
Venim Iceblade

  • ️Tue Dec 15 2020

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The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

It is a part of limited content and does not appear in any other game modes.

The subject of this article is only available in Solo Adventures.

Venim Iceblade is the sixth boss in Paladin's Book of Heroes adventure.

Hero Power[edit | edit source]



Player's hero[edit | edit source]

Uther Lightbringer

Equip Lightbringer Rank 2

Special cards[edit | edit source]



Decks[edit | edit source]

The below classes are listed purely for reference, and have no effect on the boss' use of the cards during the battle.

Venim Iceblade Uther Lightbringer
Class Card Quantity Class Card Quantity
Boss  Death and Decay 2 Boss  Lordaeron Attendant 2
 Skeletal Smith 2 Libram of Wisdom 2
 Iceblade 4  Unbroken Faith 2
 Necroknight 2 Prince Arthas 1
Pure Cold 2  Radiant Lightspawn 2
Druid  Ultimate Infestation 1 Jaina Proudmoore 1
Mage  Frostbolt 2 Paladin  Brazen Zealot 2
 Arcane Intellect 2  Air Raid 2
 Coldwraith 2  Subdue 2
 Frost Nova 2  Consecration 2
Neutral  Grim Necromancer 2  Paragon of Light 2
 Wicked Skeleton 2  Blessing of Kings 2
 Abomination 1  Stand Against Darkness 2
 Skelemancer 2  Quartermaster 2
 Spectral Knight 2  Libram of Hope 2
Paladin, Priest  Devout Pupil 2


To edit these notes, go to Template:Venim Iceblade notes.

Dialogue[edit | edit source]

Before match

Uther Lightbringer (present)
▶️I was right. The orcs weren't a threat to us - something far worse was rising.
▶️It began when Jaina Proudmoore warned me that Arthas was under attack in the village of Hearthglen.
▶️I rushed to help him. What else could I do?


Uther Lightbringer
▶️For Lordaeron! For the king!
Prince Arthas
▶️Uther, your timing couldn't have been better.
Uther Lightbringer
▶️Don't celebrate yet, son. This battle is far from over!

Emote Response

Venim Iceblade
▶️I see.

Hero Power

Venim Iceblade
▶️One by one, they turn.
▶️All submit sooner or later.
▶️Mal'Ganis is watching...


Venim Iceblade
▶️You mustn't bother killing me. I've already been through that!
▶️The master has great plans for young Arthas.
▶️We've infected all of the grain. There is no hope for you.

Turn 1

Venim Iceblade
▶️You will freeze together!

Turn 4

Uther Lightbringer
▶️What are these abominations?
Prince Arthas
▶️The Scourge. They started this plague by infecting the villagers' grain. And all who perish join them.
Uther Lightbringer
▶️We knew people were getting sick, but not the cause...

Turn 7

Uther Lightbringer
▶️I'm surprised that you kept things together as long as you did.
Prince Arthas
▶️Look, I did the best I could, Uther!
Uther Lightbringer
▶️Now is not the time to be choking on pride! What we face here is only the beginning.


Prince Arthas
▶️We should strike at their leader! I'll go to Stratholme and kill Mal'Ganis myself if I have to!
Uther Lightbringer
▶️Easy, lad. Brave as you are, you can't hope to defeat him all by yourself.
Prince Arthas
▶️I'm going. With or without you.


Venim Iceblade
▶️Curious... he perished sooner than the master planned.

