
Booth, Eugene



September 28, 1912 – March 6, 2004

Authorized Form of Name

Booth, Eugene



Eugene Booth was an American nuclear physicist. He participated in the first demonstration of nuclear fission in the United States at Columbia University and he was the director of Nevis Laboratories during the construction of the 385-Mev synchrocyclotron.

Important Dates

September 28, 1912Birth, Rome (Ga.).

1932Obtained BS, University of Georgia, Athens (Ga.).

1934Obtained MS, University of Georgia, Athens (Ga.).

1937Obtained DPhil in Physics, Oxford University, Oxford (England).

1937 – 1959Lecturer in Physics (1937-1941); Physicist, Division of War Research (1941-1946); Assistant Professor of Physics (1946-1947); Associate Professor of Physics (1947-1949); Professor of Physics (1949-1959); Director, Hudson Laboratories (1951-1952); Director, Nevis Laboratories (1952-1955); and Chair, Department of Physics (1955-1957), Columbia University, New York (N.Y.).

1959 – 1961Science Director, SACLANT Anti-Submarine Warfare Research Centre (SACLANT ASW Research Center), North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

1961 – 1966Scientific Director and Vice President, Laser Inc., American Optical Company, Southbridge (Mass.).

1968 – 1972Dean of Graduate Studies, Stevens Institute of Technology.

March 6, 2004Death.


Nuclear physicist.



Rome (Ga.)

Undergraduate Education

Athens (Ga.)

Graduate Education

Athens (Ga.)

Oxford (England)


New York (N.Y.)

Southbridge (Mass.)


Nuclear fission.

Nuclear physics.






Advisors & Collaborators

Dunning, John R. (John Ray), 1907-1975

They demonstrated the first measurable U-235 enrichment through gaseous diffusion and both employed at Columbia University.

Lederman, Leon M.

Advised by Booth at Columbia University, "A cloud chamber determination of the life-time of the negative pi meson and the mass of the negative mu meson."


Anderson, Herbert Lawrence

Both employed at Columbia University.

Boehm, Felix

Both employed at Columbia University.

Brillouin, Léon, 1889-1969

Both employed at Columbia University.

Brown, Harold, 1927-2019

Both employed at Columbia University.

Commins, Eugene D.

Both employed at Columbia University.

Cummins, Herman Z., 1933-

Both employed at Columbia University.

Davis, Bergen, 1869-1958

Both employed at Columbia University.

Feinberg, Gerald, 1933-

Both employed at Columbia University.

Fermi, Enrico, 1901-1954

Both employed at Columbia University.

Foley, Henry Michael, 1917-1982

Both employed at Columbia University.

Frosch, Robert A. (Robert Alan), 1928-

Both employed at Columbia University.

Goldhaber, Gerson

Both employed at Columbia University.

Henley, Ernest M.

Both employed at Columbia University.

Hughes, Vernon W.

Both employed at Columbia University.

Javan, Ali, 1926-

Both employed at Columbia University.

Kinoshita, T. (Toichiro)

Both employed at Columbia University.

Kraichnan, Robert H., 1928-2008

Both employed at Columbia University.

Kroll, Norman Myles, 1922-

Both employed at Columbia University.

Kusch, Polykarp, 1911-1993

Both employed at Columbia University.

Lamb, Willis E. (Willis Eugene), 1913-2008

Both employed at Columbia University.

Lee, T. D., 1926-

Both employed at Columbia University.

Low, Francis E. (Francis Eugene), 1921-2007

Both employed at Columbia University.

Mandelstam, Stanley

Both employed at Columbia University.

Mayer, Maria Goeppert, 1906-1972

Both employed at Columbia University.

Nierenberg, William Aaron, 1919-2000

Both employed at Columbia University.

Novick, Robert

Both employed at Columbia University.

Pegram, George Braxton, 1876-1958

Both employed at Columbia University.

Pekeris, C. L. (Chaim Leib), 1908-1993

Both employed at Columbia University.

Press, Frank, 1924-

Both employed at Columbia University.

Primakoff, H. (Henry), 1914-1983

Both employed at Columbia University.

Rabi, I. I. (Isidor Isaac), 1898-1988

Both employed at Columbia University.

Rainwater, L. James (Leo James), 1917-1986

Both employed at Columbia University.

Ramsey, Norman, 1915-2011

Both employed at Columbia University.

Ruderman, Malvin A.

Both employed at Columbia University.

Sachs, Allan M. (Allan Maxwell), 1921-1989

Both employed at Columbia University.

Samios, Nicholas P.

Both employed at Columbia University.

Schawlow, Arthur L., 1921-1999

Both employed at Columbia University.

Schwartz, Melvin, 1932-2006

Both employed at Columbia University.

Serber, R. (Robert)

Both employed at Columbia University.

Spitzer, Lyman, 1914-1997

Both employed at Columbia University.

Steinberger, J.

Both employed at Columbia University.

Szilard, Leo

Both employed at Columbia University.

Thomas, Llewellyn Hilleth, 1903-1992

Both employed at Columbia University.

Townes, Charles H.

Both employed at Columbia University.

Weinberg, Steven, 1933-

Both employed at Columbia University.

Wu, C. S. (Chien-shiung), 1912-1997

Both employed at Columbia University.


Grosse, Aristid von, 1905-1985

Nix, Foster Cary, 1905-


Major Positions

American Optical Company

Scientific Director and Vice President, Laser Inc.

Columbia University. Department of Physics

Lecturer in Physics; Physicist, Division of War Research; Assistant Professor of Physics; Associate Professor of Physics; Professor of Physics; Director, Hudson Laboratories; and Chair, Department of Physics.

Nevis Laboratories


North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Science Director, SACLANT Anti-Submarine Warfare Research Centre.

SACLANT ASW Research Center

Science Director.

Stevens Institute of Technology

Dean of Graduate Studies.

Professional Activities & Affiliations

American Physical Society

Optical Society of America

University of Georgia. Department of Physics

Obtained BS in 1932 and MS in 1934.

University of Oxford. Department of Physics

Obtained DPhil in 1937.


Archival Resources


Eugene T. Booth account of early work and recollections of John Ray Dunning, 1975-1984.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA


Oral history interview with Aristid Victor Grosse, 1974 January 11 and April 5.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Foster Cary Nix, 1975 June 27.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA

Oral history interview with Herbert Anderson, 1981 January 13 and 16.

Niels Bohr Library & Archives

American Institute of Physics

One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA