Yariv, Amnon
April 13, 1930 – present
Authorized Form of Name
Yariv, Amnon
Additional Forms of Names
Yariv, Amnon, 1930-
Amnon Yariv is the Martin and Eileen Summerfield Professor of Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering at California Institute of Technology. His institutional affiliations also include Bell Telephone Laboratories and University of California, Berkeley. His research interests include optoelectronics, semiconductor lasers, and quantum well infrared photodetectors (QWIPs).
Important Dates
April 13, 1930Birth, Tel Aviv (Israel).
1951Undergraduate study, no degree awarded, San Mateo Junior College (now College of San Mateo), San Mateo (Calif.).
1954Obtained BS in Electrical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley (Calif.).
1956Obtained MS in Electrical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley (Calif.).
1958Obtained PhD in Electrical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley (Calif.).
1958 – 1959Research Associate, University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley (Calif.).
1959 – 1964Member, Technical Staff, Bell Telephone Laboratories, Murray Hill (N.J.).
1964 – presentAssociate Professor of Electrical Engineering (1964-1966); Professor of Electrical Engineering (1966-1982); Thomas G. Myers Professor of Electrical Engineering (1982-1996); and Martin and Eileen Summerfield Professor of Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering (1996-present), California Institute of Technology, Pasadena (Calif.).
2009Awarded National Medal of Science.
Applied physicist and electrical engineer.
Undergraduate Education
Graduate Education
Applied physics and engineering.
Physics -- Industrial applications.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Anderson, P. W. (Philip W.), 1923-
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Bode, Hendrik W. (Hendrik Wade), 1905-1982
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Brattain, Walter H. (Walter Houser), 1902-1987
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
DuBridge, Lee A. (Lee Alvin), 1901-1994
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Eisenstein, James P. (James Philip)
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Fisk, James B. (James Brown), 1910-1981
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Gould, Roy W. (Roy Walter), 1927-
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Herring, William Conyers, 1914-
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Pearson, Gerald L. (Gerald Leondus)
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Richards, Paul L. (Paul Linford)
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Schawlow, Arthur L., 1921-1999
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Seaborg, Glenn T. (Glenn Theodore), 1912-1999
Both employed at University of California, Berkeley.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Thomas, D. G. (David Gilbert), 1928-
Both employed at Bell Telephone Laboratories.
Wu, Theodore Y.-T. (Theodore Yao-tsu)
Both employed at California Institute of Technology.
Casperson, Lee W. (Lee Wendel), 1944-
Garmire, Elsa M., 1939-
Hargrove, Logan Ezral, 1935-
Major Positions
Member, Technical Staff.
California Institute of Technology. Division of Engineering and Applied Science
Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering, Professor of Electrical Engineering, Thomas G. Myers Professor of Electrical Engineering, and Martin and Eileen Summerfield Professor of Applied Physics and Electrical Engineering.
University of California, Berkeley. Department of Electrical Engineering
Obtained BS (1954), MS (1956), and PhD (1958). Research Associate.
Professional Activities & Affiliations
College of San Mateo
Undergraduate study, no degree received.
Archival Resources
Oral history interview with Amnon Yariv, 1985 January 28.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Oral history interview with Amnon Yariv, 1999 November 17, 24 and December 1.
Institute Archives
California Institute of Technology
1201 East California Blvd. (Mail Code 015A-74), Pasadena, CA 91125, USA
Lee W. Casperson response to Laser History Project Survey, 1983.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Oral history interview with Elsa Meints Garmire, 1985 February 4.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Oral history interview with Logan Ezral Hargrove, 1985 June 25.
Niels Bohr Library & Archives
American Institute of Physics
One Physics Ellipse, College Park, MD 20740, USA
Published Resources
"Catching the Wave," IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 6 (2000): 1478-1489.
An introduction to theory and applications of quantum mechanics / Amnon Yariv.
Introduction to optical electronics / Amnon Yariv.