

  • ️Mon Feb 27 2017

Elemental is a minion type. It was introduced in Journey to Un'Goro.

Elemental synergy effects typically require an Elemental minion to have been played on the previous turn. Elementals are available to all classes, but many Elemental synergy cards are reserved for shaman and mage.

Elemental minions[]

For Wild format listings, see Elemental/Wild format


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Sources of Elementals[]

For Wild format listings, see Elemental/Wild format


These cards can generate or summon new Elemental minions.

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For Wild format listings, see Elemental/Wild format

These cards have effects related to Elemental.

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Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 2 logoGameplay - General - Minion TypesHeed My Call!Summon 10 Elementals.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 2 logoGameplay - General - Minion TypesHeed My Call!Summon 30 Elementals.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 2 logoGameplay - General - Minion TypesHeed My Call!Summon 100 Elementals.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 2 logoGameplay - General - Minion TypesHeed My Call!Summon 300 Elementals.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 2 logoGameplay - General - Minion TypesHeed My Call!Summon 1000 Elementals.20 Achievement Point


Main article: Elemental art

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Elementals are manifestations of volatile energy - elemental spirits that have attained raw physical form with the spirit remaining as the core.
The exact origin of these innately chaotic entities is unknown, though some have been accidentally created when bits of magic seeped into coals, over the course of a few decades manifesting in a small elemental being of immense fortitude. Other elementals have been created by mogu sorcerers who prefer more solid companions over beastly familiars. Other elementals (albeit fel-corrupted ones) have been born solely from demonic magic. Elemental cores seem to retain some semi-sentient properties after being defeated.
Elementals are an incredibly varied group; Some are bound to distant realms known as the Elemental Planes and are usually servants of the powerful Elemental Lords that rule over each plane. Others are native to the world of Azeroth, bound to the state of their surroundings as representations of the elemental spirits. Still others appear independent from any greater master, acting as individual beings. The elemental forces are ageless and unchanging.
Elementals are chaotic by nature and once raged freely on primordial Azeroth until the Old Gods arrived and enslaved them. As servants of the Old Gods, the elementals were later defeated by titanic forces and banished to a specially crafted prison known as the Elemental Plane. Although most elementals remain in the Elemental Plane, they can be summoned to Azeroth by those who seek to use their power.
Over the millennia, some intelligent creatures of Azeroth have found ways to summon elementals and bind them to their service. Human mages are fond of summoning or creating Water Elementals for their brute force and imposing size. Ragnaros was summoned into the material plane by the Dark Iron dwarves three centuries ago, residing in the Molten Core until he was killed and banished to his home realm. Some shamans have demonstrated the ability to summon and control elementals. The Twilight's Hammer has used magical cages to create and control bound elementals.
Of the four lords, only two remained under the control of the Old Gods: Ragnaros of fire and Al'Akir of air. Following the Cataclysm, these two sent their armies to attack Azeroth. Ragnaros laid siege to Mount Hyjal, seeking to destroy Nordrassil, but his armies were driven back by the Guardians of Hyjal, and he himself was killed. Al'akir attacked Uldum, joining with the Neferset tribe to destroy the other Tol'vir, and was also killed. While Therazane of earth and Neptulon of water were no longer in service of the Old Gods, their realms became battlefields following the Cataclysm, as servants of Deathwing invaded Deepholm and the naga invaded the Abyssal Maw. While the Earthen Ring was successful in fighting off the former, Ozumat captured Neptulon, who is now presumably under naga control.

In Hearthstone[]

Nothing is more primal than the elements themselves, and Un’Goro’s ancient energies empower the resident elementals with a vigor and ferocity not seen anywhere else. Some of Hearthstone's familiar faces will gain the Elemental minion type, joining the ranks of Murlocs, Dragons, Pirates, and Beasts for exciting new synergies.[1]

Elementals were introduced as a new minion type with Journey to Un'Goro. While Hearthstone already featured many elementals - including most of the Elemental Lords themselves - the arrival of this powerful new breed led to the recognition of the elementals as a minion type in themselves, allowing even older cards to benefit from the new synergies.


Card types

  • Hero
  • Hero Power
  • Location
  • Minion
  • Spell
  • Weapon
  • Standard

  • Classic
  • Removed

  • All
  • Beast
  • Demon
  • Dragon
  • Elemental
  • Mech
  • Murloc
  • Naga
  • Pirate
  • Quilboar
  • Totem
  • Undead
  • General
  • Multi-type
  • Arcane
  • Fel
  • Fire
  • Frost
  • Holy
  • Nature
  • Shadow
  • General
  • Evergreen keywords
    Card set keywords
    Other mechanics
    By range
    By condition