Duel Paladin
Duel Paladin (also known as Big Paladin) is a Paladin deck archetype focused around "cheating out" large minions from the deck far earlier than usual. The deck utilizes cards like Duel! and Commencement to summon high-cost minions from the deck, while also running a token package with cards such as First Day of School, Air Raid and Muster for Battle to stabilize against faster opponents.
Common Cards[]
This section concerns content exclusive to Wild format.
The following cards are usually in the deck.
Core Cards[]
The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:
Token Variant[]
The following cards are played in more early-game oriented versions:
Odd Big Beast Variant[]
The following cards are played in a variant that tries to gain the board via The Silver Hand and Quartermaster, or create massive board swings with Oondasta and big beasts.
Optional cards[]
The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always: