
Onyxia's Lair

  • ️Thu Feb 10 2022

Onyxia's Lair banner

Wild format

Wild icon

With the arrival of the Year of the Wolf, Onyxia's Lair is now a Wild format card set, which means cards from the Onyxia's Lair will no longer be playable in Standard format matches. For more information, see Game format.

Onyxia's Lair is Hearthstone's fourth mini-set, featuring 35 new collectible cards added to Fractured in Alterac Valley set. It was released on February 15, 2022.[1]

This mini-set takes places in Onyxia's Lair, where the Mercenaries have tracked down Lady Katrana Prestor - really Onyxia.

How to get[]

Onyxia's Lair cards are available through the following options:

  • Fractured in Alterac Valley card packs can contain Onyxia's Lair cards, and are purchasable through the Shop, with the usual prices and purchasing options.
  • Onyxia's Lair cards are craftable for the usual amounts of Arcane Dust.
  • For as long as Fractured in Alterac Valley is the latest expansion, the guaranteed card pack from each Arena run is from the expansion. Once the next expansion comes out, second card packs will have a chance to be Fractured in Alterac Valley packs.
  • The Highest Rank Bonus chest has a chance to award Onyxia's Lair cards.
  • All 35 (66 copies in total) Onyxia's Lair cards could be obtained through a bundle for the following prices from February 15, 2022 until April 11, 2023 with various downtimes where it was not available.
Premium USD EUR GBP AUD RUB Gold Runestones
Regular $14.99 €14.99 £~ $19.95 899₽ 2000 1500
Golden $69.99[1] €69.99 £ $ - 7000


This mini-set features 35 collectible cards. Onyxia's Lair cards can be recognized with a special watermark (the Fractured in Alterac Valley logo emerging from a card) behind the card text, not found on other cards.

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The king and his cub always stood in my way. Stormwind will shudder at my dragon brigade. Every part of my body is sharp like a blade... If you were smarter, you'd be deathly afraid! All you heroes have been completely played! They call me Lady Prestor and I have no regrets. I'm the Broodmother, don't you ever forget! The heroes and their pride, it's their biggest mistake! Fire and brimstone are the keys to my gate! Don't take it as a promise, here's the real threat... You ain't seen nothing yet! So time to introduce you to my silhouette... (But guess what, mama?) They ain't seen nothing! They call me Lady Prestor and I have no regrets. See, I'm the Broodmother, oh, you'll never forget! Step in my lair, I'll change that mindset! 'Cause you ain't see nothing… (You ain't seen nothing...) I mean totally nothing... No, you ain't! Seen! Nothing yet!


Wowpedia iconThis section uses content from Wowpedia.

Onyxia's Lair is a level 80 raid dungeon located in the Wyrmbog, Dustwallow Marsh. It is home to Onyxia, the brood mother of the black dragonflight.
Onyxia built the lair. The entrance to the lair was carved to look like the maw of the broodmother herself, with its inner pathway being magma-lined and the ground cracked, glowing with fire from beneath. The arching stone ceiling groans and shifts, creating constant rockfalls. The walls spill lava where the heat can't be contained.


On February 9, 2022, the PlayHearthstone twitter posted an image of Lady Prestor's staff with the word Tomorrow. The trailer for Onyxia's Lair was posted the following day, and card reveals began shortly after.[2]


  • Teaser image


  1. 1.0 1.1 Blizzard Entertainment (2022-02-10). 22.4 Patch Notes. PlayHearthstone. 
  2. PlayHearthstone on Twitter. (2022-02-09). 

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