
Malfurion Stormrage (Demon Hunter boss)

  • ️Tue Jul 27 2021

The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

It is a part of limited content and does not appear in any other game modes.

The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

For other uses of Malfurion Stormrage, see Malfurion Stormrage (disambiguation).

Malfurion Stormrage is the fourth boss in demon hunter's Book of Heroes chapter.

Second phase[edit | edit source]

Death Knight Velas

Hero Powers[edit | edit source]

Malfurion Stormrage Death Knight Velas


Grave Call

Player's hero[edit | edit source]


Skull of Gul'dan Rank 2

Illidan and Malfurion

Brothers Stormrage

Special cards[edit | edit source]

Malfurion Stormrage

Death Knight Velas


Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Malfurion Stormrage Death Knight Velas Illidan
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Boss Lightning Bloom 2 Boss Obliterate 2 Boss Illidari Studies 2
Gibberling 2  Death and Decay 2  Blood Elf Allies 2
Guidance 2  Locust Swarm 2 Naga Myrmidon 2
 Forest Owl 2 Priest, Warlock  Flesh Giant 2  Mur'gul Reaver 2
 Way of the Archdruid 2 Rogue  Beneath the Grounds 2 Kael'thas Sunstrider 1
 Will of the Wisps 1 Warlock  Mortal Coil 2 Demon


 Ur'zul Horror 2
Druid  Innervate 1  Boneweb Egg 2  Felrattler 2
 Crystal Power 2  Shadow Bolt 2  Wrathscale Naga 2
 Dreamway Guardians 2  Shadowflame 2  Renowned Performer 2
 Lunar Eclipse 2 Neutral  Haunted Creeper 2  Vengeful Spirit 2
 Power of the Wild 2  Deathlord 2  Fel Summoner 2
 Rising Winds 2  Stoneskin Gargoyle 2  Coilfang Warlord 2
 Solar Eclipse 2  Bone Wraith 2  Illidari Inquisitor 2
 Fungal Fortunes 2  Abomination 2 DH, Hunter  Trueaim Crescent 2
 Soul of the Forest 1  Necrotic Geist 2 Neutral  Disguised Wanderer 3
 Arbor Up 2
 Glowfly Swarm 1

Notes[edit | edit source]

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Illidan (present)
▶️Somehow, Maiev survived and rallied the elves against me, just as I was readying to use the Eye of Sargeras against the Lich King.
▶️I could have destroyed him... I had the power... but instead, I faced more accusations.

Stage 1: Malfurion Stormrage


▶️It is over, brother.
▶️No! The spell is not done!

Emote Response

▶️I am so disappointed in you.

Hero Power

▶️Nature will heal.
▶️Grow stronger!
▶️Mend your wounds.


▶️You are a monster now. How can you even look at yourself?
▶️These spells will shatter our world!
▶️I still do not understand why it had to come to this.

Turn 2

▶️Stand down! The spellwork is too fragile!

Turn 3

▶️You can't do this!


▶️Imprisonment will not be enough this time.

Stage 2: Death Knight Velas

Eye of Sargeras is destroyed

Malfurion deals 40 damage to Eye of Sargeras Maiev Shadowsong appears on the enemy board Illidan
▶️Can you not see? I was going to strike the undead - our common enemy!
▶️Your vile schemes end here. Because of you, Tyrande is dead!
Maiev Shadowsong
▶️The Scourge killed her!
Kael'thas Sunstrider
▶️That... may not be true.
▶️You know I would never see her come to harm. Let me help look for her.
Maiev Shadowsong is removed from the board The player's hero switches to  Illidan and Malfurion Malfurion is replaced by Death Knight Velas Trapped Tyrande appears on the enemy board Malfurion
▶️I risk much by trusting you, Illidan.
▶️I swear on my life that I will bring her back, my brother.

Emote Response

Death Knight Velas
▶️What say you?


Death Knight Velas
▶️More soldiers to serve the Frozen Throne...
▶️Journey to Northrend and see our might with your own eyes.
▶️None can slow the path of the Scourge.

Boss' turn 1

Tyrande Whisperwind
▶️Illidan! What trickery is this? Have you come to finish me off personally?
▶️No, Tyrande. You must believe me. I've come to save you!
Tyrande Whisperwind
▶️Save me?

Boss' turn 3

Tyrande Whisperwind
▶️Fight on my warriors, we must hold onto hope.

Boss' turn 5

Tyrande Whisperwind
▶️We've got to keep fighting. It cannot end this way.


Death Knight Velas


Death Knight Velas
Tyrande Whisperwind
▶️You... risked your life for me. I don't understand.
▶️Whatever I may be - whatever I may become in this world, know that I will always look out for you, Tyrande.
▶️We have had much strife between us, but, for my part, I wish it to end. From this day forward, let there be peace between us, Illidan.


Death Knight Velas
▶️The Lich King calls for your blades...

