


"I play to win!"

Basic Info
Title MEKA Pilot
Role Bruiser Bruiser
Franchise Overwatch Overwatch
Price Gem625 / Money7,000
Release Date May 16, 2017
Data Page
D.Va (Mech)
Base Stats
Attack Type Ranged
Health 2150
Health Regen 4.4792
Resource 100 Charge
Unit Radius 1.1875
Attack Speed 4.00
Attack Range 3.75
Attack Damage 22
Data Page
D.Va (Pilot)
Base Stats
Attack Type Ranged
Health 1109
Health Regen 2.5664
Resource 100 Charge
Unit Radius 0.625
Attack Speed 4.00
Attack Range 5.5
Attack Damage 55
Data Page

D.Va, the MEKA Pilot, is a ranged bruiser hero from the Overwatch universe. A former pro gamer turned ace mech pilot, D.Va jet-boosts through the Nexus, relying on her powerful cannons and defensive barrier to end skirmishes with a professional's flair.

Hana Song, also known as "D.Va," is both a world champion professional gamer and a burgeoning global icon. As a member of South Korea's elite MEKA unit, she fights to protect her homeland from the colossal omnic threat lurking within the East China Sea.

D.Va is a hard-to-kill Bruiser that can peel enemies away from her allies with high disruption.


Overwatch This section concerns content exclusive to the Overwatch universe.

D.Va is a former professional gamer who now uses her skills to pilot a state-of-the-art mech in defense of her homeland.

Twenty years ago, South Korea was attacked by a colossal omnic monstrosity that rose from the depths of the East China Sea. The massive, lumbering construct caused catastrophic damage to coastal cities before it was driven back beneath the waves. In response, the South Korean government developed a mechanized armored drone unit, called MEKA, to protect urban environments in future engagements with the omnic threat.

The government's fears proved to be well founded, as a disturbing pattern of attacks emerged. Every few years, the monstrosity would rise from the sea to assault South Korea and its neighbors. The omnic learned from these encounters, often reconfiguring itself in a different form and appearing with new weapons and capabilities. Each incident ended in a stalemate, with the monstrosity defeated but not destroyed.

As the omnic continued to adapt, it eventually disrupted MEKA's drone-control networks, forcing the military to place pilots in the mechs. Scrambling to find suitable candidates, the government turned to the country's professional gamers, who possessed the necessary reflexes and instincts to operate the mechs' advanced weapons systems. Top stars were drafted, including reigning world champion Hana Song, also known as "D.Va." Famous for her elite skills, D.Va was a fierce competitor who played to win at all costs, and she had a well-earned reputation for showing no mercy to her opponents.

Seeing her new mission as a game, D.Va fearlessly charges into battle alongside the rest of her MEKA unit, ready to spring to her nation's defense at a moment's notice. Recently, she has begun to stream combat operations to her adoring fans, and her growing following has turned her into a global icon.


Within the Nexus, D.Va is a stance-based Bruiser. Her trait is Mech Mode and Pilot Mode. She rides her mech by default, which has the additional trait Fusion Cannons, which allows her to attack in an area in front of her while moving but at reduced speed, and deal bonus damage to nearby enemies. On death, she pops out of her mech, gaining a new skillset and a ranged pistol, but very low health. Each form is only worth half of a kill.

  • In Mech Mode, her basic abilities are Boosters, which grants a short speed boost, damaging and knocking back enemies the first time they're hit; Defense Matrix, generating a field in front of her that reduces enemy damage which can be aimed in a new location by reactivating the skill, and Self Destruct, jumping out of her mech, which then explodes for massive damage after a few seconds. Instead of having a cooldown, Self Destruct charges up when D.Va deals or takes damage.
  • In Pilot Mode, she instead uses Big Shot, dealing damage and slowing enemies in a line after a delay, and Call Mech, which lets her switch back to Mech Mode. If she entered Pilot Mode by dying, Call Mech starts on a long cooldown which can be reduced by hitting enemies with Big Shot or basic attacks, otherwise it's available as soon as the mech explodes.

