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You might be looking for one of these cards: Siamat (boss), Siamat (Core).

Siamat is a legendary neutral minion card, from the Saviors of Uldum set.

Other versions

CORE ULD 178.png

How to get

Card packsThe Regular version can be opened from any of these packs:

Saviors of Uldum

Year of the Dragon


Regular1 (random)
Card packsThe Golden version can be opened from any of these packs:

Saviors of Uldum

Year of the Dragon


Golden Wild

Golden1 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 1600 Dust.pngRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 3200 Dust.pngGolden1

Choice cards


To edit these notes, go to Template:Siamat notes.

  • Siamat displays the four choice cards when played. After selecting one, he'll display only the three left unchosen.
    • If Siamat's Battlecry is doubled, he will display all four options again on the second trigger (third choice). Picking the same keyword twice has no functional use, however.


  • ▶️ VO_ULD_178_Male_Elemental_Play_01.wav Winds of the south, come to my aid!
  • ▶️ Siamat_Play_Stinger.wav <music stinger>
  • ▶️ VO_ULD_178_Male_Elemental_Attack_02.wav Unleashed!
  • ▶️ VO_ULD_178_Male_Elemental_Death_01.wav <death sound>


Siamat, Lord of the South Wind, is the final boss in the Lost City of the Tol'vir.

He is a member of the Conclave of Wind. He was sent by Al'Akir at the behest of  Deathwing to the Neferset tol'vir to cure them of the Curse of Flesh in exchange for their loyalty. After becoming exhausted from converting the population of Neferset into their stoney bodies, the Neferset turned on him, trapping him within the tower at the center of their lost city. After slaying the leaders of the city, adventurers accidently freed Siamat. He was then defeated within the crumbled ruins of the tower that imprisoned him.



  • Siamat, full art

  • Siamat in the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game

  • Siamat in World of Warcraft

    Siamat in World of Warcraft

Patch changes

Card changes

Bug fixes and other changes


External links

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