The Complete History of the Russian Ukraine War
- ️Arianne Sanchez
- ️Sun Jul 28 2024
The history of the Russian-Ukraine war is a complex and debatable subject with far-reaching implications for both nations and the international community. To understand the current war scenario in Ukraine, we need to know about the reasons behind the conflict between the two countries and the timeline. The origins of the Russia-Ukraine conflict can be traced back to a combination of historical, geopolitical, and cultural factors. Russia and Ukraine have shared connections for a long time, with periods of tension and rivalry as well.
Ukraine is important to Russia because of its historical, cultural, and strategic value. It provides vital access to the Black Sea for naval operations, ensures influence in Eastern Europe, and prevents NATO expansion. Additionally, Ukraine’s resources bolster Russia’s economy, and its geopolitical location facilitates energy transit to Europe. Historical ties and ethnic Russian presence further drive Russia’s desire to maintain influence.
The Background of the Russian-Ukraine War
To understand the background of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, we must first dive deep into the historical relationship between Russia and Ukraine and the factors that caused an outbreak of peace between the two neighboring nations.
Russia and Ukraine have shared a long history, marking periods of cooperation, friendship, cultural exchange, and conflict. The two nations have historical ties dating back to the Kievan Rus’ period, where the roots of modern-day Russia and Ukraine can be traced. After the dissolution of the soviet union in 1991, Ukraine became an independent country. Russia found this troubling because of its shared cultural, economic, and strategic interests with Ukraine.
Following the years, Ukraine aspired to closer association with the European Union. However, in late 2013, the then Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych decided to reject the EU association agreement in favor of close ties with Russia. This action led to widespread protests, also known as the Euromaidan movement.
The Euromaidan movement started off as a peaceful demonstration for European integration and democratic reform. However, the event quickly escalated into a broader protest against Yanukovych’s government and corruption charges. The protests in February 2014 led Yanukovych’s government to fall, which set the stage for Russia’s intervention in the matter.
Amidst the chaos, Russia started to assert its influence in Ukraine. In February 2014, Russian troops, without any official badge, attacked and occupied Crimea. Crimea is a vital peninsula that has historical ties with Russia. Most regard this event as the official start of the Russian-Ukraine war. The official start date of the Russia-Ukraine war is often cited as February 20, 2014.
Why Did Russia Invade Ukraine?
Russia invaded Ukraine to assert its power in its perceived sphere of influence, prevent Ukraine from joining NATO and EU and get closer to the West, which Putin viewed as threats, maintain strategic control over Crimea and the Black Sea region, protect the rights of ethnic Russians in Ukraine, and ensure favorable economic ties and trade routes through territory control, particularly for Russian gas exports to Europe.
Putin’s intention to invade Russia is linked to his desire to assert Russian influence in its perceived sphere of influence. The idea of Ukraine joining with the European Union and NATO was viewed by Putin as a direct threat to Russia’s interests and security. These events are a possible reason for Putin’s motivation to invade Ukraine.
Another reason for Russia invading Ukraine could be the geopolitical situation. Geopolitically, Ukraine holds a strategic importance for Russia. For example, Crimea is home to Russia’s Black Sea Fleet and serves as a port for Russian naval operations. After annexing Crimea in 2014, Russia had greater strategic control over the region. Also, maintaining influence over Ukraine allows Russia to demonstrate its power in Eastern Europe and maintain a buffer zone between itself and NATO.
A significant portion of Ukraine’s population identifies ethnically as Russian, especially around Crimea and the eastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk. This allowed Putin to cloak his evil intentions with a story of protecting the rights and interests of ethnic Russians in Ukraine. Also, economically, Ukraine is an important market and trading partner for Russia. Russia and Ukraine have had deep economic ties, particularly in the energy sector. Ukraine is a transit route for Russian natural gas exports to Europe. So, by maintaining dominance over Ukrainian territory, Russia can ensure favorable trade routes to essential markets in Europe. Since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2014, thousands of innocent and military have lost their lives. These events were protested worldwide, and numerous countries imposed economic sanctions on Russia. However, that did not stop Russia from continuing such crimes against Ukraine.
The War Between Russia and Ukraine
The war between Russia and Ukraine has been characterized by intense military engagements and battles, with deep impacts on civilians and infrastructure. Multiple diplomatic efforts were made through different mediums, but all efforts have failed so far, and the two countries have continued to be at war. The roots of the war between Russia and Ukraine lie in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2014. The Russian-Ukraine war officially began with the annexation of Crimea and has been going on since. Over the last 2 years, the war has taken an even bigger form, with Russia launching full-scale military operations in Ukraine.
During this time, the Russian and Ukrainian military have fought in many places, with both sides employing military tactics and strategies. Russians have been constantly trying to occupy and control key strategic locations for dominance. The impact of the war on civilians and the infrastructure of Ukraine has been devastating. Hundreds of thousands of innocent Ukrainian civilians have had to endure the wrath of the inhumane Russian military. Thousands of innocents were killed, and many more were injured, displaced from their homes, and worse. People are fighting for survival as basic necessities like food, water, and shelter are very scarce.
Despite multiple diplomatic efforts and peace talks, the Ukraine-Russian war continues. Multiple ceasefire agreements have been signed, but they were violated shortly. Since 2014, the mistrust and competing geopolitical between the two neighboring nations have made it difficult to come to a peaceful conclusion. War is never good, especially for innocent citizens who have nothing to do with the war.
Russo-Ukraine War Casualties
The Russian-Ukraine war has resulted in significant casualties, impacting both civilians and military personnel on both sides. This loss of lives doesn’t just affect the immediate toll of the conflict but also shapes the future of the region. The saddest part of war is the loss of lives of innocent civilians. Thousands of innocent men, women, and children were killed or injured as a result of the fighting. Civilians caught in the crossfire of intense battles, trying to flee to a safer place. Continuous gunfires and air attacks have led to the devastating destruction of houses, schools, and hospitals.
Military losses on both the Russian and Ukrainian sides have been substantial. The Ukrainian military has suffered heavy losses in its efforts to repel Russian forces and maintain control over contested territories. Russian military personnel and pro-Russian fighters have also suffered heavy losses while trying to fight brave Ukrainian soldiers who are giving their all to defend their nation.
The human cost of war is something that will haunt them immediately and will also leave a deep scar on the nation’s future. The restoration process is badly hampered due to the loss of working people. Doctors, teachers, and other essential people have lost their lives in the war, creating a significant problem of skilled manpower in the region. Thousands of beloved pets and other animals have died of bombings, gunfire, and building collapses. Many had to be left behind by their owners. Even the negative impacts the environment has had due to the war is immense.
Current Situation in Ukraine
The current situation in Ukraine is troublesome. The country is struggling with the war and its aftermath. Many people are still dying, getting injured, and having to run away from their homes in exchange for safety. Problems like lack of food, shelter, and clothes, along with communicable diseases, are troubling the civilians. The internally displaced refugees are facing the most difficult of scenarios for survival. The lack of resources and manpower has made it difficult to move the rebuilding process. However, Hope For Ukraine and several other humanitarian organizations are working tirelessly to help as many people as possible. HFU runs several projects, such as the Family Support Project, Medical Support Project, Frontline Project, and many more. HFU helps people with basic supplies like food, clothes, shelter, medical help, and other necessities for survival. We encourage everyone to support us in any form possible through volunteering, donating, or even just spreading about the issues in Ukraine. Your contribution is valuable and makes a big difference in shaping the coming days for Ukraine.