displayed on the bottom of the field and your opponent's hand is displayed on the top side. The last few actions taken in the game are displayed on the left of the battlefield in the history, while each player's deck can be found to the right of the battlefield. Any minions or locations in play are found in the centre of the battlefield.
While the player is shown at the bottom of the battlefield and their opponent at the top, each player in fact separately views the battlefield from the same position, and is always shown on their own screen playing from the bottom. The battlefield itself is in effect an illusion, allowing each player to experience a standard view of the board each time they play. At no point does a player find themselves playing from the top of the screen, or find the battlefield oriented such that they are playing from the opposite side to that shown to their opponent. The placement of minions is also preserved between players' screens; placing a minion on the left of the player's screen will also place it on the left of the opponent's screen, despite the apparent rotation of perspective. Both players do however view the same battlefield within any given match.[1]
Design and development[]

The Stormwind battlefield, viewed at "an angle you shouldn't see it at!"[2]
Hearthstone originally featured only four battlefields - Stormwind, Orgrimmar, Pandaria and Stranglethorn Vale. A fifth battlefield, Naxxramas, was added as part of the Curse of Naxxramas adventure in July 2014, originally only available while playing the adventure, but brought into the main rotation in October of that year. A sixth was released as part of Goblins vs Gnomes in December 2014, and this pattern continued with Blackrock Mountain and The Grand Tournament. Various battlefields were tried during the game's development, including Blackrock Mountain and Dalaran. Earlier versions also show the current player as the "red" hero and the opponent the "blue" hero, while the reverse of this was eventually implemented.
The game's battlefields are created by using projected textures on 3D models.[3] Paintings created by Ben Thompson and Jomaro Kindred are given to John Zwicker, who then maps them onto 3D models created using the Maya image editing software.[4][5] The Grand Tournament battlefield was painted by Jomaro Kindred.[6] The models themselves are slanted and 'deformed', in order to accept lighting and cast shadows, as well as to create the angled viewpoint from which the gameboard is seen.[7][8] However, the top of the board is far more deformed than the bottom.[9]
During the game's alpha, Hearthstone had a "graveyard", a location where played cards and destroyed minions would be placed when they were removed from the game. This feature was later removed, but the skull icons next to each player's deck still indicate its previous location on the battlefield.[10] Earlier versions of the graveyard can also be seen in some images of the game's alpha battlefield designs.
The boards' bonus features or "clickables" are created by John Zwicker, with assistance from technical artists Kyle Harrison and Becca Abel.[11][12]
Bonus features[]
The corners of each battlefield feature special interactive features, bringing the battlefield to life and providing entertainment and distraction for the player during the opponent's turn. Interacting with these features using the mouse may produce a range of visual and audio effects, as well as resulting in temporary or permanent changes to the battlefield. Examples of these include catapults which can be loaded and fired at the opponent, dragon eggs which can be broken to release whelps, and gardens which can be watered and harvested.
These features are purely cosmetic, and do not affect gameplay in any way. Also, as each player views their own version of the battlefield, any interactions with the board made by the player will not affect their opponent's board, and will not be visible to them.
Some features involve complex interactions with other features, while others provide simple visual/audio effects. Most features can be interacted with endlessly, but some have a finite number of uses, after that becoming 'broken' and non-interactive, or else irreversibly changing function. All battleground features are reset at the start of each match, with no permanent changes.
For full listings of interactive features, see below.
Notes and trivia[]
- Battlefields released with adventures are used for all matches within the adventure, and initially only available when playing that adventure. They are usually added into the main rotation some time after the full release of the adventure.
- While all screen layouts are adjusted for non-desktop platforms such as phones, the battlefields are substantially changed, with the top left and bottom right corners removed entirely to make room for the players' hands, and the top right and bottom left corners usually having reduced interactivity. As a result, phone versions only feature at most half the bonus features found on the original battlefields.
- The Stormwind map is currently the most frequently used location, with two different versions in play at any given time, and three different versions in total.
- The names of the battlefields given below are not displayed anywhere in game, but are listed in one of the game's XML files.
- Transfer Student was the first card to change its effect based on the Battlefield. Its addition also means Battlefields are no longer purely cosmetic.
Stormwind is one of the original four battlefields, available since the game's alpha. The battlefield features a nesting gryphon, as well as an inn, clock tower and cathedral.
Stormwind is the capital city of the Alliance, and home of the humans. Just to the north of the lush green lands of Elwynn Forest in the Eastern Kingdoms, the city has a long and troubled history. One of the last great human cities left on Azeroth, Stormwind was destroyed by the orcish invasion during the First War, but was painstakingly rebuilt following the Second War. A sprawling city criss-crossed with canals, Stormwind is split into several smaller districts, including the Cathedral of Light and the base of operations for SI:7. The capital is home to the humans of Azeroth, and the seat of Varian Wrynn, King of the Alliance, and his son, Anduin Wrynn, as well as Genn Greymane of the worgen.
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- The windows can be tapped on. Repeatedly tapping them will smash them, and further tapping will shower the area in broken glass.
- The cathedral bell can be rung by clicking on the roof.
- The streetlight switched on and off. Switching it off will cause the moths surrounding it to leave; switch it back on and they will slowly return.
Top Right
- The sign can be knocked, causing it to swing. Repeatedly knocking it will break one of its chains, leaving it hanging at an angle.
- The door can be opened and closed.
- One of the slates on the building's roof can be knocked at, and eventually smashed.
Bottom Left
- The barracks clock shows the current time on your computer clock.
- Repeatedly clicking the roof will break it.
- The bucket can be knocked about Repeatedly clicking it will cause the rope to break, sending the bucket crashing to the bottom of the well.
- One of the stones of the well can be bashed, and eventually broken.
Bottom Right
- Mousing near the gryphon's face will cause it to follow the cursor with its head. Very rarely, the gryphon will nip at the cursor if it is left too close to its beak.
- The gryphon can be poked, eliciting a roar of outrage and a scornful look.
- The barrel can be smashed.
- The box can be smashed
- The hay can be tossed.
- The flag can be buffeted.
Transfer Student[]
- Video
- The plant in the top-right corner of the battlefield was originally interactable. During the beta, the leaves were stationary by default, and players were able to click on them, knocking them about. However, the interaction suffered from a long-standing bug which caused partial non-interactivity. Perhaps because of this, with the release of Hearthstone the plant was changed to wave continuously in the wind, but was no longer interactable.
Orgrimmar is one of the original four battlefields, available since the game's alpha. Set in the orcish capital city, the battlefield features a catapult, portcullis, zeppelin and blacksmith, and is emblazoned with the bright red logo of the Horde. The dust of the red land of Durotar continuously blows across the battlefield.
Orgrimmar is the capital city of the Horde, and home of the orcs. Situated in the red land of Durotar on the eastern edge of Kalimdor, the city was founded by Thrall following the Third War. For most of its history it served as the capital of the Horde, although its future status is unclear now that Lady Sylvanas Windrunner of Undercity is Warchief. Set between the towering mountain ranges of Durotar, Orgrimmar is a heavily-armed fortress bristling with towers and guards, even more so after its expansion by the goblins following their induction into the Horde. Painted in the bloody colors of the Horde and built in the traditional style of the orcs, the city bristles with spikes on every corner as a fearsome warning to any would-be invaders. City of the orcs, the capital is also home to the Darkspear trolls and the goblins, who have their own quarters within the city. Orgrimmar is named after the legendary orcish warrior Orgrim Doomhammer.
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- The zeppelin can be buffeted. Occasionally it will instead swing back accompanied by the laughter of goblins or a trilling sound.
- The rock to which the zeppelin is tethered can be rocked and shifted.
Top Right
- The portcullis can be opened and closed.
- The vine can be hacked at, and if attacked repeatedly will briefly recoil.
Bottom Left
- The flag can be buffeted.
- The chimney of the blacksmith can be clicked to put out or reignite the fire inside. When the fire is active, black smoke will billow continuously from the chimney. Repeatedly clicking on the chimney will produce sounds of hammers hitting metal, bellows bellowing and the hissing sound of metal being tempered.
Bottom Right
- Rocks can be loaded into the catapult, and then flung towards the player's opponent. This can result in one of a variety of noises, including collision with clattering objects and the yelp of an unfortunate gnoll, gnome, or orc.
- The catapult can be reloaded by clicking on it several times to pull the arm down, and then loading another rock into the basket.
Transfer Student[]
- Video
Pandaria is one of the original four battlefields, available since the game's alpha. The battlefield features a farm, water wheel (attached to a brewery), and the distinctive colors of the pandaren, as well as the continent's signature rolling mists.
Shrouded in mists for more than ten thousand years, the continent of Pandaria only recently emerged from obscurity at the south of Azeroth. Home to the wise pandaren, Pandaria is a beautiful and fertile land, rich with the bright colors of pandaren culture, and the towering architecture of its former rulers, the mogu. A peaceful and contemplative people, following their uprising against the mogu, the pandaren have chosen to focus on the important things in life: family, friends and food. Pandaria is also home to several other races, including the jinyu, hozen, mantid and grummles.
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- The kite can be knocked around.
- The peg securing the kite can be knocked at. Repeatedly clicking the peg causes it to be removed, allowing the kite to float away.
- The lantern can be buffeted.
- The light in the window can be switched off and on, with an accompanying chime.
Top Right
- The waterwheel can be spun.
- The door can be opened and closed.
Bottom Left
- The gong can be rung. Repeatedly ringing it will cause a dramatic sound to play.
- The flowers can be shaken and destroyed, but will grow back.
Bottom Right
- The crops can be smashed.
- If any crops are missing, clicking on the funnel will cause water to pour down it and onto the field, and then new crops will grow to replace all the missing ones.
- Several varieties of crops are possible, as well as the occasional boot. While rare, a boot has a chance to appear in any crop slot, and it is possible to have boots in all three slots at the same time. Even more rarely, a golden version of one of the vegetables may appear. These have around a 1/1,000 or even 1/10,000 chance of spawning each time a new vegetable is grown. It is possible to have three golden vegetables at once, although this is extremely rare.
- The vegetables start to grow in a delayed clockwise sequence, starting with the left-most, then the top-most, then the bottom-most. As a result, the quickest pattern for growing and squishing vegetables (such as when attempting to yield a boot or golden vegetable) is to move in a clockwise order, including clicking on the water spout; the player will have time to squish the bottom vegetable before the water reaches it, ensuring a smooth, continuous cycle.
Transfer Student[]
- Video
Stranglethorn is one of the original four battlefields, available since the game's alpha. Set in the dense jungles of Stranglethorn, the battlefield features a waterfall, a hunter's camp, and various overgrown troll architecture.
- Stranglethorn is no tropical paradise! It’s a dense, steamy jungle teeming with malignant murlocs and nefarious naga—indeed, danger lurks behind every leaf and vine![13]
Stranglethorn Vale is a vast jungle located on the south-eastern corner of the Eastern Kingdoms. In the eastern Vale is found the ancient troll city of Zul'Gurub, while at its southern tip lies the goblin port-town of Booty Bay. The Cataclysm resulting from Deathwing's ascent split the sprawling zone in two, with it now separated by a huge and endlessly swirling whirlpool. To the south of Stranglethorn lies Jaguero Isle, home to King Mukla.
Stranglethorn is also the location of the The Ruined City, the hiding place of the third piece of the Staff of Origination as recovered by Sir Finley Mrrgglton during The League of Explorers. The city's inhabitants include Giantfin, Lady Naz'jar (boss) and Lord Slitherspear.
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- The ruby can be picked at, eventually causing it to tumble to the ground and break.
- Periodically, the glowing eyes of an unknown beast will appear beneath the old log, before disappearing again. Clicking on the eyes of the beast will cause them to rapidly blink out, accompanied by a rustle and a threatening roar.
Top Right
- The vines can be hacked at and broken, which triggers the sound of insects and the skull motif's eyes to flash red.
- The skull motif can be temporarily brought to life, with glowing red eyes and the sound of distant drums.
- The coconuts can be knocked at and knocked down, occasionally startling an unseen monkey.
Bottom Left
- The waterfall can be splashed in. Repeatedly splashing the water will cause the rainbow to shine brighter, accompanied by a sparkling sound effect.
Bottom Right
- The pile of logs can be sparked repeatedly to start a fire.
- The skin on the roof of the tent in can be beaten, causing it to jump and dust to rise. Repeatedly beating it will cause it to randomly change to one of several possible animal skins.
- Clicking the entrance of the tent will elicit sounds of snoring, and occasionally of someone talking in their sleep.
Transfer Student[]
- Video
The Naxxramas battlefield was released with the game's first adventure, Curse of Naxxramas, in July 2014. The battlefield was originally only available while playing the adventure, but in October 2014 was added to the main battlefield rotation.
The battlefield is used for all games within the Curse of Naxxramas adventure. It also features its own unique music, originally limited to the adventure itself, in place of the usual selection of tracks.
Set in the horrifying necropolis of Naxxramas, the battlefield includes bulging spider egg sacs, putrescent fungi, slime-spewing contraptions and eerily crackling crystals.
- Main article: Curse of Naxxramas#Lore
- High above the bitter cold of Dragonblight in the continent of Northrend, the ancient Nerubian necropolis known as Naxxramas looms in the skies, casting a dark shadow on the barren tundra that lies beneath it. Safe from most terrors that may threaten it, Naxxramas is an effective holding ground for a host of undead horrors, ready to strengthen the influence and reach of the undead Scourge at a moment’s notice.
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- The mushrooms can be prodded. Repeatedly clicking them will cause them to shake, dispersing spores.
- The top of the skull can be tapped to produce hollow sounds of various pitches.
- The left tusk can be yanked. Clicking and holding it causes green goo to flow from the mouth.
- If the skull's leftmost eye is clicked as it twinkles, a ruby will drop out of the eye hole and fall into the goo.
- The pool of green goo can be splashed.
Top Right
- The lid on top of the boiler can be closed and opened.
- The hatch on the lower pipe can be opened and closed.
- The wheel on the side of the boiler can be spun, causing the boiler to shake. Repeatedly spinning it will produce a puff of green steam either from the lid if it is open, or from the pipe hatch if that is open and the lid is closed.
- Repeatedly spinning the wheel with the lid and pipe closed will cause pressure to build, producing ominous rattling sounds, and culminating in a spurt of green goo from the pipe, which then drains into the grate below.
- A loose screw next to the lid of the boiler can be spun, causing it to pop out and fly off to the left.
- The pool of green liquid can be splashed.
Bottom Left
- The egg sacs can be prodded. Repeatedly prodding them will cause spiderlings to crawl out.
- The red eyes in the structure belong to a spider which will cry out and disappear when clicked on. Sometimes clicking will cause bats to fly from the opening or the spider to lunge onto the board.
Bottom Right
- The obelisk can be knocked back, generating resonating notes of various pitches. Repeatedly clicking the obelisk will cause it to noisily crack. Clicking and holding the obelisk causes it to vibrate, glow and emit electricity, healing the damage.
Transfer Student[]
- Video
Goblins vs Gnomes[]
The Goblins vs Gnomes battlefield was released with the Goblins vs Gnomes expansion's arena launch event on December 4th 2014. The battlefield contains features and designs representing both goblins and gnomes, with the top-left and bottom-right corners depicting gnomish inventions, and the bottom-left and top-right corners featuring goblin technology.
- Main article: Goblins vs Gnomes#Lore
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- The two parabolic antennae will make different noises when clicked on, as well as move and cause a graphical display of arrays to appear.
Top Right
- The red button can be pressed to activate the goblin teleporter. After a few seconds of flashing lights and other activity, a random object will appear.
- Possible objects include the boot from the Pandaria battlefield, a vegetable from the Pandaria battlefield, the kite from the Pandaria battlefield, the ruby from the eye of the statue in the Stranglethorn battlefield, a giant banana, a robot which appears to be a Homing Chicken, a bomb similar to a Boom Bot's Deathrattle (with an ignited fuse, and which will explode if not removed), and a floundering yet smiling fish (similar to those summoned in Neptulon's summoning animation). Each activation also has a chance to produce an empty teleporter.
- Activating the teleporter again will teleport out its current contents and replace them with another random selection.
- Pressing D on the keyboard causes the teleporter door to open and close. This is likely a bug, since it interferes with the normal animation, and allows players to see the new occupant of the chamber before it is supposed to have appeared
- The three levers can be pulled. A green light indicates the upper position, a red light indicates the lower position.
- The screw near the teleporter can be screwed into the nearby hole..
Bottom Left
- Clicking and holding the door will hold it open, allowing sparks to fly out. Every so often, a spark will land on one of the nearby fuses and ignite.
- Lighting the fuse on the left will result in the rockets flying off.
- Lighting the fuse on the right will cause the large rocket to launch, followed by the explosion of the two bombs.
Bottom Right
- The laser gun can be rotated using the two control buttons to its left.
- The gun's lever can be pulled to shoot the laser.
- If the laser is shot at the command centre it will cause it to activate, the red lights to sparkle, the sound of the siren alarm to be heard, and the rocket to launch.
- If the laser shoots past the opponent's half of the battlefield, it can be heard to strike a gnome or other hapless individual, who may yelp, grunt or squeal in response.
Transfer Student[]
- When the Goblins vs Gnomes battlefield was first released, the screw in the top right of the board was non-interactive. The team had planned to make it interactive, but time constraints prevented them from completing the design.[14] The design was finally completed nearly a year later, allowing it to be screwed into the nearby screw hole. Other battlefields however still feature similarly unfinished features.
- A slightly earlier version of the Goblins vs Gnomes battlefield (see Gallery) was seen in previews at BlizzCon 2014, featuring a number of small differences: the flooring in the corners is cracked red stone instead of roughly assembled metal plates; the nose and tail of the laser gun in the bottom right corner are golden instead of chrome, and the gun is further forward; the oil spill in the top left corner is missing, along with the blast marks in the bottom left; there is a cable connecting the laser gun to the control panel instead of the two wires; there is an extra bomb in the bottom left, in front of the rocket, and both the big rocket and the small blue rocket are missing their fuses; the screw is missing from the right hand side; the levers at the top right are chrome with black handles instead of golden; and the column and cable to the left of the levers are replaced by a plant or possibly coral.
- Video
Blackrock Mountain[]
The Blackrock Mountain battlefield was released with the Blackrock Mountain adventure on April 2/3 2015, and is used for all matches as part of the adventure. The battlefield was originally limited to the adventure, but was added to the main rotation in June 2015. It features its own music, originally limited to the adventure itself.
The bottom-right corner features dragon whelp eggs as found in Blackrock Spire's Rookery, made famous by the exploits of Leeroy Jenkins. The top-left features Sulfuras, Hand of Ragnaros, the mighty weapon of Ragnaros himself from the Molten Core, while the bottom-left corner features The Black Anvil, located in Blackrock Depths and used to craft Dark Iron armaments, both by the Dark Iron dwarves and by adventurers brave enough to fight their way to it. The top-right corner features lava and chains most prominently seen in the central area of Blackrock Mountain itself, from which adventurers can navigate their way to one of the zone's instances.
- Main article: Blackrock Mountain#Lore
Home to Ragnaros the Firelord and the black dragon Nefarian, Blackrock Mountain has been at the heart of some of Azeroth's most cataclysmic events.