Both of her Heroics can only be used in Mech Mode. Her first Heroic is Bunny Hop. D.Va's mech begins hopping up and down, dealing damage in an area around it. Every fourth hit against the same hero will stun them. Her other heroic is Micro Missiles, an ability with two charges that unleashes a barrage of missiles in an area in front of D.Va, slowing enemies they hit.

In Mech Mode, D.Va does not have access to a mount or equivalent ability; however, her Boosters have a low cooldown and can be used for transport. In Pilot Mode, she can use mounts as usual.


  • Impressive teamfight mobility with Boosters
  • Can mitigate significant amounts of enemy Hero damage with Defense Matrix
  • Solid initiation
  • Incredible damage and zoning potential with Self-Destruct


  • Mediocre waveclear
  • Slow movement while Boosters is on cooldown
  • No base-line crowd-control aside from knockback of Boosters
  • Susceptible to silences and crowd-control, especially while Defense Matrix is active


See Data Page for a table of scaled values at key levels.

Mech Mode Icon

Mech Mode

When D.Va's Mech dies, she is ejected out after 0.75 seconds and can continue to fight. D.Va's Mech only awards 50% of a normal Hero's XP upon dying.

Type: Transformation

Affects: Self

  • D.Va's Mech still awards full Takedown credit.
  • While in Mech Mode, D.Va's Mount is replaced with Mechanized Walker.

Fusion Cannons

D.Va's Mech Basic Attacks deal 22 damage in a large area every 0.25 seconds. Deals 40% bonus damage against enemies very close to the Mech.

Type: Physical damage

Scaling: 4.00%

Affects: Enemies

Range: 3.75 (1

Area of Effect: Rectangle

Width: 2.0

Height: 5.0 (1

Bonus damage range: 1.75

  • 1) Primary target must be within 3.75 range while secondary targets can be hit up to 5.0 range.
  • Upon issuing an attack command on an enemy unit, D.Va attempts to move to a range where the target enemy can be hit by bonus damage.
  • D.Va's Basic Attacks can hit secondary targets even if the primary target is Evading.
  • Bonus damage stacks additively with other offensive damage modifiers that can affect D.Va's Basic Attack damage.

Boosters Icon



Cooldown: 10 / 0.5 seconds

Increases D.Va's Movement Speed by 115% for 1.75 seconds. Enemies that are hit take 135 damage and are knocked away.

D.Va cannot be Slowed while Boosters are active, and each enemy can only be hit once per use.

Type: Spell damage, Crowd control / Status effect

Scaling: 4.00%

Affects: Enemies / Self

Targeting: No target

Cast time: Instant

Area of Effect: Circle

Radius: 1.375

Knockback duration: 0.1875 seconds

Knockback speed: 12

  • Boosters cannot be activated while Rooted.
  • The Ability can be reactivated after 0.5 seconds to end its effect early.
  • Not affected by cooldown reduction granted by allies.

Defense Matrix Icon


Defense Matrix

Cooldown: 10 / 0.5 seconds

Project a defensive field in the target direction for 3 seconds, reducing damage dealt by enemy Heroes inside it by 60%.

Activate again to change the angle of the projection.

Damage dealt to the Mech from enemies within Defense Matrix still grants the same amount of Self-Destruct Charge.

Type: Offensive damage modifier

Affects: Enemy Heroes

Targeting: Point target

Cast time: 0.125 + CH + 0 seconds

Range: 0.5 (1

Area of Effect: Trapezoid

- Inner: 2.0
- Outer: 6.0

Height: 6.5

Tickrate: 16 per second

Debuff duration: 0.3125 seconds

Retarget cooldown: 0.5 seconds

  • 1) Offset to the start of the area.
  • Defense Matrix can be canceled using the trait button to end its effect early.
  • Damage reduction from Defense Matrix stacks multiplicatively with other offensive damage modifiers affecting the target Heroes' damage output.

