
Don Han'Cho

  • ️Wed Aug 30 2023

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You might be looking for one of these cards: Don Han'Cho (Caverns of Time).

Don Han'Cho is a legendary Grimy Goons multi-class minion card, from the Mean Streets of Gadgetzan set.

Other versions

WON 137.png

How to get

Card packsThe Regular version can be opened from any of these packs:

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan


Regular1 (random)
Card packsThe Golden and Signature versions can be opened from any of these packs:

Mean Streets of Gadgetzan


Golden Wild

1 (random)
Card packsOnly the Signature version can be opened from these packs:

Caverns of Time

Golden Caverns of Time

Signature1 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 1600 Dust.pngRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 3200 Dust.pngGolden1


  • ▶️ VO_CFM_685_Male_Ogre_Play_01_Hon.wav Hey, join the goons! ...Or meet my fist.
  • ▶️ DonHanCho_Play_Stinger.wav <music stinger>
  • ▶️ MachineGun_Underlay_Play.wav <underlay sound>
  • ▶️ VO_CFM_685_Male_Ogre_Attack_01_Hon.wav We'll handle this.
  • ▶️ VO_CFM_685_Male_Ogre_Death_01_Hon.wav <death sound>
  • ▶️ MachineGun_Underlay_Death.wav <underlay sound>


"First, our illustrious leader, da two-headed ogre Don Han'Cho.
Han is a criminal mastermind—a real genius—and Cho? Well, Cho isn't the sharpest axe in the armory, but he hits like a runaway kodo. More like a stampede of runaway kodos. Maybe you've heard dat two-headed ogres got some serious magical chops, but not Don Han'Cho. The Don don't need magic cuz he's got us, da Grimy Goons. We done real good for him too, what with all the robbin', extortin', blackmailin'—y'know all the good crimes. Not to mention our speciality: arms smugglin'.
You might think Don Han'Cho has it all: he just bought the First Bank of Gadgetzan, he takes a cut from da loot fenced at da Gadgetzan Emporium, and he's got a tight grip on the whole Grimestreet neighborhood. Believe me, Grimestreet is just the beginning, my friend. Don Han'Cho is preparin' for a hostile takeover of Gadgetzan, so he's been recruiting new Goons non-stop and stockpiling weapons like you wouldn't believe. Now he's got the most muscle, and arsenals stashed down every side-street and bolt-hole in dis town.
When da coin drops, you know the Grimy Goons are gonna be ready."[1]

An article on page 2 of The Gadgetzan Gazette Volume 32 #10, which discusses the re-opening of the First Bank of Gadgetzan after Han'Cho's aquiring of the bank, specifies that Cho is the left head while Han is the right head. The article claims that after cutting the ribbon, Cho said that "Dis Bank good. Plenty of dough", after which Han continued "Please pardon my associate's rough manners. I am proud to say that the First Bank of Gadgetzan will serve as a symbol of wealth and opportunity for all of Gadgetzan's citizens. If you are one of those wealth seeking opportunists, come see us; we'll beat ANY competitor."


  • While most two-headed ogres are usually depicted with one head with two eyes and the other with one eye, both of Don Han'Cho's heads have two eyes, making him the first two-headed ogre introduced in the series to have this distinction.


  • Don Han'Cho, full art

  • Signature art

  • Key art detail featuring Han'Cho with a gnoll and a goblin.

    Key art detail featuring Han'Cho with a gnoll and a goblin.

  • Talan's Bar and Gadgetzan Gazette artwork of Han'Cho acquiring the First Bank of Gadgetzan.

    Talan's Bar and Gadgetzan Gazette artwork of Han'Cho acquiring the First Bank of Gadgetzan.

  • Talan's Bar and Gadgetzan Gazette artwork of Kazakus (bottom left), Don Han'Cho (top left), Aya Blackpaw (bottom right) and White Eyes (top right) attending a gala.

  • Don Han'Cho, boss of the Grimy Goons

    Don Han'Cho, boss of the Grimy Goons

  • Don Han'Cho concept art

  • Sketches for Han'Cho in his business attire.

    Sketches for Han'Cho in his business attire.

  • Mean Streets of Gadgetzan party sketches.jpg

Patch changes

Card changes

Bug fixes and other changes

External links

References[edit | edit source]