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- The runes can be activated, which illuminates them, and deactivated.
- Activating any of the top three runes and then the fourth rune on the ground will cause the giant hammer Sulfuras to submerge in the lava.
- A skeleton fish will occasionally jump out of the lava.
- Repeating the sequence with the runes will cause Sulfuras to return, or one of several objects to appear or disappear, or nothing to happen. These items several varieties of 'toy rubber bath pony' and a gnomish periscope.
- The toy ponies will squeak when prodded. There is a blue, red and purple pony. They pop instead of resubmerging.
- The periscope's wheel can be turned. The periscope can be knocked back, causing it to blink rapidly and gaze at the player before descending back beneath the surface and then returning.
- The lava can be splashed.
Top Right
- The chain in the lava can be pulled to unplug the pool, allowing all the lava to flow out.
- The plug can then be replaced.
- With the plug replaced, the other chain can be pulled to refill the pool with lava.
- The lava can be splashed.
Bottom Left
- The anvil can be struck, causing it to heat up and glow.
- Once the anvil is hot enough, it will spontaneously 'reforge' one of the nearby armaments, which each have multiple possible forms.
- Splashing the anvil with water from the bucket will cool it with a sizzle.
Bottom Right
- The eggs can be broken, with a chance of producing a whelp which will immediately fly off.
- The brazier can be extinguished and rekindled.
- Each of the large bones will produce a different musical note when knocked.
Transfer Student[]
- Video
The Grand Tournament[]
The Grand Tournament battlefield was released August 24, 2015, with the The Grand Tournament expansion. It was previewed from August 19 as part of the Grand Tournament Match Tavern Brawl, but was not added to the main rotation until the expansion was released.
Set at the Grand Tournament itself, the battlefield features spectators, a food tent, and both ranged and melee target practice.
- Main article: The Grand Tournament#Lore
- "Knights of all shapes and sizes from far and wide come together at the Grand Tournament to complete for fame and glory! Years ago, the Argent Crusade started the tournament as a way to find champions fit to take on Azeroth’s greatest villains. Now that the Frozen North is less perilous (and a tad bit warmer), the Grand Tournament has a playful side to it. Ogres, Pirates, Dragons, and even Murlocs have sent their finest Knights, ready to strut their stuff and show what they’re made of—all in the name of fun![15]
- There’s the jousting arena, of course, where the clash of armor and the roar of the crowd can be heard. That’s where you’ll find the stars of the show, the noble knights, basking in the adoration of the crowd. But there’s so much more to delight the senses: you’ll feast your eyes on elaborately decorated tents and pavilions in a rainbow of dazzling colors, you’ll thrill to performers and games, and your mouth will water at the delicious aroma of fresh baked festival pies that fills the air everywhere you go!"[16]
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- The spectators can be repeatedly knocked down, but will slowly rise back up again.
- The spectators respond to certain game events, such as covering their faces in shock in response to effects which make the battlefield shake, and cheering when certain minions are played.
- The shield on the front of the spectator stand can be knocked, producing a metallic sound.
- The tree can be rustled.
- The flower can be picked, but will grow back.
Top Right
- The banner can be buffeted, causing its color to change between red, blue and green.
- The weather vane can be knocked and swung round.
- The entrance flap can be pulled. Holding it up for a couple seconds will reveal a pair of yellow eyes.
- The trees can be rustled. When the largest tree is disturbed, an improbably large number of white birds will flee it.
- The flowers can be picked, but will grow back.
Bottom Left
- The fire can be extinguished and relit.
- The spit can be rotated. As you rotate it, the meat will become darker and eventually burn (if the fire is burning).
- The food and drink on the table can be consumed, accompanied by eating noises and the odd burp.
- Once the food and drink has been consumed, striking the triangle will cause new food and drink to be served. Various random food will be served, accompanied by a tankard of ale.
- The pans will produce different sounds when hit.
- The top of the refreshment tent can be lifted, allowing smoke to billow out more freely.
- Striking the triangle will cause the food and drink to be replenished. Various foods are possible, always accompanied by a standard tankard of ale.
- The pans hanging next to the triangle can be hit for different sounds.
- The top part of the refreshment tent can be lifted, allowing smoke to billow out more freely.
Bottom Right
- Battlefield-shaking effects will impact the dummy.
- The dummy can be struck and knocked back. It will move differently depending on where it is struck. It will spin around clockwise or counter-clockwise if struck consistently on the shield arm or sword arm. Occasionally the target dummy will spin off, sometimes returning, other times not.
- Clicking on the target will fire an arrow at it.
- Clicking around the edge of the target will cause arrows to be fired at roughly the cursor's position.
- Clicking on the centre of the target will cause arrows to be fired fairly haphazardly, only occasionally striking the target's centre. Clicking the centre dozens of times in a single match will gradually make the arrows more accurate.
- Arrows which hit the bullseye cause a brief flash of golden light. Occasionally if another arrow hits the bullseye it will split an arrow already in the bullseye.
- Once all arrows are spent, clicking anywhere on the target will remove them all from the target, allowing them to be fired again.
- Occasionally arrows will enter the target backwards, or strike the dummy instead.
- The flowers on the ground can be picked, but will grow back.
Transfer Student[]
- Video
Excavation Site[]
The first battlefield added with The League of Explorers, the Excavation Site battlefield is used during the first two wings of the adventure, and is also available during regular play.
- Main article: The League of Explorers#Lore
- "Archaeology isn’t archaeology without an excavation! Unearth the ancient hewn-stone halls of Uldaman! Explore the ruins of the ancient city, and unravel timeless mysteries! Find out what that light beam thing does—what could go wrong?"[17]
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- The sand can be disturbed, producing small puffs of dust.
- The cylindrical column can be disturbed, throwing up a dark cloud of dust. Repeatedly clicking it causes chunks to crumble and fall.
- The top of the square column will rise when clicked on, revealing a secret compartment. It will retract when clicked on again. The compartment's random contents can include a banana, a gold coin, a ruby or it could be empty.
Top Right
- The crystal produces ringing sounds when clicked on.
- The pickaxe can be rattled.
- The ropes can be pulled.
- The lantern can be swung. Repeatedly clicking on it causes it to go out and relight.
- The nail in the wooden board can be driven in.
Bottom Left
- Repeated clicking on the purple crystal activates the spike plate.
- Pulling the rope activates the dart trap
- The blue gem glows when clicked on. Repeated clicking on it causes a beam of light to shoot out, ricocheting off the purple gem and hitting the red crystal.
Bottom Right
- Repeatedly clicking on the large pot will shatter it.
- The small pot can be tapped, occasionally producing a stream of blue energy which streams off the board.
- The gold coins can be flipped to various heights and into the chasm.
Transfer Student[]
- Video
The Museum[]
The second battlefield added with The League of Explorers, The Museum is used during the fourth and final wing of the adventure, and is also available for regular play.
- Main article: The League of Explorers#Lore
- "If these tastefully wood-paneled walls could talk, they’d tell tales of amazing discoveries, painstaking research, and the boundless bravery and enthusiasm of the League of Explorers. They’d probably also mention that one weird thing Reno does when he doesn’t think anyone else is around."[17]
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- The skull can be rattled. Repeatedly clicking it causes the fossil to shake its head and snort, and its eyes to temporarily glow red. Clicking and holding it causes the fossil to lower its head for the duration and waggle its tail gleefully.
- The arm will move back when clicked on. Repeatedly clicking it causes the hand to snap off and the eyes to permanently glow red.
- Triggering the fossil's head interactions, by clicking and holding it or repeatedly clicking it, will restore the eyes to blue.
- The ropes can be swayed.
Top Right
- The pot of scrolls in can be jostled.
- The pile of books can be disturbed, sending up a cloud of dust.
- The inkpot can be splattered.
- The fireplace can be stoked.
- The candle can be momentarily extinguished.
- Repeatedly clicking the magnifying glass smashes it and produces a shower of glass.
- The prominent floor tile can be pressed, revealing a secret compartment containing a red ruby behind the portrait of Sir Finley.
Bottom Left
- The globe can be spun by clicking on it, and spun by its pole by clicking on the smaller strut.
- Clicking and holding the telescope's knob will cause the telescope to temporarily extend.
- The telescope's head can be buffeted.
- Repeatedly clicking on the telescope's lens will smash it.
Bottom Right
- The brazier can be agitated, causing it to emit blue sparks and tendrils of energy.
- The sign can be knocked down.
- The rope can be swayed.
- The sarcophagus can be opened by pressing the runes in the correct order: middle rune, then top rune, then bottom rune. Any other combination will cause a light to blink red and the code to be reset.
- Opening the sarcophagus reveals random contents, including a mummy, snakes, gold coins, and dusty cobwebs.
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Whispers of the Old Gods[]
The Whispers of the Old Gods battlefield (listed in the game files as "Stormwind Old Gods") was released April 24, 2016, shortly before the Whispers of the Old Gods expansion.
The battlefield is a corrupted version of the Stormwind battlefield, with oozes, tentacles and eyes galore. It is notably the first battlefield to feature alterations to the 'tabletop' background, with purple slime oozing out from the game board and several tears visible in the fabric.
- Main article: Whispers of the Old Gods#Lore
- "For countless millennia, the Old Gods have slept. Now, the time of their awakening draws near; their evil influence has crawled even into the tavern! Can you feel your cards trembling in their decks as the corruption spreads? Some of your old friends have already grown icky masses of tentacles and a downright frightening number of eyeballs![18]
- Stormwind has fallen to the influence of the ancient ones, so make sure to avoid poking the eyestalks that have grown on the buildings—they don’t seem to like that very much."[19]
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- The eye of the tentacle can be poked, causing it to blink and the tentacle to swing away and recoil. Repeatedly clicking it will momentarily cause the eye to close and the tentacle to extend upward.
