

  • ️Thu Mar 25 2021

Does something when it dies.

Loot Hoarder screenshot

A Loot Hoarder displaying the Deathrattle icon

Deathrattle is an ability where the stated effect occurs when the minion or weapon is destroyed. Cards with Deathrattle appear with a skull and crossbones when in play. All classes have access to Deathrattles.


  • Minions may benefit from multiple Deathrattles at the same time. As with all abilities, Deathrattle can be removed from minions with Silences.
  • Deathrattle effects occur after battle damage has been calculated and minions destroyed. Additional effects caused by damaging spells such as Bane of Doom will also take place before any Deathrattles.
  • Like triggered effects, players cannot choose the targets of Deathrattles. While the developers' policy is to explicitly state when a visible target of a Deathrattle is random, this may in some cases be left unstated, in order to simplify the card text.

Sequence of events[]

Death's Bite equipped screenshot

An equipped Death's Bite displaying the Deathrattle icon

Main article: Advanced rulebook

Deathrattles and death-related effects take place after damage has been exchanged and minions/weapons have been destroyed and removed from the board. This prevents Deathrattles from acting upon other minions which were destroyed in the same combat. It also prevents several simultaneous events from acting upon consequences of Deathrattles or other triggered events. The same is true for secrets and triggered effects which are activated from death, such as Duplicate and Cult Master, which are treated exactly the same as Deathrattles.

Note that all effects triggered from the death of a minion will play out in the order in which they were put into play, regardless of type of effect.[1] For example, if a mage plays Duplicate followed by Abomination, and the Abomination is then destroyed on the opponent's turn, the Duplicate will activate before the Abomination's own Deathrattle; while if the Abomination was played first, its Deathrattle will activate first, followed by the secret.[2][3] Deathrattles do not gain any special priority.

Note also that when multiple minions are killed simultaneously, their deaths will be resolved one at a time, in the order in which they entered play.

Once all destroyed minions have been removed from the board, each death will be resolved, including the activation of any death-related effects - this includes the minion's own Deathrattle, triggered effects such as Cult Master, and Secrets such as Duplicate. Resolution takes place one minion at a time, in order in which the minions entered play. As each death is resolved, all eligible triggered events will play out in the order in which the effect entered play, including the minion's own Deathrattle, Secrets and other effects. Each effect will play out individually and resolve, before the next activates. Once all related effects have played out for the minion, the next simultaneous minion's death will begin to resolve.

For example, if a Sylvanas Windrunner attacks another Sylvanas Windrunner, destroying both minions, the Deathrattle of the Sylvanas which was summoned first will take place first, followed by the Deathrattle of the Sylvanas which was summoned second. Order of minion summoning can therefore be extremely significant.

For a more thorough explanation of Deathrattles and their interactions with other effects, see the Advanced rulebook.

Cards with Deathrattle[]

For Wild format listings, see Deathrattle/Wild format


Icon MercWorkshop


Icon MercWorkshop

Sources of Deathrattle[]

For Wild format listings, see Deathrattle/Wild format

Deathrattle generating cards[]

This section lists cards which generate Deathrattle minions.

Icon MercWorkshop

Deathrattle granting cards[]

This section lists cards which grant the Deathrattle ability to other minions or to itself.