Self Destruct Icon



Requires Mech Mode. Eject from the Mech, setting it to self-destruct after 4 seconds. Deals 400 to 1100 damage in a large area, depending on distance from center. Deals 50% damage against Structures.

Gain 1% Charge for every 2 seconds spent Basic Attacking, and 25% Charge per 100% of Mech Health lost.

Type: Spell damage, Crowd control

Scaling: 4.00%

Affects: Enemies

Targeting: No target

Cast time: Instant

Area of Effect: Circle

Radius: 10

Knockback duration: 0.1875 seconds

Knockback speed: 16

  • Each Basic Attack grants 0.125% Self-Destruct Charge (even if the attack misses due to being Blinded or the target Evading). Hitting multiple enemies does not increase the Charge gained.
  • Charge gained from damage taken is calculated after all damage modifications, excluding Defense Matrix.
  • Self-Destruct can be activated while Boosters can be deactivated after leaving the Mech to stop it in its place.
  • If Mech has taken fatal damage Self-Destruct cannot be used.
  • Upon cast D.Va is ejected from the back of the Mech and the Mech itself becomes Unkillable and turns into a Heroic Pet, allowing it to be hit by Abilities that can target Heroes.
  • Exploding Mech can be afflicted and moved with crowd control and Stasis effects, like Stitches's Gorge, but these effects cannot suppress the Mech's explosion. Explosion can only be delayed by placing the Mech in Time Stop.
  • Using Self-Destruct to eject from the Mech awards no experience or Takedown credit to enemies.
  • If the Mech is Rooted prior to D.Va ejecting and the root expires before it explodes, it will move toward the location of the last move order issued while D.Va was in the Mech.
  • At certain Hero levels, explodes immediately when hit by Malthael's Throwing Shade.

Bunny Hop Icon


Bunny Hop

Cooldown: 70 / 1.0 seconds

D.Va's Mech becomes Unstoppable and stomps every 0.5 seconds, dealing 78 damage in a large area. Every 4th consecutive hit on a Hero deals 80% more damage and Stuns them for 0.5 seconds. Lasts 4 seconds.

Requires Mech Mode.

Type: Spell damage / Crowd control / Status effect

Scaling: 4.00%

Affects: Enemies / Enemy Heroes / Self

Targeting: No target

Cast time: Instant

Area of Effect: Circle

Radius: 4.5

Tickrate: 2.0 per second (x8)

  • Bunny Hop can be canceled after 1 second to end its effect early.

Micro Missiles Icon


Micro Missiles

Cooldown: 20 seconds

After 0.375 seconds Channel to launch a volley of 12 missiles in a target direction. Each missile impacts the first enemy in its path, dealing 40 damage in a small area and Slowing by 30% for 2 seconds.

Stores 2 charges with a 3 second cooldown between each use.

Requires Mech Mode.

Type: Spell damage, Crowd control

Scaling: 4.00%

Affects: Enemies

Targeting: Point target

Cast time: 0.0625 + CH + 0 seconds

Range: 12

Area of Effect: Circle

Radius: 1.25

Hitbox: 1.0 x 1.0

Tickrate: 5.33 per second (x6)

Initial delay: 0.3125 seconds

  • The launch location of left and right missile are each chosen at random from three possible horizontal offsets from the center: x=[±0.2, ±0.95, ±1.2].
  • Missiles splash in an area upon hitting a target or upon reaching the end location.

Mechanized Walker Icon

Mechanized Walker

D.Va's Mech can shoot while moving. While shooting or channeling an Ability the Mech's Movement Speed is quickly reduced by 25%.

Tickrate: 8.0 per second (x4)

Movement speed per tick: 0.2968 (6.25%)

  • Mechanized Walker directly affects D.Va's base Movement Speed, causing the reduction to stack multiplicatively with Slows and Movement Speed buffs.
  • D.Va does not suffer the Movement Speed penalty from Mechanized Walker while using Boosters. Activating Boosters also immediately removes the reduction.

