
Siphoning Growth

Siphoning Growth is a rare warrior spell card, from the Into the Emerald Dream set.

How to get

Siphoning Growth is Not Yet Released. Once released, it will be obtainable through these means.

Card packsThe Regular version can be opened from any of these packs:

Warrior Pack


Into the Emerald Dream

Regular1~2 (random)
Card packsThe Golden version can be opened from any of these packs:

Warrior Pack


Golden Standard

Into the Emerald Dream

Golden Into the Emerald Dream

Golden1~2 (random)
CraftingCraft a Regular copy for 100 Dust.pngRegular1
CraftingCraft a Golden copy for 800 Dust.pngGolden1
RunComplete an Arena run.Regular1 (random)
RankedOpen the Highest Rank Bonus chest at the end of season.Regular1~7 (random)


  • Siphoning Growth, full art

    Siphoning Growth, full art

External links