Mill Druid

Destroy a minion and two cards? No wonder it got Hall of Fame'd.
Mill Druid is a Druid mill deck. The deck uses Naturalize, Coldlight Oracle, and Forest Guide to overdraw the opponent while pooling up large amounts of armor to survive aggression while rendering themselves immune to fatigue damage via Jade Idol or Astral Tiger.
While the restriction of Coldlight Oracle to Hall of Fame in the Year of the Raven didn't remove the Mill Druid deck out of Standard completely, the restriction of Naturalize in the Year of the Dragon turned it into a Wild-only deck.
Common cards[]
This section concerns content exclusive to Wild format.
The following cards are usually in the deck.
Core cards[]
The following cards are played in most or all versions of the deck:
Optional cards[]
The following cards are played more than occasionally, but not always: