

  • ️Tue Oct 29 2024

Murmur is a legendary shaman minion card, from the The Great Dark Beyond set.

How to get

Card packsThe Regular version can be opened from any of these packs:

Shaman Pack


The Great Dark Beyond

Year of the Pegasus

Regular1 (random)
Card packsThe Golden version can be opened from any of these packs:

Shaman Pack


Golden Standard

The Great Dark Beyond

Year of the Pegasus

Golden Year of the Pegasus

Golden The Great Dark Beyond

Golden1 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 1600 Dust.pngRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 3200 Dust.pngGolden1
RunComplete an Arena run.Regular1 (random)
Achievement Climbing the Ranks
(Reach Legend in Ranked (any format).).
Regular 1 (random)

Previous availability

Murmur used to be obtainable through these means.

Bundle Buy the Diamond Murmur & Diamond Exarch Maladaar in the Shop from February 4, 2025 until February 18, 2025 for $59.99 or 6000 Runestone.pngRunestones.Diamond 1
Bundle Buy the Diamond Murmur Bundle in the Shop from February 4, 2025 until February 18, 2025 for $59.99 or 6000 Runestone.pngRunestones.Diamond 1


  • ▶️ Murmur_Play.wav <summon sound>
  • ▶️ GDB_448Murmur_Stinger.wav <music stinger>
  • ▶️ Murmur_Attack.wav <attack sound>
  • ▶️ Murmur_Death.wav <death sound>


Murmur is the fourth and final boss of the Shadow Labyrinth, an instance wing of Auchindoun.
Variously described as a "cosmic being", "extra-planar being", "warp-beast", or "the essence of sound", According to the Codex of Blood, Murmur was born long ago in a dimension of the cosmos unfathomable to mortal minds. It was so powerful that its entrance into existence shattered all reality around it. Mindless and existing only for chaos, its barest whisper was enough to destroy entire worlds.
Some mortals tried to worship Murmur as a god, with some even attempting to control it, but the elemental didn't care and likely didn't even notice their presence. When it yawned, they were destroyed. However, one sorcerous mortal somehow managed to survive and devised a ritual through which he and his conspirators could bring Murmur into their world using vast amounts of captured souls. Whole civilizations were brought to extinction through his soul devices, and eventually he and his allies managed to summon the creature. They used powerful containment and silencing magics—fueled by a constant supply of souls—to keep Murmur contained, but they were unable to bend it to their will and so began devising different strategies. One after another, they failed, and in the process, they weakened the rituals and accidentally gave Murmur the slightest modicum of freedom. The Codex of Blood is the only thing that survived the subsequent cataclysm that destroyed their world.
When Teron'gor and the warlocks of the orcish Shadow Council faced heavy resistance from the draenei entrenched in Auchindoun, they reached beyond the veil of reality in the hopes of summoning a powerful demon to aid them. Instead, they accidentally summoned Murmur, who materialized within Auchindoun. The shockwave of its arrival blasted the tomb city apart, killed many of the draenei, and leveled the surrounding forests, turning them into a charred wasteland later called the Bone Wastes. After overwhelming the surviving draenei, the Shadow Council contained Murmur within the city and left behind a few warlocks to keep the creature from getting loose and wreaking havoc on the Horde.


  • Murmur, full art

  • Murmur in World of Warcraft

Patch changes

Card changes

Bug fixes and other changes

  • GDB Logo Adventure.pngPatch (2025-01-21):
    • Diamond card unlock requirement is now: "Purchasable when available in the shop." (previously: no special unlock requirement).
    • Now has Diamond version.

External links