
Ogre art

  • ️Tue Nov 25 2014
Ogre - WoW

An ogre in World of Warcraft

Ogres are large, brutish humanoids native to Draenor. Generally found to be lacking in intelligence, what ogres lack in smarts they make up for with brute strength and physical presence. However, some ogres have been known to possess remarkable intellect, as well as the ability to wield subtle and powerful shamanic, arcane and fel magics. Most ogres have only one head, but some have two, each with a distinct personality. In Hearthstone, ogres are best known as powerful, clumsy brutes.


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Ogres are large, brutish humanoids of notable strength originally native to Draenor, now Outland. They are descendants of the various stone giants known as Breakers and were originally enslaved by the gronn, even worshipping the enormous beings as gods. Eventually, the ogre hero Gog Gronnslayer showed that it was possible to kill the giants, and he became the founder of the Gorian Empire that would come to rule much of Draenor for centuries until the arrival of the draenei. Once an alliance between ogres and orcs was made, the ogres accompanied the Old Horde through the Dark Portal to Azeroth to participate in the First and Second Wars.
Following the Second War, the ogre clans scattered across Azeroth. During the Third War, the Stonemaul clan re-joined the New Horde after the half-ogre Rexxar killed their former chieftain. After the Cataclysm, the Dreadmaul tribe was partially re-enslaved by Horde forces, while the Dunemaul clan was brought into the Horde by Megs Dreadshredder.
Ogre society is based on a clan structure in which physical strength is greatly respected, and besting a rival is usually the only way to advance within the clan. Though ogres are generally seen as unintelligent brutes, the ancient Gorian Empire was ruled by a succession of powerful sorcerers, and during the Second War, many more two-headed ogre magi came into existence due to the magical intervention of the orc warlock Gul'dan. These ogre magi often enjoy an elevated position among the clans.
On the alternate Draenor, the Gorian Empire, ruled by Imperator Mar'gok, allied themselves with the Iron Horde.

In Hearthstone[]

Ogres in Hearthstone are known for generally being large, powerful and expensive minions. Ogres are also known for their lack of intelligence and clumsiness, with ogre cards from Goblins vs Gnomes featuring a 50% chance of accidentally attacking the wrong target.

Rexxar, representative of the hunter class in Hearthstone, is half-orc, half-ogre.


The large, brutish, often clumsy ogres have a knack for “CRUSH BIG THING INTO SMALL THINGS,” making them a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. Don’t have a trash compactor handy to mash that malfunctioning mech into spare parts? Get ogre it! Ogres aren’t particularly careful in what they hit and don’t take orders kindly—as long as they hit something, they’re satisfied. This makes them both unpredictable and dangerous in combat.
In Goblins vs Gnomes, many ogres will have the “50% chance to attack the wrong enemy” card text, reflecting their wild and uncontrollable nature. Like previously mentioned, ogres don’t care about what they hit as long as they hit “something,” so their ability can also potentially bypass Taunt and Stealth if one of their wild swings manages to connect. When you see an Ogre on the battlefield, watch out; something is about to get smashed![1]


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