Lore[edit | edit source]

Illidan's servants had not been successful in destroying the boats. Maiev and the Watchers arrived on the Broken Isles shortly after Illidan, and the two forces battled across the watery terrain. Illidan reached the tomb, and Maiev was quick to follow. With Gul'dan's knowledge, Illidan quickly traversed the Tomb and came to the chamber which contained the  Eye of Sargeras. Maiev came upon him as he and Vashj were activating the powerful artifact, and, as vengeance for her imprisoning him for 10,000 years, Illidan used the Eye to bring the Tomb down around her, and then quickly escaped through the underwater passages used by the naga. Though he killed  Naisha and all the other Watchers within the Tomb, Maiev escaped with her magical abilities. On the surface, Illidan and Maiev battled for supremacy as the Warden sent out a runner to gather reinforcements from Ashenvale.
Malfurion and Tyrande arrived on the Broken Isles with reinforcements as Maiev's base was being overrun. When they struck back, Illidan's forces crumbled, but he and his retainers fled before they were seriously harmed. Tyrande pursued them out of the base, and Illidan ensnared her to protect himself, and then warned her not to interfere. He fled across the sea once again. During this battle, Tyrande finally revealed why she had spurned Illidan: too drunk with his rising magical and political power, he had forgotten his own inner strength. Malfurion, despite his increases in power, held on to that strength within him. Armed with this knowledge, Illidan finally came to grips with his feelings.
Illidan landed on the shore of Lordaeron, and quickly made his way through the Silverpine Forest to get to Dalaran, where Illidan began to use the Eye of Sargeras to break apart the polar ice cap and destroy Icecrown and the Frozen Throne. But he was interrupted by Maiev and Malfurion, and the spell failed. Malfurion had felt Illidan's spell tearing the land apart and concluded that he was a danger to the world and had to be stopped. Illidan, who was entangled by his brother, called Malfurion a fool as he was destroying the Lich King, their common enemy. Malfurion was furious at him for causing the loss of Tyrande, who had been, according to Maiev, killed. Illidan was heartbroken that the woman he loved was dead, but  Prince Kael'thas, the night elves' newest ally, thought that perhaps it was premature to presume her dead. Kael'thas explained that Tyrande had not been "torn apart" by the undead, as Maiev had told Malfurion, but had instead fallen into a river and been swept away by the currents. Malfurion immediately arrested the Warden and promptly went in search of Tyrande. Illidan begged to be allowed to help his brother track down the beloved priestess. Illidan and his personal guard of naga found Tyrande under heavy attack from a massive undead force.
Illidan and his naga battled their way through the undead until they reached her. Tyrande was taken aback by Illidan's service to her, and when he delivered her safely to Malfurion, she was astonished. Malfurion told Illidan he was free to go on the condition that he never threaten the night elves again. Illidan, wishing for an end to the conflict with his brother, agreed.


  • Malfurion Stormrage, full art

    Malfurion Stormrage, full art

Patch changes

Card changes

Book of Heroes
Jaina (Mage)

Story 01 JainaYoung.pngStory 01 JainaMid.pngStory 01 Jaina.png Jaina Proudmoore

Rexxar (Hunter)

Story 02 RexxarYoung.pngStory 02 RexxarWar.pngStory 02 RexxarMid.pngStory 02 Rexxar.png Rexxar

Garrosh (Warrior)

Story 03 YoungGarrosh.pngStory 03 HordeGarrosh2.pngStory 03 MakGoraGarrosh.pngStory 03 Garrosh2.pngStory 03 CorruptGarrosh.png Garrosh Hellscream

Uther (Paladin)

Story 04 UtherPriest.pngStory 04 UtherYoung.pngStory 04 Uther.png Uther Lightbringer

Anduin (Priest)

Story 05 AnduinYoung.pngStory 05 AnduinSI7.pngStory 05 Anduin.pngStory 05 AnduinKing.png Anduin

Valeera (Rogue)

Story 06 Valeera 001hp.pngStory 06 Valeera 004hp.png Valeera

Story 06 Valeera 009hb.png Possessed Valeera

Thrall (Shaman)

Story 07 Thrall 001hp.pngStory 07 Thrall 002hp.pngStory 07 Thrall 004hp.pngStory 07 Thrall 008hp.png Thrall

Malfurion (Druid)

Story 08 Malfurion 001hp.pngStory 08 Malfurion 004hp.pngStory 08 Malfurion 006hp.pngStory 08 Malfurion 007hp.png Malfurion

Gul'dan (Warlock)

Story 09 Guldan 001hp.pngStory 09 Guldan 003hp.pngStory 09 Guldan 005hp.pngStory 09 Guldan 007hp.png Gul'dan

Illidan (Demon Hunter)

Story 10 Illidan 001hp.pngStory 10 Illidan 003hp.pngStory 10 Illidan 006hp.png Illidan

Story 10 IllidanMal 004hp.png Illidan and Malfurion

Faelin (Druid)

HERO 06u.png Faelin

Story 11 Caye 012hp.png Caye Stardusk

Story 11 Dathril 011hp.png Dathril Evenlar

Story 11 Grace 005hp.png Grace Farsail

Story 11 Halus 010hp.png Halus Sunwatcher

Story 11 Ini 004hp.png Ini Stormcoil

Story 11 Finley 009hp.png Sir Finley