- The 'windows' will blink and momentarily look towards the offending cursor when clicked. Repeatedly clicking the middle window will cause it to shed a tear.
- The bubbles in the goo can be popped, and will slowly reform.
- The corrupted plant can be disturbed, causing it to snap and bite.
Top Right
- The lower tentacle can be disturbed. Repeatedly disturbing it will cause it to temporarily retreat inside. After a while it will tentatively probe the air before reextending itself.
- The upper tentacles can be poked, causing them to shudder. The rightmost tentacle will sometimes react by whipping about.
- One of the roof tiles can be dislodged to reveal a staring eye.
- The eye can be poked, causing it to blink. Repeatedly poking it will cause it to turn red.
- The glowing vapour on the left can be agitated, causing it to flare.
- The corrupted plants can be disturbed, causing them to snap and bite.
Bottom Left
- The glowing vapor above the clock can be agitated. Repeatedly clicking it will cause it to die down or resurge.
- The clock's hands can be rattled.
- The tentacle will shudder when poked.
Bottom Right
- The corrupted gryphon can be antagonised similarly to the gryphon from the original Stormwind battlefield.
- Repeatedly clicking the pile will break it, revealing a purple flame.
- The flame can be agitated.
- The tentacles can be poked, causing them to shudder or whip about.
- The corrupted plant can be disturbed, causing it to snap and bite.
Transfer Student[]
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The Karazhan battlefield was added on August 10, 2016, with Patch, accompanying the One Night in Karazhan adventure. The battlefield is used for all matches within the adventure, and is also available for selection in regular play. Unlike previous adventure battlefields the Karazhan board was not withheld from regular play, but was immediately added to the main rotation following the patch, even ahead of the release of the adventure itself. The battlefield features its own music. Prototype images can be seen here.
- Main article: One Night in Karazhan#Lore
- "No visit to Karazhan would be complete without a revitalizing soak in the hot mana pool. After energizing your body and mind, take a stroll through your host’s moonlit library and peruse his magical tomes. Then try your hand at mixology in the well-stocked alchemist’s laboratory, or perhaps take in a show at the private opera house. As Medivh’s cherished guest, the tower is yours to explore."[20]
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- The chest can be opened to reveal random contents.
- The stage lights can be turned on and off.
- Repeatedly clicking the burner will set it alight.
- Once alight, clicking the burner will extinguish it.
- The curtain can be raised to reveal a random scene. The scene that will be revealed can be spotted through the gap under the curtains. The curtains can be reclosed, causing a new scene to appear behind them.
- One of the possible scenes is a disco setting complete with a disco ball. Revealing this scene will cause dance music to play and the stagelights to change colour and flash repeatedly.
Top Right
- Repeatedly clicking the light globes will smash them. They will then produce electrical sparks when clicked.
- Repeatedly clicking the lid will cause it to open and reveal the contents, as well as shooting sparkles and producing a party favor noise.
- The spell book can be flipped through, revealing various runes. If the rune on one of the pages matches the rune on the sheet on the ground, the sheet can be clicked and the book will emit a magical effect, transforming the rune on the sheet. The runes in the spell book sometimes also change, although this is currently bugged. [citation needed]
Bottom Left
- The siphon on the large flask can be opened, causing liquid to flow to the vial and smaller flask and turn them blue.
- Closing the siphon will cause the vial to return to pruple and the flask to become empty.
- Turning the dial to the left of the large flask ignites the burner below, causing the liquid to bubble.
- If the burner is running, opening the siphon on the large flask for a few seconds then closing it again will cause a plume of purple and blue smoke to rise from the smaller flask.
- The broom can be animated, causing it to sweeping the floor and move the purple gem. Repeatedly clicking on the broom will cause it to soar into the air, flying around the board before shooting off.
- The doors can be opened and closed. Opening them has a small chance of causing a grey or white mouse to exit the cabinet, with the doors closing behind it.
- The candle can be buffeted.
Bottom Right
- The tap can be turned on and off, causing the water to steam.
- The water can be splashed. Repeatedly splashing it will cause a portal to open, revealing various depictions of the Dark Portal.
- The drink's umbrella can be spun.
- The feathers can be buffeted.
- The rubber duck can be squeezed, causing it to squeak.
- The candle can be buffeted.
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Added with Mean Streets of Gadgetzan in December 2016, this battlefield depicts the lawless streets and even more lawless backalleys of Gadgetzan. There is a corner dedicated to each of the city's three ruling crime families: Corrupted mana crystals spill out of the Kabal corner in the top-left; the industrial stronghold of the Grimy Goons stands firm in the top-right; and the secretive den of the Jade Lotus beckons from the bottom-right. The bottom-left corner represents the city's docks, critical to its recent boom from sleepy desert town to bustling metropolis.
- Main article: Mean Streets of Gadgetzan#Lore
- "The bustling port town of Gadgetzan has ushered in a new era of trade, but the city’s success has led to its unfortunate occupation by some rather unruly denizens, each with their own agendas. Crime families run the streets, each led by a powerful figurehead pulling the strings from the shadows.[21]
- If you pull up a chair outside Fizzgrimble’s Tavern and watch afternoon traffic flowing up and down Grimestreet, you may notice a few things about how our city has changed. Wagons carrying goods from faraway places, guarded by shifty-looking fellows in bowler hats; vendors loudly hawking their mystical wares from stalls that choke the streets, ready to sell you any potion or spell you want, for a price; and, all but invisible to the untrained observer, shadowy figures blending into the crowds, keeping an eye on everything. Who are these people? What are they doing in our city?"[22]
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- The Kabal building can be buffeted by clicking on the tower on the right.
- Repeatedly clicking the chain holding the tower on the right will cause the tower to float away.
- The covering over the top left window can be lowered, causing a bolt of pink lightning to emerge and streak randomly off into the night.
- The poster can be pulled at, eventually causing it to burn up from the energies hidden beneath it.
- The door's knocker can be pulled, eventually causing the door to jolt open with a crackle of bright pink energy and a puff of smoke.
Top Right
- The door of the Grimy Goons buildingcan be rapped on, causing the eye slot to open, revealing suspicious eyes which quickly scan the streets.
- Repeatedly clicking on the metal canopy above the window causes a gun to appear, firing several bursts into the street. Sometmes it will instead fire a cloth flag with the word 'bang'.
- The can can be jostled, causing it to jump around and a coin to appear from inside.
- The fires and chimney can be stoked.
Bottom Left
- The crane in the docks can be brought into operation, and used to fish up items from the deeps.
- Clicking the crane causes it to swivel round.
- The second and third click will cause the hook to descend and then ascend, bearing a random item.
- The fourth click will attempt (but inevitably fail) to bring the item over to the main platform, if it hasn't already fallen off the hook.
- The potential items include a "Pachimari" doll, a spiked tyre, and a lit bomb. The bomb will luckily fall from the crane before it can explode, causing bubbles to rise to the surface of the water.
Bottom Right
- The ranged weapons embedded in the Jade Lotus building can be flicked.
- Repeatedly wobbling the sword (Genji's Dragonblade from Overwatch) will cause a magical green dragon to appear momentarily.
- The lantern hanging above the door can be batted about.
- The bushes to the left of the Jade Lotus building can be rustled to send a fruit flying into the air.
- Clicking the fruit while its in the air will cause it to be sliced open.
- The top left roof tile can be rocked and repeatedly clicking it will cause it to fall to the ground.
Transfer Student[]
- The house in the bottom right corner of the Gadgetzan battlefield may be a reference to the Overwatch characters Genji and Hanzo, with a green-edged katana, shurikens, and arrows, the weapons of those two heroes. The sword, when rapidly clicked/tapped on, has a green dragon that spins around in, in a confirmed reference to Genji's Ultimate ability, Dragonblade.[23] The distinctive "Pachimari" doll fished up from the docks is original to Overwatch.
- This makes this battlefield the first to contain characters from or clear references to another Blizzard game other than World of Warcraft.
- Video
Added with Journey to Un'Goro in April 2017, this battlefield depicts the teeming jungles of Un'Goro Crater and includes a large volcano, tropical trees, dinosaur eggs, pitcher plants, a tar pit, a tribal hut and various instruments.
- Main article: Journey to Un'Goro#Lore
Un'Goro Crater is a wild, jungle-filled crater teeming with life, strange energies, and dinosaurs. It sits between Tanaris (the location of Gadgetzan) to the east, and Silithus to the west; in both directions paths can be found winding up along the crater's mountainous edge to reach the higher altitudes of the neighbouring zones. In the centre of the zone is a huge volcano known as Fire Plume Ridge, and rivers and pools criss cross the crater's floor in many places, with the Golakka Hot Springs in the zone's west.
In World of Warcraft, it is a leveling zone memorable for questlines involving research on the strange crystals and pylons scattered around the area; various references to popular culture such as video games, music and TV shows (notable examples include Linken, Spraggle Frock, Ringo, J.D. Collie, Larion and Muigin); the creatures living in the Lakkari Tar Pits to the north; sinister silithid mounds invading in the south; and the gigantic devilsaurs, who continually roam the zone, surprising absent-minded players with a swift and merciless death.
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- Repeatedly clicking the totem will cause it to emit flames.
- The lava can be agitated.
- The palm tree can be knocked.
Top Right
- Repeatedly clicking the larger Devilsaur egg will cause it to crack.
- Clicking the cracked egg will reveal the eye of a baby Devilsaur peeking out.
- The smaller egg can be knocked.
- Repeatedly clicking on the leaves of the tree will cause glowing insects to appear or fruit to fall, as well as the sound of insects.
- The fronds can be shaken.
- The spiked vines can be agitated.
- The purple plants momentarily curl up if disturbed.
- The spear can be rattled.
Bottom Left
- The tar bubbles can be popped and those areas will squelch when disturbed. The bubbles will constantly pop and reform of their own accord.
- Clicking on the bones will cause them to sink into the tar pit.
- A random item will then float up, which could be a banana, a boot, a ruby or a skull with red eyes (the head of the Golden Monkey).
- Repeatedly clicking on the tall red plants will cause them to launch like rockets.
Bottom Right
- The drum, shell, and three leaves will make different sounds when clicked.
- The volcano at the top left can be made to erupt:
- The right notes need to be played in the right order using the drum, shell and leaves (see below).
- Click the drum, then the big leaf, then the shell, then the big leaf, then the medium leaf.
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Volcanic eruption[]
There is a special combination of the musical instrument section of the game board which causes the volcano to erupt:
- (D) Drum
- (G) Big leaf
- (E) Shell
- (G) Big leaf
- (A) Medium leaf
Icecrown Citadel[]
Added on August 8th, 2017 with the Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion, this battlefield depicts the frigid stronghold of Icecrown Citadel, the seat of power of the Lich King and the Undead Scourge.
The top left corner features a frost wyrm — a skeletal, undead dragon — partially frozen in the ice. The bottom left and top right corners include what appear to be an iron brazier with large coals and an imposing rampart, respectively, while the bottom right corner features a large chunk of ice accompanied by a hammer and chisel.
- Main article: Knights of the Frozen Throne#Lore
This section uses content from Wowpedia.
- Icecrown Citadel is the greatest fortress of the Scourge and the last bastion of the dread Lich King. Located in the frozen wastes of Icecrown on the continent of Northrend, the Citadel is built around the Frozen Throne that once held the spirit of Ner'zhul until he joined with Arthas Menethil to become the new Lich King. Constructed from saronite, the Citadel is inhabited by some of the strongest and vilest of the Lich King's minions - a great army of the living dead standing between their dark master and those who seek to destroy him.
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- Repeatedly clicking on the dragon's skull causes it to glow and releases cold air from the cave.
- The dragon's bones can be shaken.
- The cracked piece of ice next to the dragon's skull can be broken off.
- The bottom icicle glows when clicked on.
Top Right
- Clicking and holding the chain will pull it and cause the door to open, causing cold air to come through.
- Repeatedly clicking on the spike to the right of the door will cause it to break off.
- The icicles glow when clicked on.
Bottom Left
- Repeatedly clicking the embers causes them to burn with red, blue or green fire. Activating the fire also activates a rune in the circle to the right. The runes produce light when clicked on.
- The runes represent the three specialisations of death knights in World of Warcraft: blood (red), frost (blue), and unholy (green).
- The icicle glows when clicked on.
Bottom Right
- Repeatedly clicking on the ice block causes it to be gradually transformed into a random sculpture.[24]
- There are four different sculptures: the Lich King's helmet, the Hearthstone logo, a murloc frozen in ice, and a cup of liquid.
- Clicking and holding a sculpture will cause it to return to being a block of ice.
- The icicles glow when clicked on.
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- This battlefield was designed after the Hearthstone developer team heard Dave Kosak's description of how the Lich King should be characterized in Knights of the Frozen Throne, and is based around the idea of the Lich King commissioning his minions to create a game board for him. The frost wyrm is a reference to the World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King opening cinematic, in which Arthas raises the long-dead dragon Sindragosa into undeath from her resting place beneath the ice. The ice sculpture was added to offset the dark fantasy of the expansion with a comical Hearthstone twist.[24]
The Catacombs[]
Added on December 7, 2017 with the Kobolds and Catacombs expansion, this battlefield depicts the catacombs of the kobolds which wend their way through caves and vaults full of treasure.
The top-left corner features a beast idol guarding treasure. The bottom left depicts a closed-off mine while the bottom right has a legendary weapon amidst other treasure. The top-right corner contains more treasure, including a treasure chest.
- Main article: Kobolds and Catacombs#Lore
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- The red gem can be rattled. Repeatedly rattling it causes the pickaxe to swing down, dust to blow out of the statue's nose, and the sound of a deep roar.
- The candle flame can be buffeted.
- The mushrooms can be shaken, causing them to glow momentarily. Shaking them repeatedly will cause them to release a cloud of gas and spores.
- One of the coins can be tossed.
Top Right
- Repeatedly clicking the treasure chest (if it hasn't been unlocked with the key) will cause it to open, revealing either a treasure, a boot or nothing at all.
- The gems glimmer when clicked.
- The coins can be tossed.
Bottom Left
- The candle flame can be buffeted.
- Clicking and holding the candle triggers an explosion.
- A key will be hidden in a random location in the ashes. Once found, the key will unlock the chest at the top right, transforming it into a mimic.
- Clicking on the mimic causes it to momentarily return to its regular chest form.
- Repeatedly clicking the mushrooms causes them to glow, balloon or release gases.
- The coins can be tossed.
Bottom Right
- The hammer can be shaken.
- Repeatedly clicking on the blue gem will cause it to flare.
- Repeatedly clicking the mushrooms causes them to glow, balloon or release gases.
- The coins can be tossed.
Transfer Student[]
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The Witchwood[]
Added on April 12, 2018 with The Witchwood expansion, this battlefield depicts the forests surrounding Gilneas.
The top left corner features an anthropomorphic tree, similar to the festerroots or treants. The upper right shows a typical Gilnean house, the bottom right a wagon, possibly of some kind of merchant or witch. On the lower left, a cauldron can be seen.
- Main article: The Witchwood#Lore
Bonus features[]
Top left
- The acorn on top of the tree stump can be shaken. Repeatedly shaking it causes it to be hit with an axe, which awakens the tree, emanating blue energy from its face and root, and makes the tree's eyes permanently glow blue.
- The axe handle can be twanged. Repeatedly twanging it causes the tree stump and root to emanate blue energy again.
- The mushrooms can be shaken. Repeatedly shaking them will cause them to release purple spores.
- The log can be shaken. Repeatedly shaking it will cause it to crumble.
- The trees can be shaken, causing a shower of needles.
Top Right
- Repeatedly clicking the left gravestone causes a ghost to appear.
- Repeatedly clicking the middle gravestone causes it to be struck by lighting, then rain falls for a short while.
- The house's lights can be turned on and off.
- The roof's window can be broken, releasing a swarm of bats.
Bottom Left
- The lavender can be shaken to release mauve coloured dust.
- Repeatedly clicking the lid of the jar causes it to fly off.
- Clicking on the open jar causes sparks to shoot out.
- Ingredients can be added to the opened jar.
- Clicking the ladle causes the cauldron to shake. Clicking and holding the ladle causes it to stir the cauldron.
- Ingredients can be picked up and added to the cauldron.
Bottom Right
- The wheels can be wiggled.
- The chimney releases smoke and sparks when clicked on.
- The board above the window can be opened and closed.
- The lantern can be wiggled and can be dragged out a little bit but can't be moved somewhere else.
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The Boomsday Project[]
Added on August 7, 2018, with The Boomsday Project,[25] this battlefield depicts the mech theme of the project.
The top-left corner features a tank of translucent liquid. The upper right is a levitating mech. At the bottom left is something like a furnace. At the lower left, a strange machine is surrounded by colored crystals. Overall, playing with this map seems to have a smaller variety of simpler effects than many previous maps.
- Main article: The Boomsday Project#Lore
Bonus features[]
- Top Left
- Clicking the lever on the front of the tank causes a random item to be teleported inside and float in the liquid. The possible items include a boot, a green fruit and a gold fruit.
- The curled vine on the left momentarily coils tighter when clicked.
- Repeatedly clicking the light bulb causes it to smash.
- Clicking the green tentacle on the right causes the test tubing its holding to flash.
- The metal flask on the lower right can be wiggled.
- The metal plate on the top right of the tank can be shaken.
- Top Right
- The mech can be buffeted by clicking its body.
- The flaps on the bottom of the mech can be jiggled, causing them to spark electricity.
- The button on the right opens the mech's blast shield, exposing a driver's seat and two buttons.
- The purple button causes the triangular logo on the front to light up.
- The red button causes the crystal in the mech's right limb to flash. Occasionally, this glow will be brighter and louder. The third time the red button is pressed each game (once per game), the crystal will fire a laser that ricochets off the bottom of the window and breaks the middle test tube at the top left.
- The button on the mech's right shoulder closes the blast shield.
- Bottom Left
- The vent connected to the pipe can be opened and closed.
- The pipe can be jiggled, causing it to spark.
- The sphere on top of the machine can be jiggled, causing electricity to spark dramatically.
- The vented plate on the side of the machine can be jiggled slightly open and closed, causing it to spark.
- The floating rocks can be bobbed.
- Bottom Right
- Pulling the lever will cause the machine's doors to either clack, open to emit a spiral hologram, or open to emit a sphere hologram.
- The crystals emit a glow and sound when clicked on.
- The larger flat rock can be rustled.
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Gurubashi Arena[]
Added on November 29th, 2018, with the Rastakhan's Rumble expansion, this battlefield depicts the interior of the arena in Stranglethorn Vale.
The top-left corner features the other side of the gate seen on the Stranglethorn battlefield, adorned with snake statues. On the upper right is an altar with spikes and skulls around it. In the bottom-left corner is a large drum, and on the right there is a statue adorned with tikis.
- Main article: Rastakhan's Rumble#Lore
Bonus features[]
- Top Left
- Each time the skull above the gateway is clicked, one of the grooves around it will turn blue and a different tone will be heard. When it's completely lit up, clicking it again will disperse the light.