Lore[edit | edit source]

Venim Iceblade was a lich that fought during The Scourge of Lordaeron against the Alliance. Celebrated for a short time as a hero of the Scourge, his courage and skill in battle was only matched by his unconventional strategies, such as using Caravans in battle and surprise, overwhelming tactics.
Venim Iceblade was the leader of a purple Undead Scourge base located near Hearthglen. One night he and Calis Wraithson decided to attack Hearthglen and all the nearby villages. They sent an Undead Caravan to the villages and undeads against Hearthglen. A devoted follower of the Cult of the Damned and one of the first to become a Lich, Venim began an aggressive campaign of Scourge domination with his ally and friend Calis Wraithson, eclipsing in their attack on Hearthglen.
His powers of Necromancy were legendary, and he summoned many great skeleton and horrors terrifying many of the defenders of Hearthglen even before they attacked. He was confident in the Scourge's ability to destroy life and took great joy in unleashing them en masse with the intent of surprising or overwhelming the paltry human reistance.
As Arthas and  Jaina Proudmoore were investigating rumors of plague, they were attacked again and again by the forces of the Scourge posing as the personal army of the dreadlord Mal'Ganis.  Kel'Thuzad helped play the part by telling Arthas that it was Mal'Ganis himself and not the Lich King behind the plague. Each attack, each town destroyed hit at Arthas' weakness, his pride. Arthas began to take his inability to protect his people from the Scourge personally, and soon became obsessed with killing the dreadlord.
Meanwhile in Hearthglen Arthas arrived and killed the infected villagers, and then prepared the defense of the city. The time taken to destroy Hearthglen was frustrating Venim, who attacked from the north into the Town Centre, despite his powers and skill, he was struck down at the end of the battle and killed along his forces by  Arthas Menethil, Uther the Lightbringer, the city defenders and the Knights of the Silver Hand.

Trivia[edit | edit source]


  • Venim Iceblade, full art

Patch changes

Card changes

Book of Heroes
Jaina (Mage)

Story 01 JainaYoung.pngStory 01 JainaMid.pngStory 01 Jaina.png Jaina Proudmoore

Rexxar (Hunter)

Story 02 RexxarYoung.pngStory 02 RexxarWar.pngStory 02 RexxarMid.pngStory 02 Rexxar.png Rexxar

Garrosh (Warrior)

Story 03 YoungGarrosh.pngStory 03 HordeGarrosh2.pngStory 03 MakGoraGarrosh.pngStory 03 Garrosh2.pngStory 03 CorruptGarrosh.png Garrosh Hellscream

Uther (Paladin)

Story 04 UtherPriest.pngStory 04 UtherYoung.pngStory 04 Uther.png Uther Lightbringer

Anduin (Priest)

Story 05 AnduinYoung.pngStory 05 AnduinSI7.pngStory 05 Anduin.pngStory 05 AnduinKing.png Anduin

Valeera (Rogue)

Story 06 Valeera 001hp.pngStory 06 Valeera 004hp.png Valeera

Story 06 Valeera 009hb.png Possessed Valeera

Thrall (Shaman)

Story 07 Thrall 001hp.pngStory 07 Thrall 002hp.pngStory 07 Thrall 004hp.pngStory 07 Thrall 008hp.png Thrall

Malfurion (Druid)

Story 08 Malfurion 001hp.pngStory 08 Malfurion 004hp.pngStory 08 Malfurion 006hp.pngStory 08 Malfurion 007hp.png Malfurion

Gul'dan (Warlock)

Story 09 Guldan 001hp.pngStory 09 Guldan 003hp.pngStory 09 Guldan 005hp.pngStory 09 Guldan 007hp.png Gul'dan

Illidan (Demon Hunter)

Story 10 Illidan 001hp.pngStory 10 Illidan 003hp.pngStory 10 Illidan 006hp.png Illidan

Story 10 IllidanMal 004hp.png Illidan and Malfurion

Faelin (Druid)

HERO 06u.png Faelin

Story 11 Caye 012hp.png Caye Stardusk

Story 11 Dathril 011hp.png Dathril Evenlar

Story 11 Grace 005hp.png Grace Farsail

Story 11 Halus 010hp.png Halus Sunwatcher

Story 11 Ini 004hp.png Ini Stormcoil

Story 11 Finley 009hp.png Sir Finley


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