Icon MercWorkshop


Icon MercWorkshop


Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 2 logoGameplay - General - Neutral KeywordsDance with DeathPlay 100 cards with Deathrattle.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 2 logoGameplay - General - Neutral KeywordsDance with DeathPlay 300 cards with Deathrattle.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 2 logoGameplay - General - Neutral KeywordsDance with DeathPlay 1000 cards with Deathrattle.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 2 logoGameplay - General - Neutral KeywordsDance with DeathPlay 3000 cards with Deathrattle.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 2 logoGameplay - General - Neutral KeywordsDance with DeathPlay 10000 cards with Deathrattle.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 3 logoGameplay - Darkmoon Faire - HunterRide Together, Die TogetherEnd your turn with 3 identical Deathrattle minions in play.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 63 logoGameplay - Barrens - Demon HunterDon't Dead Open InsideSummon 50 Deathrattle minions without playing them, as Demon Hunter.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 149 logoGameplay - Stormwind - HunterCarrion My Wayward SonRepeat the Deathrattles of 8 different cards using Monstrous Parrot.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 149 logoGameplay - Stormwind - HunterCarrion My Wayward SonRepeat the Deathrattles of 16 different cards using Monstrous Parrot.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 157 logoGameplay - Alterac Valley - PriestI Will Remember YouTrigger 50 Deathrattles with Xyrella, the Devout.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 157 logoGameplay - Alterac Valley - PriestI Will Remember YouTrigger 100 Deathrattles with Xyrella, the Devout.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 157 logoGameplay - Alterac Valley - PriestI Will Remember YouTrigger 200 Deathrattles with Xyrella, the Devout.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 157 logoGameplay - Alterac Valley - RogueRolling In Their GraveHave 30 Deathrattle minions die while you control a Snowfall Graveyard.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 157 logoGameplay - Alterac Valley - RogueRolling In Their GraveHave 60 Deathrattle minions die while you control a Snowfall Graveyard.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 157 logoGameplay - Alterac Valley - RogueRolling In Their GraveHave 120 Deathrattle minions die while you control a Snowfall Graveyard.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 160 logoGameplay - Sunken City - NeutralKillamariDestroy 3 enemies at once with Ozumat's Deathrattle effect.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 160 logoGameplay - Sunken City - NeutralKillamariDestroy 6 enemies at once with Ozumat's Deathrattle effect.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 167 logoGameplay - Castle Nathria - DruidBouquet of BonesTrigger 75 Deathrattles with Hedge Maze.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 167 logoGameplay - Castle Nathria - MageSpooky Scary SkeletonsTrigger 15 Volatile Skeleton Deathrattles in one game.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 169 logoGameplay - Lich King - ShamanMurlocalypse NowGive 6 minions a Deathrattle with one Rotgill.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 169 logoGameplay - Lich King - ShamanDIY DeathrattleHave a Scourge Troll die with a Deathrattle 25 times.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 169 logoGameplay - Lich King - WarlockS-imp-ly FintasticGive Nofin's Imp-ossible's Deathrattle to 2 Implocs at once.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 169 logoGameplay - Lich King - WarlockS-imp-ly FintasticGive Nofin's Imp-ossible's Deathrattle to 4 Implocs at once.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 172 logoGameplay - Festival of Legends - NeutralSurf's UpPass Crowd Surfer's Deathrattle between you and your opponent 40 times.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 172 logoGameplay - Festival of Legends - NeutralSurf's UpPass Crowd Surfer's Deathrattle between you and your opponent 80 times.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 172 logoGameplay - Festival of Legends - Death KnightWall of DeathGive 30 minions Deathrattles with Death Growl.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 172 logoGameplay - Festival of Legends - Death KnightWall of DeathGive 60 minions Deathrattles with Death Growl.10 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 172 logoGameplay - Festival of Legends - Death KnightWall of DeathGive 90 minions Deathrattles with Death Growl.20 Achievement Point
Achievement Category 2Achievement SubCategory 174 logoGameplay - Titans - NeutralRibbits and RibbytesHave Mecha-Leaper's deathrattle trigger 10 times in one game.200 Rewards Track - XP, 20 Achievement Point


In the build-up to Curse of Naxxramas, the adventure's class cards were revealed to players one by one, many of which featured Deathrattle effects, with text that did not specify that the effects were randomly targeted. This led to widespread confusion over the function of the effects. In a special forum post, Ben Brode explained that by omitting the word 'random', card text could be shortened. By establishing the rule that Deathrattles were never targetable, the developers would not have to explicitly state this on each card, which could eventually allow for the development of more "strategically deep" card effects, due to having more card space in which to describe them, potentially otherwise a limiting factor. Brode stated that "setting expectations now that triggers never allow choices allows us to make cards that otherwise would have too much text",[4] explaining that the omission of explicit statements to this effect "lays the groundwork for shortening the text."[5]

However, in the face of player confusion and preference for random effects to be explicitly described as such, the policy was altered, and the word 'random' added to several Naxxramas cards.

Patch changes[]


  1. Tested by User:Taohinton, 2015-02-07. Playing a Cult Master before or after a minion with Deathrattle, and then destroying the Deathrattle minion, will see the Cult Master's death-triggered effect activated before or after the minion's Deathrattle, respectively.
  2. Tested by User:Taohinton, 2015-02-07. Exactly as described: Played Duplicate followed by Abomination; the Abomination was then destroyed on the opponent's turn. The Duplicate activated first, before the Abomination's own Deathrattle.
  3. Tested by User:Taohinton, 2015-02-16/18. Various scenarios. For example: Played Clockwork Gnome then Avenge; opponent destroyed Gnome, Gnome's Deathrattle triggered before Avenge. Played Avenge then Abomination; opponent destroyed Abomination, Avenge triggered before Abomination's Deathrattle.
  4. Ben Brode on Twitter. (2014-05-14). 
  5. Ben Brode on Twitter. (2014-05-14). 
By type
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By minion type
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Evergreen keywords
Card set keywords
Other mechanics
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By condition

  • Classic
  • Removed