
Solo Adventures

  • ️Thu Mar 25 2021
Solo Adventures screen 2020-08-17

Solo Adventures screen in 2020.

The Solo Adventures screen is where players access various single-player game modes, consisting of Practice mode, Adventures, and Missions. The screen can be accessed through the Solo Adventures button from the main menu.


Main article: Mission

Selecting a mission will take the player into the screen for that content.

Main article: Adventure

Selecting an adventure will take the player into the screen for that adventure. There are a total of five Adventures: Template:List of Adventures

For a list of all card sets including expansions, see Card set table.

Practice mode[]

Main article: Practice mode

Practice mode is a type of game mode in which the player does battle against the computer in practice sparring matches. Players select either Basic or Expert difficulty, and then a class for the opponent to play as. The opponent's decks are all predetermined, as listed in Practice mode#Decks.

Practice mode is the ideal mode for learning the basics of the game, exploring new classes, leveling or unlocking heroes, and trying out new strategies. Practice mode matches are played against The Innkeeper.


Solo Adventures screen

Solo Adventures screen in 2014.

Patch changes[]