Pilot Mode Icon

Pilot Mode

Basic Attacks reduce the cooldown of Call Mech by 0.5 seconds. As a Pilot, D.Va only awards 50% of a normal Hero's XP upon dying.

  • D.Va can Mount normally while in Pilot Mode

Torpedo Dash Icon


Torpedo Dash

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Dash toward the target location, passing through enemies along the way.

This Ability becomes available with the Good To Go talent at level 13

Type: Movement: Dash

Affects: Self

Targeting: Point target

Cast time: Instant

Range: 4.5

Missile speed: 14

  • Torpedo Dash has a 0.75 second coolup after exiting Mech.
  • D.Va's Basic Attack is placed on a 0.25 second cooldown when Torpedo Dash ends. Abilities can be used immediately.
  • Benefits from cooldown reduction granted by allies.

Concussive Pulse Icon


Concussive Pulse

Cooldown: 10 seconds

Deal 120 damage to enemies in a cone and knock them back.

This Ability becomes available with the Good To Go talent at level 13

Type: Spell damage, Crowd control

Scaling: 4.00%

Affects: Enemies

Targeting: Point target

Cast time: 0.0625 + 0.4375 seconds

Area of Effect: Radial

Radius: 6.0

Arc: 60 degrees

Knockback duration: 0.1875 seconds (1

Knockback speed: 14

  • 1) Knockback happens in three 0.0625 second long pulses.
  • Benefits from cooldown reduction granted by allies.

Call Mech Icon


Call Mech

Cooldown: 45 seconds

Call a new Mech and enter Mech Mode. Basic Attacks lower this cooldown by 0.5 seconds each.

Type: Transformation

Affects: Self

Targeting: No target

Cast time: 0.5 (ch) + 0 seconds

  • This Ability has no cooldown if Self-Destruct was used to enter Pilot Mode. However, it remains disabled until the Mech has exploded.
  • Entering the Mech successfully fully heals D.Va's Pilot form,removes most debuffs, and resets the cooldown of Defense Matrix.
  • Interrupting Call Mech during its cast puts it on a 4 second cooldown.

Big Shot Icon


Big Shot

Cooldown: 6 seconds

Deal 150 damage to all enemies in a line. Heroes hit have their Movement Speed reduced by 25% for 1.5 seconds. The cooldown of Call Mech is reduced by 5 seconds for each enemy Hero hit.

Requires Pilot Mode.

Type: Spell damage / Crowd contrl

Scaling: 4.00%

Affects: Enemies / Enemy Heroes

Targeting: Point target

Cast time: 0.5 (ch) + 0 seconds

Area of Effect: Rectangle

Width: 1.5

Height: 15

  • This Ability occupies the Heroic Ability slot in Pilot Mode, but is available from the start of the game.
  • Interrupting Big Shot during its windup puts it on full cooldown.



Full Metal Icon

Full Metal

D.Va's Mech gains 10% increased Health and its Fusion Cannons heal for 16% of the damage dealt to enemies in its bonus area.

Type: Bonus Health, Healing

Scaling: -

Affects: Self

  • Does not reduce the amount of Self-Destruct Charge gained.

Pro Moves Icon

Pro Moves

D.Va's Mech gains 2% Movement Speed and 2 Armor every time it takes damage, stacking up to 15 times. Stacks of this effect decay every 0.5 seconds.

Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes in Pilot Mode reduce the cooldown of Call Mech by 1 additional second.

Type: Status effect, Defensive damage modifier

Affects: Self

  • Stacks additively with itself, but not with other positive Armor effects. Other defensive damage modifiers may stack.

Liquid Cooling Icon

Liquid Cooling

Cooldown: 50 seconds
Activate to gain the effects of a Healing Fountain. Requires Mech Mode.

