
Buchsbaum, Solomon J.



December 4, 1929 – March 8, 1993

Authorized Form of Name

Buchsbaum, Solomon J.



Solomon J. Buchsbaum was a top official at Bell Laboratories and the chair of the White House Science Council under Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush. His research specialty was gaseous and solid plasmas. His institutional affiliations include McGill University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Sandia National Laboratories.

Important Dates

December 4, 1929Birth, Stryĭ (Ukraine).

1952Obtained BS, McGill University, Montréal (Québec).

1953Obtained MSc, McGill University, Montréal (Québec).

1957Obtained PhD in Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge (Mass.).

1957 – 1958Researcher, Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Cambridge (Mass.).

1958 – 1968Member, Technical Staff (1958-1961); Department Head (1961-1965); and Director, Electronics Research Laboratory (1965-1968), Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill (N.J.).

1965 – 1975Member, Standing Committee on Controlled Thermonuclear Research (1965-1972) and Member, Fusion Power Coordinating Committee (1972-1975), United States Atomic Energy Commission.

1968Chair, Division of Plasma Physics, American Physical Society.

1968 – 1971Vice President of Research, Sandia National Laboratories.

1971 – 1973Member, President's Science Advisory Committee.

1971 – 1984Executive Director, Research in Communications Science Division (1971-1975); Executive Director, Transmission Systems Division (1975-1979); Vice President, Network Planning and Customer Systems (1976-1979); and Senior Vice President, Technological Systems (1979-1993), Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill (N.J.).

1972 – 1977Chair, Defense Science Board, United States Department of Defense.

1973Member, National Academy of Engineering.

1974Member, National Academy of Sciences.

1975 – 1976Member, Fusion Power Coordinating Committee, United States Energy Research and Development Administration.

1978 – 1981Member, Naval Research Advisory Board, United States Navy.

1978 – 1981Chair, Energy Research Advisory Board, United States Department of Energy.

1979 – 1982Member, Board of Trustees, Argonne Universities Association.

1980 – 1986Member, Council, National Academy of Engineering.

1982 – 1990Chair, White House Science Council.

1982 – 1992Member, Board of Trustees, RAND Corporation.

1984 – 1993Senior Vice President, Technological Systems, AT & T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill (N.J.).

1985 – 1988Member, Board of Governors, Argonne National Laboratory.

1986Awarded National Medal of Science.

1990 – 1993Member, President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.

March 8, 1993Death, Morristown (N.J.).


Plasma physicist.



Stryĭ (Ukraine)

Undergraduate Education

Montréal (Québec)

Graduate Education

Montréal (Québec)

Cambridge (Mass.)


Murray Hill (N.J.)


Morristown (N.J.)


Optical fiber communication.

Plasma (Ionized gases).


Science and state.




Buchsbaum, Adam L.


Buchsbaum, David J.


Buchsbaum, Phyllis Isenman


Steinbach, Dorothy



Ahlers, G. (Günter)

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Alivisatos, P.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Anderson, P. W. (Philip W.), 1923-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Appelbaum, J. A. (Joel A.)

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Ashkin, Arthur, 1922-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Aspnes, D. E.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Birgeneau, Robert J. (Robert Joseph), 1942-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Bishop, David John, 1951-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Bode, Hendrik W. (Hendrik Wade), 1905-1982

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Boyle, Willard S., 1924-2011

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Brattain, Walter H. (Walter Houser), 1902-1987

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Brinkman, William F. (William Frank), 1938-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Bucksbaum, Philip H.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Cava, Robert J.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Chabal, Yves Jean, 1952-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Chemla, D. S.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Chu, Ching-wu, 1941-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Chu, Steven

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Chynoweth, A. G.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Clogston, Albert McCavour

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Cohen, Marvin L.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Coppersmith, Susan Nan

Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.

Cutler, Cassius Chapin

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Darlington, Sidney, 1906-1997

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

David, Edward E.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories and President's Science Advisory Committee.

DiSalvo, Francis

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Dolan, Gerald

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Dynes, Robert C.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Eigler, Donald

Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.

Eisenstein, James P. (James Philip)

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Feher, George, 1924-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Fisk, James B. (James Brown), 1910-1981

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Fitch, Val L., 1923-2015

Both worked on President's Science Advisory Committee.

Fleury, Paul A.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Friedman, Herbert, 1916-2000

Both worked on President's Science Advisory Committee.

Fulton, Theodore Alan

Both employed at Bell Laboratories.

Galt, John Kirtland, 1920-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Garwin, Richard L.

Both worked on President's Science Advisory Committee.

Geballe, Theodore H.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Gell-Mann, Murray

Both worked on President's Science Advisory Committee.

Gossard, A. C.

Both employed at Bell Laboratories.

Greene, Laura H.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Hagstrum, Homer D.

Both employed at Bell Laboratories.

Haldane, F. Duncan M.

Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.

Halperin, Bertrand I.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Hamann, Donald, 1939-

Both employed at Bell Laboratories.

Hellman, Frances

Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.

Herring, William Conyers, 1914-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Hohenberg, Pierre C.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Hopfield, John J.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Isaacs, Eric D.

Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.

Jackson, Shirley Ann, 1946-

Both employed at Bell Laboratories.

Javan, Ali, 1926-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Johnson, Peter D., 1952-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Kelly, Mervin Joe

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Kompfner, Rudolf, 1909-1977

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Lander, James J., 1914-1996

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Laughlin, Robert B.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Lax, Melvin J.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Lee, P. A. (Patrick A.), 1946-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Libchaber, Albert J.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Matthias, Bernd T., 1918-1980

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

McMillan, William L.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Millis, Andrew J.

Both employed at AT & T Bell Laboratories.

Murray, Cherry Ann

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Narath, Albert, 1933-

Both employed at Bell Laboratories.

Osheroff, Douglas D.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Patel, C. Kumar N.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Pearson, Gerald L. (Gerald Leondus)

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Penzias, Arno A.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Pfann, William G.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Phillips, J. C.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Phillips, Julia M.

Both employed at Bell Laboratories.

Pinczuk, Aron

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Raghavachari, Krishnan

Both employed at Bell Laboratories.

Raney, William P.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Rice, Thomas Maurice, 1939-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Richards, Paul L. (Paul Linford)

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Rowell, John Martin, 1935-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Sarachik, Myriam P.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Schawlow, Arthur L., 1921-1999

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Shank, C. V. (Charles V.)

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Smith, George E., 1930-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Smith, Neville, 1942-2006

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Stillinger, F. H.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Störmer, Horst

Both employed at Bell Laboratories.

Suhl, Harry

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Tank, David William, 1953-

Both employed at Bell Laboratories.

Tape, Gerald Frederick, 1915-2005

Both worked on President's Science Advisory Committee.

Tersoff, J.

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Thomas, D. G. (David Gilbert), 1928-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Tsui, D. C. (Daniel Chee), 1939-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Weeks, John David

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Willett, Robert L.

Both employed at Bell Laboratories.

Wilson, Robert Woodrow, 1936-

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.

Yariv, Amnon

Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.


Allis, William P. (William Phelps), 1901-1999

McKay, Kenneth Gardiner


Major Positions

AT & T Bell Laboratories

Senior Vice President, Technological Systems.

Bell Telephone Laboratories

Member, Technical Staff; Department Head; Director, Electronics Research Laboratory; Executive Director, Research in Communications Science Division; Executive Director, Transmission Systems Division; Vice President, Network Planning and Customer Systems; and Senior Vice President, Technological Systems.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Research Laboratory of Electronics


Sandia National Laboratories

Vice President of Research.

Professional Activities & Affiliations

American Physical Society

Chair, Division of Plasma Physics.

Argonne National Laboratory

Member, Board of Governors.

Argonne Universities Association

Member, Board of Trustees.

Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Department of Physics

Obtained PhD in 1957.

McGill University. Physics Department

Obtained BS in 1952 and MSc in 1953.

National Academy of Engineering

Member, Council.

National Academy of Sciences (U.S.)

President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (U.S.)


Rand Corporation

Member, Board of Trustees.

U.S. Atomic Energy Commission

Member, Standing Committee on Controlled Thermonuclear Research and Member, Fusion Power Coordinating Committee.

United States. Defense Science Board


United States. Department of Energy

Chair, Energy Research Advisory Board.

United States. Energy Research and Development Administration

Member, Fusion Power Coordinating Committee.

United States. Navy

Member, Naval Research Advisory Board.

United States. President's Science Advisory Committee


White House Science Council



Archival Resources


AT&T Archives and History Center records, 1869- present.

AT& T Archives and History Center

AT& T Inc.

5 Reinman Road, Warren, NJ 07060, USA

William Allis papers, 1924-1989.

Institute Archives and Special Collections

Massachusetts Institute of Technology

M.I.T. Libraries, Rm. 14N-118, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA

Published Resources


Solomon J. Buchsbaum Physics Today obituary.

Solomon J. Buchsbaum, Physicist And Presidential Adviser, 63, Dies.

Solomon J. Buchsbaum: 1929-1993, Biographical Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences