
King Varian

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

It is a part of limited content and does not appear in any other game modes.

The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

For other uses of King Varian, see Varian Wrynn (disambiguation).

King Varian is the first boss in Priest's Book of Heroes adventure.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]


Player's hero[edit | edit source]


Uncertain Destiny

Special cards[edit | edit source]



Story 05 TrainingSword.png

Story 05 Fearbreaker.png

Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

King Varian Anduin Wrynn
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Boss Town Crier 2 Boss  Training Sword 2
 Fight Trainer 2  Fearbreaker 2
Shalamayne 1 Paladin  Sword of Justice 2
Rogue, Warrior  Cutting Class 2 Neutral  Intrepid Initiate 2
Warrior  Sword and Board 2  Lowly Squire 2
 Upgrade! 2  Brainstormer 2
 Woodcutter's Axe 2  Ironforge Rifleman 2
 King's Defender 2  Silent Knight 2
 Militia Commander 3  Silver Hand Regent 2
 Deadly Arsenal 2  Shimmering Courser 2
Neutral  Armor Vendor 2  Stormwind Knight 2
 Goldshire Footman 3  Recruiter 2
 Stormwind Knight 3  Silver Hand Knight 2
 Stormwind Champion 2  Stormpike Commando 2
 Stormwind Champion 2


To edit these notes, go to Template:King Varian notes.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Anduin Wrynn (present)
▶️When I was a boy, my father ruled as the King of Stormwind... and I was his most loyal subject.
▶️I remember him as the hero of all my stories. He fought dragons to save me. He won every battle.
▶️But as I got older, I learned that he couldn't always be the savior I needed.


King Varian
▶️It's time I saw to your training, my son.
Anduin Wrynn
▶️Not this again...

Emote Response

King Varian
▶️We can talk later, Anduin.

Hero Power

King Varian
▶️Put your heart into it.
▶️You must try harder.


King Varian
▶️You take after your mother, don't you? If only she were still with us.
▶️Our family has many enemies. I need you to be ready when they strike.
▶️A gentle heart cannot win wars.

Turn 1

King Varian
▶️There are many great warriors in our family. You will be another.
Anduin Wrynn
▶️Every rule has an exception.

Turn 3

King Varian
▶️Take up your sword, Anduin. You were meant to hold one.
Anduin Wrynn
▶️Then why is it so heavy?!

Turn 6

Anduin Wrynn
▶️I just don't know what kind of warrior I could be.
King Varian
▶️Ah, you have so many options! Arms, fury, protection...
Anduin Wrynn
▶️That's not what I meant.


King Varian
▶️All right. I think it would be best if you trained with someone else.
▶️The dwarves might be able to show you what I cannot. Their strength is truly something to behold.


King Varian
▶️We can train again as soon as you are ready. I'm always here for you.

Lore[edit | edit source]

"The Horde has committed heinous crimes,  Vol'jin. But some among you fought against Garrosh's tyranny. For that, I'm willing to end this bloodshed. But know this: if your Horde fails to uphold honor as Garrosh did, we will end you."

Varian Wrynn was leader of the Alliance, and father of  Anduin Wrynn.

Varian Wrynn, also known as Lo'Gosh the "Ghost Wolf", was the former King of Stormwind and High King of the Grand Alliance.
Varian's life has been defined by tragedy and conflict. The murder of his father, King Llane, by the assassin Garona Halforcen weighs heavily on him, along with the accidental death of his wife, Tiffin, during a riot. The king has recently returned to the throne following his abduction by the Defias Brotherhood and the black dragon  Onyxia, who disguised herself as Lady Katrana Prestor. Robbed of his memories and enslaved by a Horde gladiatorial trainer in Kalimdor, Varian fought his way to freedom, earning the nickname "Lo'Gosh", or "ghost wolf", while in battle. With the help of his comrades, he was able to recover his true identity and finally defeat Onyxia. Under his daring leadership, the humans of Stormwind led the Alliance to victory against the Lich King in Northrend, and now seek to bolster their strategic holdings against their perennial enemy, the Horde. Known for his tenacity and fierce will, King Varian Wrynn is committed to protecting the Alliance's interests and raising his son, Anduin, to follow in his place. With the world plunged into chaos by the great Cataclysm, he has taken up military leadership of the Alliance, and vowed to forge a new destiny for Azeroth.
Leading the Alliance armies against the Burning Legion at the Broken Shore, Varian fell in battle at the gates of the Tomb of Sargeras, sacrificing himself to allow the Alliance forces to escape. Before staying behind to fight, Varian entrusted  Genn Greymane with a letter to his son Anduin, advising him that one must be willing to fight in order to preserve peace. In the aftermath of the battle, he was succeeded by Anduin as King of Stormwind and High King of the Alliance.


  • King Varian, full art

Patch changes

Card changes

Book of Heroes
Jaina (Mage)

Story 01 JainaYoung.pngStory 01 JainaMid.pngStory 01 Jaina.png Jaina Proudmoore

Rexxar (Hunter)

Story 02 RexxarYoung.pngStory 02 RexxarWar.pngStory 02 RexxarMid.pngStory 02 Rexxar.png Rexxar

Garrosh (Warrior)

Story 03 YoungGarrosh.pngStory 03 HordeGarrosh2.pngStory 03 MakGoraGarrosh.pngStory 03 Garrosh2.pngStory 03 CorruptGarrosh.png Garrosh Hellscream

Uther (Paladin)

Story 04 UtherPriest.pngStory 04 UtherYoung.pngStory 04 Uther.png Uther Lightbringer

Anduin (Priest)

Story 05 AnduinYoung.pngStory 05 AnduinSI7.pngStory 05 Anduin.pngStory 05 AnduinKing.png Anduin

Valeera (Rogue)

Story 06 Valeera 001hp.pngStory 06 Valeera 004hp.png Valeera

Story 06 Valeera 009hb.png Possessed Valeera

Thrall (Shaman)

Story 07 Thrall 001hp.pngStory 07 Thrall 002hp.pngStory 07 Thrall 004hp.pngStory 07 Thrall 008hp.png Thrall

Malfurion (Druid)

Story 08 Malfurion 001hp.pngStory 08 Malfurion 004hp.pngStory 08 Malfurion 006hp.pngStory 08 Malfurion 007hp.png Malfurion

Gul'dan (Warlock)

Story 09 Guldan 001hp.pngStory 09 Guldan 003hp.pngStory 09 Guldan 005hp.pngStory 09 Guldan 007hp.png Gul'dan

Illidan (Demon Hunter)

Story 10 Illidan 001hp.pngStory 10 Illidan 003hp.pngStory 10 Illidan 006hp.png Illidan

Story 10 IllidanMal 004hp.png Illidan and Malfurion

Faelin (Druid)

HERO 06u.png Faelin

Story 11 Caye 012hp.png Caye Stardusk

Story 11 Dathril 011hp.png Dathril Evenlar

Story 11 Grace 005hp.png Grace Farsail

Story 11 Halus 010hp.png Halus Sunwatcher

Story 11 Ini 004hp.png Ini Stormcoil

Story 11 Finley 009hp.png Sir Finley


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