Passive: While in Mech Mode, Healing Fountain's cooldown is reduced to 50 seconds and its effects last 50% longer.

Type: Healing

Scaling: -

Affects: Self

Targeting: No Target

Cast time: Instant

Tickrate: 1.0 per second


Rush-down Icon


Boosters deals an additional 2% of maximum Health as damage to Heroes and heals D.Va's Mech for the damage dealt. Boosters deals 50% increased damage to non-Heroic enemies.

Type: Spell damage / Healing / Offensive damage modifier

Scaling: -

Affects: Enemy Heroes / Self / Ability

  • Bonus damage to Heroes is dealt in a separate instance from Boosters damage.
  • Healing is based only on bonus damage dealt to Heroes.
  • Bonus damage to non-Heroes stacks additively with other offensive damage modifiers that can affect Boosters's damage.

Aggression Matrix Icon

Aggression Matrix

Enemy Heroes within your Defense Matrix receive 35% less healing.

Passive: Basic Attacks against Heroes lower the cooldown of Defense Matrix by 0.1875 seconds.

Type: Healing received modifier

Affects: Enemy Heroes

  • Cooldown reduction triggers from every enemy Hero hit by Fusion Cannons.
  • Stacks additively with other healing modifiers that affect the target's healing received.

Nuclear Option Icon

Nuclear Option

Hitting your self-destructing Mech with Big Shot causes it to explode 40% faster.

Passive: When Fusion Cannons deal bonus damage to an enemy Hero, gain 0.25% Self Destruct Charge.


Get On The Point! Icon

Get On The Point!

Casting Boosters grants nearby allies 20% Movement Speed for 3 seconds.

Passive: If D.Va hasn't taken damage in the last 2 seconds, Boosters's cooldown refreshes 100% faster.

Type: Status effect

Affects: Allies

Range: 7

Hit the Nitrous Icon

Hit the Nitrous

The initial speed bonus of Boosters is increased to 300%, then decays to normal boost speed over 0.5 seconds. During this time Boosters Stuns for 0.5 seconds.

Type: Crowd control

Affects: Enemies

Fusion Generator Icon

Fusion Generator

Every time an enemy deals damage while inside Defense Matrix, D.Va's Self-Destruct Charge increases by 1%. Max of 20% Charge gained per use.

Passive: While at full Self-Destruct Charge, Fusion Cannons's bonus damage is increased to 100%.


Bunny Hop Icon

Bunny Hop

Cooldown: 70 seconds
D.Va's Mech becomes Unstoppable and stomps every 0.5 seconds, dealing 78 damage in a large area. Every 4th consecutive hit on a Hero deals 80% more damage and Stuns them for 0.5 seconds. Lasts 4 seconds.

Requires Mech Mode.

Micro Missiles Icon

Micro Missiles

Cooldown: 19 seconds
After 0.375 seconds Channel to launch a volley of 12 missiles in a target direction. Each missile impacts the first enemy in its path, dealing 40 damage in a small area and Slowing by 30% for 2 seconds.

Stores 2 charges with a 3 second cooldown between each use.

Requires Mech Mode.


Target Locked Icon

Target Locked

Enemy Heroes that remain in your Defense Matrix for 0.75 seconds have their Armor reduced by 15 and their Movement Speed reduced by 25% for 3 seconds.

Type: Defensive damage modifier, Crowd control

Affects: Enemy Heroes

  • Target must remain continuously within Defense Matrix to receive the debuff.
  • The timer starts again immediately after the target receives the debuff, allowing it to be applied multiple times within the same cast of Defense Matrix.
  • Does not stack with other negative Armor effects. Other defensive damage modifiers may stack.

Good To Go Icon

Good To Go

Pilot Mode: Unlocks the Torpedo Dash and Concussive Pulse abilities.

Torpedo Dash: Dash a short distance. 10 second cooldown.

Concussive Pulse: Deal 120 damage to enemies in a cone and knock them back. 10 second cooldown.