- The snakes' eyes will produce a gleam when clicked.
- The two fire trays will release ashes when clicked.
- The gate can be made to partially close, but will then raise back up again.
- The wooden pikes can be pushed down a little.
- Top Right
- Clicking the stone at the top of the altar will cause one of a number of Loa symbols to appear momentarily.
- Clicking the skull will shorten its hair, then remove its hair, then cycle back to its full mohawk.
- The spears can be jostled.
- Bottom Left
- The drum can be beaten.
- The mallet can be jostled.
- The red sign produces a sound.
- The small horn underneath the sign produces a sound.
- A dramatic fanfare can be triggered:
- Click the drum. Click the mallet. Click the drum twice. Click the horn underneath the red sign. A fanfare will be triggered at the top left.
- Bottom Right
- The statue's teeth can be knocked out, but they will eventually regrow. They will sometimes turn golden.[26]
- The statue's nose can be broken off permanently.
- The ring on the statue's tusk can be moved up and down.
- The statue's eyes will glin when clicked.
- The tiki masks can be shaken, producing different colors of dust for each one.
Transfer Student[]
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Added on April 4th, 2019, with the Rise of Shadows expansion, this battlefield depicts Dalaran in the midst of the League of E.V.I.L.'s infiltration.
Three of the squares represent Dalaran itself, with a shifting magic shop in the top-left corner, a mage's tower in the top right, and a magic carpet at the bottom right. The final corner has the League of E.V.I.L.'s wagon on it, inconspicuously disguised.
- Main article: Rise of Shadows#Lore
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- The sign can be wobbled. Repeatedly wobbling it will change the type of shop, replacing the symbol on the sign and the items next to the shop.
- By default, it is an inscription shop with a quill symbol. Both the quill and inkwell can be jostled, spilling ink. The scroll can be jostled.
- The first transformation is into an alchemy shop, with a cauldron symbol on the sign. The potion bottle can be shaken. Repeatedly shaking it will cause the lid to fly up for a moment, and purple magic to burst out. The sack can be jostled.
- The second transformation is into a book shop, with a book symbol on the sign. Both books can be jostled.
- The shop door can be knocked. Repeatedly knocking on it will cause it to open with a bell sound. Clicking again will close it.
- Clicking on the first floor window will cause the first floor light to turn on and off.
- Clicking on the ground floor shop window or awning will cause the awning to shake and the ground floor light to turn on and off.
- The gem on the tower can be pressed. Repeatedly doing so will smash it.
Top Right
- Clicking on the left and right towers will produce loud gong sounds, with the left tower having higher pitches.
- The scrolls can be jostled. Repeatedly doing so causes a scroll to briefly open and reveal a symbol while glowing magically.
- The symbols include the League of E.V.I.L. eye which glows red, the Eye of the Kirin Tor which glows purple and the Hearthstone symbol which glows violet.
- The scroll tub's handle can be shaken.
- The plant can be shaken, causing leaves to fly about.
- Clicking the blue gem causes the Eye of the Kirin Tor sigil to briefly flash at the building's entrance.
Bottom Left
- The crystal can be shaken.
- The barrel can be rocked.
- Clicking the steps causes invisible footsteps to climb up or down them.
- The lantern can be shaken.
- The back, left, right and middle parts of the roof can be shaken. Repeatedly shaking the middle will cause it to explode, revealing a secret entrance.
Bottom Right
- The larger plant's leaves can be jostled.
- The larger plant's flowers can be jostled. Repeatedly doing so causes them to emit a magical energy and close or reopen.
- The smaller flower can be jostled.
- The magic carpet can be jostled. Repeatedly doing so will cause it to fly away. It will quickly return, sometimes carrying different items.
- The crystals on the carpet can be knocked, each emitting different crystalline sounds.
- If the carpet returns with mushrooms, these can be jiggled.
- Rarely, the carpet will return with a magic golden lamp. This can be rattled. Repeatedly doing so will cause a blue magical energy to be released from its spout.
Transfer Student[]
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Uldum Tomb[]
- Main article: Saviors of Uldum#Lore
Uldum is a large desert region at the southern end of the continent of Kalimdor. Bordered by the verdant Un'Goro Crater to the north and the Tanaris desert (home of the city of Gadgetzan) to the east, Uldum contains many facilities of the godlike, world-shaping titans and has long been guarded by the catlike tol'vir.
Bonus features[]
- Top Left
- The pedestal glows when clicked. Repeatedly clicking it unearths a gem in the sand. Repeatedly clicking it again causes a stream of sand to fall down.
- The gem gleams when clicked.
- Repeatedly clicking the sand (or the gem if it has been revealed) will attract one of three different snakes (black and white, red and white, or blue and white) with a small chance of attracting all three snakes as well as playing a special sound effect.
- The pipes can be shaken. Repeatedly clicking them will cause the runes to momentarily glow and a sparkly glowing effect to emit from the well.
- The sand can be disturbed.
- Top Right
- Repeatedly clicking the discoloured stone on the floor causes the door to open. Inside will be a hat, a fruit, a sproutling in some dirt, a feathered turban or a gold fish.
- Repeatedly clicking the gem causes it to glimmer and produce a magical sound effect.
- One of the green stones in the door frame can be wobbled.
- Repeatedly clicking the rectangular tile above the door will cause a luminescent hieroglyphic pattern to appear on the floor.
- The scarab beetle on the keystone of the arch can be wobbled. Repeatedly clicking the scarab will make it glow. Continued clicking will animate it, causing its carapace to open and glowing wings to pop out.
- The sand can be disturbed.
- Bottom Left
- Clicking each toe on the bottom left will emit a different sound, similar to using a keyboard.
- Clicking the gems will change the corresponding foot's tone preset used on the toe-keyboard. There are three presets.
- Repeating clicking the rocks in the right foot will cause them to break apart.
- The sand can be disturbed.
- You can trigger the League of Explorers theme tune:
- Change the tone preset by clicking the two gems twice. This should change it to a blaring fanfare-like organ tone, which you can confirm by clicking a toe on each foot.
- Press the following toes to trigger the theme tune: 4-4-6 1-2-2-6 2-4 6-6 10-10-8.
- A blue magical effect will burst from the feet and the theme tune will play.
- Bottom Right
- The windowed pedestal can be repeatedly rattled to release a glow.
- The statue's anklet can be jangled. Occasionally doing so will cause it to glisten.
- Clicking parts of the statue's head will move it.
- Repeatedly clicking the jewel atop the statue's head will cause the jewel to shatter and the statue's eyes to glow momentarily.
Transfer Student[]
- Video
Uldum City[]
Bonus features[]
- Top Left
- Clicking the arms of the giant statue will raise or lower the brazier.
- The coals in the brazier can be set alight. Repeatedly clicking them will cause the fire to flare.
- Clicking the statue's head will cause it to shake it.
- If the brazier has been lit, clicking the statue's head will cause it to blow the fire out.
- Top Right
- The door can be opened, revealing glowing blue eyes and playing the sound of Micro Mummy.
- Clicking the tablets on the wall under each pillar causes the roof above them to glow blue.
- Clicking the gem will cause it to glow red. Repeatedly clicking it causes it to shatter, revealing a blue slot underneath. Clicking the slot causes a blue glow similar to that of the roofs.
- The basket can be shaken.
- Bottom Left
- The watermill can be spun.
- The cattails can be destroyed.
- The water can be splashed.
- Bottom Right
- The floating crystal will spin when clicked.
- Pressing the tablets on top of the arch will sometimes cause the crystal to spin.
- The sand can be rustled.
Transfer Student[]
- Main article: Descent of Dragons#Lore
Descent of Dragons is set in Dragonblight where the League of E.V.I.L. is plotting to resurrect Galakrond. The top right depicts a goblin zeppelin with the League of E.V.I.L. logo on it.
Bonus features[]
- Top Left
- The flap of the tent can be rustled. Repeatedly rustling it will cause it to become propped open. While open, smoke billows out through the gap.
- The open flap can be rustled, and repeatedly rusting it will cause it to close.
- The bone on front of the tent makes a hollow sound when tapped.
- The cart and barrel can be shaken. Repeatedly shaking them causes the top of the barrel to break open, revealing apples or pears inside.
- The tent pegs can be wobbled.
- The mushrooms can be prodded. Repeatedly doing so will cause the snow to fall off them.
- The snow can be disturbed.
- Top Right
- The potion can be knocked. Repeatedly kocking it will cause its lid to pop off in a burst of purple magic.
- The balloon can be buffeted.
- The body of the zeppelin can be buffeted.
- The wooden flap on the zeppelin can be rattled. Repeatedly rattling it will cause it to flip up.
- Repeatedly clicking on the raised flap will cause a cannon to protrude out.
- Clicking the cannon will fire a cannonball, knocking off the top of the pillar at the bottom right. Cannonballs can continue to be fired, but will harmlessly fly past the ground. The cannon disappears after each shot and reappears automatically after 12 seconds.
- After knocking off the top of the pillar, the golden platform can be shaken, and the upper section can be destroyed by repeatedly clicking on it.
- The bones produce a hollow thud.
- The snow can be disturbed.
- Bottom Left
- The tools can be shaken.
- Bottom Right
- The snow can be cleared from the bush and the pillar.
- The bush can be rustled.
- Debris can be made to fall out of the crack in the pillar (if the pillar hasn't been destroyed).
Transfer Student[]
- Main article: Ashes of Outland#Lore
Ashes of Outland is set in Outland, the ruined homeworld of the orcs which Illidan Stormrage and his Illidari have made their base of operations. The top left depicts Zangarmarsh. The top right depicts the Dark Portal in Hellfire Peninsula. The bottom left depicts a fel reaver in Hellfire Peninsula. The bottom right depicts Auchindoun in the Bone Wastes in Terokkar Forest.
Bonus features[]
- Top Left
- The boards of the bridge creak when disturbed.
- Repeatedly clicking on the fourth board of the bridge will cause it to snap.
- The closest lily pad can be wiggled. Repeatedly clicking on it will cause a fish to appear and swallow the lily pad.
- The mushrooms can be prodded. Repeatedly clicking on the smaller two will cause them to emit spores.
- The green fungus hanging off the giant mushroom can be prodded.
- Top Right
- Clicking on the Dark Portal shoots energy.
- Repeatedly clicking on the statues causes their eyes to become illuminated and to turn dark again.
- The floating rocks can be knocked around.
- The rock in front of the steps can be shaken.
- Bottom Left
- Various pieces of the fel reaver emit green energy and fumes when clicked on.
- Repeatedly clicking on the helmet's visor causes one of the eyes to light up.
- The spike on the left emits a green lightning when clicked on.
- Bottom Right
- The cracked spike can be crumbled.
- The right crystal on the shrine can be crumbled.
- The entrance can be illuminated.
- The thorns will retreat then regrow when clicked repeatedly, similar to the thorns in Orgrimmar.
Transfer Student[]
Bonus features[]
- Top Left
- The doors can be opened, revealing either a path outside similar to the one at the top right, a dark room with candles in a circle, or a dark room with a magical pool around an obelisk.
- The window can be smashed.
- The scrolls can be jostled.
- The pot can be knocked.
- The torches can be agitated.
- The book can be jostled. Repeatedly jostling it will cause it to bounce.
- Top Right
- The 'S' can be knocked off its hinges. It will then spin in a circle when clicked.
- Repeatedly clicking the left statue will caused it to be struck by lightning, leaving only a scorch mark remaining.
- Repeatedly clicking the right statue will cause it to crumble.
- The foremost shrub can be shaken.
- The banners can be rustled.
- Bottom Left
- Clicking the bottom of the stairs will cause purple energy to fire upwards.
- The small door on the right of the staircase can be illuminated, as if a portal has been activated. Clicking on the 'portal' will cause magical sparks. It will deactivate after clicking on it several times.
- The candles can be lit.
- The square stone on the left can be broken.
- The banners can be rustled.
- The intact stairs can be wobbled.
- There is a secret under the stairway:
- Click the door on the right once.
- Click twice on the second step, once on the first, then the third.
- The stairway will fall into the shaft, and a big purple fountain will emerge.
- The stairway reappears soon afterward.
- Bottom Right
- Each of the flyers can be swapped. The rainbow flyer will turn into a Scholomance one. The one with a potion becomes one with a star. The small one with a strange symbol becomes one with a different strange symbol.
- The suitcase can be flung open, revealing either school books, packed clothes or nefarious devices.
- The satchel can be jostled.
- The books can be shaken.
- The potion, scroll and bag can be jostled.
Transfer Student[]
Darkmoon Faire[]
Bonus features[]
- Top Left
- The fence posts can be shaken. Repeatedly shaking them causes the fence material to tear.
- The flag posts can be shaken.
- The mug and barrel can be jostled.
- The Horde symbol can be shaken. Repeatedly shaking it will cause a roller coaster cart to whip across the track.
- Top Right
- The lights on the side and across the Darkmoon logo can be broken.
- The balloons can be bopped.
- Clicking the eye makes it recoil. Repeatedly clicking it causes a roller-coaster cart to randomly cross either the track above, the track on the bottom left, or burst out of the hatch on the bottom right.
- The hatch can only be broken once, at which point the cart will no longer appear in that section.
- Bottom Left
- The eyeball and tentacles can be poked.
- The light globes can be shattered.
- Bottom Right
- While the hatch is closed, it can be shaken but not opened.
- Once it's been opened it can no longer be interacted with.
- The Whack-A-Gnoll dummy can be hit.
- The flag can be rustled.
Transfer Student[]
The Barrens[]
Bonus features[]
- Top Left
- The masts can be shaken. Repeatedly shaking them causes them to break.
- The ship can be jostled. Repeatedly shaking it causes a cannon ball to fly across the battlefield and hit the ship, damaging it and causing it to partially sink.
- The wrecked ship can be jostled.
- The rope can be tugged.
- Top Right
- The pot can be shaken. Repeatedly shaking it will smash it.
- The totem can be wiggled, emitting a green flame after repeatedly clicking.
- All the drums make a different sound.
- Clicking all the drums turns the light in the tent on, which is accompanied by the sound of a crowd.
- Clicking on the entrance of the tent turns the light off.
- Bottom Left
- Clicking the shaft of the wagon rotates it and the front wheel a bit.
- Clicking on the skull breaks the wagon a bit.
- Clicking on the wheels wiggles them, eventually breaking them.
- The top of the box can be broken to reveal fruit, coins or gems inside.
- Bottom Right
- The barrel can be wiggled and its lid broken to reveal oil inside.
- The pipe can be wiggled then broken, causing oil to spill.
- The furnace lid can be wiggled and then removed, revealing oil inside.
Transfer Student[]
Stormwind (United in Stormwind)[]
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- Clicking on the entrance to the building will cause it to briefly emit a magical blue light.
- The mushroom on the left can be prodded. Repeatedly prodding it will cause spores to burst forth.
- The bucket of water can be knocked. Repeatedly knocking it will cause it to tip over. The water will spill and flow towards the bush, which will then grow fruit.
- The plants can be rustled.
Top Right
- The box can be broken to reveal the contents, which can include seafood or tools.
- Repeatedly pushing the sign will cause the building to be struck by lightning.
Bottom Left
- The signpost can be shaken.
- The mailbox can be shaken.
- The plants can be rustled.
- The two coins of the left can be picked up and moved around. They will instantly respawn after being moved, but will spawn very slightly to the left of their original position, which can eventually result in them appearing outside the battlefield's brown surface area.
- Placing a coin on top of the fountain will cause it to briefly bounce there while a rainbow shines over the fountain.
- Depositing a coin in the mailbox will cause a letter to emerge. Clicking on the letter will cause it to flutter down to the ground.
- Repeatedly clicking on the mailbox will cause a heap of letters to explode out and land on the ground.
- The pile of letters can be rustled. Repeatedly clicking on them will cause a paper aeroplane to fly out of the pile and into the building at the top right. A bolt of lighting will strike the building, the building will glow, Harth Stonebrew will say, "Legendary!", and Varian's sword Shalamayne will appear on the steps.
- Shalamayne can be shaken. Repeatedly shaking it will cause lightning to burst out of it.
- After placing a coin at the top of the fountain and waiting for the resulting animation to finish, the letter box can be made to drop a letter and then a pile of letters again, and, regardless of whether the letterbox has been irenteracted with, the pile of letters can be rustled again. Repeatedly rustling them will cause the previous effects with Shalamayne and Harth to play again.
- A coin can be dropped into the well at the top left, causing a momentary shower of coins.
- If the tree at the top left has fruit on it, the fruit will turn golden.
- A coin can be deposited at the building in the top right if Shalamayne isn't present,which will cause a light to glow from the building and a random item to briefly appear on the steps. These items can include a sack containing a flower, a health potion, and several crystals.
Bottom Right
- The lampost can be turned on and off.
- A notice can be made to fall off the noticeboard.
Transfer Student[]
Alterac Valley[]
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- The arrows can be twanged.
- Repeatedly twanging the blue arrow will cause two blue arrows and a red arrow to fly from the bottom right and hit the top left area.
- The rock can be loaded onto the catapult. It can then be launched towards the bottom right.
- The rock will reappear in its original position, allowing the catapult to be fired continuously.
- The brazier can be twisted, which triggers a volley of arrows to fly from the the top left to the bottom right.
- The snow can be played with.
Top Right
- The entrance can be opened.
- The banner can be buffeted. Repeatedly clicking on the banner will cause the Horde symbol to become illuminate, or fade back to normal.
- Repeatedly clicking on the troll fetish will cause it to temporarily hex the cannon at the bottom left.
- The snow can be played with.
Bottom Left
- The banner can be buffeted. Repeatedly clicking on the banner will cause the Alliance symbol to become illuminate, or fade back to normal.
- The rock can be loaded into the cannon. It can then be fired towards the top right. The rock will either fly past, with its impact being heard in the distance, or hit the Horde building above the door and leave a damaged area. The damage quickly disappears and a new rock will appear.
- The rock can be loaded onto the catapult in the to left. It can then be fired towards the bottom right, which result in two rocks flying back in return and hitting the catapult. A new rock will appear in the bottom left.
- Repeatedly clicking on the fire will cause it to momentarily become agitated.
- The lanterns can be rocked.
- The sword can be shaken.*The spikes produce a puff of dust and metallic sound when wobbled.
- The snow can be played with.
Bottom Right
- The harpoon can be fired towards the top left.
- The fire produced sparks when clicked on. Repeatedly clicking on it causes it to briefly roar up to a much greater height.
- The snow can be played with.
Transfer Student[]
The Sunken City[]
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- The statue can be knocked. Repeatedly doing so causes it to become covered in algae and a blue magical effect, with the next transformation causing the algae and magical effect to increase. After this, the same sequence happens but with a giant shell. Next the pedestal will be empty. Finally a broken diving helmet will appear, but it skips the first stage of the sequence because it already has the magical effect. Next the murloc statue will reappear.
- The columns can be knocked.
- The starfish makes a squelching sound when disturbed.
- The coral can be shaken. Repeatedly doing so will cause bubbles to appear.
- The seaweed can be shaken. Repeatedly doing so will eventually cause bubbles to appear everytime it is clicked.
- The sand can be disturbed.
Top Right
- The giant clam can be closed. Reopening it reveals, instead of the white pearl, a green or black pearl.
- The small clam can be opened to reveal a key.
- The plant can be shaken.
- The tubular coral pops up when clicked on. Doing so repeatedly will cause each tube to produce a purple magical effect.
Bottom Left
- Repeatedly clicking on the sword causes it to transform into an elven style sword and then a classic pirate cutlass.
- Repeatedly clicking on the coins causes some to temporarily bounce about.
Bottom Right
- The metal grate can be broken to reveal a staircase.
- The barrel can be shaken. Repeatedly clicking on it causes it to rumble and release bubbles.
- The cannon can be turned left and right. Repeatedly clicking on it causes it to rumble and produce bubbles.
Transfer Student[]
Bonus features[]
- Top Left
- The candlestick can be knocked. Repeatedly knocking it will cause it to wobble.
- The pipe can be knocked. Repeatedly knocking it will cause it to wobble.
- The pins beneath the statue can be wobbled. On every third click they produce a puff of dust.
- The statue can be wobbled slightly.
- The statue's eyes can be extinguished and reilluminated.
- The statue's wings can be broken off.
- The spike can be shaken. On every third click it will produce sparks and a puff of dust.
- The top stair can be knocked. Repeatedly knocking on it will cause the stairs to crack one by one beginning at the top, as if something very heavy has moved down them, accompanied by the sound of a roar-like sound and then a thud.
- Top Right
- The windows can be tapped.
- The candelabra can be rocked.
- The monkey wrench can be shaken. Repeatedly shaking it will cause sparks to appear as it rubs against the floor.
- Repeatedly clicking on the dagger will cause it to slice the candles in half.
Bottom Left
- The doors can be opened to briefly reveal a room with either the sounds and shadows of people partying, a fallen goblet or a chalk outline.
- Repeatedly clicking on the gun causes it to shoot a hole in the middle window in the top right, revealing the sky outside. Due to a bug, the gun may remain in the air while its shadow appears in the original position.
- The spikes can be wobbled, which often produces sparks or a puff of dust.
- The candle can be wobbled.
- The pair of candles can be extinguished and relit.
Bottom Right
- The axe can be jostled. Repeatedly jostling it will cause it to lift and then hit the ground, creating sparks.
- The meat can be wiggled. Repeatedly wiggling either piece causes an effect to burst forth, though it isn't clear if the effect is meat juices or tiny insects.
- The goblet can be knocked.
- The bottle of poison can be knocked. Repeatedly knocking it causes the lid to fly off. Repeatedly knocking the open bottle causes it to rise and pour poison into the goblet, turning the drink purple and causing a dramatic sound to play.
- The plate can be wobbled.
- The glowing effect behind the table can be agitated, causing a puff of red smoke. Repeatedly agitating it will cause a burst of red energy.
- The small spikes can be wobbled.
- The large spikes can be wobbled and may produce sparks and a puff of dust.
- Five of the six weapons from the murder mystery game Cluedo are present: a candlestick, a dagger, a pipe, a gun and a monkey wrench. Only the rope is missing. The original version of Cluedo also included an axe and poison, which are also present.
Transfer Student[]
March of the Lich King[]
Bonus features[]
Please add any available information to this section.
Please add any available information to this section.
Transfer Student[]
Bonus features[]
Top Left
- The guitar can be strummed, and will produce different chords depending on where it is strummed.
- Pressing the guitar's button will swap the guitar's colours between red, which produces lower pitch notes, and blue, which produces higher pitch notes.
- The speaker cones can be jostled. Repeatedly clicking on them will cause them to play a brief musical beat.
- The totem pole can be shaken
- The wing of the totem pole will crumble apart when repeatedly clicked on.
Top Right
- If the musical secret has been activated in the bottom left, then repeatedly clicking on the musical instruments will cause them to break.
Bottom Left
Bottom Right
Please add any available information to this section.
Transfer Student[]
Bonus features[]
Please add any available information to this section.
Please add any available information to this section.
Transfer Student[]
Special battlefields[]
The following battlefields are available during special events such as the Winter Veil seasonal event held between December and January each year. During this time they replace the standard versions of these battlefields.
Orgrimmar (Winter Veil)[]
- For the normal version, see #Orgrimmar.
Changes include:
- Snow has been added liberally around the battlefield
- The zeppelin now sports a large bow, bells, greenery and ribbons
- The blacksmith has a sack of gifts on its roof, and bulbs on the points of the building
- Two stockings have been hung at the sides of the portcullis, and a kind of garland around the gate with a large snowflake at at the top
- The catapult has acquired a "Rudolph" red nose and what appear to be crude wooden reindeer antlers, and now fires snowballs instead of rocks
Stormwind (Winter Veil)[]
- For the normal version, see #Stormwind.
Changes include:
- Snow has been added liberally around the battlefield
- The gryphon now has a red "Rudolph" nose and antlers
- Presents are heaped near the gryphon, and tracks can be seen in the nearby snow
- A wreath has been hung on the clock tower
- A Christmas tree stands near the cathedral, and a bow is on the lamp
- Bright lights have been strung up along the front of the inn, and a snowman has been built outside
Stranglethorn (Year of the Mammoth)[]
- For the normal version, see #Stranglethorn.
This battlefield was used during the launch event for the Year of the Mammoth and its first new set, Journey to Un'Goro.
Changes include:
- It appears to have no interactive features.
- The lighting is much darker than usual to highlight the glow from the lights.
- Outside the map, you can see a scroll with a mammoth symbol on it.
- This battlefield could be seen during livestreams from events in the Bahamas.
A slightly earlier version of the Goblins vs Gnomes battlefield seen in previews at BlizzCon 2014, featuring a number of small differences from the version seen in-game.
Patch changes[]
Patch (2021-11-02):
- Duels now uses any battlefield, instead of just Scholomance.
Patch (2021-03-25):
- The four original battlefields were rotated to Wild due to being tied to the Legacy set, which also rotated. (Previously, these battlefields did not rotate).
Patch (2017-06-01)
- Some game boards will become exclusive to Wild, and recently released boards will become more common in Wild matches.
Patch (2016-11-29):
- When the target dummy on the Grand Tournament battlefield is struck, it will now occasionally spin off the battlefield, sometimes returning, sometimes not. [Presumed patch, first documented Jan 18]
Patch (2015-09-29): The screw in the Goblins vs Gnomes battlefield can now be screwed into the nearby screw hole.[27][28]
Patch (2015-03-31):
- Games played on the Naxxramas battlefield now play music from the Curse of Naxxramas adventure.
- Undocumented: In the garden in the bottom right corner of the Pandaria battlefield, players now have a very rare chance to grow a golden version of one of the vegetables.
Patch (2014-12-04):
- An all-new interactive Goblins vs Gnomes-themed game board has been added. Turn the gears, wind the springs, and try not to blow anything up in the process. We warned you.
Patch (Open beta, 2014-03-11): Some changes have been made to battlefield visuals and interactive features.
- The countdown fuse's graphic has been updated.
- Stormwind
- The lamp and the inn's lights are now brighter
- The inn door is no longer so thoroughly illuminated
- The plant in the top-right corner is no longer clickable, and instead now waves in the wind
- Pandaria
- The boot occasionally found when growing crops now more obviously resembles a boot
- Orgrimmar
- The catapult now makes a louder clunk when it is fully sprung
Patch (Closed beta, 2013-12-10): Some sound effects for the battlefields' interactive features have been changed, added or switched.
- Breaking the vines on the Stranglethorn map no longer triggers the sound of drums; this is now triggered by causing the gem to break.
- ↑ Ben Brode on Twitter. (2016-01-09).
- ↑ John Zwicker on Twitter. (2013-12-18).
- ↑ Ben Brode on Twitter. (2013-12-14).
- ↑ John Zwicker on Twitter. (2013-12-14).
- ↑ John Zwicker on reddit. (2015-07-19).
- ↑ Ben Thompson on Twitter. (2015-07-22).
- ↑ John Zwicker on Twitter. (2013-12-14).
- ↑ John Zwicker on reddit. (2015-07-19).
- ↑ John Zwicker on Twitter. (2013-12-19).
- ↑ Ben Brode on Twitter. (2014-05-23).
- ↑ John Zwicker on reddit. (2015-07-19).
- ↑ John Zwicker on Twitter. (2014-02-01).
- ↑ The League of Explorers: The Ruined City – Now Live. (2015-12-03).
- ↑ John Zwicker on reddit. (2015-07-19).
- ↑ The Grand Tournament™ Opens This August!. (2015-07-22).
- ↑ The Grand Tournament – A Grand Celebration!. (2015-08-04).
- ↑ 17.0 17.1 Join the League of Explorers on November 12!. (2015-11-06).
- ↑ Official site - Whispers of the Old Gods. Retrieved on 2016-03-19.
- ↑ Whispers of the Old Gods – Now Available in the Americas!. (2016-04-26).
- ↑ The Party Begins August 11!. (2016-07-28).
- ↑ Inside the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan at BlizzCon!. (2016-11-04).
- ↑ Official site. Retrieved on 2016-11-04.
- ↑ Ben Brode on Twitter. (2017-02-18).
- ↑ 24.0 24.1 Cam Shea (2017-07-08). Hearthstone's Frozen Throne: Everything Blizzard Would Tell Us - IGN. Retrieved on 2017-07-09.
- ↑ Daxxarri (2018-07-10). Announcing: The Boomsday Project. Retrieved on 2018-07-10.
- ↑ abouttogetdownvoted (January 7, 2019). New board secret? Gold teeth on statue - not listed on any Hearthstone Wiki. Retrieved on 2019-01-09.
- ↑
- ↑
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