Pew! Pew! Pew! Icon

Pew! Pew! Pew!

Pilot Mode: Instead of a single shot, Big Shot fires 3 shots over 0.5 seconds. Each shot deals 75% damage.

Type: Offensive damage modifier

Affects: Ability

  • Damage reduction stacks additively with other offensive damage modifiers that can affect Big Shot's damage.


In For The Kill (DVa) Icon

In For The Kill

Casting Boosters grants a Shield equal to 10% of maximum life for 2.5 seconds. Each enemy Hero hit by Boosters increases D.Va's Mech's Basic Attack damage by 10% for 5 seconds, stacking up to 5 times.

Type: Shield, Offensive damage modifier

Scaling: -

Affects: Self

  • Damage bonus stacks additively with itself and other offensive damage modifiers that can affect D.Va's Mech's Basic Attack damage.

Diverting Power Icon

Diverting Power

Defense Matrix's area grows drastically in size and each time it reduces damage dealt to Heroes D.Va's Mech is healed for 31 Health.

Type: Healing

Scaling: 4.00%

Affects: Self

Bonus Height: 1.75

Bonus outer width: 3.0

Emergency Shielding Icon

Emergency Shielding

When D.Va's Mech would be destroyed, it instead gains a Shield that absorbs 290 damage over 8 seconds.

This effect has a 30 second cooldown.

Type: Shield

Scaling: 4.00%

Affects: Self

  • Damage from the instance that would have dealt fatal damage does not overflow to the Shield.


Stop and Pop Icon

Stop and Pop

Increase Bunny Hop's duration by 4 seconds, and it does not decay while D.Va's Mech is stationary.

Timing Attack Icon

Timing Attack

Micro Missiles gains an additional charge. Each time Micro Missiles hits an enemy Hero reduce its cooldown by 0.5 seconds and charge cooldown by 0.25 seconds.

Headshot! Icon


Pilot Mode: Increase Big Shot's damage by 75% and reduce its cooldown by 2 seconds.

Type: Offensive damage modifier

Affects: Ability

  • Damage bonus stacks additively with other offensive damage modifiers that can affect Big Shot's damage.

MEKAfall Icon

Ablative Armor

45% of Spell Damage dealt to D.Va's Mech is returned as Healing over 4 seconds.

Type: Healing

Scaling: -

Affects: Self

Tickrate: 1.0 per second

  • Healing amount is calculated from final damage taken, after all damage modifications.
  • Healing gained can be affected by healing dealt and healing received modifiers.
  • Spell Damage dealt to D.Va's Shields will not grant Healing.

Builds and guides[]

Icy Veins D.Va Guide

D.Va Community Build Guides @ HeroesFire

D.Va Community Build Guides @ Heroes Hearth


D.Va Skins

Rare MEKA Pilot

Backstory: Hana Song, also known as "D.Va," is both a world champion professional gamer and a burgeoning global icon. As a member of South Korea’s elite MEKA unit, she fights to protect her homeland from the colossal omnic threat lurking within the East China Sea.
D.Va MEKA Pilot
Gem625 / Money7,000
MEKA Pilot
D.Va Fiery
D.Va Major
D.Va Camo
Gem120 / Shard75
D.Va X-Treme
Gem120 / Shard75

D.Va Shining
Gem180 / Shard112

Legendary Goliath

Backstory: Few mechs are as versatile as the goliath combat walker. Armed with the latest aftermarket upgrades, Corporal Song can call in a new walker from TACCOM whenever she gets the go-ahead.
Features: Altered voice-over, themed abilities.
Notes: This skin theme is part of a shared theme of other universes merging into StarCraft skins.
D.Va Goliath
Gem600 / Shard1,200
D.Va Goliath Hazard
Gem600 / Shard1,200
D.Va Goliath Sharkmouth
Gem600 / Shard1,200
D.Va Goliath Devil Dogs
Gem600 / Shard1,200
Devil Dogs
D.Va Goliath Spectre
Gem600 / Shard1,200

Rare Pro

Backstory: Being a pro has its perks: sponsorship deals, an adoring fan base, customized polyfusion sequencers for your personal mecha... you know, little things.
D.Va Pro
Gem120 / Shard75
D.Va Pro Competitive
Gem120 / Shard75
D.Va Pro Elite
Gem120 / Shard75
D.Va Pro Perfect
Gem120 / Shard75
D.Va Pro Global
Gem120 / Shard75

Legendary The Destroyer

Backstory: Why be a Worldbreaker when you can be a Gamebreaker?
Features: Altered voice-over, themed abilities, and themed animations.
Notes: This skin theme is part of a shared theme of other universes merging into Warcraft skins.
D.Va the Destroyer
Gem750 / Shard1,600
D.Va the Destroyer Destroyerlisk
Gem750 / Shard1,600
D.Va the Destroyer Life-Binder
Gem750 / Shard1,600
D.Va the Destroyer Dreamer
Gem750 / Shard1,600
D.Va the Destroyer Spellweaver
Gem750 / Shard1,600


D.Va Portraits
Booster Seat Engaged! Portrait
Toys Booster Seat Engaged!Gem75 / Shard40
Carbot D.Va Portrait
Carbot D.VaGem120 / Shard75
Cruiser D.Va Portrait
Cruiser D.VaGem75 / Shard40
D.Va Emblem Portrait
D.Va EmblemGem75 / Shard40
D.Va Hero Portrait
D.Va Hero
D.Va Mastery Portrait
D.Va Mastery
D.Va the Destroyer Portrait
D.Va the DestroyerGem75 / Shard40

Illustrated D.Va Portrait
Illustrated D.VaGem75 / Shard40
Officer D.Va Portrait
Officer D.Va
Prima Ballerina D.Va Portrait
Toys II Prima Ballerina D.VaGem75 / Shard40


D.Va Sprays
Badge Spray
BadgeGem75 / Shard40
Bang Spray
BangGem75 / Shard40
Carbot D.Va Spray
Carbot D.VaGem120 / Shard75
Cosmic Rider D.Va Spray
Toys Cosmic Rider D.VaGem75 / Shard40
D.Saster Spray
D.SasterGem75 / Shard40
D.Va Confirmed Spray
D.Va ConfirmedGem75 / Shard40
D.Va Pixel Spray
D.Va PixelGem75 / Shard40
Máscara de D.Va Spray
Nexomania Máscara de D.VaGem120 / Shard75
Sticker D.Stroyer Spray
Sticker D.StroyerGem75 / Shard40


D.Va Pack 1 Emoji D.Va Pack 1 D.Va Happy D.Va Pack 2 Emoji D.Va Pack 2 D.Va Angry
Emoji Name Shortcut Emoji Name Shortcut
Emoji D.Va Pack 1 D.Va Happy D.Va Happy :dvahappy: Emoji D.Va Pack 2 D.Va Angry D.Va Angry :dvaangry:
Emoji D.Va Pack 1 D.Va ROFL D.Va ROFL :dvalol:
Emoji D.Va Pack 2 D.Va Cool D.Va Cool :dvacool:
Emoji D.Va Pack 1 D.Va Sad D.Va Sad :dvasad:
Emoji D.Va Pack 2 D.Va Oops D.Va Embarrassed :dvaoops:
Emoji D.Va Pack 1 D.Va Silly D.Va Silly :dvasilly:
Emoji D.Va Pack 2 D.Va Love D.Va in Love :dvalove:
Emoji D.Va Pack 1 D.Va Meh D.Va Speechless :dvameh:
Emoji D.Va Pack 2 D.Va Surprised D.Va Surprised :dvawow:



  • D.Va made her debut in Overwatch (May 2016).
  • D.Va is voiced by Charlet Chung.
  • D.Va hails from South Korea, and is 19 years old.
    • She is also currently the only Overwatch bruiser hero in the game.
    • She is also the fourth Overwatch hero in the game.
  • Fiery D.Va is reminiscent of Asuka and Eva-02 from Neon Genesis Evangelion (October 1995).
  • Major D.Va is reminiscent of the Major and a Tachikoma from Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex (October 2002).
  • Camo D.Va is reminiscent of Quiet from Metal Gear Solid 5 (September 2015).
  • D.Va's MEKAfall talent is a reference to the Titanfall franchise (March 2014).
  • D.Va's dance animation uses choreography from the song "Cheer Up" by South Korean girl group Twice.
    • D.Va's taunt animation uses choreography from "TT", also by Twice.
  • Bunny Hop's internal name is "K-pop Ultimate".
  • Outside of her MEKA, D.Va's Hearthstone animation has her sit down, taking out a game controller and play a game while eating a bag of nacho cheese flavored tortilla chips. Her mane flies upward during this.
  • Lead Hero Designer Kent-Erik Hagman revealed that the mech portion of D.Va uses similar tech to Lt. Morales's Medivac. It was an easy, readily available method of attaching one hero to another. In hindsight, the developers wish they'd used the same method to link Cho and Gall together. D.Va's Big Shot heroic was different during playtesting: she had a Stun Gun in Pilot Mode, allowing her player to trap an enemy in a Self Destruct. In the end, that wasn't very fun.[1]
  • Goliath D.Va's key-chain accessory is a CarbotAnimations Zergling from the StarCraft series.
  • The Destroyer skin is a reference to the dragon aspect Deathwing, while the Life-Binder, Dreamer and Spellweaver tints are references to the other dragon aspects Alexstrasza, Ysera, and Malygos, respectively.
    • This, among other callbacks to Deathwing, is an in-joke that references heavy speculation prior to D.Va's release that Deathwing was an upcoming hero. In the hype campaign before the release of the "Hanamura Showdown" cinematic, the claw marks and rising fire animation were thought to be teases for Deathwing. However, the cinematic revealed that these were instead caused by Diablo, while also introducing D.Va.
    • Deathwing would later be added to the game in 2019.


  • D.Va's artwork

    D.Va's artwork

  • D.Va home screen

    D.Va home screen

  • D.Va on Hanamura

  • D.Va the Destroyer

    D.Va the Destroyer


  • D: Mech Mode

    D: Mech Mode

  • D: Pilot Mode

    D: Pilot Mode

  • Q: Boosters

    Q: Boosters

  • W: Defense Matrix

    W: Defense Matrix

  • E: Self-Destruct

    E: Self-Destruct

  • R: Big Shot

    R: Big Shot

  • R1: Bunny Hop

    R1: Bunny Hop

  • File:D.Va Micro-Missles.jpg

    R2: Micro Missiles



External links[]

Bruiser Bruisers ArtanisChenDeathwingDehakaD.VaGazloweHoggerImperiusLeoricMalthaelRagnarosRexxarSonyaThrallVarianXulYrel
Healer Healers AlexstraszaAnaAnduinAurielBrightwingDeckardKharazimLi LiLt. MoralesLúcioMalfurionRehgarStukovUtherTyrandeWhitemane
Melee Assassin Melee Assassins AlarakThe ButcherIllidanKerriganMaievMurkyQhiraSamuroValeeraZeratul
Ranged Assassin Ranged Assassins AzmodanCassiaChromieFalstadFenixGallGenjiGreymaneGul'danHanzoJainaJunkratKael'thasKel'ThuzadLi-MingLunaraMephistoNazeeboNovaOrpheaProbiusRaynorSgt. HammerSylvanasTassadarTracerTychusVallaZagaraZul'jin
Support Support AbathurThe Lost VikingsMedivhZarya
Tank Tanks Anub'arakArthasBlazeChoDiabloE.T.C.GarroshJohannaMal'GanisMeiMuradinStitchesTyrael
Unknown Mekkatorque